471 research outputs found

    Visserij in cijfers 2008

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    Deze jaarlijkse rapportage over de Nederlandse visserij bevat gegevens over de bedrijfsresultaten en financiële positie van de kottervisserij in 2007 met ramingen voor 2008, en met vergelijkende cijfers van voorgaande jaren. Naast de bedrijfseconomische gegevens van de kottervisserij, wordt ook ingegaan op re-sultaten van de grote zeevisserij, de mosselcultuur, de oestersector en daar-naast ook ontwikkelingen in de handel in visproducten met het buitenland. Over de visteeltsector wordt niet gerapporteerd vanwege gebrek aan actuele gege-vens. This annual report on Dutch fisheries contains data on the business results and the financial position of cutter fishing in 2007 and an outlook for 2008, with comparative figures from previous years. Alongside the economic data of cutter fishing, results of large-scale high sea fishing, mollusc culture, oyster culture and developments in foreign trade of fishery products are also examined. The aquaculture sector is not examined due to lack of information about the sector

    Visserij in cijfers 2009

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    Deze jaarlijkse rapportage over de Nederlandse visserij bevat gegevens over de bedrijfsresultaten en financiële positie van de kottervisserij in 2008 met ramingen voor 2009, en met vergelijkende cijfers van voorgaande jaren. Naast de bedrijfseconomische gegevens van de kottervisserij wordt ook ingegaan op uitkomsten van de overige kleine zeevisserijvloot, op resultaten van de grote zeevisserij, de mosselcultuur en de oestersector en daarnaast ook op ontwikkelingen in de handel in visproducten met het buitenland. Over de visteeltsector wordt niet gerapporteerd vanwege gebrek aan actuele gegevens. This annual report about Dutch fisheries contains data about the business results and financial position of cutter fisheries in 2008, with estimates for 2009 and comparative figures from previous years. Besides economic data relating to cutter fisheries, the report also studies the net results of the other small high seas fishing fleet, the results of large high seas fisheries, mussel farming and the oyster sector, as well as developments in international trade in fish products. The report does not address the fish farming sector due to lack of current data

    Bedrijfsovername : checklist bedrijfsopvolging en -overdracht

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    Deze publicatie voorziet in een checklijstlijst voor bedrijfsopvolging en –overdracht ten aanzien van de Nederlandse kottersector. Aandacht wordt geschonken aan: algemene vragen, waardebepaling, financiering en fiscale aspecten. Toegevoegd zijn relevante literatuur en websites

    Noordzeevissers verkopen hun vis zelf via internet : VersvandeVisser.nl

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    Vissers kunnen via internet, met een eigen ‘webmarket’, een aanzienlijk hogere omzet en een hogere marge per kilogram vis realiseren in vergelijking met de bestaande verkoopmethode via de visafslag. Met deze nieuwe afzetmogelijkheid in de keten voeren de vissers zelf de regie. De directe relatie met de klant die zo wordt gecreĂ«erd, stelt de visser in staat om meer klantgericht te gaan opereren. De in dit rapport kort uitgewerkte businesscase, webmarket “VersvandeVisser.nl”, verschaft Nederlandse Noordzeevissers inzicht 2 in de rollen, kosten en opbrengsten per ketenschakel. Hiermee is inzichtelijk gemaakt waar mogelijkheden voor vissers liggen om zelf binnen de keten een grotere rol te spelen in het vermarkten van duurzaam gevangen vis, waardoor betere opbrengsten kunnen worden gerealiseerd. Door aan te sluiten op een al opgezette webmarkettool, ’VersvandeKweker.nl’, zou in samenwerking met de visafslag in Scheveningen (UFA, United Fish Auctions) en andere partijen, een pilot moeten worden gestart om rechtstreeks (via internet) verse vis en garnalen aan consumenten en zakelijke klanten te verkopen

    Mitoxantrone in metastatic apudomas: a phase II study of the EORTC Gastro-Intestinal Cancer Cooperative Group.

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    We performed a phase II study with mitoxantrone in patients with carcinoid tumours, islet cell tumours and medullary carcinomas of the thyroid. Thirty-five eligible patients received mitoxantrone 12 mg m-2 i.v. every 3 weeks. Among 18 previously untreated patients, three responded (17%, 95% CI = 4-41%); no responses were achieved in 17 previously treated patients. Of the 21 patients who had carcinoid tumours, 11 were previously untreated and two achieved a response (18%, 95% CI = 2-52%). Overall response rate was 9% (95% CI = 2-23%). At a median follow-up of 43 months, median overall survival was 16 months. The median survival of 21 patients with a normal alkaline phosphatase was 29 months and 9 months for 14 patients with elevated serum levels (P = 0.005). A similar observation was noticed for gamma-glutamyltransferase (P = 0.007). We concluded that mitoxantrone is not active in APUD tumours. Elevated alkaline phosphatase and gamma-glutamyltransferase are associated with a poor prognosis

