2,991 research outputs found

    Competing periodicities in fractionally filled one-dimensional bands

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    We present a variable temperature Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Spectroscopy (STM and STS) study of the Si(553)-Au atomic chain reconstruction. This quasi one-dimensional (1D) system undergoes at least two charge density wave (CDW) transitions at low temperature, which can be attributed to electronic instabilities in the fractionally-filled 1D bands of the high-symmetry phase. Upon cooling, Si(553)-Au first undergoes a single-band Peierls distortion, resulting in period doubling along the imaged chains. This Peierls state is ultimately overcome by a competing tripleperiod CDW, which in turn is accompanied by a x2 periodicity in between the chains. These locked-in periodicities indicate small charge transfer between the nearly half-filled and quarter-filled 1D bands. The presence and the mobility of atomic scale dislocations in the x3 CDW state indicates the possibility of manipulating phase solitons carrying a (spin,charge) of (1/2,+-e/3) or (0,+-2e/3).Comment: submitted, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Formation of atom wires on vicinal silicon

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    The formation of atomic wires via pseudomorphic step-edge decoration on vicinal silicon surfaces has been analyzed for Ga on the Si(112) surface using Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Density Functional Theory calculations. Based on a chemical potential analysis involving more than thirty candidate structures and considering various fabrication procedures, it is concluded that pseudomorphic growth on stepped Si(112), both under equilibrium and non-equilibrium conditions, must favor formation of Ga zig-zag chains rather than linear atom chains. The surface is non-metallic and presents quasi-one dimensional character in the lowest conduction band.Comment: submitte

    Controlling the uncontrolled: Are there incidental experimenter effects on physiologic responding?

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    The degree to which experimenters shape participant behavior has long been of interest in experimental social science research. Here, we extend this question to the domain of peripheral psychophysiology, where experimenters often have direct, physical contact with participants, yet researchers do not consistently test for their influence. We describe analytic tools for examining experimenter effects in peripheral physiology. Using these tools, we investigate nine data sets totaling 1,341 participants and 160 experimenters across different roles (e.g., lead research assistants, evaluators, confederates) to demonstrate how researchers can test for experimenter effects in participant autonomic nervous system activity during baseline recordings and reactivity to study tasks. Our results showed (a) little to no significant variance in participants' physiological reactivity due to their experimenters, and (b) little to no evidence that three characteristics of experimenters that are well known to shape interpersonal interactions-status (using five studies with 682 total participants), gender (using two studies with 359 total participants), and race (in two studies with 554 total participants)-influenced participants' physiology. We highlight several reasons that experimenter effects in physiological data are still cause for concern, including the fact that experimenters in these studies were already restricted on a number of characteristics (e.g., age, education). We present recommendations for examining and reducing experimenter effects in physiological data and discuss implications for replication

    LEXUS & ViCoS From lexical to conceptual spaces

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    LEXUS and ViCoS: from lexicon to conceptual spaces LEXUS is a web-based lexicon tool and the knowledge space software ViCoS is an extension of LEXUS, allowing users to create relations between objects in and across lexica. LEXUS and ViCoS are part of the Language Archiving Technology software, developed at the MPI for Psycholinguistics to archive and enrich linguistic resources collected in the framework of language documentation projects. LEXUS is of primary interest for language documentation, offering the possibility to not just create a digital dictionary, but additionally it allows the creation of multi-media encyclopedic lexica. ViCoS provides an interface between the lexical space and the ontological space. Its approach permits users to model a world of concepts and their interrelations based on categorization patterns made by the speech community. We describe the LEXUS and ViCoS functionalities using three cases from DoBeS language documentation projects: (1) Marquesan The Marquesan lexicon was initially created in Toolbox and imported into LEXUS using the Toolbox import functionality. The lexicon is enriched with multi-media to illustrate the meaning of the words in its cultural environment. Members of the speech community consider words as keys to access and describe relevant parts of their life and traditions. Their understanding of words is best described by the various associations they evoke rather than in terms of any formal theory of meaning. Using ViCoS a knowledge space of related concepts is being created. (2) Kola-Såmi Two lexica are being created in LEXUS: RuSaDic lexicon is a Russian-Kildin wordlist in which the entries are of relative limited structure and content. SaRuDiC is a more complex structured lexicon with much richer content, including multi-media fragments and derivations. Using ViCoS we have created a connection between the two lexica, so that speakers who are familiair with Russian and wish to revitalize their Kildin can enter the lexicon through the RuSaDic and from there approach the informative SaRuDic. Similary we will create relations from the two lexica to external open databases, like e.g. Álgu. (3) Beaver A speaker database including kinship relations has been created and the database has been imported into LEXUS. In the LEXUS views the relations for individual speakers are being displayed. Using ViCoS the relational information from the database will be extracted to form a kisnhip relation space with specific relation types, like e.g 'mother-of'. The whole set of relations from the database can be displayed in one ViCoS relation window, and zoom functionality is available

