4,036 research outputs found

    Probing the Nature of the Vela X Cocoon

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    Vela X is a pulsar wind nebula (PWN) associated with the active pulsar B0833-45 and contained within the Vela supernova remnant (SNR). A collimated X-ray filament ("cocoon") extends south-southwest from the pulsar to the center of Vela X. VLA observations uncovered radio emission coincident with the eastern edge of the cocoon and H.E.S.S. has detected TeV γ\gamma-ray emission from this region as well. Using XMM-\textit{Newton} archival data, covering the southern portion of this feature, we analyze the X-ray properties of the cocoon. The X-ray data are best fit by an absorbed nonequilibrium plasma model with a powerlaw component. Our analysis of the thermal emission shows enhanced abundances of O, Ne, and Mg within the cocoon, indicating the presence of ejecta-rich material from the propagation of the SNR reverse shock, consistent with Vela X being a disrupted PWN. We investigate the physical processes that excite the electrons in the PWN to emit in the radio, X-ray and γ\gamma-ray bands. The radio and non-thermal X-ray emission can be explained by synchrotron emission. We model the γ\gamma-ray emission by Inverse Compton scattering of electrons off of cosmic microwave background (CMB) photons. We use a 3-component broken power law to model the synchrotron emission, finding an intrinsic break in the electron spectrum at 5×106\sim5 \times 10^{6} keV and a cooling break at \sim 5.5 ×1010\times 10^{10} keV. This cooling break along with a magnetic field strength of 5 ×106\times 10^{-6} G indicate that the synchrotron break occurs at \sim1 keV.Comment: accepted for publication to ApJ

    Periodic Modulations in an X-ray Flare from Sagittarius A*

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    We present the highly significant detection of a quasi-periodic flux modulation with a period of 22.2 min seen in the X-ray data of the Sgr A* flare of 2004 August 31. This flaring event, which lasted a total of about three hours, was detected simultaneously by EPIC on XMM-Newton and the NICMOS near-infrared camera on the HST. Given the inherent difficulty in, and the lack of readily available methods for quantifying the probability of a periodic signal detected over only several cycles in a data set where red noise can be important, we developed a general method for quantifying the likelihood that such a modulation is indeed intrinsic to the source and does not arise from background fluctuations. We here describe this Monte Carlo based method, and discuss the results obtained by its application to a other XMM-Newton data sets. Under the simplest hypothesis that we witnessed a transient event that evolved, peaked and decayed near the marginally stable orbit of the supermassive black hole, this result implies that for a mass of 3.5 x 10^{6} Msun, the central object must have an angular momentum corresponding to a spin parameter of a=0.22.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, submitted to ApJ

    The yellow hypergiants HR 8752 and rho Cassiopeiae near the evolutionary border of instability

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    High-resolution near-ultraviolet spectra of the yellow hypergiants HR 8752 and rho Cassiopeiae indicate high effective temperatures placing both stars near the T_eff border of the ``yellow evolutionary void''. At present, the temperature of HR 8752 is higher than ever. For this star we found Teff=7900+-200 K, whereas rho Cassiopeiae has Teff=7300+-200 K. Both, HR 8752 and rho Cassiopeiae have developed strong stellar winds with Vinf ~ 120 km/s and Vinf ~ 100 km/s, respectively. For HR 8752 we estimate an upper limit for the spherically symmetric mass-loss of 6.7X10^{-6}M_solar/yr. Over the past decades two yellow hypergiants appear to have approached an evolutionary phase, which has never been observed before. We present the first spectroscopic evidence of the blueward motion of a cool super/hypergiant on the HR diagram.Comment: 13 pages including 3 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    A Cosmic Ray Positron Anisotropy due to Two Middle-Aged, Nearby Pulsars?

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    Geminga and B0656+14 are the closest pulsars with characteristic ages in the ran ge of 100 kyr to 1 Myr. They both have spindown powers of the order 3e34 erg/s at present. The winds of these pulsars had most probably powered pulsar wind nebulae (PWNe) that broke up less than about 100 kyr after the birth of the pulsars. Assuming that leptonic particles accelerated by the pulsars were confined in th e PWNe and were released into the interstellar medium (ISM) on breakup of the PW Ne, we show that, depending on the pulsar parameters, both pulsars make a non-ne gligible contribution to the local cosmic ray (CR) positron spectrum, and they m ay be the main contributors above several GeV. The relatively small angular dist ance between Geminga and B0656+14 thus implies an anisotropy in the local CR po sitron flux at these energies. We calculate the contribution of these pulsars to the locally observed CR electr on and positron spectra depending on the pulsar birth period and the magnitude o f the local CR diffusion coefficient. We further give an estimate of the expecte d anisotropy in the local CR positron flux. Our calculations show that within the framework of our model, the local CR posit ron spectrum imposes constraints on pulsar parameters for Geminga and B0656+14, notably the pulsar period at birth, and also the local interstellar diffusion co efficient for CR leptons.Comment: accepted for publication in ApJ

