36 research outputs found

    A study on gumbo seed grown in Congo Brazzaville for its food and industrial applications

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    Proximate composition, energy content and mineral concentrations of okra seeds grown in two localities of Congo Brazzaville were investigated. The paper also reports the physicochemical characteristics of the oil extracted from the seeds. Ash was highest (5.84±0. 2%) in Dolisie okra seeds (DOS) followed by Brazzaville okra seeds (BOS) with a value of 5.52±0.34%. Protein ranged from 25.48±0.57% in DOS to 23.73±0.35% in BOS. Crude fat content is of 29.31±0.83% for BOS and 25.71±0.44 % for DOS. Totalcarbohydrates were generally high in all the seeds and ranged from 31.84% in BOS to 231.27% in DOS. The seeds were found to be good sources of minerals. Phosphorus (1755.95–1464.87 mg/100 g), magnesium (3895.67–2743.5 mg/100 g) and potassium (124.59-116.05 mg/100 g), were highest in two okra seeds cultivars. The physical properties of the oil extracts showed the state to be liquid at room temperature and the colour to be golden-yellow, in general. Thermal analysis show that fatty acids melting point was lowest ranged between -25°C and +6.55°C. Gas liquid chromatography revealed thatthe major fatty acid was linoleic acid (34.89-44%), palmitic acid (25.2-28.3%) and oleic acid (21.9-24.08%). Abelomschus esculentus seeds oil (AESO) content long chain poly unsaturated acids aseicosapentanoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and erucic acid (1.1–4.1%). It can be inferred that the oil seeds investigated are good sources of crude fat, crude protein, ash and minerals. The oil extracts exhibited good physicochemical properties and could be useful as edible oils and for industrial applications

    Le savoir-faire local dans la valorisation alimentaire des fruits du safoutier (Dacryodes edulis (G. Don) H.J. Lam) au Cameroun

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    The Local Know-how in the Valorisation of (Dacryodes edulis (G. Don) H.J. Lam) Fruits in Cameroon. Dacryodes edulis (G. Don) H.J. Lam (Burseraceae) is an oleaginous plant highly appreciated in the forest zone of Cameroon. This tree yields fruits called african pear or safou, highly consumed by local populations and even abroad. African pear is at the centre of a great economic activity in the Central Africa subregion as its trade generates cash for local traders during the production period. However, the valorisation of african pear is hindered by its high perishable nature responsible for important post-harvest losses due to lack of proper post-harvest handling. Some studies addressed the problem, unfortunately, nothing was done on the local know-how which has still to be investigated. The present paper sheds light on african pear local harvesting, handling and marketing practices in Cameroon. Field surveys were carried out in different production zones in Cameroon savannah and humid forest lowlands: Adamawa, centre, east, littoral and west provinces. Results showed that african pear occupies an important place in the population daily life. This multipurpose tree specie appears to be a source of foodstuffs, cash income, drugs and wood. If, on one hand diverse strategies are developed by the population for a proper conservation of fruits, on the other hand there is not a real fruits transformation activity. Results of this study highlight the traditional know-how and bring out prospects for future works on african pear valorisation

    Élaboration et caractérisation des sources solides de diffusion sur silicium par la méthode sol-gel pour la réalisation de l’émetteur d’une cellule solaire

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    La réalisation de l„émetteur d„une cellule solaire au silicium est une étape très importante et critique dans le procédé de fabrication des photopiles en silicium. En effet, la concentration en surface du phosphore ou du bore et la profondeur de la jonction déterminent le rendement de conversion photovoltaïque des cellules solaires au silicium. Plusieurs techniques sont utilisées pour la réalisation des émetteurs n+p et n+pp+ parmi lesquelles la diffusion en phase vapeur, l„implantation ionique et la diffusion à partir de sources solides. Ce travail sera consacré à la réalisation d„émetteurs par diffusion de sources solides que nous avons élaboré par la méthode sol gel associé au spin coating sur silicium polix monocristallins et polycristallins. Les solutions de dopage ont été préparées par la méthode  sol gel en utilisant le methyltriethoxysilane « MTEOS » ou le tétraethoxysilane « TEOS » et l„acide phosphorique H4PO3 comme précurseurs par émulsion d„acide phosphorique dans l„isopropanol pour la jonction n+, et l‟acide borique H3BO3 ou l‟aluminium pour la jonction p+. Cette expérience nous a permis d‟étudier les propriétés électriques des émetteurs n+p et n+pp+ par la méthode des quatre pointes, les résultats des mesures effectuées ont montré des valeurs de la résistance carrée R comparables aux résultats de la littérature et confirme la diffusion du phosphore et du bore à partir des sources solides de diffusion préparées par sol gel.Mots-clés : réalisation d‟émetteurs, sources dopantes solides, sol-gel, diffusion phosphore ou bore

