1,027 research outputs found

    Automatic Spatial Calibration of Ultra-Low-Field MRI for High-Accuracy Hybrid MEG--MRI

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    With a hybrid MEG--MRI device that uses the same sensors for both modalities, the co-registration of MRI and MEG data can be replaced by an automatic calibration step. Based on the highly accurate signal model of ultra-low-field (ULF) MRI, we introduce a calibration method that eliminates the error sources of traditional co-registration. The signal model includes complex sensitivity profiles of the superconducting pickup coils. In ULF MRI, the profiles are independent of the sample and therefore well-defined. In the most basic form, the spatial information of the profiles, captured in parallel ULF-MR acquisitions, is used to find the exact coordinate transformation required. We assessed our calibration method by simulations assuming a helmet-shaped pickup-coil-array geometry. Using a carefully constructed objective function and sufficient approximations, even with low-SNR images, sub-voxel and sub-millimeter calibration accuracy was achieved. After the calibration, distortion-free MRI and high spatial accuracy for MEG source localization can be achieved. For an accurate sensor-array geometry, the co-registration and associated errors are eliminated, and the positional error can be reduced to a negligible level.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures. This work is part of the BREAKBEN project and has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 68686

    Silicon photonic integrated circuit for fast and precise dual-comb distance metrology

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    We demonstrate an optical distance sensor integrated on a silicon photonic chip with a footprint of well below 1 mm2. The integrated system comprises a heterodyne receiver structure with tunable power splitting ratio and on-chip photodetectors. The functionality of the device is demonstrated in a synthetic-wavelength interferometry experiment using frequency combs as optical sources. We obtain accurate and fast distance measurements with an unambiguity range of 3.75 mm, a root-mean-square error of 3.4 µm and acquisition times of 14 µs


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    Виконано аналіз та розроблено алгоритм імітаційної моделі оптимізації за-стосування прохідницького обладнання за допомогою програмних пакетів Matlab та Simulink. Встановлено залежності часу роботи, коефіцієнта готов-ності і трудомісткості від технологічних параметрів для двох варіантів прохід-ницьких комплексів. Выполнен анализ и разработан алгоритм имитационной модели оптимиза-ции применения проходческого оборудования с помощью программных па-кетов Matlab и Simulink. Установлены зависимости времени работы, коэф-фициента готовности и трудоемкости от технологических параметров для двух вариантов проходческих комплексов. The analysis of the algorithm and simulation optimization model of tunneling equipment with the help of software packages Matlab and Simulink. The depend-ences of the time, and labor availability factor of the process parameters for the two options tunnel complexes

    The Kazhdan-Lusztig conjecture for W-algebras

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    The main result in this paper is the character formula for arbitrary irreducible highest weight modules of W algebras. The key ingredient is the functor provided by quantum Hamiltonian reduction, that constructs the W algebras from affine Kac-Moody algebras and in a similar fashion W modules from KM modules. Assuming certain properties of this functor, the W characters are subsequently derived from the Kazhdan-Lusztig conjecture for KM algebras. The result can be formulated in terms of a double coset of the Weyl group of the KM algebra: the Hasse diagrams give the embedding diagrams of the Verma modules and the Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials give the multiplicities in the characters.Comment: uuencoded file, 29 pages latex, 5 figure

    DAC-Less amplifier-less generation and transmission of QAM signals using sub-volt silicon-organic hybrid modulators

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    We demonstrate generation and transmission of optical signals by directly interfacing highly efficient silicon-organic hybrid (SOH) modulators to binary output ports of a field-programmable gate array. Using an SOH Mach-Zehnder modulator (MZM) and an SOH IQ modulator we generate ON-OFF- keying and binary phase-shift keying signals as well as quadrature phase-shift keying and 16-state quadrature amplitude modulation (16QAM) formats. Peak-to-peak voltages amount to only 0.27 V-pp for driving the MZM and 0.41 V-pp for the IQ modulator. Neither digital-to-analog converters nor drive amplifiers are required, and the RF energy consumption in the modulator amounts to record-low 18 fJ/bit for 16QAM signaling

    Optical coherence tomography system mass-producible on a silicon photonic chip

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    Miniaturized integrated optical coherence tomography (OCT) systems have the potential to unlock a wide range of both medical and industrial applications. This applies in particular to multi-channel OCT schemes, where scalability and low cost per channel are important, to endoscopic implementations with stringent size demands, and to mechanically robust units for industrial applications. We demonstrate that fully integrated OCT systems can be realized using the state-of-the-art silicon photonic device portfolio. We present two different implementations integrated on a silicon-on-insulator (SOI) photonic chip, one with an integrated reference path (OCTint) for imaging objects in distances of 5 mm to 10 mm from the chip edge, and another one with an external reference path (OCText) for use with conventional scan heads. Both OCT systems use integrated photodiodes and an external swept-frequency source. In our proof-of-concept experiments, we achieve a sensitivity of −64 dB (−53 dB for OCTint) and a dynamic range of 60 dB (53 dB for OCTint). The viability of the concept is demonstrated by imaging of biological and technical objects

    Second-order nonlinear silicon-organic hybrid waveguides

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