    Visserij in Cijfers 2007

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    Deze jaarlijkse rapportage over de Nederlandse visserij bevat gegevens over de be-drijfsresultaten en financiële positie van de kottervisserij in 2006 met ramingen voor 2007, met vergelijkende cijfers van voorgaande jaren. Naast de bedrijfseconomische gegevens van de kottervisserij, wordt ook ingegaan op resultaten van de grote zeevis-serij, de mosselcultuur, belangrijke onderdelen van de visteeltsector en daarnaast ook ontwikkelingen in de buitenlandse handel in visproducten. This annual report on Dutch fisheries contains data on the business results and the fi-nancial position of cutter fishing in 2006 and an outlook for 2007, with comparative figures from previous years. Alongside the economic data of cutter fishing, results of large-scale high sea fishing, mollusc culture, some most important parts of aquaculture sector and developments in foreign trade of fishery products are also examined

    Early prediction of severe retinopathy of prematurity requiring laser treatment using physiological data

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    Background Early risk stratification for developing retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is essential for tailoring screening strategies and preventing abnormal retinal development. This study aims to examine the ability of physiological data during the first postnatal month to distinguish preterm infants with and without ROP requiring laser treatment. Methods In this cohort study, preterm infants with a gestational age <32 weeks and/or birth weight <1500 g, who were screened for ROP were included. Differences in the physiological data between the laser and non-laser group were identified, and tree-based classification models were trained and independently tested to predict ROP requiring laser treatment. Results In total, 208 preterm infants were included in the analysis of whom 30 infants (14%) required laser treatment. Significant differences were identified in the level of hypoxia and hyperoxia, oxygen requirement, and skewness of heart rate. The best model had a balanced accuracy of 0.81 (0.72–0.87), a sensitivity of 0.73 (0.64–0.81), and a specificity of 0.88 (0.80–0.93) and included the SpO2/FiO2 ratio and baseline demographics (including gestational age and birth weight). Conclusions Routinely monitored physiological data from preterm infants in the first postnatal month are already predictive of later development of ROP requiring laser treatment, although validation is required in larger cohorts. Impact Routinely monitored physiological data from the first postnatal month are predictive of later development of ROP requiring laser treatment, although model performance was not significantly better than baseline characteristics (gestational age, birth weight, sex, multiple birth, prenatal glucocorticosteroids, route of delivery, and Apgar scores) alone. A balanced accuracy of 0.81 (0.72–0.87), a sensitivity of 0.73 (0.64–0.81), and a specificity of 0.88 (0.80–0.93) was achieved with a model including the SpO2/FiO2 ratio and baseline characteristics. Physiological data have potential to play a significant role for future ROP prediction and provide opportunities for early interventions to protect infants from abnormal retinal development

    Bioavailability and toxicity after oral administration of m-iodobenzylguanidine (MIBG)

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    meta-iodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) radiolabelled with iodine-131 is used for diagnosis and treatment of neuroadrenergic neoplasms such as phaeochromocytoma and neuroblastoma. In addition, non-radiolabelled MIBG, administered i.v., is used in several clinical studies. These include palliation of the carcinoid syndrome, in which MIBG proved to be effective in 60% of the patients. Oral MIBG administration might be convenient to maintain palliation and possibly improve the percentage of responders. We have, therefore, investigated the feasibility of oral administration of MIBG in an animal model. Orally administered MIBG demonstrated a bioavailability of 59%, with a maximal tolerated dose of 60 mg kg−1. The first and only toxicity encountered was a decrease in renal function, measured by a reduced clearance of [51Cr]EDTA and accompanied by histological tubular damage. Repeated MIBG administration of 40 mg kg−1for 5 sequential days or of 20 mg kg−1for two courses of 5 sequential days with a 2-day interval did not affect renal clearance and was not accompanied by histological abnormalities in kidney, stomach, intestines, liver, heart, lungs, thymus, salivary glands and testes. Because of a sufficient bioavailability in absence of gastrointestinal toxicity, MIBG is considered suitable for further clinical investigation of repeated oral administration in patients. 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    A metric for predicting binaural speech intelligibility in stationary noise and competing speech maskers

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    One criterion in the design of binaural sound scenes in audio production is the extent to which the intended speech message is correctly understood. Object-based audio broadcasting systems have permitted sound editors to gain more access to the metadata (e.g., intensity and location) of each sound source, providing better control over speech intelligibility. The current study describes and evaluates a binaural distortion-weighted glimpse proportion metric -- BiDWGP -- which is motivated by better-ear glimpsing and binaural masking level differences. BiDWGP predicts intelligibility from two alternative input forms: either binaural recordings or monophonic recordings from each sound source along with their locations. Two listening experiments were performed with stationary noise and competing speech, one in the presence of a single masker, the other with multiple maskers, for a variety of spatial conïŹgurations. Overall, BiDWGP with both input forms predicts listener keyword scores with correlations of 0.95 and 0.91 for single- and multi-masker conditions, respectively. When considering masker type separately, correlations rise to 0.95 and above for both types of maskers. Predictions using the two input forms are very similar, suggesting that BiDWGP can be applied to the design of sound scenes where only individual sound sources and their locations are available
