194 research outputs found

    Vaccines against sexually transmitted diseases

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    Human sexually transmitted infections are prevalent throughout the world. Several have been associated with adverse pregnancy outcome and increased susceptibility to HIV infection, in addition to the discomfort of inflammation of the genital tract. Yet vaccines to protect against the infection at the genital mucosa are not available. Hepatitis B is an exception, but this virus becomes systemic and protection may be at the systemic level. Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) have long been associated with reproductive failure in cattle. These infections cause considerable economic loss, which has been a stimulus to investigation. Consequently, vaccines and mechanisms of immune protection have been studied quite thoroughly. The results obtained with two commercially available vaccines will be used to illustrate principles of protective immunity against STDs. Both Campylobacter fetus subsp. venerealis and Tritrichomonas foetus are only transmitted sexually and both cause reproductive failure in cattle

    Isolation of Sarcocystis neurona from an opossum (Didelphis albiventris) in Argentina

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    Sarcocystis neurona is an Apicomplexan parasite which affects awide range of animal hosts. This protozoan is the main cause ofequine protozoal myeloecephalitis (EPM) inWestern Hemispherehorses. The parasite reproduces sexually in the intestine ofdefinitive hosts (DH) and asexually in tissues of intermediate andaberrant hosts. The geographical distribution of S. neurona isrelated with the distribution its definitive hosts, the opossumsDidelphis virginiana and D. albiventris. A recent serological studyconducted in Argentinean horses using S. neurona antigenrevealed an overall seroprevalence of 26.1%. However, the parasitehas not been isolated in Argentina. Tissues from an opossum (D.albiventris) hunted by dogs in a farm from the central region ofBuenos Aires province were collected. Horses raised in the farmshowed a 50% (10/20) S. neurona seroprevalence. One seropositivehorse developed neurological signs and evidenced clinicalimprovement after a 2 month treatment with Ponazuril. A completenecropsy of the opossum was conducted and the intestinalmucosal scraping was subjected to a parasitological study withsucrose solution. A high amount of Sarcocystis spp. oocysts/sporocystswere observed (Fig. 1). DNA was extracted from concentratedoocysts with a commercial kit (ZR Fecal DNA, ZymoResearch). The sample was identified as S. neurona by specificPCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and bysequencing of a fragment of the 18S rRNA gene. Approximately 5 x105 oocysts were subjected to a pepsin-HCl digestion followed bya physical disruption. Released sporozoites were used to infectfresh BM cell cultures, maintained by 3 passages during 2 monthsand further preserved in liquid nitrogen. This study represents thefirst isolation of S. neurona in Argentina. Further studies will beconducted in order to identify antigen expression as well as tocompare genetic characteristics between the isolated strain andreference strains.Fil: Moré, Gastón Andrés. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Departamento de Epizootiología y Salud Pública. Laboratorio de Inmunoparasitología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Rambead, M.. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Departamento de Epizootiología y Salud Pública. Laboratorio de Inmunoparasitología; ArgentinaFil: Braun, F.. No especifíca;Fil: Campero, Lucía María. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Departamento de Epizootiología y Salud Pública. Laboratorio de Inmunoparasitología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Walkosksi, A.. No especifíca;Fil: Venturini, M. C.. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Departamento de Epizootiología y Salud Pública. Laboratorio de Inmunoparasitología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; Argentina10th International Equine Infectious Diseases ConferenceCiudad Autónoma de Buenos AiresArgentinathe Equine Infectious Disease Conferenc

    Rating the incidence of iatrogenic vascular injuries in thoracic and lumbar spine surgery as regards the approach: A PRISMA-based literature review

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    Purpose: To assess the rate, timing of diagnosis, and repairing strategies of vascular injuries in thoracic and lumbar spine surgery as their relationship to the approach. Methods: PubMed, Medline, and Embase databases were utilized for a comprehensive literature search based on keywords and mesh terms to find articles reporting iatrogenic vascular injury during thoracic and lumbar spine surgery. English articles published in the last ten years were selected. The search was refined based on best match and relevance. Results: Fifty-six articles were eligible, for a cumulative volume of 261 lesions. Vascular injuries occurred in 82% of instrumented procedures and in 59% during anterior approaches. The common iliac vein (CIV) was the most involved vessel, injured in 49% of anterior lumbar approaches. Common iliac artery, CIV, and aorta were affected in 40%, 28%, and 28% of posterior approaches, respectively. Segmental arteries were injured in 68% of lateral approaches. Direct vessel laceration occurred in 81% of cases and recognized intraoperatively in 39% of cases. Conclusions: Incidence of iatrogenic vascular injuries during thoracic and lumbar spine surgery is low but associated with an overall mortality rate up to 65%, of which less than 1% for anterior approaches and more than 50% for posterior ones. Anterior approaches for instrumented procedures are at risk of direct avulsion of CIV. Posterior instrumented fusions are at risk for injuries of iliac vessels and aorta. Lateral routes are frequently associated with lesions of segmental vessels. Suture repair and endovascular techniques are useful in the management of these severe complications

