526 research outputs found

    Parasitismo de larvas da mosca-do-mediterrâneo por Diachasmimorpha longicaudata (Ashmead) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) em diferentes cultivares de goiaba.

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    As moscas-das-frutas são as pragas que causam os maiores prejuízos à fruticultura mundial. Esses prejuízos podem ser diretos, com perdas na produção e indiretos. Por serem pragas quarentenárias, existem barreiras comerciais impostas pelos países importadores, limitando a exportação de frutos in natura. Apesar de o Brasil ser o terceiro maior produtor mundial de frutas, exporta-se apenas 2% dessa produção, enquanto que Diachasmimorpha longicaudata infestadas com larvas de Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae). Cinco lotes de oito frutos de goiaba, sendo dois frutos por cultivar, foram acondicionados em gaiolas contendo adultos de C. capitata, por 2h para oviposição. Após uma semana, quando as larvas já haviam se desenvolvido dentro dos frutos, estes foram expostos aos parasitóides durante 24h. Foram avaliados o peso médio dos frutos, a mortalidade das larvas, o número de pupários e as porcentagens de moscas e parasitóides emergidos

    The negative influences of the new brazilian forest code on the conservation of riparian forests

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    More than one million hectares of riparian forests were degraded or altered in Mato Grosso State (Brazil) up to 2009. The aim of the research is to set a comparative scenario to show differences in the quantification of environmental liabilities in riparian forest areas resulting from the change in native vegetation protection rules due to the transition between Laws 4771/65 and 12651/2012. Data collection took place in a marginal stretch of Vermelho River in Rondonópolis County, Mato Grosso State. The following data set was taken into consideration: aerial images derived from unmanned aerial vehicle, Rapid Eye satellite images and orbital images hosted at Google Earth. The spatial resolution of those images was compared. The aerial photos composed a mosaic that was photo-interpreted to generate land use and occupation classes. The riparian forest areas of a rural property were used as parameter, and their environmental situation was compared in 05 meter and 100 meter strips. Thus, by taking into consideration the current rules, 23,501 m2 of area ceased to be an environmental liability within the riparian forest and became a consolidated rural area. According to the previous Forest Code, in a different scenario, that is, in a set of rural properties, the public authority would receive USD 68,600.00 in fines. The new Brazilian Forestry Code of 2012, which replaces the previous one made in 1965, exempts those responsible for rural property from regenerating previously deforested native vegetation — an obligation established by older Forest Code. We have shown that the new Forest Code has diminished the legal responsibility of the rural owners in relation to the maintenance of forest fragments in their properties

    Optimum dose of ginger root oil to treat sterile Mediterranean fruit fly males (Diptera: Tephritidae)

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    The sterile insect technique (SIT) is widely used as part of an integrated approach to reduce field populations of the Mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata, Diptera: Tephritidae). Aromatherapy based on exposure to ginger root oil (GRO) volatiles is known as a method to significantly improve the sexual performance of sterile medfly males, and is being used in many mass-rearing facilities around the world. However, the optimum dose of GRO is not well defined. This work evaluated in laboratory cages four different doses of GRO and a control (0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5 and 0.75 ml/m3), and two different methods to hold flies prior to release (paper bags and plastic cages). The objective was to find the lowest dose that provides optimal improvement in mating performance of sterile males when competing with wild males for wild females and optimal reduction in fertility of wild females. Egg hatch, copula duration, the Relative Sterility Index (RSI), and a Competitiveness (C) value (based on RSI) were calculated for each treatment to assess male sexual performance and induction of sterility. The method used to hold flies did not influence the aromatherapy effect. The mean time spent by wild females in copula with wild males was significantly longer than with sterile males for all treatments, except when sterile males were treated with 0.1 ml of GRO/m3. Amongst all doses studied, it is recommended to apply the lowest dose, 0.1 ml of GRO/m3, since at this dose both the RSI and induced sterility reached the highest levels, and were not statistically different from the 0.25 and 0.5 GRO/m3 doses. Indeed, this dose showed a very significant improvement in the mating competitiveness of sterile males aromatically treated with GRO.Supplement 1

    Effect of different catching practices during manual upright handling on broiler welfare and behavior

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    The aim of this study was to identify the influence of different catching practices during manual upright handling on broiler welfare and behavior. Catching was examined in a total of 4,595 Cobb broilers with average live weight of 3.2 kg and 42 days old. Six catching practices were evaluated: shed curtain position, loading time, catching method, catching team, height of the crates from the floor, and placement of the bird in the crate. Behavioral welfare indicators were defined as follows: 1) broiler agitation in the catcher's hands, measured when the birds flapped their wings, kicked, or wriggled in the hands; 2) broiler striking the crate entrance as it was being placed in the crate, measured when the birds get the head, wings, or legs, hit at the crate entrance; and 3) broiler agitation in the crate, measured when birds flapped the wings or jumped inside the crate for 3 s or more after placement in the crate. A logistic regression model was used to calculate the chance of occurrence of each behavioral welfare indicator due to the handling factors. All catching practices evaluated in the present study influenced the birds’ welfare and behavior. Thus, some procedures during broiler catching potentially improved their behavior, making them less prone to accidents, and consequently improved their welfare. The catching process should be performed with the curtains in the closed position, carrying one broiler per catcher in an upright position while containing its wings, carefully placing the birds inside the crates, and with the crates being positioned at a height of at least 21 cm from the ground. Additionally, it was concluded that more attention should be given to the broiler catchers, since the position of the curtain, loading time, and position of the crate during handling can influence the work done by them, affecting the welfare and behavior of both humans and birds

    Durabilidade e atratividade de CeraTrap à Ceratitis capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae).

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar a atratividade da CeraTrap com o Trimedlure para o monitoramento de C. capitata, bem como a sua durabilidade no ambiente. Semiárido

    Durabilidade e atratividade de CeraTrap® à Ceratitis capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae)

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar a atratividade da CeraTrap com o Trimedlure para o monitoramento de C. capitata, bem como a sua durabilidade no ambiente. Semiárido