808 research outputs found

    Effets des Déterminants du Prix International de Référence du Coton en FCFA sur la Compétitivité de l’Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre

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    L’objet de ce chapitre est d’analyser les effets des dĂ©terminants de l’indice A en FCFA sur la compĂ©titivitĂ© de l’AOC Ă©valuĂ©e Ă  travers la part de marchĂ© et le profit. Après la dĂ©tection de relations de cointĂ©gration par le test de cointĂ©gration aux bornes, l’estimation du modèle Ă  correction d’erreur ARDL-ECR est validĂ© par une force de rappel de -0.990695, un R2 de 86,84%, des tests de diagnostic de rĂ©sidus rĂ©ussis et le test de stabilitĂ© du modèle. Sur la part de marchĂ© et de façon significative, la dynamique de l’indice A Cotlook en FCFA se manifeste Ă  court terme par des effets positifs du taux de change dollar-FCFA et des effets nĂ©gatifs de la volatilitĂ© et de l’élasticitĂ©-prix de l’indice A en FCFA, de la rupture (dĂ©valuation) survenue en 1994. A long terme et toujours de façon significative, elle se manifeste par des effets positifs du taux de change dollar-FCFA. Les dĂ©terminants de l’indice eux se manifestent Ă  court terme par des effets positifs de la production de l’AOC, de la consommation et du stock du monde ; et des effets nĂ©gatifs du stock de l’AOC et de la production mondiale. A long terme, ces dĂ©terminants se manifestent par des effets positifs de la production de l’AOC, des pandĂ©mies ; et des effets nĂ©gatifs du stock de l’AOC. Sur le Profit, le modèle Probit validĂ© par les tests de diagnostics des rĂ©sidus rĂ©vèle uniquement des effets significatifs et positif de la production de l’AOC. Face aux effets nĂ©gatifs de la volatilitĂ© et de la dĂ©valuation, l’AOC se trouve dĂ©munie et ne peut rĂ©agir. Par contre, les effets de sa production sont bĂ©nĂ©fices sur la part de marchĂ© et le profit et ouvrent des champs possibles d’amĂ©lioration de sa compĂ©titivitĂ©. Il s’agit (1) de la crĂ©ation d’une place de marchĂ© propre avec des institutions permettant de moins s’exposer aux impacts nĂ©gatifs de la dynamique des cours internationaux et de mieux valoriser ses avantages comparatifs ; (2) de l’amĂ©lioration continue de la performance opĂ©rationnelle des systèmes de production aussi bien agricoles qu’industriels ; et (3) de la meilleure valorisation de la qualitĂ© de la fibre par le passage du classement manuel en Ĺ“uvre Ă  l’AOC au classement instrumental utilisĂ© par le reste du monde.   The purpose of this chapter is to analyse the effects of the dynamics and determinants of the index A in FCFA on the competitiveness of the AOC evaluated through market share and profit. After the detection of cointegration relations by the cointegration test at the terminals, the estimation of the error-corrected model ARDL-ECR is validated by a recall force of -0.990695, an R2 of 86,84%, successful residue diagnostic tests and model stability test. In terms of market share and significantly, the dynamics of the A Cotlook index in FCFA are reflected in the short term by positive effects of the dollar-FCFA exchange rate and the negative effects of the volatility and price elasticity of the A index in FCFA, the break-up (devaluation) in 1994. In the long term, and still significantly, it is reflected in the positive effects of the dollar-FCFA exchange rate. The determinants of the index are manifested in the short term by positive effects of the production of the AOC, the consumption and the world stock; and the negative effects of the AOC stock and world production. In the long term, these determinants manifest themselves in positive effects of the production of AOC, pandemics; and negative effects of the AOC stock. On Profit, the Probit model validated by the residue diagnostic tests only reveals significant and positive effects of AOC production. Our hypothesis is thus confirmed. Faced with the negative effects of volatility and devaluation, the AOC finds itself deprived and unable to react. On the other hand, On the other hand, the effects of its production are beneficial on market share and profit and open up possible fields for improving its competitiveness.. It concerns (1) the creation of a market place with its own institutions allowing less exposure to the negative impacts of the dynamics of international prices and to better value its comparative advantages; (2) continuous improvement in the operational performance of both agricultural and industrial production systems; and (3) the best enhancement of the quality of the fiber by the transition from the manual classification in use to the AOC to the instrumental classification used by the rest of the world

