66 research outputs found

    Towards a verified compiler prototype for the synchronous language SIGNAL

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    International audienceSIGNAL belongs to the synchronous languages family which are widely used in the design of safety-critical real-time systems such as avionics, space systems, and nuclear power plants. This paper reports a compiler prototype for SIGNAL. Compared with the existing SIGNAL compiler, we propose a new intermediate representation (named S-CGA, a variant of clocked guarded actions), to integrate more synchronous programs into our compiler prototype in the future. The front-end of the compiler, i.e., the translation from SIGNAL to S-CGA, is presented. As well, the proof of semantics preservation is mechanized in the theorem prover Coq. Moreover, we present the back-end of the compiler, including sequential code generation and multithreaded code generation with time-predictable properties. With the rising importance of multi-core processors in safety-critical embedded systems or cyber-physical systems (CPS), there is a growing need for model-driven generation of multithreaded code and thus mapping on multi-core. We propose a time-predictable multi-core architecture model in architecture analysis and design language (AADL), and map the multi-threaded code to this model


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    Reachability analysis is difficult for hybrid automata with affine differential equations, because the reach set needs to be approximated. Promising abstraction techniques usually employ interval methods or template polyhedra. Interval methods account for dense time and guarantee soundness, and there are interval-based tools that overapproximate affine flowpipes. But interval methods impose bounded and rigid shapes, which make refinement expensive and fixpoint detection difficult. Template polyhedra, on the other hand, can be adapted flexibly and can be unbounded, but sound template refinement for unbounded reachability analysis has been implemented only for systems with piecewise constant dynamics. We capitalize on the advantages of both techniques, combining interval arithmetic and template polyhedra, using the former to abstract time and the latter to abstract space. During a CEGAR loop, whenever a spurious error trajectory is found, we compute additional space constraints and split time intervals, and use these space-time interpolants to eliminate the counterexample. Space-time interpolation offers a lazy, flexible framework for increasing precision while guaranteeing soundness, both for error avoidance and fixpoint detection. To the best of out knowledge, this is the first abstraction refinement scheme for the reachability analysis over unbounded and dense time of affine hybrid systems, which is both sound and automatic. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithm with several benchmark examples, which cannot be handled by other tools


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    We address the problem of analyzing the reachable set of a polynomial nonlinear continuous system by over-approximating the flowpipe of its dynamics. The common approach to tackle this problem is to perform a numerical integration over a given time horizon based on Taylor expansion and interval arithmetic. However, this method results to be very conservative when there is a large difference in speed between trajectories as time progresses. In this paper, we propose to use combinations of barrier functions, which we call piecewise barrier tube (PBT), to over-approximate flowpipe. The basic idea of PBT is that for each segment of a flowpipe, a coarse box which is big enough to contain the segment is constructed using sampled simulation and then in the box we compute by linear programming a set of barrier functions (called barrier tube or BT for short) which work together to form a tube surrounding the flowpipe. The benefit of using PBT is that (1) BT is independent of time and hence can avoid being stretched and deformed by time; and (2) a small number of BTs can form a tight over-approximation for the flowpipe, which means that the computation required to decide whether the BTs intersect the unsafe set can be reduced significantly. We implemented a prototype called PBTS in C++. Experiments on some benchmark systems show that our approach is effective

    A Calculus of Stochastic Systems: Specification, Simulation, and Hidden State Estimation

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    In this paper, we consider mixed systems containing both stochastic and nonstochastic components. To compose such systems, we introduce a general combinator which allows the specification of an arbitrary mixed system in terms of elementary components of only two types. Thus, systems are obtained hierarchically, by composing subsystems, where each subsystem can be viewed as an "increment" in the decomposition of the full system. The resulting mixed stochastic system specifications are generally not "executable", since they do not necessarily permit the incremental simulation of the system variables. Such a simulation requires compiling the dependency relations existing between the system variables. Another issue involves finding the most likely internal states of a stochastic system from a set of observations. We provide a small set of primitives for transforming mixed systems, which allows the solution of the two problems of incremental simulation and estimation of stochastic sys..

    A Calculus of Stochastic Systems for the Specification, Simulation, and Hidden State Estimation of Mixed Stochastic/Non-stochastic Systems

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    In this paper, we consider mixed systems containing both stochastic and non-stochastic 1 components. To compose such systems, we introduce a general combinator which allows the specification of an arbitrary mixed system in terms of elementary components of only two types. Thus, systems are obtained hierarchically, by composing subsystems, where each subsystem can be viewed as an "increment" in the decomposition of the full system. The resulting mixed stochastic system specifications are generally not "executable", since they do not necessarily permit the incremental simulation of the system variables. Such a simulation requires compiling the dependency relations existing between the system variables. Another issue involves finding the most likely internal states of a stochastic system from a set of observations. We provide a small set of primitives for transforming mixed systems, which allows the solution of the two problems of incremental simulation and estimation of stocha..

    LTSs for Translation Validation of (multi-clocked) Signal specifications

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    International audienceDesign of critical embedded systems demands for guarantees on the reliability of the implementation/compilation of a specification. In general, this guarantee takes either the form of a certified compiler, or the validation of each translation. Here we adopt the translation validation approach. In particular, we translate both the Signal specification and the associated C simulator into LTSs. Then, an appropriate (successful) preorder test between both LTSs can be interpreted as a refinement between the C implementation and its source Signal specification, otherwise, counter-examples are generated automatically. The feasibility of our approach is shown through examples

    A Calculus of Stochastic Systems for the Specification, Simulation, and Hidden State Estimation of Hybrid Stochastic/Non-stochastic Systems

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    : In this paper, we consider hybrid systems containing both stochastic and nonstochastic components. To compose such systems, we introduce a general combinator which allows the specification of an arbitrary hybrid system in terms of elementary components of only two types. Thus, systems are obtained hierarchically, by composing subsystems, where each subsystem can be viewed as an "increment" in the decomposition of the full system. The resulting hybrid stochastic system specifications are generally not "executable", since they do not necessarily permit the incremental simulation of the system variables. Such a simulation requires compiling the dependency relations existing between the system variables. Another issue involves finding the most likely internal states of a stochastic system from a set of observations. We provide a small set of primitives for transforming hybrid systems, which allows the solution of the two problems of incremental simulation and estimation of stochastic sys..

    Spaceex: Scalable verification of hybrid systems

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    Abstract. We present a scalable reachability algorithm for hybrid systems with piecewise affine, non-deterministic dynamics. It combines polyhedra and support function representations of continuous sets to compute an over-approximation of the reachable states. The algorithm improves over previous work by using variable time steps to guarantee a given local error bound. In addition, we propose an improved approximation model, which drastically improves the accuracy of the algorithm. The algorithm is implemented as part of SpaceEx, a new verification platform for hybrid systems, available at spaceex.imag.fr. Experimental results of full fixed-point computations with hybrid systems with more than 100 variables illustrate the scalability of the approach.
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