424 research outputs found

    Gap junction dynamics: reversible effects of hydrogen ions.

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    Ca2+-Dependent and -Independent Calmodulin Binding to the Cytoplasmic Loop of Gap Junction Connexins

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    Ca2+/calmodulin (Ca2+/CaM) interaction with connexins (Cx) is well-established; however, the mechanistic basis of regulation of gap junction function by Ca2+/CaM is not fully understood. Ca2+/CaM is predicted to bind to a domain in the C-terminal portion of the intracellular loop (CL2) in the vast majority of Cx isoforms and for a number of Cx-s this prediction has proved correct. In this study, we investigate and characterise both Ca2+/CaM and apo-CaM binding to selected representatives of each of the α, β and γ connexin family to develop a better mechanistic understanding of CaM effects on gap junction function. The affinity and kinetics Ca2+/CaM and apo-CaM interactions of CL2 peptides of β-Cx32, γ-Cx35, α-Cx43, α-Cx45 and α-Cx57 were investigated. All five Cx CL2 peptides were found to have high affinity for Ca2+/CaM with dissociation constants (Kd(+Ca)) from 20 to 150 nM. The limiting rate of binding and the rates of dissociation covered a broad range. In addition, we obtained evidence for high affinity Ca2+-independent interaction of all five peptides with CaM, consistent with CaM remaining anchored to gap junctions in resting cells. However, for the α-Cx45 and α-Cx57 CL2 peptides, Ca2+-dependent association at resting [Ca2+] of 50–100 nM is indicated in these complexes as one of the CaM Ca2+ binding sites displays high affinity with Kd of 70 and 30 nM for Ca2+, respectively. Furthermore, complex conformational changes were observed in peptide-apo-CaM complexes with the structure of CaM compacted or stretched by the peptide in a concentration dependent manner suggesting that the CL2 domain may undergo helix-to-coil transition and/or forms bundles, which may be relevant in the hexameric gap junction. We demonstrate inhibition of gap junction permeability by Ca2+/CaM in a dose dependent manner, further cementing Ca2+/CaM as a regulator of gap junction function. The motion of a stretched CaM–CL2 complex compacting upon Ca2+ binding may bring about the Ca2+/CaM block of the gap junction pore by a push and pull action on the CL2 C-terminal hydrophobic residues of transmembrane domain 3 (TM3) in and out of the membrane

    A relevant in vitro rat model for the evaluation of blood-brain barrier translocation of nanoparticles

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    Poly(MePEG2000cyanoacrylate-co-hexadecylcyanoacrylate) (PEG-PHDCA) nanoparticles have demonstrated their capacity to reach the rat central nervous system after intravenous injection. For insight into the transport of colloidal systems across the blood-brain barrier (BBB), we developed a relevant in vitro rat BBB model consisting of a coculture of rat brain endothelial cells (RBECs) and rat astrocytes. The RBECs used in our model displayed and retained structural characteristics of brain endothelial cells, such as expression of P-glycoprotein, occludin and ZO-1, and immunofluorescence studies showed the specific localization of occludin and ZO1. The high values of transendothelial electrical resistance and low permeability coefficients of marker molecules demonstrated the functionality of this model. The comparative passage of polyhexadecylcyanoacrylate and PEG-PHDCA nanoparticles through this model was investigated, showing a higher passage of PEGylated nanoparticles, presumably by endocytosis. This result was confirmed by confocal microscopy. Thanks to a good in vitro/in vivo correlation, this rat BBB model will help in understanding the mechanisms of nanoparticle translocation and in designing new types of colloidal carriers as brain delivery systems

    Jejunum free flap in hypopharynx reconstruction: Case series

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    BACKGROUND: Surgical treatment of hypopharyngeal cancers with extension to the retrocricoid region generally requires a circumferential pharyngolaryngectomy followed by a reconstruction of the removed segment of the upper digestive tract. Historically, many techniques have been used in order to achieve a safe and functional reconstruction. Jejunum interposition is generally considered the best reconstructive technique. METHODS: This study examines the details of the surgical technique, the complications, the oncological and the functional results in a series of 29 consecutive patients submitted to circumferential pharyngoesophageal resection for advanced hypopharyngeal cancer followed by reconstruction with a free flap of jejunum. RESULTS: Three of the transplants failed because of venous thrombosis. The overall success rate was 90%. There were no general complications. A good swallowing has been preserved in all our patients. All our patients where a phonatory prosthesis was positioned (20/29) were able to achieve speech following speech therapy and all were satisfied with their own capacity to communicate. CONCLUSIONS: The prognosis of hypopharyngeal tumours (18–40% at 5 years) remains poor, but jejunum autografts are being shown to be an excellent choice for the reconstruction of the cervical hypopharyngo-oesophagus offering the patient fast rehabilitation and a reasonable quality of survival. Our experience confirm that this kind of reconstruction is safe with a good results in improving oncologic controls and restoring a good quality of life

    A Genetically Encoded Tag for Correlated Light and Electron Microscopy of Intact Cells, Tissues, and Organisms