    Uterine Mast Cells and Immunoglobulin-E Antibody Responses During Clearance of \u3ci\u3eTritrichomonas foetus\u3c/i\u3e

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    We showed earlier that Tritrichomonas foetus–specific bovine immunoglobulin (Ig)G1 and IgA antibodies in uterine and vaginal secretions are correlated with clearance of this sexually transmitted infection. Eosinophils have been noted in previous studies of bovine trichomoniasis but the role of mast cells and IgE responses have not been reported. The hypothesis that IgE and mast cell degranulation play a role in clearance was tested in 25 virgin heifers inseminated experimentally and infected intravaginally with T. foetus strain D1 at estrus and cultured weekly. Groups were euthanatized at 3, 6, 9, or 12 weeks, when tissues were fixed and secretions were collected for culture and antibody analysis. Immunohistochemistry using a monoclonal antibody to a soluble lipophosphoglycan (LPG)–containing surface antigen (TF1.17) demonstrated antigen uptake by uterine epithelial cells. Lymphoid nodules were detected below antigen-positive epithelium. Little IgG2 antibody was detected but IgG1, IgA, IgM, and IgE T. foetus–specific antibodies increased in uterine secretions at weeks 6 and 9 after infection. This was inversely proportional to subepithelial mast cells numbers and most animals cleared the infection by the sampling time after the lowest mast cell count. Furthermore, soluble antigen was found in uterine epithelium above inductive sites (lymphoid nodules). Cross-linking of IgE on mast cells by antigen and perhaps LPG triggering appears to have resulted in degranulation. Released cytokines may account for production of predominantly Th2 (IgG1 and IgE) and IgA antibody responses, which are related to clearance of the infection

    Listeriosis en bovinos de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina

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    Se reali­zó un estudio retrospectivo de casos de listeriosis bovina ocurridos en diferentes partidos de Provincia de Buenos Aires (Argentina). Se utilizaron las técnicas diagnósticas de histopato­logía, bacteriología e inmunohistoquímica. De 17 casos confirmados por esta última técnica, en 7 de ellos se dispuso de material para el cultivo bacteriológico y solo en 3 casos se pudo aislar Listeria monocytogenes. El 64,7% de los casos de listeriosis se presentaron en rodeos que consumían ensilado de maíz. La enfermedad se diagnosticó con mayor frecuencia en sistemas de producción intensivos (feedlot y tambos). Cuatro casos negativos al cultivo de L. monocytogenes se lograron confirmar por inmunohistoquímica, por lo cual esta técnica se revela valiosa dado que su empleo mejora la eficiencia diagnóstica de los casos de listeriosis bovina

    Detección de anticuerpos séricos en toros inmunizados contra campylobacteriosis

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    En el presente ensayo se evaluó la repuesta sérica vacunando 169 toros jóvenes para carne, vírgenes de 12–24 meses de edad, inmunizados con vacunas a célula entera de Campylobacter fetus. El trabajo se realizó en cuatro establecimientos libres de campylobacteriosis de la provincia de Buenos Aires (Argentina). Se utilizaron tres vacunas comerciales nacionales, conteniendo cepas inactivadas de C. fetus y sus subspecies: vacunas A (n= 84), B (n=19) y C (n=58) (suspensión de C. fetus subsp. fetus, intermedius y venerealis, inactivadas con formol). Las vacunas A y B poseían como vehículo hidróxido de aluminio, la vacuna C presentaba adyuvante oleoso. También se utilizó una vacuna experimental (D) (n=8) dual, oleosa, elaborada por el INTA Balcarce, conteniendo antígenos inactivados de C. fetus subsp. fetus, C. fetus subsp. venerealis y Tritrichomonas foetus. Todas las vacunas se aplicaron por vía subcutánea, dos dosis con intervalo de 21 días. Los animales se sangraron a los días 0, 21, 42, 93 y 123 post primera dosis vacunal (DPV). Los sueros fueron procesados por ELISA indirecto. Los valores de absorbancia expresados en densidad óptica fueron transformados a valores ELISA (VE). La vacuna experimental dual D demostró un incremento importante en los VE de los anticuerpos séricos con respecto las vacunas A, B y C (p< 0,05). Las vacunas B y C tuvieron mejor respuesta a los 21 y 42 días DPV respecto a la vacuna A (p< 0,05). A los 93 DPV, los animales del grupo C tuvieron un débil incremento de VE en comparación con aquellos animales de los grupos A y B (p< 0,05). El desempeño general tendió a ser mayor en los animales inmunizados con la vacuna experimental que aquellos del grupo de vacunas comerciales. Se observaron VE muy bajos en general en las vacunas comerciales utilizadas. El método ELISA fue adecuado para la evaluación de la respuesta inmune sistémica en los toros vacunados.

