155 research outputs found

    Proteomic datasets of uninfected and Staphylococcus aureus-infected goat milk

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    We present a proteomic dataset generated from half-udder Alpine goat milk. The milk samples belonged to 3 groups: i) mid-lactation, low somatic cell count, uninfected milk (MLU, n=3); ii) late lactation, high somatic cell count, uninfected milk (LHU, n=3); and late lactation, high somatic cell count, Staphylococcus aureus subclinically infected milk (LHS, n=3). The detailed description of results is reported in the research article entitled \u201cImpact of Staphylococcus aureus infection on the late lactation goat milk proteome: new perspectives for monitoring and understanding mastitis in dairy goats\u201d. After milk defatting, high speed centrifugation and trypsin digestion of milk with the FASP protocol, peptide mixtures were analyzed by LC-MS/MS on a Q-Exactive. Peptide identification was carried out using Sequest-HT in Proteome Discoverer. Then, the Normalized Abundance Spectrum Factor (NSAF) value was calculated by label free quantitation using the spectral counting approach, and Gene Ontology (GO) annotation by Uniprot was carried out by reporting biological process, molecular function and cellular component. The MS data have been deposited to the ProteomeXchange via the PRIDE with the dataset identifier PXD017243

    Impact of Staphylococcus aureus infection on the late lactation goat milk proteome: New perspectives for monitoring and understanding mastitis in dairy goats

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    The milk somatic cell count (SCC) is a standard parameter for monitoring intramammary infections (IMI) in dairy ruminants. In goats, however, the physiological increase in SCC occurring in late lactation heavily compromises its reliability. To identify and understand milk protein changes specifically related to IMI, we carried out a shotgun proteomics study comparing high SCC late lactation milk from goats with subclinical Staphylococcus aureus IMI and from healthy goats to low SCC mid-lactation milk from healthy goats. As a result, we detected 52 and 19 differential proteins (DPs) in S. aureus-infected and uninfected late lactation milk, respectively. Unexpectedly, one of the proteins higher in uninfected milk was serum amyloid A. On the other hand, 38 DPs were increased only in S. aureus-infected milk and included haptoglobin and numerous cytoskeletal proteins. Based on STRING analysis, the DPs unique to S. aureus infected milk were mainly involved in defense response, cytoskeleton organization, cell-to-cell, and cell-to-matrix interactions. Being tightly and specifically related to infectious/inflammatory processes, these proteins may hold promise as more reliable markers of IMI than SCC in late lactation goats. Significance: The biological relevance of our results lies in the increased understanding of the changes specifically related to bacterial infection of the goat udder in late lactation. The DPs present only in S. aureus infected milk may find application as markers for improving the specificity of subclinical mastitis monitoring and detection in dairy goats in late lactation, when other widespread tools such as the SCC lose diagnostic value

    Effect of the Selective Dry Cow Therapy on Udder Health and Milk Microbiota

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    Recently, the use of antimicrobials on dairy farms has been significantly limited from both the legislative and consumer points of view. This study aims to check the efficacy of selective dry cow therapy (SDCT) versus blanket dry cow therapy (BDCT) on bovine udder in healthy animals. SDTC is when an antibiotic is administered only to infected cows, compared with BDCT, where all cows receive an antimicrobial, regardless of their infection status. The milk samples were collected from enrolled Holstein Friesian cows 7 days before dry-off (T0) and 10 days after calving (T1) to assess somatic cell count (SCC), intramammary infections (IMIs), and milk microbiota variation. After pre-drying sampling, cows are randomly assigned to the following treatments: internal teat sealant alone (ITS; 24 cows), which is a treatment in a cow that does not receive antibiotics in SDTC, or in combination with intramammary antibiotic treatment (A+ITS; 22 cows). Non-statistically significant results are found between the two treatment groups at T1 for SCC, milk yield, and alpha diversity in milk microbiota. A statistically (p < 0.033) T1 IMI decrease is reported in the A+ITS group, and a significant beta diversity analysis is shown between the two timepoints (p = 0.009). This study confirms the possibility of selective drying without new IMI risk or increased SCC at calving, considering healthy cows without contagious infections and SCC values >200,000 cells/mL in the previous lactation

    Milk cathelicidin and somatic cell counts in dairy goats along the course of lactation