    Effets des Déterminants du Prix International de Référence du Coton en FCFA sur la Compétitivité de l’Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre

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    L’Afrique de l’ouest et du Centre (AOC) est le 3e exportateur de coton sur le marchĂ© mondial et y exporte la quasi-totalitĂ© de sa production. A cet effet, la maĂ®trise indispensable des dĂ©terminants du prix indiciel mondial qui sert de rĂ©fĂ©rence Ă  ses contrats de vente constitue l’objectif de cette Ă©tude axĂ©e sur la compĂ©titivitĂ© et dans laquelle sont expliquĂ©s la Part de marchĂ© et le Profit de l’AOC grâce aux modèles Auto Regressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) et Probit. Sur la part de marchĂ©, les tests rĂ©vèlent Ă  court terme des effets positifs du taux de change dollar-FCFA, de la production de l’AOC, de la consommation et du stock du monde ; et des effets nĂ©gatifs de la volatilitĂ© et de l’élasticitĂ©-prix de l’indice A en FCFA, de la dĂ©valuation de 1994, du stock de l’AOC et de la production mondiale. A long terme, on observe des effets positifs du taux de change dollar-FCFA, de la production de l’AOC, des pandĂ©mies ; et des effets nĂ©gatifs du stock de l’AOC. Sur le Profit, on observe des effets positifs de la production de l’AOC. Ainsi pour croitre sa compĂ©titivitĂ©, l’AOC doit amĂ©liorer son système de production et crĂ©er sa propre place de marchĂ© pour mieux maĂ®triser les prix et valoriser ses avantages comparatifs.   West and Central Africa (WCA) is the 3rd cotton exporter on the world market and exports almost all of its production there. To this end, the essential mastery of the determinants of the world index price which serves as a reference for its sales contracts constitutes the objective of this study focused on competitiveness and in which the Market Share and Profit of the AOC are explained thanks to Auto Regressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) and Probit models. On the market share, the tests reveal in the short-term positive effects of the dollar-FCFA exchange rate, of the production of the AOC, of ​​the consumption and of the world stock; and the negative effects of the volatility and price elasticity of the A index in FCFA, the 1994 devaluation, the AOC stock and world production. In the long term, there are positive effects of the dollar-FCFA exchange rate, AOC production, pandemics; and negative effects of the AOC stock. On the Profit, we observe positive effects of the production of the AOC. Thus, to increase its competitiveness, the AOC must improve its production system and create its own market place to better control prices and enhance its comparative advantages

    Effets des Déterminants du Prix International de Référence du Coton en FCFA sur la Compétitivité de l’Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre

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    L’objet de ce chapitre est d’analyser les effets des dĂ©terminants de l’indice A en FCFA sur la compĂ©titivitĂ© de l’AOC Ă©valuĂ©e Ă  travers la part de marchĂ© et le profit. Après la dĂ©tection de relations de cointĂ©gration par le test de cointĂ©gration aux bornes, l’estimation du modèle Ă  correction d’erreur ARDL-ECR est validĂ© par une force de rappel de -0.990695, un R2 de 86,84%, des tests de diagnostic de rĂ©sidus rĂ©ussis et le test de stabilitĂ© du modèle. Sur la part de marchĂ© et de façon significative, la dynamique de l’indice A Cotlook en FCFA se manifeste Ă  court terme par des effets positifs du taux de change dollar-FCFA et des effets nĂ©gatifs de la volatilitĂ© et de l’élasticitĂ©-prix de l’indice A en FCFA, de la rupture (dĂ©valuation) survenue en 1994. A long terme et toujours de façon significative, elle se manifeste par des effets positifs du taux de change dollar-FCFA. Les dĂ©terminants de l’indice eux se manifestent Ă  court terme par des effets positifs de la production de l’AOC, de la consommation et du stock du monde ; et des effets nĂ©gatifs du stock de l’AOC et de la production mondiale. A long terme, ces dĂ©terminants se manifestent par des effets positifs de la production de l’AOC, des pandĂ©mies ; et des effets nĂ©gatifs du stock de l’AOC. Sur le Profit, le modèle Probit validĂ© par les tests de diagnostics des rĂ©sidus rĂ©vèle uniquement des effets significatifs et positif de la production de l’AOC. Face aux effets nĂ©gatifs de la volatilitĂ© et de la dĂ©valuation, l’AOC se trouve dĂ©munie et ne peut rĂ©agir. Par contre, les effets de sa production sont bĂ©nĂ©fices sur la part de marchĂ© et le profit et ouvrent des champs possibles d’amĂ©lioration de sa compĂ©titivitĂ©. Il s’agit (1) de la crĂ©ation d’une place de marchĂ© propre avec des institutions permettant de moins s’exposer aux impacts nĂ©gatifs de la dynamique des cours internationaux et de mieux valoriser ses avantages comparatifs ; (2) de l’amĂ©lioration continue de la performance opĂ©rationnelle des systèmes de production aussi bien agricoles qu’industriels ; et (3) de la meilleure valorisation de la qualitĂ© de la fibre par le passage du classement manuel en Ĺ“uvre Ă  l’AOC au classement instrumental utilisĂ© par le reste du monde.   The purpose of this chapter is to analyse the effects of the dynamics and determinants of the index A in FCFA on the competitiveness of the AOC evaluated through market share and profit. After the detection of cointegration relations by the cointegration test at the terminals, the estimation of the error-corrected model ARDL-ECR is validated by a recall force of -0.990695, an R2 of 86,84%, successful residue diagnostic tests and model stability test. In terms of market share and significantly, the dynamics of the A Cotlook index in FCFA are reflected in the short term by positive effects of the dollar-FCFA exchange rate and the negative effects of the volatility and price elasticity of the A index in FCFA, the break-up (devaluation) in 1994. In the long term, and still significantly, it is reflected in the positive effects of the dollar-FCFA exchange rate. The determinants of the index are manifested in the short term by positive effects of the production of the AOC, the consumption and the world stock; and the negative effects of the AOC stock and world production. In the long term, these determinants manifest themselves in positive effects of the production of AOC, pandemics; and negative effects of the AOC stock. On Profit, the Probit model validated by the residue diagnostic tests only reveals significant and positive effects of AOC production. Our hypothesis is thus confirmed. Faced with the negative effects of volatility and devaluation, the AOC finds itself deprived and unable to react. On the other hand, On the other hand, the effects of its production are beneficial on market share and profit and open up possible fields for improving its competitiveness.. It concerns (1) the creation of a market place with its own institutions allowing less exposure to the negative impacts of the dynamics of international prices and to better value its comparative advantages; (2) continuous improvement in the operational performance of both agricultural and industrial production systems; and (3) the best enhancement of the quality of the fiber by the transition from the manual classification in use to the AOC to the instrumental classification used by the rest of the world

    Second-trimester amniotic fluid proteins changes in subsequent spontaneous preterm birth

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    IntroductionThe global sequence of the pathogenesis of preterm labor remains unclear. This study aimed to compare amniotic fluid concentrations of extracellular matrix-related proteins (procollagen, osteopontin and IL-33), and of cytokines (IL-19, IL-6, IL-20, TNF alpha, TGF beta, and IL-1 beta) in asymptomatic women with and without subsequent spontaneous preterm delivery. Material and methodsWe used amniotic fluid samples of singleton pregnancy, collected by amniocentesis between 16 and 20 weeks' gestation, without stigmata of infection (i.e., all amniotic fluid samples were tested with broad-range 16 S rDNA PCR to distinguish samples with evidence of past bacterial infection from sterile ones), during a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial to perform a nested case-control laboratory study. Cases were women with a spontaneous delivery before 37 weeks of gestation (preterm group). Controls were women who gave birth at or after 39 weeks (full term group). Amniotic fluid concentrations of the extracellular matrix-related proteins and cytokines measured by immunoassays were compared for two study groups. : NCT00718705. ResultsBetween July 2008 and July 2011, in 12 maternal-fetal medicine centers in France, 166 women with available PCR-negative amniotic fluid samples were retained for the analysis. Concentrations of procollagen, osteopontin, IL-19, IL-6, IL-20, IL-33, TNF alpha, TGF beta, and IL-1 beta were compared between the 37 who gave birth preterm and the 129 women with full-term delivery. Amniotic fluid levels of procollagen, osteopontin, IL-19, IL-33, and TNF alpha were significantly higher in the preterm than the full-term group. IL-6, IL-20, TGF beta, and IL-1 beta levels did not differ between the groups. ConclusionsIn amniotic fluid 16 S rDNA PCR negative samples obtained during second-trimester amniocentesis, extracellular matrix-related protein concentrations (procollagen, osteopontin and IL-33), together with IL-19 and TNF alpha, were observed higher at this time in cases of later spontaneous preterm birth

