109 research outputs found

    An advanced scheme for wet scavenging and liquid-phase chemistry in a regional online-coupled chemistry transport model

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    Clouds are reaction chambers for atmospheric trace gases and aerosols, and the associated precipitation is a major sink for atmospheric constituents. The regional chemistry-climate model COSMO-ART has been lacking a description of wet scavenging of gases and aqueous-phase chemistry. In this work we present a coupling of COSMO-ART with a wet scavenging and aqueous-phase chemistry scheme. The coupling is made consistent with the cloud microphysics scheme of the underlying meteorological model COSMO. While the choice of the aqueous-chemistry mechanism is flexible, the effects of a simple sulfur oxidation scheme are shown in the application of the coupled system in this work. We give details explaining the coupling and extensions made, then present results from idealized flow-over-hill experiments in a 2-D model setup and finally results from a full 3-D simulation. Comparison against measurement data shows that the scheme efficiently reduces SO<sub>2</sub> trace gas concentrations by 0.3 ppbv (−30%) on average, while leaving O<sub>3</sub> and NO<sub>x</sub> unchanged. PM<sub>10</sub> aerosol mass was increased by 10% on average. While total PM<sub>2.5</sub> changes only little, chemical composition is improved notably. Overestimations of nitrate aerosols are reduced by typically 0.5–1 μg m<sup>−3</sup> (up to −2 μg m<sup>−3</sup> in the Po Valley) while sulfate mass is increased by 1–1.5 μg m<sup>−3</sup> on average (up to 2.5 μg m<sup>−3</sup> in Eastern Europe). The effect of cloud processing of aerosols on its size distribution, i.e. a shift towards larger diameters, is observed. Compared against wet deposition measurements the system tends to underestimate the total wet deposited mass for the simulated case study

    Seasonal distribution and drivers of surface fine particulate matter and organic aerosol over the Indo-Gangetic Plain

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    The Indo-Gangetic Plain (IGP) is home to 9 % of the global population and is responsible for a large fraction of agricultural crop production in Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh. Levels of fine particulate matter (mean diameter &lt;2.5 µm, PM2.5) across the IGP often exceed human health recommendations, making cities across the IGP among the most polluted in the world. Seasonal changes in the physical environment over the IGP are dominated by the large-scale south Asian monsoon system that dictates the timing of agricultural planting and harvesting. We use the WRF-Chem model to study the seasonal anthropogenic, pyrogenic, and biogenic influences on fine particulate matter and its constituent organic aerosol (OA) over the IGP that straddles Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh during 2017–2018. We find that surface air quality during pre-monsoon (March–May) and monsoon (June–September) seasons is better than during post-monsoon (October–December) and winter (January–February) seasons, but all seasonal mean values of PM2.5 still exceed the recommended levels, so that air pollution is a year-round problem. Anthropogenic emissions influence the magnitude and distribution of PM2.5 and OA throughout the year, especially over urban sites, while pyrogenic emissions result in localised contributions over the central and upper parts of IGP in all non-monsoonal seasons, with the highest impact during post-monsoon seasons that correspond to the post-harvest season in the agricultural calendar. Biogenic emissions play an important role in the magnitude and distribution of PM2.5 and OA during the monsoon season, and they show a substantial contribution to secondary OA (SOA), particularly over the lower IGP. We find that the OA contribution to PM2.5 is significant in all four seasons (17 %–30 %), with primary OA generally representing the larger fractional contribution. We find that the volatility distribution of SOA is driven mainly by the mean total OA loading and the washout of aerosols and gas-phase aerosol precursors that result in SOA being less volatile during the pre-monsoon and monsoon season than during the post-monsoon and winter seasons.</p

    Pollutant emission reductions deliver decreased PMâ‚‚.â‚…-caused mortality across China during 2015-2017

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    Air pollution is a serious environmental issue and leading contributor to the disease burden in China. Rapid reductions in fine particulate matter (PM2.5) concentrations and increased ozone concentrations have occurred across China, during 2015 to 2017. We used measurements of particulate matter with a diameter  1000 stations across China along with Weather Research and Forecasting model coupled with Chemistry (WRF-Chem) regional air quality simulations, to explore the drivers and impacts of observed trends. The measured nationwide median PM2.5 trend of −3.4 µg m−3 year−1, was well simulated by the model (−3.5 µg m−3 year−1). With anthropogenic emissions fixed at 2015-levels, the simulated trend was much weaker (−0.6 µg m−3 year−1), demonstrating interannual variability in meteorology played a minor role in the observed PM2.5 trend. The model simulated increased ozone concentrations in line with the measurements, but underestimated the magnitude of the observed absolute trend by a factor of 2. We combined simulated trends in PM2.5 concentrations with an exposure-response function to estimate that reductions in PM2.5 concentrations over this period have reduced PM2.5-attribrutable premature morality across China by 150 000  deaths year−1

    Large air quality and public health impacts due to Amazonian deforestation fires in 2019

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    Air pollution from Amazon fires has adverse impacts on human health. The number of fires in the Amazon has increased in recent years, but whether this increase was driven by deforestation or climate has not been assessed. We analyzed relationships between fire, deforestation, and climate for the period 2003 to 2019 among selected states across the Brazilian Legal Amazon (BLA). A statistical model including deforestation, precipitation and temperature explained ∼80% of the variability in dry season fire count across states when totaled across the BLA, with positive relationships between fire count and deforestation. We estimate that the increase in deforestation since 2012 increased the dry season fire count in 2019 by 39%. Using a regional chemistry-climate model combined with exposure-response associations, we estimate this increase in fire resulted in 3,400 (95UI: 3,300–3,550) additional deaths in 2019 due to increased exposure to particulate air pollution. If deforestation in 2019 had increased to the maximum recorded during 2003–2019, the number of active fire counts would have increased by an additional factor of 2 resulting in 7,900 (95UI: 7,600–8,200) additional premature deaths. Our analysis demonstrates the strong benefits of reduced deforestation on air quality and public health across the Amazon