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    This research communication reports the evaluation of cathelicidin in dairy goat milk for its relationship with the somatic cell count (SCC) and microbial culture results. Considering the limited performances of SCC for mastitis monitoring in goats, there is interest in evaluating alternative diagnostic tools. Cathelicidin is an antimicrobial protein involved in innate immunity of the mammary gland. In this work, half-udder milk was sampled bimonthly from a herd of 37 Alpine goats along an entire lactation and tested with the cathelicidin ELISA together with SCC and bacterial culture. Cathelicidin and SCC showed a strong correlation (r = 0.72; n = 360 milk samples). This was highest in mid-lactation (r = 0.83) and lowest in late lactation (r = 0.61), and was higher in primiparous (0.80, n = 130) than in multiparous goats (0.71, n = 230). Both markers increased with stage of lactation, but cathelicidin increased significantly less than SCC. Inaddition, peak level in late lactation was lower for cathelicidin (5.05-fold increase) than for SCC (7.64-fold increase). Twenty-one (5.8%) samples were positive to bacteriological culture, 20 for coagulase-negative staphylococci and one for Streptococcus spp.; 18 of them were positive to the cathelicidin ELISA (85.71% sensitivity). Sensitivity of SCC >500 000 and of SCC >1 000 000 cells/ml was lower (71.43 and 23.81%, respectively). Therefore, the high correlation of cathelicidin with SCC during the entire lactation, along with its lower increase in late lactation and good sensitivity indetecting intramammary infection (IMI), indicate a potential for monitoring subclinical mastitis in dairy goats. However, based on this preliminary assessment, specificity should be improved (40.41% for cathelicidin vs. 54.57 and 67.85% for SCC >500 000 and >1 000 000 cells/ml, respectively). Therefore, the application of cathelicidin for detecting goat IMI will require further investigation and optimization, especially concerning the definition of diagnostic thresholds

    Relationship of Late Lactation Milk Somatic Cell Count and Cathelicidin with Intramammary Infection in Small Ruminants

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    Late lactation is a critical moment for making mastitis management decisions, but in small ruminants the reliability of diagnostic tests is typically lower at this stage. We evaluated somatic cell counts (SCC) and cathelicidins (CATH) in late lactation sheep and goat milk for their relationship with intramammary infections (IMI), as diagnosed by bacteriological culture (BC). A total of 315 sheep and 223 goat half-udder milk samples collected in the last month of lactation were included in the study. IMI prevalence was 10.79% and 15.25%, respectively, and non-aureus staphylococci were the most common finding. Taking BC as a reference, the diagnostic performance of SCC and CATH was quite different in the two species. In sheep, receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis produced a higher area under the curve (AUC) value for CATH than SCC (0.9041 versus 0.8829, respectively). Accordingly, CATH demonstrated a higher specificity than SCC (82.92% versus 73.67%, respectively) at comparable sensitivity (91.18%). Therefore, CATH showed a markedly superior diagnostic performance than SCC in late lactation sheep milk. In goats, AUC was <0.67 for both parameters, and CATH was less specific than SCC (61.90% versus 65.08%) at comparable sensitivity (64.71%). Therefore, both CATH and SCC performed poorly in late lactation goats. In conclusion, sheep can be screened for mastitis at the end of lactation, while goats should preferably be tested at peak lactation. In late lactation sheep, CATH should be preferred over SCC for its higher specificity, but careful cost/benefit evaluations will have to be made

    Proteomic changes in the milk of water buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) with subclinical mastitis due to intramammary infection by Staphylococcus aureus and by non-aureus staphylococci

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    Subclinical mastitis by Staphylococcus aureus (SAU) and by non-aureus staphylococci (NAS) is a major issue in the water buffalo. To understand its impact on milk, 6 quarter samples with >3,000,000 cells/ mL (3 SAU-positive and 3 NAS-positive) and 6 culture-negative quarter samples with <50,000 cells/ mL were investigated by shotgun proteomics and label-free quantitation. A total of 1530 proteins were identified, of which 152 were significantly changed. SAU was more impacting, with 162 vs 127 differential proteins and higher abundance changes (P < 0.0005). The 119 increased proteins had mostly structural (n = 43, 28.29%) or innate immune defence functions (n = 39, 25.66%) and included vimentin, cathelicidins, histones, S100 and neutrophil granule proteins, haptoglobin, and lysozyme. The 33 decreased proteins were mainly involved in lipid metabolism (n = 13, 59.10%) and included butyrophilin, xanthine dehydrogenase/oxidase, and lipid biosynthetic enzymes. The same biological processes were significantly affected also upon STRING analysis. Cathelicidins were the most increased family, as confirmed by western immunoblotting, with a stronger reactivity in SAU mastitis. S100A8 and haptoglobin were also validated by western immunoblotting. In conclusion, we generated a detailed buffalo milk protein dataset and defined the changes occurring in SAU and NAS mastitis, with potential for improving detection (ProteomeXchange identifier PXD012355)

    Efficacy of vaccination on Staphylococcus aureus and coagulase-negative staphylococci intramammary infection dynamics in 2 dairy herds.

