159 research outputs found


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    Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the knowledge of prescription errors, the certainty of such knowledge, and the risk of committing medication errors among pharmacy students in two universities in Nigeria. Methods: This study was a cross-sectional comparative survey between pharmacy students of two universities in Nigeria: University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN) and Nnamdi Azikiwe University (NAU), Awka. Study variables were measured using four simulated prescriptions and questionnaires. Chi-square test, independent t-test, and ordinal regression analyses were used to assess study outcomes. Results: A total of 339 pharmacy students (239 in UNN and 100 in NAU), with a mean age of 24 (2.8) years and 57.2% (n=194) male students, participated in this study. Their accurate knowledge of each of the prescriptions were 294 (86.72%), 166 (48.97%), 199 (58.70%), and 248 (73.16%) for prescriptions with error of drug allergy, error of drug interaction, no error, and wrong dose of a drug, respectively. Students from UNN were more likely to commit a statistically significant high risk of error compared to NAU students in prescriptions with a drug allergy and wrong dose, while students in the 4th year class had a statistically significant higher odds of committing a drug interaction prescription error compared to final year students. Conclusion: Pharmacy students evaluated in this study had good knowledge of medication error detection. The risk of these pharmacy students committing a prescription error was evident in nearly all prescriptions tested and the students’ school was the major predictor of these risks

    Algorithmic Framework for Frequent Pattern Mining with FP-Tree

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    The FP-tree algorithm is currently one of the fastest approaches to frequent item set mining. Studies have also shown that pattern-growth method is one of the most efficient methods for frequent pattern mining. It is based on a prefix tree representation of the given database of transactions (FP-tree) and can save substantial amounts of memory for storing the database. The basic idea of the FP-growth algorithm can be described as a recursive elimination scheme which is usually achieved in the preprocessing step by deleting all items from the transactions that are not frequent. In this study, a simple framework for mining frequent pattern is presented with FP-tree structure which is an extended prefix-tree structure for mining frequent pattern without candidate generation, and less cost for better understanding of the concept for inexperienced data analysts and other organizations interested in association rule mining. Keywords: Association Rule, Frequent Pattern Mining, Apriori Algorithm, FP-tre

    Investigating the mineral composition of proceessed cheese, soy and nunu milks consumed in Abuja and Keffi metropolises of Nigeria

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    Milk and its products are needed for proper body building. Processed cheese, nunu and soy milk consumed within Abuja and Keffi metropolises were analyzed for their mineral contents. X1, Y1, Z1 represents soy milk, nunu and cheese from Abuja metropolis while X2, Y2, Z2 represents sample from Keffi metropolis respectively. Calcium (265.53±0.25 mg/mL), iron (1.19±0.92 mg/mL), potassium (162.77±0.02 mg/mL) were found to be higher in cheese milk (Z1) from Abuja than that (225.82±0.13 mg/mL, 1.05±0.60mg/mL and 130.41±0.04 mg/mL) found in Keffi (Z2) examined respectively, though the amount of sodium present (151.0±0.08 mg/mL) in cheese (Z2) from Keffi is slightly higher than that (150.08±0.01 mg/mL) from Abuja (Z1). Also, Soya milk from Abuja (X1) had highest amount of zinc (0.76±0.00 mg/mL) while that of Keffi (X2) was 0.65±0.3 mg/mL, for magnesium and copper, higher values 18.40±010 mg/mL and 0.25±0.02 mg/mL were recorded for soy milk (X2) from Keffi while soy milk from Abuja (X1) had 17.97±0.20 mg/mL and 0.16±0.01 mg/mL respectively. Chromium was dictated in both cheese samples but not dictated in soya and nunu milks from both metropolises. It is seen from the investigation that cheese had more minerals followed by soya milk. Nunu milk sample had the least quantity of minerals; also all the samples analyzed have minerals present in them. Therefore, they are needed for the proper functioning of the body system Keywords: Analysis, Concentration, Milk, Mineral, Metropolis, Flame Atomic Absorption Spectroscop


