31,684 research outputs found

    Fermion localization on branes with generalized dynamics

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    In this letter we consider a specific model of braneworld with nonstandard dynamics diffused in the literature, specifically we focus our attention on the matter energy density, the energy of system, the Ricci scalar and the thin brane limit. As the model is classically stable and capable of localize gravity, as a natural extension we address the issue of fermion localization of fermions on a thick brane constructed out from one scalar field with nonstandard kinetic terms coupled with gravity. The contribution of the nonstandard kinetic terms in the problem of fermion localization is analyzed. It is found that the simplest Yukawa coupling ηΨˉϕΨ\eta\bar{\Psi}\phi\Psi support the localization of fermions on the thick brane. It is shown that the zero mode for left-handed can be localized on the thick brane depending on the values for the coupling constant η\eta.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Modulating spin transfer torque switching dynamics with two orthogonal spin-polarizers by varying the cell aspect ratio

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    We study in-plane magnetic tunnel junctions with additional perpendicular polarizer for subnanosecond-current-induced switching memories. The spin-transfer-torque switching dynamics was studied as a function of the cell aspect ratio both experimentally and by numerical simulations using the macrospin model. We show that the anisotropy field plays a significant role in the dynamics, along with the relative amplitude of the two spin-torque contributions. This was confirmed by micromagnetic simulations. Real-time measurements of the reversal were performed with samples of low and high aspect ratio. For low aspect ratios, a precessional motion of the magnetization was observed and the effect of temperature on the precession coherence was studied. For high aspect ratios, we observed magnetization reversals in less than 1 ns for high enough current densities, the final state being controlled by the current direction in the magnetic tunnel junction cell.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    Signatures of nematic quantum critical fluctuations in the Raman spectra of lightly doped cuprates

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    We consider the lightly doped cuprates Y0.97_{0.97}Ca0.03_{0.03}BaCuO6.05_{6.05} and La2x_{2-x}Srx_xCuO4_4 (with x=0.02x=0.02,0.04), where the presence of a fluctuating nematic state has often been proposed as a precursor of the stripe (or, more generically, charge-density wave) phase, which sets in at higher doping. We phenomenologically assume a quantum critical character for the longitudinal and transverse nematic, and for the charge-ordering fluctuations, and investigate the effects of these fluctuations in Raman spectra. We find that the longitudinal nematic fluctuations peaked at zero transferred momentum account well for the anomalous Raman absorption observed in these systems in the B2gB_{2g} channel, while the absence of such effect in the B1gB_{1g} channel may be due to the overall suppression of Raman response at low frequencies, associated with the pseudogap. While in Y0.97_{0.97}Ca0.03_{0.03}BaCuO6.05_{6.05} the low-frequency lineshape is fully accounted by longitudinal nematic collective modes alone, in La2x_{2-x}Srx_xCuO4_4 also charge-ordering modes with finite characteristic wavevector are needed to reproduce the shoulders observed in the Raman response. This different involvement of the nearly critical modes in the two materials suggests a different evolution of the nematic state at very low doping into the nearly charge-ordered state at higher doping.Comment: 12 pages with 10 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. B 201

    Multi-objective evolutionary–fuzzy augmented flight control for an F16 aircraft

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    In this article, the multi-objective design of a fuzzy logic augmented flight controller for a high performance fighter jet (the Lockheed-Martin F16) is described. A fuzzy logic controller is designed and its membership functions tuned by genetic algorithms in order to design a roll, pitch, and yaw flight controller with enhanced manoeuverability which still retains safety critical operation when combined with a standard inner-loop stabilizing controller. The controller is assessed in terms of pilot effort and thus reduction of pilot fatigue. The controller is incorporated into a six degree of freedom motion base real-time flight simulator, and flight tested by a qualified pilot instructor

    Non-Relativistic Fermions Coupled to Transverse Gauge-Fields: The Single-Particle Green's Function in Arbitrary Dimension

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    We use a bosonization approach to calculate the single-particle Green's function G(r,τ)G ( {\bf{r}} , \tau ) of non-relativistic fermions coupled to transverse gauge-fields in arbitrary dimension dd. We find that in d>3d>3 transverse gauge-fields do not destroy the Fermi liquid, although for d<6d < 6 the quasi-particle damping is anomalously large. For d3d \rightarrow 3 the quasi-particle residue vanishes as Zexp[12π(d3)(κmc)2]Z \propto \exp [ - \frac{1}{2 \pi ( d-3)} (\frac{ \kappa}{mc } )^2 ], where κ\kappa is the Thomas-Fermi wave-vector, mm is the mass of the electrons, and cc is the velocity of the gauge-particle. In d=3d=3 the system is a Luttinger liquid, with anomalous dimension γ=16π(κmc)2\gamma_{\bot} = \frac{1}{6 \pi} ( \frac{ \kappa}{mc} )^2. For d<3d < 3 we find that G(r,0)G ({\bf{r}} , 0 ) decays exponentially at large distances.Comment: RevTex, no figures

    Spinon confinement in a quasi one dimensional anisotropic Heisenberg magnet

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    Confinement is a process by which particles with fractional quantum numbers bind together to form quasiparticles with integer quantum numbers. The constituent particles are confined by an attractive interaction whose strength increases with increasing particle separation and as a consequence, individual particles are not found in isolation. This phenomenon is well known in particle physics where quarks are confined in baryons and mesons. An analogous phenomenon occurs in certain magnetic insulators; weakly coupled chains of spins S=1/2. The collective excitations in these systems is spinons (S=1/2). At low temperatures weak coupling between chains can induce an attractive interaction between pairs of spinons that increases with their separation and thus leads to confinement. In this paper, we employ inelastic neutron scattering to investigate the spinon confinement in the quasi-1D S=1/2 XXZ antiferromagnet SrCo2V2O8. Spinon excitations are observed above TN in quantitative agreement with established theory. Below TN the pairs of spinons are confined and two sequences of meson-like bound states with longitudinal and transverse polarizations are observed. Several theoretical approaches are used to explain the data. A new theoretical technique based on Tangent-space Matrix Product States gives a very complete description of the data and provides good agreement not only with the energies of the bound modes but also with their intensities. We also successfully explained the effect of temperature on the excitations including the experimentally observed thermally induced resonance between longitudinal modes below TN ,and the transitions between thermally excited spinon states above TN. In summary, our work establishes SrCo2V2O8 as a beautiful paradigm for spinon confinement in a quasi-1D quantum magnet and provides a comprehensive picture of this process.Comment: 17 pages, 18 figures, submitted to PR