372 research outputs found

    On the Presence of Thermal SZ Induced Signal in the First Year WMAP Temperature Maps

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    Using available optical and X-ray catalogues of clusters and superclusters of galaxies, we build templates of tSZ emission as they should be detected by the WMAP experiment. We compute the cross-correlation of our templates with WMAP temperature maps, and interpret our results separately for clusters and for superclusters of galaxies. For clusters of galaxies, we claim 2-5 σ\sigma detections in our templates built from BCS Ebeling et al. (1998), NORAS (Boehringer et al. 2000) and de Grandi et al. (1999) catalogues. In these templates, the typical cluster temperature decrements in WMAP maps are around 15-35 μ\muK in the RJ range (no beam deconvolution applied). Several tests probing the possible influence of foregrounds in our analyses demonstrate that our results are robust against galactic contamination. On supercluster scales, we detect a diffuse component in the V & W WMAP bands which cannot be generated by superclusters in our catalogues (Einasto et al. 1994, 1997), and which is not present in the clean map of Tegmark, de Oliveira-Costa & Hamilton (2003). Using this clean map, our analyses yield, for Einasto's supercluster catalogues, the following upper limit for the comptonization parameter associated to supercluster scales: y_{SC} < 2.18 \time s 10^{-8} at the 95% confidence limit.Comment: MNRAS accepted. New section and minor changes include

    Limits on Hot Intracluster Gas Contributions to the Tenerife Temperature Anisotropy Map

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    We limit the contribution of the hot intracluster gas, by means of the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect, to the temperature anisotropies measured by the Tenerife experiment. The data is cross-correlated with maps generated from the ACO cluster catalogue, the ROSAT PSPC catalogue of clusters of galaxies, a catalogue of superclusters and the HEAO 1 A-1 map of X-ray sources. There is no evidence of contamination by such sources at an rms level of 8μ\sim 8\muK at 99% confidence level at 5o5^o angular resolution. We place an upper limit on the mean Comptonization parameter of y1.5×106 y \le 1.5\times 10^{-6} at the same level of confidence. These limits are slightly more restrictive than those previously found by a similar analysis on the COBE/DMR data and indicate that most of the signal measured by Tenerife is cosmological.Comment: To be published in ApJ (main journal

    A linear filter to reconstruct the ISW effect from CMB and LSS observations

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    The extraction of a signal from some observational data sets that contain different contaminant emissions, often at a greater level than the signal itself, is a common problem in Astrophysics and Cosmology. The signal can be recovered, for instance, using a simple Wiener filter. However, in certain cases, additional information may also be available, such as a second observation which correlates to a certain level with the sought signal. In order to improve the quality of the reconstruction, it would be useful to include as well this additional information. Under these circumstances, we have constructed a linear filter, the linear covariance-based filter, that extracts the signal from the data but takes also into account the correlation with the second observation. To illustrate the performance of the method, we present a simple application to reconstruct the so-called Integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect from simulated observations of the Cosmic Microwave Background and of catalogues of galaxies.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in the IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processin

    Using peak distribution of the cosmic microwave background for MAP and Planck data analysis: formalism and simulations

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    We implement and further refine the recently proposed method (Kashlinsky, Hern\'andez-Monteagudo & Atrio-Barandela, 2001 - KHA) for a time efficient extraction of the power spectrum from future cosmic microwave background (CMB) maps. The method is based on the clustering properties of peaks and troughs of the Gaussian CMB sky. The procedure takes only 1/2[f(ν)]2N2{1/2}[f(\nu)]^2N^2 steps where f(ν)f(\nu) is the fraction of pixels with δTν|\delta T|\geq\nu standard deviations in the map of NN pixels. We use the new statistic introduced in KHA, ξν\xi_\nu, which characterizes spatial clustering of the CMB sky peaks of progressively increasing thresholds. The tiny fraction of the remaining pixels (peaks and troughs) contains the required information on the CMB power spectrum of the entire map. The threshold ν\nu is the only parameter that determines the accuracy of the final spectrum. We performed detailed numerical simulations for parameters of the two-year WMAP and Planck CMB sky data including cosmological signal, inhomogeneous noise and foreground residuals. In all cases we find that the method can recover the power spectrum out to the Nyquist scale of the experiment channel. We discuss how the error bars scale with ν\nu allowing to decide between accuracy and speed. The method can determine with significant accuracy the CMB power spectrum from the upcoming CMB maps in only (105103)×N2\sim(10^{-5}-10^{-3})\times N^2 operations.Comment: 11 pages, 14 figures. Minor changes, updated references, matches accepted version in A&

    Correlation properties of the kinematic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect and implications for Dark Energy