    Triacilgliceroles y composición de ácidos grasos del aceite de semilla de egusi (Cucumeropsis Mannii Naudin)

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    Triacylglycerols were determined from a Cameroonian (African) white egusi seed oil (Cucumeropsis Mannii Naudin) using reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography. The fatty acid composition of two types of seed (red and white) is obtained by capillary gas chromatography. The study of the triacyiglycerol composition obtained in white egusi seed oil revealed that only nine triacylglycerols were present in amounts above 1% (area). The first five triglycerides represent more than 80% of the total triacylglycerols, and the major triacyiglycerol was palmitoyldilinoleoylglycerol, accounting for 23.6% of the oil. This oil contains a high proportion of linoleic acid (60% wt/wt).Se determinó la composición en triacilgliceroles del aceite de semilla de egusi del Camerún (Cucumeropsis Mannii Naudin) utilizando cromatografía líquida de alta eficacia en fase inversa. La composición en ácidos grasos de dos tipos de semillas de egusi (roja y blanca) fue obtenida por cromatografía de gases en columna capilar. El estudio de la composición en triacilgliceroles del aceite obtenido de semilla blanca de egusi reveló que sólo nueve de ellos se encontraban en proporción superior al 1% (en área). Cinco triacilgliceroles representaron más del 80% del total y el mayoritario fue el palmitoildilinoleoilglicerol (23,6%). Este aceite contiene una alta proporción de ácido linoleico (60%)

    Triacylglycerols and fatty acids composition of egusi seed oil (<i>Cucumeropsis Mannii Naudin</i>)

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    Triacylglycerols were determined from a Cameroonian (African) white egusi seed oil (Cucumeropsis Mannii Naudin) using reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography. The fatty acid composition of two types of seed (red and white) is obtained by capillary gas chromatography. The study of the triacyiglycerol composition obtained in white egusi seed oil revealed that only nine triacylglycerols were present in amounts above 1% (area). The first five triglycerides represent more than 80% of the total triacylglycerols, and the major triacyiglycerol was palmitoyldilinoleoylglycerol, accounting for 23.6% of the oil. This oil contains a high proportion of linoleic acid (60% wt/wt).Se determinó la composición en triacilgliceroles del aceite de semilla de egusi del Camerún (Cucumeropsis Mannii Naudin) utilizando cromatografía líquida de alta eficacia en fase inversa. La composición en ácidos grasos de dos tipos de semillas de egusi (roja y blanca) fue obtenida por cromatografía de gases en columna capilar. El estudio de la composición en triacilgliceroles del aceite obtenido de semilla blanca de egusi reveló que sólo nueve de ellos se encontraban en proporción superior al 1% (en área). Cinco triacilgliceroles representaron más del 80% del total y el mayoritario fue el palmitoildilinoleoilglicerol (23,6%). Este aceite contiene una alta proporción de ácido linoleico (60%)

    Local uses of kapok (Ceiba pentandra Gaertn.) Tree from the Northern Part of Cameroon

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    An investigation was carried out in the Adamawa, North and Far-North Regions, in order to gather information about the actual uses of Ceiba pentandra Gaertn. a fruit tree widely domesticated by the population in this part of Cameroon. Data were collected from a sample of 300 persons from different localities of these regions. The results showed that almost all parts of Ceiba are used in curing many diseases such as sexually transmitted illnesses (syphilis, gonococci), fever and skin or eyes infections. Men use these trees as antibiotic or aphrodisiac. Generally, leaves (55%), roots and bark (28%) are the most used part of the tree. Oil was extracted from the seeds. The fact that the local population masters the know-how of the methods of extracting traditional oil needs to be exploited. These results are important data for the valorization of this tree in Cameroon

