12 research outputs found

    Quantifying the Consistency and Characterizing the Confidence of Coronal Holes Detected by Active Contours without Edges (ACWE)

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    This paper presents an intramethod ensemble for coronal hole (CH) detection based on the Active Contours Without Edges (ACWE) segmentation algorithm. The purpose of this ensemble is to develop a confidence map that defines, for all on disk regions of a Solar extreme ultraviolet (EUV) image, the likelihood that each region belongs to a CH based on that region's proximity to, and homogeneity with, the core of identified CH regions. CHs are regions of open magnetic field lines, resulting in high speed solar wind. Accurate detection of CHs is vital for space weather prediction. By relying on region homogeneity, and not intensity (which can vary due to various factors including line of sight changes and stray light from nearby bright regions), to define the final confidence of any given region, this ensemble is able to provide robust, consistent delineations of the CH regions. Using the metrics of global consistency error (GCE), local consistency error (LCE), intersection over union (IOU), and the structural similarity index measure (SSIM), the method is shown to be robust to different spatial resolutions and different intensity resolutions. Furthermore, using the same metrics, the method is shown to be robust across short timescales, indicating self-consistent segmentations. Finally, the accuracy of the segmentations and confidence maps are validated by considering the skewness (i.e., unipolarity) of the underlying magnetic field

    Solar wind forcing at Mercury: WSA-ENLIL model results

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    Analysis and interpretation of observations from the MESSENGER spacecraft in orbit about Mercury require knowledge of solar wind “forcing” parameters. We have utilized the Wang-Sheeley-Arge (WSA)-ENLIL solar wind modeling tool in order to calculate the values of interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) strength (B), solar wind velocity (V) and density (n), ram pressure (~nV2), cross-magnetosphere electric field (V × B), Alfvén Mach number (MA), and other derived quantities of relevance for solar wind-magnetosphere interactions. We have compared upstream MESSENGER IMF and solar wind measurements to see how well the ENLIL model results compare. Such parameters as solar wind dynamic pressure are key for determining the Mercury magnetopause standoff distance, for example. We also use the relatively high-time-resolution B-field data from MESSENGER to estimate the strength of the product of the solar wind speed and southward IMF strength (Bs) at Mercury. This product VBs is the electric field that drives many magnetospheric dynamical processes and can be compared with the occurrence of energetic particle bursts within the Mercury magnetosphere. This quantity also serves as input to the global magnetohydrodynamic and kinetic magnetosphere models that are being used to explore magnetospheric and exospheric processes at Mercury. Moreover, this modeling can help assess near-real-time magnetospheric behavior for MESSENGER or other mission analysis and/or ground-based observational campaigns. We demonstrate that this solar wind forcing tool is a crucial step toward bringing heliospheric science expertise to bear on planetary exploration programs

    A new technique for the photospheric driving of non-potential solar coronal magnetic field simulations

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    In this paper, we develop a new technique for driving global non-potential simulations of the Sun's coronal magnetic field solely from sequences of radial magnetic maps of the solar photosphere. A primary challenge to driving such global simulations is that the required horizontal electric field cannot be uniquely determined from such maps. We show that an "inductive" electric field solution similar to that used by previous authors successfully reproduces specific features of the coronal field evolution in both single and multiple bipole simulations. For these cases, the true solution is known because the electric field was generated from a surface flux-transport model. The match for these cases is further improved by including the non-inductive electric field contribution from surface differential rotation. Then, using this reconstruction method for the electric field, we show that a coronal non-potential simulation can be successfully driven from a sequence of ADAPT maps of the photospheric radial field, without including additional physical observations which are not routinely available

    Laboratory-generated Coronal Mass Ejections

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    New insights into the first two PSP solar encounters enabled by modeling analysis with ADAPT-WSA

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    Parker Solar Probes's (PSP)'s unique orbital path allows us to observe the solar wind closer to the Sun than ever before. Essential to advancing our knowledge of solar wind and energetic particle formation is identifying the sources of PSP observations. We report on results for the first two PSP solar encounters derived using the Wang-Sheeley-Arge (WSA) model driven by Air Force Data Assimilative Photospheric Flux Transport (ADAPT) model maps. We derive the coronal magnetic field and the 1 Rs source regions of the PSP-observed solar wind. We validate our results with the solar wind speed and magnetic polarity observed at PSP. When modeling results are very reliable, we derive time series of model-derived spacecraft separation from the heliospheric current sheet, magnetic expansion factor, coronal hole boundary distance, and photospheric field strength along the field lines estimated to be connected to the spacecraft. We present new results for Encounter 1, which show time evolution of the far-side mid-latitude coronal hole that PSP co-rotates with. We discuss how this evolution coincides with solar wind speed, density, and temperature observed at the spacecraft. During Encounter 2, a new active region emerges on the far-side, making it difficult to model. We show that ADAPT-WSA output agrees well with PSP observations once this active region rotates onto the near-side, allowing us to reliably estimate the solar wind sources retrospectively for most of the encounter. We close with ways in which coronal modeling enables scientific interpretation of these encounters that would otherwise not have been possible.Comment: 25 pages, 13 figures, accepted by Ap

    A New Technique for the Photospheric Driving of Non-Potential Solar Coronal Magnetic Field Simulations

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    In this paper, we develop a new technique for driving global non-potential simulations of the Sun's coronal magnetic field solely from sequences of radial magnetic maps of the solar photosphere. A primary challenge to driving such global simulations is that the required horizontal electric field cannot be uniquely determined from such maps. We show that an "inductive" electric field solution similar to that used by previous authors successfully reproduces specific features of the coronal field evolution in both single and multiple bipole simulations. For these cases, the true solution is known because the electric field was generated from a surface flux-transport model. The match for these cases is further improved by including the non-inductive electric field contribution from surface differential rotation. Then, using this reconstruction method for the electric field, we show that a coronal non-potential simulation can be successfully driven from a sequence of ADAPT maps of the photospheric radial field, without including additional physical observations which are not routinely available