2,680 research outputs found

    Spin diffusion of correlated two-spin states in a dielectric crystal

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    Reciprocal space measurements of spin diffusion in a single crystal of calcium fluoride (CaF2_2) have been extended to dipolar ordered states. The experimental results for the component of the spin diffusion parallel with the external field are DD=29±3×1012D_{D}^{||}=29 \pm 3 \times 10^{-12} cm2^{2}/s for the [001] direction and DD=33±4×1012D_{D}^{||}=33 \pm 4 \times 10^{-12} cm2^{2}/s for the [111] direction. The diffusion rates for dipolar order are significantly faster than those for Zeeman order and are considerably faster than predicted by simple theoretical models. It is suggested that constructive interference in the transport of the two spin state is responsible for this enhancement. As expected the anisotropy in the diffusion rates is observed to be significantly less for dipolar order compared to the Zeeman case.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Resubmitted to PRL - new figure added / discussion expande

    Justice Story Cuts the Gordian Knot of Hung Jury Instructions

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    Constitutional law grows more complex over time. The complexity is due, in large part, to the rule of stare decisis. When faced with precedents that it does not wish to follow, the Court usually distinguishes the case before it. Thus, the constitutional landscape is littered with cases that do not fit well together. Navigating past these shoals is often difficult for courts following the Supreme Court’s lead. One example is the law governing instructions that a trial judge can give a deadlocked jury in a criminal case. The right to a jury trial entails the right to have the jury reach a verdict without pressure from the judge, but giving voice to that principle has resulted in a bewildering array of approved instructions. This article argues that the law of 1824, manifested in Justice Story’s opinion in United States v. Perez, was superior to today’s morass. In 1824, judges had virtually uncontrolled discretion to decide when to declare a hung jury. We argue for a return to 1824 with one twist: that judges give deadlocked juries the instruction: “Please continue to deliberate.” This simple change will result in fewer hung juries and far fewer appeals about whether the instructions were too coercive

    Conditions for the Quantum to Classical Transition: Trajectories vs. Phase Space Distributions

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    We contrast two sets of conditions that govern the transition in which classical dynamics emerges from the evolution of a quantum system. The first was derived by considering the trajectories seen by an observer (dubbed the ``strong'' transition) [Bhattacharya, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 85: 4852 (2000)], and the second by considering phase-space densities (the ``weak'' transition) [Greenbaum, et al., Chaos 15, 033302 (2005)]. On the face of it these conditions appear rather different. We show, however, that in the semiclassical regime, in which the action of the system is large compared to \hbar, and the measurement noise is small, they both offer an essentially equivalent local picture. Within this regime, the weak conditions dominate while in the opposite regime where the action is not much larger than Planck's constant, the strong conditions dominate.Comment: 8 pages, 2 eps figure

    Parameter scaling in the decoherent quantum-classical transition for chaotic systems

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    The quantum to classical transition has been shown to depend on a number of parameters. Key among these are a scale length for the action, \hbar, a measure of the coupling between a system and its environment, DD, and, for chaotic systems, the classical Lyapunov exponent, λ\lambda. We propose computing a measure, reflecting the proximity of quantum and classical evolutions, as a multivariate function of (,λ,D)(\hbar,\lambda,D) and searching for transformations that collapse this hyper-surface into a function of a composite parameter ζ=αλβDγ\zeta = \hbar^{\alpha}\lambda^{\beta}D^{\gamma}. We report results for the quantum Cat Map, showing extremely accurate scaling behavior over a wide range of parameters and suggest that, in general, the technique may be effective in constructing universality classes in this transition.Comment: Submitte

    Mixed-Meal Tolerance Test Versus Glucagon Stimulation Test for the Assessment of β-Cell Function in Therapeutic Trials in Type 1 Diabetes

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    OBJECTIVE—β-Cell function in type 1 diabetes clinical trials is commonly measured by C-peptide response to a secretagogue in either a mixed-meal tolerance test (MMTT) or a glucagon stimulation test (GST). The Type 1 Diabetes TrialNet Research Group and the European C-peptide Trial (ECPT) Study Group conducted parallel randomized studies to compare the sensitivity, reproducibility, and tolerability of these procedures