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    AbstractThe aim of this study was to evaluate vaccine efficacy of a commercial vaccine (Startvac, Hipra Spain) aimed at reducing intramammary infections (IMI) with Staphylococcus aureus and coagulase-negative staphylococci under field conditions. During the 21-mo duration of the study, 1,156 lactations from 809 cows were enrolled in 2 herds. During the first phase of the trial, all cows that were due to calve were vaccinated until approximately 50% of cows in the milking herd were vaccinated (at ~6mo). At that point, when 50% vaccination coverage was reached, cows that were due to calve were randomly assigned to be vaccinated or left as negative controls. Cure rate, rate of new infection, prevalence, and duration of infections were analyzed. Vaccination resulted in a moderate reduction in incidence of new staphylococcal IMI and a more pronounced reduction in duration of IMI associated with reduction of the basic reproduction ratio of Staph. aureus by approximately 45% and of coagulase-negative staphylococci by approximately 35%. The utilization of vaccine in combination with other infection-control procedures, such as excellent milking procedures, treatment, segregation, and culling of known infected cattle, will result in an important reduction in incidence and duration of intramammary staphylococcal infections

    Pentraxin 3 is up-regulated in epithelial mammary cells during Staphylococcus aureus intra-mammary infection in goat

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    Pentraxin 3 is the prototypic long pentraxin and is produced by different cell populations (dendritic cells, monocytes/macrophages, endothelial cells, and fibroblasts) after pro-inflammatory stimulation. Different studies demonstrated the up-regulation of PTX3 during mastitis in ruminants, but its role is still unknown. We first investigated the conservation of PTX3 sequence among different species and its pattern of expression in a wide panel of organs from healthy goats. We studied the role modulation of PTX3 during natural and experimental mammary infection, comparing its expression in blood, milk and mammary tissues from healthy and Staphylococcus aureus infected animals. We confirmed the high conservation of the molecule among the different species. Goat PTX3 was expressed at high levels in bone marrow, mammary gland, aorta, rectum, pancreas, skin and lungs. PTX3 was up-regulated in epithelial mammary cells and in milk cells after S. aureus infection, suggesting that it represents a first line of defense in goat udder

    PTX3 is up-regulated in epithelial mammary cells during S. aureus intramammary infection in goat

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    Pentraxins are a superfamily of conserved molecules with immune functions such as complement activation and opsonization. PTX3 is the prototypic long pentraxin and is produced by different cell populations after pro-inflammatory stimuli. Different studies have demonstrated the up-regulation of PTX3 during ruminant mastitis, but its role is still unknown. The aim of this study was to elucidate the role of PTX3 in the immune response to S. aureus intra-mammary infection (IMI). Given that no data are available on PTX3 expression in goat tissues, we first studied its pattern of expression  in goat normal tissues. Then we investigated the role of PTX3 during mammary infection, comparing its expression in healthy and infected blood, milk and tissues. Six healthy goats were infused with PBS in the right udder and with S. aureus in the left udder. Mammary biopsies from udders were collected 30h post infection, formalin fixed and routinely processed for microscopic evaluation or immediately stored in RNAlater. Tissue samples were collected at the slaughterhouse from healthy goats and were immediately stored in RNAlater. Blood and milk were collected from healthy and infected goats; cells from blood and milk were isolated and processed for RNA extraction or for cytospins; milk fat globules were obtained through milk centrifugation and immediately processed for RNA extraction. Total RNA from different organs, blood or milk cells, milk fat globules and mammary tissues was extracted and used as template in qPCR for PTX3. PTX3 expression was investigated by immunohistochemistry on formalin fixed paraffin embedded mammary tissue samples and on cytospins of isolated goat blood and milk cells. PTX3 mRNA was expressed with very high levels in bone marrow, mammary gland, aorta, pancreas, skin and lung. Given the high expression in the mammary gland, we investigated which cell population expressed PTX3. PTX3 was mainly expressed in the apical cytoplasmic portion of mammary gland epithelial cells, and in macrophages. During S. aureus infection PTX3 was up-regulated by epithelial cells. Macrophages and mammary secretum didn’t show PTX3 modulation, but PMNs recruited during infection were variably intensely positive. PTX3 mRNA expression was low in healthy organs and tissues of goats as has been reported indeed the molecules commonly induced after pro-inflammatory stimulation. As expected, PTX3 was constitutively expressed in bone marrow, rich in PMNs and monocytes, in aorta covered by endothelium and in the skin. PTX3 was up-regulated in epithelial mammary cells and in milk cells after S. aureus infection, demonstrating that it represents a first line of immune defense in goat udder. No modulation was observed in macrophages, in the secretum and in the ductal epithelial cells. Further experiments are needed to elucidate the role of PTX3 in the pathogenesis of S. aureus infection
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