    Resolved Spectroscopy of the Narrow-Line Region in NGC 1068. I. The Nature of the Continuum Emission

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    We present the first long-slit spectra of the Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 1068 obtained by the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS); the spectra cover the wavelength range 1150 - 10,270 Angstroms at a spatial resolution of 0.05 - 0.1 arcsec and a spectral resolving power of 1000. In this first paper, we concentrate on the far-UV to near-IR continuum emission from the continuum ``hot spot'' and surrounding regions extending out to +/- 6 arcsec (+/-432 pc) at a position angle of 202 degrees In addition to the broad emission lines detected by spectropolarimetry, the hot spot shows the ``little blue bump'' in the 2000 - 4000 Ang. range, which is due to Fe II and Balmer continuum emission. The continuum shape of the hot spot is indistinguishable from that of NGC 4151 and other Seyfert 1 galaxies. Thus, the hot spot is reflected emission from the hidden nucleus, due to electron scattering (as opposed to wavelength-dependent dust scattering). The hot spot is ~0.3 arcsec in extent and accounts for 20% of the scattered light in the inner 500 pc. We are able to deconvolve the extended continuum emission in this region into two components: electron-scattered light from the hidden nucleus (which dominates in the UV) and stellar light (which dominates in the optical and near-IR). The scattered light is heavily concentrated towards the hot spot, is stronger in the northeast, and is enhanced in regions of strong narrow-line emission. The stellar component is more extended, concentrated southwest of the hot spot, dominated by an old (> 2 x 10 Gyr) stellar population, and includes a nuclear stellar cluster which is ~200 pc in extent.Comment: 32 pages, Latex, includes 11 figures (postscript), to appear in the Astrophysical Journa

    Ga-induced atom wire formation and passivation of stepped Si(112)

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    We present an in-depth analysis of the atomic and electronic structure of the quasi one-dimensional (1D) surface reconstruction of Ga on Si(112) based on Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Spectroscopy (STM and STS), Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry (RBS) and Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations. A new structural model of the Si(112)6 x 1-Ga surface is inferred. It consists of Ga zig-zag chains that are intersected by quasi-periodic vacancy lines or misfit dislocations. The experimentally observed meandering of the vacancy lines is caused by the co-existence of competing 6 x 1 and 5 x 1 unit cells and by the orientational disorder of symmetry breaking Si-Ga dimers inside the vacancy lines. The Ga atoms are fully coordinated, and the surface is chemically passivated. STS data reveal a semiconducting surface and show excellent agreement with calculated Local Density of States (LDOS) and STS curves. The energy gain obtained by fully passivating the surface calls the idea of step-edge decoration as a viable growth method toward 1D metallic structures into question.Comment: Submitted, 13 pages, accepted in Phys. Rev. B, notational change in Fig.

    Ensuring semantic interoperability on lexical resources

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    In this paper, we describe a unifying approach to tackle data heterogeneity issues for lexica and related resources. We present LEXUS, our software that implements the Lexical Markup Framework (LMF) to uniformly describe and manage lexica of different structures. LEXUS also makes use of a central Data Category Registry (DCR) to address terminological issues with regard to linguistic concepts as well as the handling of working and object languages. Finally, we report on ViCoS, a LEXUS extension, providing support for the definition of arbitrary semantic relations between lexical entries or parts thereof

    Sharing Social Network Data: Differentially Private Estimation of Exponential-Family Random Graph Models

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    Motivated by a real-life problem of sharing social network data that contain sensitive personal information, we propose a novel approach to release and analyze synthetic graphs in order to protect privacy of individual relationships captured by the social network while maintaining the validity of statistical results. A case study using a version of the Enron e-mail corpus dataset demonstrates the application and usefulness of the proposed techniques in solving the challenging problem of maintaining privacy \emph{and} supporting open access to network data to ensure reproducibility of existing studies and discovering new scientific insights that can be obtained by analyzing such data. We use a simple yet effective randomized response mechanism to generate synthetic networks under Ï”\epsilon-edge differential privacy, and then use likelihood based inference for missing data and Markov chain Monte Carlo techniques to fit exponential-family random graph models to the generated synthetic networks.Comment: Updated, 39 page

    Extended polarized semiclassical model for quantum-dot cavity QED and its application to single-photon sources

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    We present a simple extension of the semi-classical model for a two-level system in a cavity, in order to incorporate multiple polarized transitions, such as those appearing in neutral and charged quantum dots (QDs), and two nondegenerate linearly polarized cavity modes. We verify the model by exact quantum master equation calculations, and experimentally using a neutral QD in a polarization non-degenerate micro-cavity, in both cases we observe excellent agreement. Finally, the usefulness of this approach is demonstrated by optimizing a single-photon source based on polarization postselection, where we find an increase in the brightness for optimal polarization conditions as predicted by the model.Comment: 8 pages, for simple code see https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.347666