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    Objective: The objective of the study was to compare the clinical and economic effectiveness of four combination antihypertensives recommended for Nigerians. Methods: An open, randomized, controlled, and longitudinal double-blind trial of four groups of antihypertensives combinations: Telmisartan/ chlorthalidone/amlodipine (TCA), TC, CA, and TA was conducted among hypertensive patients. The participants were recruited from three hospitals in Enugu, and randomly assigned to the study groups. The primary outcome for this study was blood pressure (BP) control, based on Joint National Committee-8 and cost per BP control. The secondary outcomes were cost per quality adjusted life years (QALY) and patients’ self-reported health status. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used for statistical analysis. Results: Of the 110 patients enrolled in the study, more than half were women (55.5%). The mean age of patients was 54.93±12.38. The enrollees had hypertension for over 9 years (9.17±8.40). About 77% of the patients completed the study in all the groups except for TA (66.7%). There was no difference in BP in all the groups at baseline and at end-of-study (p>0.050). However, the probability of BP control was highest in TCA group (0.37±0.01), followed by TC group (0.23±0.02). The TA group showed the most favorable cost per QALY, then CA, TC, and TCA in that order. The group with the most favorable cost per BP control was TCA (70.92±0.04), then TA (94.16±0.05). Conclusion: The triple combination therapy of TCA had the best cost per BP control in the management of hypertensive patients. It demonstrated the highest probability of BP control

    Toxicity of Mucuna pruriens seed extract on the kidney of adult Sprague-Dawley rats

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    Background: The commonly acceptable knowledge that herbal medications have little or no toxicity and are absolutely safe makes people consume them indiscriminately. All parts of Mucuna pruriens have been reported to possess valuable medicinal properties, but its potential toxicity on vital organs remains unexplored. Objective: To determine the deleterious effect of Mucuna pruriens on the Kidney of Adult Sprague-Dawley Rats. Methodology: Twenty Sprague-Dawley rats were used and divided into four groups of five rats per group. Group I served as control and received distilled water and groups II-IV received 50, 100 and 200 mg/kg of the extract respectively for 2 weeks. The animals were sacrificed, blood was collected for kidney function test and the kidneys were excised via ventral laparatomy. The right kidney was fixed for histological studies while the left kidney was analysed for biochemical markers of oxidative stress Results: Lipid peroxidation increased significantly while superoxide dismutase and glutathione recorded a significant decrease in activities when the treated groups were compared to control. Creatinine decreased significantly and urea increased significantly when treated groups were compared to control. Histological sections showed degenerative changes and tubular necrosis in the kidney at higher doses. Conclusion: Mucuna pruriens causes degenerative changes in glomerular epithelia and reduced urea clearance possibly by an oxidative stress mechanism. Keywords: Kidney, Mucuna pruriens, superoxide dismutase (SOD), creatinine, urea

    Awareness and perception of maternal mortality among women in a semi-urban community in the Niger Delta of Nigeria

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    Background: Maternal mortality rates are very high in Nigeria. Increased level of awareness and perception will reduce maternal mortality rates. Objective: The study was aimed at assessing the awareness and perception of maternal mortality among women in the reproductive age group at Ogunu community in Warri South Local Government Area of Delta State. Methodology: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study that was carried out in Ogunu town in Delta State. A simple random sampling technique was used to select 400 women, who gave consent to be enrolled in the study. They were assisted in filling a semi-structured questionnaire containing questions on awareness and perception of maternal mortality among women in the community. Information generated was recorded on a data collection sheet designed for the study. The coded data were fed into the computer using the SPSS program to determine the mean values and frequencies. Results: A total of 400 questionnaires were distributed; of these, 349 were completely filled and returned. The mean age of the study subjects was 31.6 \ub1 7.7 years. Among these subjects, 54.7% were married, while 32.7%, 28.7% and 26.5% had tertiary, secondary and primary education, respectively. The study revealed that 96.3% of the subjects felt that death can occur from pregnancy-related problems, while 69.1% were aware of maternal mortality. Majority of the subjects agreed that one or more forms of delay could be responsible for their death. This study shows that a good proportion of subjects was aware of maternal mortality and also had a good perception of it. Conclusion: Efforts should be directed towards educating women about the risk of delivering in homes of traditional birth attendants, maternity homes and health centers, and the concept of early referral of women to the hospital should be reinforced. Providing information to women on prevention of maternal mortality and community participation and mobilization will help prevent maternal mortality to some extent in Nigeria