    Traditional Techniques of oil extraction from Kapok (Ceiba pentandra Gaertn.), Mahogany (Khaya senegalensis) and Neem (Azadirach indica A. Juss.) Seeds from the Far-North Region of cameroon

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    An investigation was carried out in four localities of the Far-North of Cameroon (Maroua, Mokolo, Kaele and Yagoua in order to improve endogenous methods of oil extraction from kapok (Ceiba pentandra Gaertn.), mahogany (Hhaya Senegalensis) and neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss.) seed. The questionnaire administered to 75 traditional producers permitted us to note that extraction of oil from kapok is scarce. The traditional extraction processes from these oilseeds vary. But two principal techniques are predominant: the kneading process and the heated paste process. Husking, pounding and extraction make up the bottleneck. The yields are low, averagely six pans (of 1L capacity) are used to obtain one litre of oil. Amelioration of these methods through the introduction of grinders and pressers will not only help reduce strenuousness, but also increase the capacity to treat the yields and oil quality

    Valuation of Vinasse as Organic Fertilizer on the Corn Field

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    “Vinasse” is an aqueous effluent of sugar refinery.  It is largely made up of water, organic matter, and mineral salts. It represents a considerable source of potassium (average 9.37 g/L) for plants and its organic matter content and also improves the fertility of the soil. A study showed that in spite of its strong acidity (pH of 4.5 on average), the growth of sugar cane was not affected by 15 000 L / ha liquor spread in the furrows just before planting. “Vinasse” was also used as fertilizer in some societies for maize. Higher outputs were observed due to improvement of the physiochemical properties of soil on pieces of land which received “vinasse” compost of 28% of organic matter. There was an observed fall pH value of the soil after the addition of “vinasse”, followed by a temporal increase caused by the microbial oxidation of the organic matter. “Vinasse” increases the concentration of basic ions of the soil. This results in the reduction of the exchangeable aluminum which is caused by rise of the pH value of the soil. The mineralization of nitrogen in the soil due to the application of “vinasse” stimulates the microbial activity and this is the reason why there is fall availability of nitrogen). Field  follow-up soil physicochemical properties   like the pH and electric conductivity does not show noticeable differences, (except  small % K of cation exchange capacity) between the piece of land where “vinasse” had been added, and land fertilized with only artificial fertilizer

    Physico-chimie des fruits du safoutier (Dacryodes edulis) camerounais

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    Physico-Chemistry of Cameroonian Safou Tree Fruits Dacryodes edulis. Safou tree (Dacryodes edulis) is a part of the agrarian landscapes of tropical countries. Although it is known as a multiple purposes tree, it is still underexploited. This is due to the lack of scientific knowledge and data. The aim of this work is to determine the physicochemical properties of safou tree fruits. These fruits, called safou, are consumed less than two days after harvest. The morphologic character vary according to the area and the types. In Cameroon, oil content varies from 47.4 to 61.1 % according to the agro-climatic areas : soudano saharian, high lands and continental area. The fatty acid composition of the oil, determined by gas chromatographie on capillary column, is rich in palmatic acid (35.4-46.0 % of total fatty acids) and in oleic acid (27.2-39.8 %). Analysis of triglycerides shows that 4 triglycerides only represent more than 70 % of total triglycerides : palmitodiolein (19.2-27 %), dipalmito-olein (16.8-26.1 %), palmito-oleo-linolein (14.7-18.5 %), dipalmito-linolein (10.5-17.6 %)

    Thermodynamic properties of tripalmitin and trilinolein and their mixtures

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    Specific enthalpy and heat capacity of the tripalmitin and trilinolein as well as their mixtures have been determined by differential scanning calorimetry between 300 K and 363 K. The tripalmitin melts at 340 k. The specific enthalpy of trilinolein varies linearly with the temperature between 300 k and 363 k. The mean heat capacity of the trilinolein is equal to 2.09 Jg-1K-1 in this temperature range. Addition of trilinolein to tripalmitin decreases melting point of the tripalmitin.This study supplies further information on the phase diagram of the tripalmitin- trilinolein binary system, and so contributes towards a better understanding of the thermodynamic behaviour of complex mixtures such as vegetable oils