139 research outputs found

    Social Support Protected Mental Health during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Social support can protect mental health from the stressors of life during times of widespread crisis, like the COVID-19 pandemic. Using nationally representative data on U.S. working-age adults (18-64), this brief shows that those who reported having emotional support from family and friends were less likely to report negative mental health effects from the COVID-19 pandemic (32.9%) compared to those without emotional support (50.2%). Adults with higher levels of instrumental support – being able to count on someone for a $200 loan or for a place to live - were also less likely than those without those types of support to report negative mental health impacts during the pandemic. Public health approaches that focus on strengthening existing social networks within local communities may be especially helpful during population-level crises

    Business models in servitization

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    This chapter sheds light on the different business models of manufacturing companies that have servitized their business operations. This chapter presents four distinctive yet simultaneously pursued business models for servitized manufacturers: (1) the product business model, (2) the service-agreement business model (3) the process-oriented business model, and (4) the performance-oriented business model. Depending on the direction taken, dedicated customer needs targeted, value propositions adopted, and services and solutions provided, a servitized manufacturer should decide which business model(s) the firm will adopt with different customers.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Do practicing clinicians agree with expert ratings of neonatal intensive care unit quality measures?

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    To assess the level of agreement when selecting quality measures for inclusion in a composite index of neonatal intensive care quality (Baby-MONITOR) between two panels: one comprised of academic researchers (Delphi) and another comprised of academic and clinical neonatologists (Clinician)

    Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer: From Diagnosis to Survivorship

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    Bladder cancer is the fifth most commonly diagnosed cancer and the most expensive adult cancer in average healthcare costs incurred per patient in the USA. However, little is known about factors influencing patients' treatment decisions, quality of life, and responses to treatment impairments. The main focus of this paper is to better understand the impact of muscle invasive bladder cancer on patient quality of life and its added implications for primary caregivers and healthcare providers. In this paper, we discuss treatment options, side effects, and challenges that patients and family caregivers face in different phases along the disease trajectory and further identify crucial areas of needed research

    The HEP.TrkX Project: deep neural networks for HL-LHC online and offline tracking

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    Particle track reconstruction in dense environments such as the detectors of the High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) is a challenging pattern recognition problem. Traditional tracking algorithms such as the combinatorial Kalman Filter have been used with great success in LHC experiments for years. However, these state-of-the-art techniques are inherently sequential and scale poorly with the expected increases in detector occupancy in the HL-LHC conditions. The HEP.TrkX project is a pilot project with the aim to identify and develop cross-experiment solutions based on machine learning algorithms for track reconstruction. Machine learning algorithms bring a lot of potential to this problem thanks to their capability to model complex non-linear data dependencies, to learn effective representations of high-dimensional data through training, and to parallelize easily on high-throughput architectures such as GPUs. This contribution will describe our initial explorations into this relatively unexplored idea space. We will discuss the use of recurrent (LSTM) and convolutional neural networks to find and fit tracks in toy detector data