    Toward N-nitrosamines free water: Formation, prevention, and removal

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    This study elucidates the recent trends in the formation, prevention, and removal of N-nitrosamines such as Nnitrosodimethylamine(NDMA) from wastewater or drinking water. Reports are rife on the occurrence of NDMA in areas such as amine degradation during postcombustion CO2 capture (PCC), chlorinated/chloraminated and ozonated drinking water, smoked or cooked foods personal care, tobacco and pharmaceutical products. The major routes responsible for the formation of NDMA in portable waters include chlorination/ chloramination and ozonation. The major NDMA precursors are secondary, tertiary, and quaternary amines such as dimethylamine, diethanolamine, and triethanolamine. Due to the environmental and public health concerns posed by this contaminant, a proactive approach is necessary towards suppressing their occurrence, as well as their removal. Consequently, this study critically reviewed the formation, prevention, and removal of N-nitrosamines. The study discussed NDMA prevention techniques, such as physical adsorption, preoxidation, and biological activated carbon. The removal techniques discussed here include physicochemical (such as combined adsorption and microwave irradiation and UV photolysis), bioremediation, catalytic reduction, and dope technology. Irrespective of the effectiveness and seemingly economic viability of some of these technologies, preventing the occurrence of NDMA right from the outset is more potent because the treatments consume more energy

    Bioethanol Production from Low-Value Feedstocks: Wild Cocoyam, Waste Cassava Peels, and Waste Sugar Cane Molasses

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    Abstract: Bioethanol, produced by the anaerobic fermentation of carbohydrates, can be used as a renewable fuel, as vital ingredient in the production of beer, wine, or high-valued distillate alcoholic drink. Different plants have been installed in different parts of the world as carbon source to produce bioethanol. Feedstocks is a fundamental requirement for successful and efficient operations of these bioethanol manufacturing plants. One major challenge in choosing suitable feedstock is food versus fuel debate, that is, reducing to the barest minimum food crops serving as main source of food for human consumption. Thus, the focus of this review is to explore some crops rich in carbohydrate but less commonly consumed as food such as wild cocoyam, cassava peels and waste product of sugar refinery, sugar cane molasses as alternative feedstocks. In this review, the harvested wild cocoyam corms and cassava peels were washed, dried, ground and then made into a gelatinized solution to increase the surface area. The starch present in the slurry mixtures was then saccharified by the action of different hydrolytic enzymes, like alpha-amylase, protease, amylitic-TS, and amyloglucosidase. It was reported that the enzymatic hydrolysis of ground cocoyam and cassava was effective in yielding favorable levels of fermentable glucose. The saccharified wort was then inoculated with viable yeast strains to begin the fermentation process. On the other hand, sugar cane molasses considered highly rich in sugar content was converted to bioethanol using a gram negative, facultative anaerobic, rod shaped strain’’ Zymomonas mobilis’’ as the microorganism under anaerobic fermentation condition. The fermentation process varied for several days from 48 h to 168 h depending on the feedstock. Percent alcohol concentration produced from wild cocoyam sample was 12.90 % after 168 h of anaerobic fermentation, whilst sugar cane molasses recorded 9.3 % bioethanol content after 48 h of fermentation process. The percent alcohol recovered from waste cassava peel was 8.5 % after 96 h of fermentation. Keywords: Bioethanol, Anaerobic fermentation, wild cocoyam, molasses, and cassava peels. Title: Bioethanol Production from Low-Value Feedstocks: Wild Cocoyam, Waste Cassava Peels, and Waste Sugar Cane Molasses Author: Isah S., Ahiakwo J, Odusina A., Equere-Obong A., George J., Ojo E.M., Udoh S., Anwuchughum C., Edward A., Enahoro E., Salami A International Journal of Novel Research in Physics Chemistry & Mathematics ISSN 2394-9651 Vol. 10, Issue 3, September 2023 - December 2023 Page No: 1-19 Novelty Journals Website: www.noveltyjournals.com Published Date: 18-September-2023 DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8355346 Paper Download Link (Source) https://www.noveltyjournals.com/upload/paper/Bioethanol%20Production-18092023-4.pdfInternational Journal of Novel Research in Physics Chemistry & Mathematics, ISSN 2394-9651, Novelty Journals, Website: www.noveltyjournals.co
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