    The incidence of mid-infrared excesses in G and K giants

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    Using photometric data from the 2MASS and GLIMPSE catalogues, I investigate the incidence of mid-infrared excesses (~10 microns) of G and K stars of luminosity class III. In order to obtain a large sample size, stars are selected using a near-IR colour-magnitude diagram. Sources which are candidates for showing mid-IR excess are carefully examined and modelled to determined whether they are likely to be G/K giants. It is found that mid-IR excesses are present at a level of (1.8 +/- 0.4) x 10^-3. While the origin of these excesses remains uncertain, it is plausible that they arise from debris discs around these stars. I note that the measured incidence is consistent with a scenario in which dust lifetimes in debris discs are determined by Poynting-Robertson drag rather than by collisions.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 13 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables (1 landscape table

    Crossing the `Yellow Void' -- Spatially Resolved Spectroscopy of the Post- Red Supergiant IRC+10420 and Its Circumstellar Ejecta

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    IRC +10420 is one of the extreme hypergiant stars that define the empirical upper luminosity boundary in the HR diagram. During their post--RSG evolution, these massive stars enter a temperature range (6000-9000 K) of increased dynamical instability, high mass loss, and increasing opacity, a semi--forbidden region, that de Jager and his collaborators have called the `yellow void'. We report HST/STIS spatially resolved spectroscopy of IRC +10420 and its reflection nebula with some surprising results. Long slit spectroscopy of the reflected spectrum allows us to effectively view the star from different directions. Measurements of the double--peaked Halpha emission profile show a uniform outflow of gas in a nearly spherical distribution, contrary to previous models with an equatorial disk or bipolar outflow. Based on the temperature and mass loss rate estimates that are usually quoted for this object, the wind is optically thick to the continuum at some and possibly all wavelengths. Consequently the observed variations in apparent spectral type and inferred temperature are changes in the wind and do not necessarily mean that the underlying stellar radius and interior structure are evolving on such a short timescale. To explain the evidence for simultaneous outflow and infall of material near the star, we propose a `rain' model in which blobs of gas condense in regions of lowered opacity outside the dense wind. With the apparent warming of its wind, the recent appearance of strong emission, and a decline in the mass loss rate, IRC +10420 may be about to shed its opaque wind, cross the `yellow void', and emerge as a hotter star.Comment: To appear in the Astronomical Journal, August 200

    Inclusive Quasi-Elastic Charged-Current Neutrino-Nucleus Reactions

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    The Quasi-Elastic (QE) contribution of the nuclear inclusive electron scattering model developed in Nucl. Phys. A627 (1997) 543 is extended to the study of electroweak Charged Current (CC) induced nuclear reactions, at intermediate energies of interest for future neutrino oscillation experiments. The model accounts for, among other nuclear effects, long range nuclear (RPA) correlations, Final State Interaction (FSI) and Coulomb corrections. Predictions for the inclusive muon capture in 12^{12}C and the reaction 12^{12}C (νμ,μ)X(\nu_\mu,\mu^-)X near threshold are also given. RPA correlations are shown to play a crucial role and their inclusion leads to one of the best existing simultaneous description of both processes, with accuracies of the order of 10-15% per cent for the muon capture rate and even better for the LSND measurement.Comment: 31 pages and 14 figures, accepted for publication as a regular article in Physical Review

    Shadowing Effects on the Nuclear Suppression Factor, R_dAu, in d+Au Interactions

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    We explore how nuclear modifications to the nucleon parton distributions affect production of high transverse momentum hadrons in deuteron-nucleus collisions. We calculate the charged hadron spectra to leading order using standard fragmentation functions and shadowing parameterizations. We obtain the d+Au to pp ratio both in minimum bias collisions and as a function of centrality. The minimum bias results agree reasonably well with the BRAHMS data while the calculated centrality dependence underestimates the data and is a stronger function of p_T than the data indicate.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures, final version, Phys. Rev. C in pres

    X-Ray Evidence for Flare Density Variations and Continual Chromospheric Evaporation in Proxima Centauri

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    Using the XMM-Newton X-ray observatory to monitor the nearest star to the Sun, Proxima Centauri, we recorded the weakest X-ray flares on a magnetically active star ever observed. Correlated X-ray and optical variability provide strong support for coronal energy and mass supply by a nearly continuous sequence of rapid explosive energy releases. Variable emission line fluxes were observed in the He-like triplets of OVII and NeIX during a giant flare. They give direct X-ray evidence for density variations, implying densities between 2x10^{10} - 4x10^{11} cm^{-3} and providing estimates of the mass and the volume of the line-emitting plasma. We discuss the data in the context of the chromospheric evaporation scenario.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, accepted by The Astrophysical Journal, Letters; improved calculations of radiative loss of cool plasma (toward end of paper