    Pauvreté et accès à l'eau dans la vallée du Sénégal

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    Water poverty in the Senegal Valley Considering the flood-recession agriculture, the hydraulic history of the valley of the Senegal River is ancient, but knows a deep mutation since the introduction of the irrigation. Can one speak of water poverty, whereas two dams now control the water flow of the Senegal River and ensure a permanent abundance in water ? The answer to this questioning is proposed through the link between poverty, access to funding, access to land, and involvement in resource management.L'histoire hydraulique de la vallée du fleuve Sénégal est ancienne et remonte à la culture de décrue. Mais elle connaît une profonde mutation depuis l'introduction de l'irrigation. Peut-on parler de « pauvreté hydraulique », alors que deux barrages régulent à présent le régime du fleuve Sénégal et assurent une permanence de l'abondance en eau ? La réponse à cette question est proposée sous l'angle de l'articulation entre la pauvreté, l'accès au financement, l'accès au foncier, la participation à la gestion de la ressource

    Factors associated with unprotected anal intercourse among men who have sex with men in Douala, Cameroon

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    Objectives Research on men who have sex with men (MSM) in sub-Saharan Africa was neglected for a long time. The objective of this study was to understand factors associated with unprotected anal intercourse (UAI) with male partners among a group of MSM living in the city of Douala, Cameroon. Methods In 2008, a survey on the sexual activity and practices of MSM was set up in Douala in collaboration with a local community-based organisation. Data were collected among a convenience sample of 168 MSM during face-to-face interviews with trained interviewers. Results A total of 142 individuals reported sexual activity during the previous 6 months, among whom 80 (57%) reported UAI with male partners. In a multivariate logistic regression model adjusted for the frequency of sexual intercourse, not having had access to prevention interventions and not knowing any HIV-infected person were both independently associated with a higher risk of UAI. Other factors associated with this higher risk included having had a stable male partnership at some point in one's life and not having been out of Douala for more than 4 weeks during the previous year. Conclusions This community-based research is the first study of MSM in Cameroon and the HIV transmission risks they face. Results show the importance of HIV prevention interventions from peers, and underline the need to maintain efforts to develop specific interventions targeting MSM more efficiently in the African context

    Hepatitis B e antigen status and hepatitis B DNA levels in women of childbearing age with chronic hepatitis B infection screening for clinical trials

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    BACKGROUND: Perinatal or mother-to-child transmission of hepatitis B virus (HBV) results in a high frequency of chronic infection. Risk of mother-to-child transmission is associated with maternal viral factors including hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg) positivity and viral load. AIM: To investigate associations between age, HBeAg status, HBV DNA levels and genotype in female patients screened for inclusion into two contemporary, randomized HBV trials. METHODS: Retrospective analyses focused on differences between women of childbearing age (≤44 years) and older women. Female patients (N = 355; 18-69 years) were included in the analysis: 41.7% of patients were Asian. In total, 44.4% were HBeAg-positive. RESULTS: Significantly more women aged ≤44 years were HBeAg-positive compared to women ≥45 years (57.2% versus 27.5%, respectively, p108 copies mL: ≤44 years 46.0% vs ≥45 years 25.5%, respectively; p CONCLUSIONS: Women of childbearing age with CHB are more likely to have high HBV viral load and HBeAg positivity than older women; this likelihood decreases with age. Maternal serological and virological status should therefore be established early in pregnancy, taking into account age and genotype, and a risk-reducing strategy implemented in any patient who is HBeAg positive and has a high viral load
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