    Respuesta inmune humoral en vaquillonas vacunadas contra Tritrichomonas foetus y desafiadas con toros infectados

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    Se evaluó el efecto de una vacuna oleosa a célula entera de Tritrichomonas foetus (108/dosis) en vaquillonas desafiadas con toros infectados. Veintitrés vaquillonas fueron divididas en grupo 1 (n=11) control sin vacunar y grupo 2 (n=12) inmunizadas en dos oportunidades por vía subcutánea. El grupo 2 se subdividió en 2 subgrupos de 6 animales cada uno, los cuales recibieron un tercer refuerzo vacunal por vías vaginal y vaginal e intranasal, respectivamente. Todas las vacunaciones se hicieron con 21 días de intervalo. A las 3 semanas de la última dosis, las vaquillonas fueron servidas durante 90 días con 2 toros infectados con T. foetus. Quincenalmente, hasta los 4 meses post servicio, se recolectó sangre para medir IgG y mucus cérvico vaginal (MCV) para cultivo y evaluación de IgG e IgA. La cuantificación de Ig se hizo por el test ELISA. La duración promedio de la infección para las vaquillonas vacunadas y controles fue de 44,9 días y 78,5 días, respectivamente (p<0,05). La parición fue de 8/12 (66,6%) para los animales vacunadosy 3/11 (27,3%) para los controles (p<0,05). Los valores ELISA séricos (VE) tuvieron unincremento luego de la segunda dosis vacunal (p<0,05) mientras que la IgA en el MCV fue significativamente superior en vacunados que en controles (p<0,05), desde final del servicio hasta los 4 meses post servicio. No se observaron diferencias en los VE séricos ni en el MCV entre animales vacunados vías nasal y nasal e intravaginal. Se confirma la importancia de la estimulación vacunal sistémica y mucosal con antígenos de T. foetus con incrementos de la IgG sérica y de la IgA en el MCV acortando el período de infección y mejorando la eficiencia reproductiva en los animales vacunados. El método ELISA fue adecuado para la evaluación de la respuesta inmune en hembras infectadas y/o vacunadas

    Effect of Dexamethasone in Neospora Caninum Seropositive Calves

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of Dexamethasone (DXM) on clinical parameters, absolute and differential leukocyte count, specific IgG titers, IFN-γ production and parasitemia in beef calves seropositive to Neospora caninum. Fifteen calves were assigned to four experimental groups as follow: group A: 4 sero- positive calves treated with DXM; group B: 4 seropositive calves without DXM; group C: 3 seronegative calves treated with DXM, and group D: 4 seronegative calves without DXM treatment. The absolute leukocyte count was higher in both groups A and C in the 3rd day after the first dose of DXM mainly due to a significant neutrophilia (p0.05). Similarly, IFN-γ levels did not change among experimental groups (p>0.05). DNA was de- tected in calves from groups A and B at 7 Days Post Administra- tion (dpa) and from group A at 14 dpa. Even when DXM adminis- tration induced hemotological parameter changes, no reactivation of Neospora-infection was observed according to specific IgG titers and presence of the parasite on leukocytes in naturally seropositive beef male calves.Fil: Idarraga Bedoya, S.. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata; ArgentinaFil: Armendano, Joaquín Ignacio. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata; ArgentinaFil: Gual, Ignacio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata; ArgentinaFil: Hecker, Yanina Paola. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Leunda, M. R.. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Buenos Aires Sur. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Balcarce; ArgentinaFil: Pereyra, S.. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Buenos Aires Sur. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Balcarce; ArgentinaFil: Verna, Andrea Elizabeth. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Buenos Aires Sur. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Balcarce; ArgentinaFil: Campero, C. M.. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Buenos Aires Sur. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Balcarce; ArgentinaFil: Odeón, Anselmo Carlos. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata; ArgentinaFil: Moore, Dadin Prando. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Qualitative and quantitative analysis of systems and synthetic biology constructs using P systems

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    YesComputational models are perceived as an attractive alternative to mathematical models (e.g., ordinary differential equations). These models incorporate a set of methods for specifying, modeling, testing, and simulating biological systems. In addition, they can be analyzed using algorithmic techniques (e.g., formal verification). This paper shows how formal verification is utilized in systems and synthetic biology through qualitative vs quantitative analysis. Here, we choose two well-known case studies: quorum sensing in P. aeruginosas and pulse generator. The paper reports verification analysis of two systems carried out using some model checking tools, integrated to the Infobiotics Workbench platform, where system models are based on stochastic P systems.EPSR