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    Electron microscopy (EM) achieves the highest spatial resolution in protein localization, but specific protein EM labeling has lacked generally applicable genetically encoded tags for in situ visualization in cells and tissues. Here we introduce “miniSOG” (for mini Singlet Oxygen Generator), a fluorescent flavoprotein engineered from Arabidopsis phototropin 2. MiniSOG contains 106 amino acids, less than half the size of Green Fluorescent Protein. Illumination of miniSOG generates sufficient singlet oxygen to locally catalyze the polymerization of diaminobenzidine into an osmiophilic reaction product resolvable by EM. MiniSOG fusions to many well-characterized proteins localize correctly in mammalian cells, intact nematodes, and rodents, enabling correlated fluorescence and EM from large volumes of tissue after strong aldehyde fixation, without the need for exogenous ligands, probes, or destructive permeabilizing detergents. MiniSOG permits high quality ultrastructural preservation and 3-dimensional protein localization via electron tomography or serial section block face scanning electron microscopy. EM shows that miniSOG-tagged SynCAM1 is presynaptic in cultured cortical neurons, whereas miniSOG-tagged SynCAM2 is postsynaptic in culture and in intact mice. Thus SynCAM1 and SynCAM2 could be heterophilic partners. MiniSOG may do for EM what Green Fluorescent Protein did for fluorescence microscopy

    Inhaled tolafentrine reverses pulmonary vascular remodeling via inhibition of smooth muscle cell migration

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    BACKGROUND: The aim of the study was to assess the chronic effects of combined phosphodiesterase 3/4 inhibitor tolafentrine, administered by inhalation, during monocrotaline-induced pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) in rats. METHODS: CD rats were given a single subcutaneous injection of monocrotaline to induce PAH. Four weeks after, rats were subjected to inhalation of tolafentrine or sham nebulization in an unrestrained, whole body aerosol exposure system. In these animals (i) the acute pulmonary vasodilatory efficacy of inhaled tolafentrine (ii) the anti-remodeling effect of long-term inhalation of tolafentrine (iii) the effects of tolafentrine on the expression profile of 96 genes encoding cell adhesion and extracellular matrix regulation were examined. In addition, the inhibitory effect of tolafentrine on ex vivo isolated pulmonary artery SMC cell migration was also investigated. RESULTS: Monocrotaline injection provoked severe PAH (right ventricular systolic pressure increased from 25.9 ± 4.0 to 68.9 ± 3.2 after 4 weeks and 74.9 ± 5.1 mmHg after 6 weeks), cardiac output depression and right heart hypertrophy. The media thickness of the pulmonary arteries and the proportion of muscularization of small precapillary resistance vessels increased dramatically, and the migratory response of ex-vivo isolated pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells (PASMC) was increased. Micro-arrays and subsequent confirmation with real time PCR demonstrated upregulation of several extracellular matrix regulation and adhesion genes, such as matrixmetalloproteases (MMP) 2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 20, Icam, Itgax, Plat and serpinb2. When chronically nebulized from day 28 to 42 (12 daily aerosol maneuvers), after full establishment of severe pulmonary hypertension, tolafentrine reversed about 60% of all hemodynamic abnormalities, right heart hypertrophy and monocrotaline-induced structural lung vascular changes, including the proportion of pulmonary artery muscularization. The upregulation of extracellular matrix regulation and adhesion genes was reduced by nearly 80% by inhalation of the tolafentrine. When assessed in vitro, tolafentrine blocked the enhanced PASMC migratory response. CONCLUSION: In conclusion, we demonstrate for the first time that inhalation of combined PDE3/4 inhibitor reverses pulmonary hypertension fully developed in response to monocrotaline in rats. This "reverse-remodeling" effect includes structural changes in the lung vascular wall and key molecular pathways of matrix regulation, concomitant with 60% normalization of hemodynamics

    Role of Plant-Specific N-Terminal Domain of Maize CK2β1 Subunit in CK2β Functions and Holoenzyme Regulation

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    Protein kinase CK2 is a highly pleiotropic Ser/Thr kinase ubiquituous in eukaryotic organisms. CK2 is organized as a heterotetrameric enzyme composed of two types of subunits: the catalytic (CK2α) and the regulatory (CK2β). The CK2β subunits enhance the stability, activity and specificity of the holoenzyme, but they can also perform functions independently of the CK2 tetramer. CK2β regulatory subunits in plants differ from their animal or yeast counterparts, since they present an additional specific N-terminal extension of about 90 aminoacids that shares no homology with any previously characterized functional domain. Sequence analysis of the N-terminal domain of land plant CK2β subunit sequences reveals its arrangement through short, conserved motifs, some of them including CK2 autophosphorylation sites. By using maize CK2β1 and a deleted version (ΔNCK2β1) lacking the N-terminal domain, we have demonstrated that CK2β1 is autophosphorylated within the N-terminal domain. Moreover, the holoenzyme composed with CK2α1/ΔNCK2β1 is able to phosphorylate different substrates more efficiently than CK2α1/CK2β1 or CK2α alone. Transient overexpression of CK2β1 and ΔNCK2β1 fused to GFP in different plant systems show that the presence of N-terminal domain enhances aggregation in nuclear speckles and stabilizes the protein against proteasome degradation. Finally, bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC) assays show the nuclear and cytoplasmic location of the plant CK2 holoenzyme, in contrast to the individual CK2α/β subunits mainly observed in the nucleus. All together, our results support the hypothesis that the plant-specific N-terminal domain of CK2β subunits is involved in the down-regulation of the CK2 holoenzyme activity and in the stabilization of CK2β1 protein. In summary, the whole amount of data shown in this work suggests that this domain was acquired by plants for regulatory purposes
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