    Reversible Intercalation of Fluoride-Anion Receptor Complexes in Graphite

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    We have demonstrated a route to reversibly intercalate fluoride-anion receptor complexes in graphite via a nonaqueous electrochemical process. This approach may find application for a rechargeable lithium–fluoride dual-ion intercalating battery with high specific energy. The cell chemistry presented here uses graphite cathodes with LiF dissolved in a nonaqueous solvent through the aid of anion receptors. Cells have been demonstrated with reversible cathode specific capacity of approximately 80 mAh/g at discharge plateaus of upward of 4.8 V, with graphite staging of the intercalant observed via in situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction during charging. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and 11B nuclear magnetic resonance studies suggest that co-intercalation of the anion receptor with the fluoride occurs during charging, which likely limits the cathode specific capacity. The anion receptor type dictates the extent of graphite fluorination, and must be further optimized to realize high theoretical fluorination levels. To find these optimal anion receptors, we have designed an ab initio calculations-based scheme aimed at identifying receptors with favorable fluoride binding and release properties

    The Moab Mill Project

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    This study evaluates the analyses by the Department of Energy (DOE) concerning flood flows on the Colorado River in the vicinity of the Moab Mill Project Site at Moab, Utah (former Atlas Uranium Mill), and other relevant information regarding the erosional potential of the Colorado River during an extreme flood event. Specifically, the evaluations address probable maximum floods by investigating paleoflood deposits upstream of the uranium mill tailings pile, in addition to historic river channel migration in the vicinity of the pile. Concerned citizens of Moab and Grand County understood the uranium tailings pile (12 million tons) adjacent to the Colorado River posed a serious health hazard for residents, visitors, downstream water consumers, and endangered species. In 2004 it appeared certain that the DOE would mitigate this hazardous material by stabilizing and armoring the tailings pile in place alongside the Colorado River. This research was completed money allocated during Round 6 of the Citizens’ Monitoring and Technical Assessment Fund (MTA Fund). Clark University was named conservator of these works. If you have any questions or concerns please contact us at [email protected]://commons.clarku.edu/livingrivers/1000/thumbnail.jp

    Hydrodynamic approach to coherent nuclear spin transport

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    We develop a linear response formalism for nuclear spin diffusion in a dipolar coupled solid. The theory applies to the high-temperature, long-wavelength regime studied in the recent experiments of Boutis et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 137201 (2004)], which provided direct measurement of interspin energy diffusion in such a system. A systematic expansion of Kubo's formula in the flip-flop term of the Hamiltonian is used to calculate the diffusion coefficients. We show that this approach is equivalent to the method of Lowe and Gade [Phys. Rev. 156, 817 (1967)] and Kaplan [Phys. Rev. B 2, 4578 (1970)], but has several calculational and conceptual advantages. Although the lowest orders in this expansion agree with the experimental results for magnetization diffusion, this is not the case for energy diffusion. Possible reasons for this disparity are suggested.Comment: 7 pages, REVTeX4; Published Versio

    The lithospheric mantle and lower crust-mantle relationships under Scotland: a xenolithic perspective

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    In the British Isles the majority of volcanic rocks containing upper mantle and lower crustal xenoliths occur in Scotland. Most of the occurrences are of Carboniferous–Permian age. This paper presents new data on the mineral chemistry of spinel lherzolite xenoliths from the five principal Scottish tectonic terranes. Compositional variations among the minerals emphasize the broad lateral heterogeneity of the subcontinental lithospheric mantle across the region. The remarkable range of Al2O3 v. CaO exhibited by the clinopyroxenes compared with data from other ‘xenolith provinces' emphasizes the extremely complex tectonomagmatic history of the Scottish lithosphere. The generalized age increase from southern and central Scotland to the Northern Highland and Hebridean terranes of the north and NW, with concomitant complexity of geological history, is reflected also by trace element and isotopic studies. Reaction relationships in lherzolites from the Hebridean Terrane, owing to pervasive metasomatism, involve secondary growth of sodic feldspar. This, and light REE enrichment of clinopyroxenes, points to involvement of a natro-carbonatitic melt. Most pyroxenitic xenoliths are inferred to form a basal crustal layer with a generally sharp discontinuity above the underlying (dominantly lherzolitic) mantle. A second discontinuity is inferred to separate these ultramafic cumulates from overlying, broadly cognate metagabbroic cumulates