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    In the context of a cosmological study of the bulk flows in the Universe, we present a detailed study of the statistical properties of the kinematic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (kSZ) effect. We first compute analytically the correlation function and the power spectrum of the projected peculiar velocities of galaxy clusters. By taking into account the spatial clustering properties of these sources, we perform a line-of-sight computation of the {\em all-sky} kSZ power spectrum and find that at large angular scales (l<10l<10), the local bulk flow should leave a visible signature above the Poisson-like fluctuations dominant at smaller scales, while the coupling of density and velocity fluctuations should give much smaller contribution. We conduct an analysis of the prospects of future high resolution CMB experiments (such as ACT and SPT) to detect the kSZ signal and to extract cosmological information and dark energy constraints from it. We present two complementary methods, one suitable for ``deep and narrow'' surveys such as ACT and one suitable for ``wide and shallow'' surveys such as SPT. Both methods can constraint the equation of state of dark energy ww to about 5-10% when applied to forthcoming and future surveys, and probe ww in complementary redshift ranges, which could shed some light on its time evolution. These determinations of ww do not rely on the knowledge of cluster masses, although they make minimal assumptions on cluster physics.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figures, submitted to ApJ, comments welcome. See parallel work of S.DeDeo, D.N.Spergel and H.Trak (ApJ, to be submitted

    Hydrodynamical simulations of the Sunyaev--Zel'dovich effect

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    We use a hydrodynamical N-body code to generate simulated maps, of size one square degree, of the thermal SZ effect. We study three different cosmologies; the currently-favoured low-density model with a cosmological constant, a critical-density model and a low-density open model. We stack simulation boxes corresponding to different redshifts in order to include contributions to the Compton y-parameter out to the highest necessary redshifts. Our main results are: 1. The mean y-distortion is around 4×1064 \times 10^{-6} for low-density cosmologies, and 1×1061 \times 10^{-6} for critical density. These are below current limits, but not by a wide margin in the former case. 2. In low-density cosmologies, the mean y-distortion comes from a broad range of redshifts, the bulk coming from z<2z < 2 and a tail out to z5z \sim 5. For critical-density models, most of the contribution comes from z<1z < 1. 3. The number of SZ sources above a given yy depends strongly on instrument resolution. For a one arcminute beam, there is around 0.1 sources per square degree with y>105y > 10^{-5} in a critical-density Universe, and around 8 such sources per square degree in low-density models. Low-density models with and without a cosmological constant give very similar results. 4. We estimate that the {\sc Planck} satellite will be able to see of order 25000 SZ sources if the Universe has a low density, or around 10000 if it has critical density.Comment: 9 pages LaTeX file with eleven figures (including four in colour) incorporated (uses mn.sty and epsf). Further colour images and animations at http://star-www.cpes.susx.ac.uk/~andrewl/sz/sz.html Updated to match published versio

    Looking the void in the eyes - the kSZ effect in LTB models

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    As an alternative explanation of the dimming of distant supernovae it has recently been advocated that we live in a special place in the Universe near the centre of a large void described by a Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi (LTB) metric. The Universe is no longer homogeneous and isotropic and the apparent late time acceleration is actually a consequence of spatial gradients in the metric. If we did not live close to the centre of the void, we would have observed a Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) dipole much larger than that allowed by observations. Hence, until now it has been argued, for the model to be consistent with observations, that by coincidence we happen to live very close to the centre of the void or we are moving towards it. However, even if we are at the centre of the void, we can observe distant galaxy clusters, which are off-centre. In their frame of reference there should be a large CMB dipole, which manifests itself observationally for us as a kinematic Sunyaev-Zeldovich (kSZ) effect. kSZ observations give far stronger constraints on the LTB model compared to other observational probes such as Type Ia Supernovae, the CMB, and baryon acoustic oscillations. We show that current observations of only 9 clusters with large error bars already rule out LTB models with void sizes greater than approximately 1.5 Gpc and a significant underdensity, and that near future kSZ surveys like the Atacama Cosmology Telescope, South Pole Telescope, APEX telescope, or the Planck satellite will be able to strongly rule out or confirm LTB models with giga parsec sized voids. On the other hand, if the LTB model is confirmed by observations, a kSZ survey gives a unique possibility of directly reconstructing the expansion rate and underdensity profile of the void.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figures, submitted to JCA

    Impact of Systematic Errors in Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Surveys of Galaxy Clusters

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    Future high-resolution microwave background measurements hold the promise of detecting galaxy clusters throughout our Hubble volume through their Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) signature, down to a given limiting flux. The number density of galaxy clusters is highly sensitive to cluster mass through fluctuations in the matter power spectrum, as well as redshift through the comoving volume and the growth factor. This sensitivity in principle allows tight constraints on such quantities as the equation of state of dark energy and the neutrino mass. We evaluate the ability of future cluster surveys to measure these quantities simultaneously when combined with PLANCK-like CMB data. Using a simple effective model for uncertainties in the cluster mass-SZ flux relation, we evaluate systematic shifts in cosmological constraints from cluster SZ surveys. We find that a systematic bias of 10% in cluster mass measurements can give rise to shifts in cosmological parameter estimates at levels larger than the 1σ1\sigma statistical errors. Systematic errors are unlikely to be detected from the mass and redshift dependence of cluster number counts alone; increasing survey size has only a marginal effect. Implications for upcoming experiments are discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures; accepted to JCAP; revised to match submitted versio