    A complete transition to clean household energy can save one–quarter of the healthy life lost to particulate matter pollution exposure in India

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    Exposure to fine particulate matter (PM _2.5 ) is a leading contributor to the disease burden in India, largely due to widespread household solid fuel use. The transition from solid to clean fuels in households has the potential to substantially improve public health. India has implemented large initiatives to promote clean fuel access, but how these initiatives will reduce PM _2.5 exposure and the associated health benefits have not yet been established. We quantified the impacts of a transition of household energy from solid fuel use to liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) on public health in India from ambient and household PM _2.5 exposure. We estimate that the transition to LPG would reduce ambient PM _2.5 concentrations by 25%. Reduced exposure to total PM _2.5 results in a 29% reduction in the loss of healthy life, preventing 348 000 (95% uncertainty interval, UI: 284 000–373 000) premature mortalities every year. Achieving these benefits requires a complete transition to LPG. If access to LPG is restricted to within 15 km of urban centres, then the health benefits of the clean fuel transition are reduced by 50%. If half of original solid fuel users continue to use solid fuels in addition to LPG, then the health benefits of the clean fuel transition are reduced by 75%. As the exposure–outcome associations are non–linear, it is critical for air pollution studies to consider the disease burden attributed to total PM _2.5 exposure, and not only the portion attributed to either ambient or household PM _2.5 exposure. Our work shows that a transition to clean household energy can substantially improve public health in India, however, these large public health benefits are dependent on the complete transition to clean fuels for all

    Achieving Brazil's deforestation target will reduce fire and deliver air quality and public health benefits

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    Climate, deforestation, and forest fires are closely coupled in the Amazon, but models of fire that include these interactions are lacking. We trained machine learning models on temperature, rainfall, deforestation, land-use, and fire data to show that spatial and temporal patterns of fire in the Amazon are strongly modified by deforestation. We find that fire count across the Brazilian Amazon increases by 0.44 percentage points for each percentage point increase in deforestation rate. We used the model to predict that the increased deforestation rate in the Brazilian Amazon from 2013 to 2020 caused a 42% increase in fire counts in 2020. We predict that if Brazil had achieved the deforestation target under the National Policy on Climate Change, there would have been 32% fewer fire counts across the Brazilian Amazon in 2020. Using a regional chemistry-climate model and exposure-response associations, we estimate that the improved air quality due to reduced smoke emission under this scenario would have resulted in 2300 fewer deaths due to reduced exposure to fine particulate matter. Our analysis demonstrates the air quality and public health benefits that would accrue from reducing deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon

    Air Pollution from Forest and Vegetation Fires in Southeast Asia Disproportionately Impacts the Poor

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    Forest and vegetation fires, used as tools for agriculture and deforestation, are a major source of air pollutants and can cause serious air quality issues in many parts of Asia. Actions to reduce fire may offer considerable, yet largely unrecognized, options for rapid improvements in air quality. In this study, we used a combination of regional and global air quality models and observations to examine the impact of forest and vegetation fires on air quality degradation and public health in Southeast Asia (including Mainland Southeast Asia and south-eastern China). We found that eliminating fire could substantially improve regional air quality across Southeast Asia by reducing the population exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) concentrations by 7% and surface ozone concentrations by 5%. These reductions in PM2.5 exposures would yield a considerable public health benefit across the region; averting 59,000 (95% uncertainty interval (95UI): 55,200–62,900) premature deaths annually. Analysis of subnational infant mortality rate data and PM2.5 exposure suggested that PM2.5 from fires disproportionately impacts poorer populations across Southeast Asia. We identified two key regions in northern Laos and western Myanmar where particularly high levels of poverty coincide with exposure to relatively high levels of PM2.5 from fires. Our results show that reducing forest and vegetation fires should be a public health priority for the Southeast Asia region

    Pollutant emission reductions deliver decreased PM2.5-caused mortality across China during 2015–2017

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    Air pollution is a serious environmental issue and leading contributor to disease burden in China. Rapid reductions in fine particulate matter (PM2.5) concentrations and increased ozone concentrations occurred across China during 2015 to 2017. We used measurements of particulate matter with a diameter <2.5 µm (PM2.5) and ozone (O3) from more than 1000 stations across China along with Weather Research and Forecasting model coupled with Chemistry (WRF-Chem) regional air quality simulations, to explore the drivers and impacts of observed trends. The measured nationwide median PM2.5 trend of −3.4µgm−3yr−1 was well simulated by the model (−3.5µgm−3yr−1). With anthropogenic emissions fixed at 2015 levels, the simulated trend was much weaker (−0.6µgm−3yr−1), demonstrating that interannual variability in meteorology played a minor role in the observed PM2.5 trend. The model simulated increased ozone concentrations in line with the measurements but underestimated the magnitude of the observed absolute trend by a factor of 2. We combined simulated trends in PM2.5 concentrations with an exposure–response function to estimate that reductions in PM2.5 concentrations over this period have reduced PM2.5-attributable premature mortality across China by 150 000 deaths yr−1
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