817 research outputs found

    EC80-1536 A Guide to Integrated Pest Management at Feedlots and Dairies

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    Extension Circular 80-1536: A guide to integrated pest management. Integrated Pest Management is used to describe the old art of keeping pest infestations below economic levels by utilizing a combination of control methodologies

    A Guide to Integrated Pest Management at Feedlots and Dairies

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    Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is rather new terminology used to describe the old art of keeping pest infestations below economic levels by utilizing a combination of control methodologies. This guide has been prepared to assist feedlot and dairy operators and consultants in an integrated approach to the management of pests. It is our purpose to outline a combination of sanitation, chemical methods and cultural control of stable flies, house flies and--to a much lesser extent--rats and starlings. The guide may also be useful to entomology and animal science students and county agents. Stable fly, Stomoxys calcitrans (L.) House Fly, Musca domestica (L.

    Biochemical Characterization of a Filtered Synaptoneurosome Preparation from Guinea Pig Cerebral Cortex: Cyclic Adenosine 3’:5’-Monophosphate-generating Systems, Receptors, and Enzymes

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    A particulate preparation was obtained by low speed centrifugation of guinea pig cerebral cortical homogenates prepared with a Krebs-Henseleit buffer. Light microscopic examination, using a reflected light differential interference contrast system, reveals the presence of intact neurons, axonal fragments, glial cells, and erythrocytes along with an abundance of small spherical entities (diameter about 1.1 μm) and snowman-shaped entities (diameter of larger sphere about 1.1 μm, diameter of attached smaller sphere about 0.6 μm). Many unattached smaller spherical entities are also present (diameter about 0.6 μm). Pressure filtration through 5 or l0-μm Millipore filters, followed by low speed centrifugation and resuspension, removes most of the larger entities to afford a suspension composed mainly of the small spherical and snowman-shaped entities. Electron microscopic examination reveals the presence of many synaptosomes with attached resealed postsynaptic entities. It is proposed that these correspond to the snowman-shaped entities to be termed synaptoneurosomes. Accumulations of cyclic AMP elicited by 2-chloroadenosine and histamine, and by combinations of 2-chloroadenosine, histamine, norepinephrine, and forskolin, are lower in filtered than in unfiltered preparations, whereas accumulations elicited by forskolin are unchanged. Levels of adenylate cyclase are reduced by filtration, whereas levels of phosphodiesterase are unchanged. Filtration reduces levels of markers for whole cells and endothelial cells, whereas neuronal markers such as acetylcholinesterase activity and norepinephrine uptake are increased. Levels of S-100 protein, a marker for glial cells, are not significantly decreased. There is no apparent change in the density of many receptors or ion channels. Levels of A1-adenosine and H1-histamine receptors are increased, whereas levels of so-called peripheral benzodiazepine-binding sites are decreased

    Stability Analysis of a Model of Atherogenesis: An Energy Estimate Approach II

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    This paper considers modelling atherogenesis, the initiation of atherosclerosis, as an inflammatory instability. Motivated by the disease paradigm articulated by Russell Ross, atherogenesis is viewed as an inflammatory spiral with positive feedback loop involving key cellular and chemical species interacting and reacting within the intimal layer of muscular arteries. The inflammation is modelled through a system of non-linear reaction–diffusion–convection partial differential equations. The inflammatory spiral is initiated as an instability from a healthy state which is defined to be an equilibrium state devoid of certain key inflammatory markers. Disease initiation is studied through a linear, asymptotic stability analysis of a healthy equilibrium state. Various theorems are proved giving conditions on system parameters guaranteeing stability of the health state and conditions on system parameters leading to instability. Among the questions addressed in the analysis is the possible mitigating effect of anti-oxidants upon transition to the inflammatory spiral

    Bergman kernel and complex singularity exponent

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    We give a precise estimate of the Bergman kernel for the model domain defined by ΩF={(z,w)∈Cn+1:Imw−∣F(z)∣2>0},\Omega_F=\{(z,w)\in \mathbb{C}^{n+1}:{\rm Im}w-|F(z)|^2>0\}, where F=(f1,...,fm)F=(f_1,...,f_m) is a holomorphic map from Cn\mathbb{C}^n to Cm\mathbb{C}^m, in terms of the complex singularity exponent of FF.Comment: to appear in Science in China, a special issue dedicated to Professor Zhong Tongde's 80th birthda

    Methods for Obtaining and Analyzing Whole Chloroplast Genome Sequences

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    During the past decade there has been a rapid increase in our understanding of plastid genome organization and evolution due to the availability of many new completely sequenced genomes. Currently there are 43 complete genomes published and ongoing projects are likely to increase this sampling to nearly 200 genomes during the next five years. Several groups of researchers including ours have been developing new techniques for gathering and analyzing entire plastid genome sequences and details of these developments are summarized in this chapter. The most important recent developments that enhance our ability to generate whole chloroplast genome sequences involve the generation of pure fractions of chloroplast genomes by whole genome amplification using rolling circular amplification, cloning genomes into Fosmid or BAC vectors, and the development of an organellar annotation program (DOGMA). In addition to providing details of these methods, we provide an overview of methods for analyzing complete plastid genome sequences for repeats and gene content, as well as approaches for using gene order and sequence data for phylogeny reconstruction. This explosive increase in the number of sequenced plastid genomes and improved computational tools will provide many insights into the evolution of these genomes and much new data for assessing relationships at deep nodes in plants and other photosynthetic organisms
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