1,272 research outputs found

    Practical and validated tool to assess falls risk in the primary care setting:A systematic review

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    Objective: Although several falls risk assessment tools are available, it is unclear which have been validated and which would be most suitable for primary care practices. This systematic review aims to identify the most suitable falls risk assessment tool for the primary care setting (ie, requires limited time, no expensive equipment and no additional space) and that has good predictive performance in the assessment of falls risk among older people living independently. Design: A systematic review based on prospective studies. Methods: An extensive search was conducted in the following databases: PubMed, Embase, CINAHL, Cochrane and PsycINFO. Tools were excluded if they required expensive and/or advanced software that is not usually available in primary care units and if they had not been validated in at least three different studies. Of 2492 articles published between January 2000 and July 2020, 27 were included. Results: Six falls risk assessment tools were identified: Timed Up and Go (TUG) test, Gait Speed test, Berg Balance Scale, Performance Oriented Mobility Assessment, Functional Reach test and falls history. Most articles reported area under the curve (AUC) values ranging from 0.5 to 0.7 for these tools. Sensitivity and specificity varied substantially across studies (eg, TUG, sensitivity:10%–83.3%, specificity:28.4%–96.6%). Conclusions: Given that none of the falls risk assessment tools had sufficient predictive performance (AUC <0.7), other ways of assessing high falls risk among independently living older people in primary care should be investigated. For now, the most suitable way to assess falls risk in the primary care setting appears to involve asking patients about their falls history. Compared with the other five tools, the falls history requires the least amount of time, no expensive equipment, no training and no spatial adjustments. The clinical judgement of healthcare professionals continues to be most important, as it enables the identification of high falls risk even for patients with no falls history. Trial registraion number: The Netherlands Trial Register, NL7917; Pre-results

    Clinical implications of vitamin B<sub>12</sub> as redox-active cofactor

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    Vitamin B12 is a redox-active compound containing a cobalt atom that cycles between oxidation states. Superoxide scavenging induces its oxidation, disabling activation of the enzymes methionine synthase and methylmalonyl-CoA mutase, disrupting gene expression and energy production. High-dosed vitamin B12 may be clinically used to reduce oxidative stress and preserve cofactor functions

    Perceived barriers and facilitators of the implementation of a combined lifestyle intervention with a financial incentive for chronically ill patients

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    Background  This study aims to describe barriers and facilitators of the implementation of a combined lifestyle intervention (CLI) in primary care for patients with chronic disease. The aim of CLI to help patients to create a healthy lifestyle and to maintain this healthy lifestyle. During a CLI a patient receives advice and counselling to improve health-related behavior such as physical activity and diet. Special attention was given to the influence of adding a health promoting financial incentive (HPFI) for the participants to the CLI.  Methods  Twenty-four semi-structured interviews within six care groups were performed between July and October 2017. The interviews were transcribed verbatim and coded by two researchers independently.  Results  Respondents mentioned several preferred characteristics of the CLI such as easy accessibility of the intervention site and the presence of health care professionals during exercise sessions. Moreover, factors that could influence implementation (such as attitude of the health care professionals) and preconditions for a successful implementation of a CLI (such as structural funding and good infrastructure) were identified. Overall, positive HPFIs (e.g. a reward) were preferred over negative HPFIs (e.g. a fine). According to the respondents, HPFIs could positively influence the degree of participation, and break down barriers for participating in and finishing the CLI.  Conclusions  Multiple barriers and facilitators for successful implementation of a CLI were identified. For successful implementing CLIs, a positive attitude of all stakeholders is essential and specific preconditions should be fulfilled. With regard to adding a HPFI, more research is needed to identify the attitude of specific target groups towards an HPFI

    Electronic properties of graphene antidot lattices

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    Graphene antidot lattices constitute a novel class of nano-engineered graphene devices with controllable electronic and optical properties. An antidot lattice consists of a periodic array of holes that causes a band gap to open up around the Fermi level, turning graphene from a semimetal into a semiconductor. We calculate the electronic band structure of graphene antidot lattices using three numerical approaches with different levels of computational complexity, efficiency and accuracy. Fast finite-element solutions of the Dirac equation capture qualitative features of the band structure, while full tight-binding calculations and density functional theory (DFT) are necessary for more reliable predictions of the band structure. We compare the three computational approaches and investigate the role of hydrogen passivation within our DFT scheme

    Implementation and evaluation of a fall risk screening strategy among frail older adults for the primary care setting:A study protocol

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    Background: Falls are an increasing problem among older people. There are several evidence-based interventions available to prevent falls. However, these are not always well implemented in the primary care setting. General practitioners (GPs) are often the first point of contact for health issues, making them the designated professionals for providing falls prevention. Because GPs are often unaware which patients have a high fall risk and patients themselves do not always know they have a high fall risk, this study aims to evaluate the implementation of a targeted fall risk screening strategy among independently living, frail older people in the primary care setting. Materials and methods: The targeted fall risk screening strategy used in this study consists of tools for screening high fall risk and for identifying the underlying cause(s) of the high fall risk, an accredited training course in falls prevention for professionals, and service provision by certified physio- and exercise therapists who are able to offer evidence-based falls prevention interventions. This targeted fall risk screening strategy will be implemented in the primary care setting and evaluated at the level of the GP practice and at the level of the patient by using the RE-AIM model of Glasgow et al. In a pre-posttest design, data will be collected of the total number of frail older people who are screened, referred and enrolled for fall-preventive care. Furthermore, barriers and facilitators of the implementation of the fall risk screening strategy will be identified by conducting focus groups and interviews with the care providers and frail older patients. Additionally, the influence of the falls prevention interventions on frail older patients will be evaluated by using a pre-posttest design with a 12-month follow-up period during which data are collected regarding patients' stability, mobility, strength, balance, self-efficacy, health status, and daily activities. Study Registration: This study is approved by the Medical Ethics Committee Brabant, the Netherlands (NL61582.028.17/ P1732) and registered at the Netherlands Trial Register, NL7917

    Chronically ill patients' preferences for a financial incentive in a lifestyle intervention. Results of a discrete choice experiment

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    Background The preferences of diabetes type 2 patients and cardiovascular disease patients for a financial incentive added to a specified combined lifestyle intervention were investigated. Methods A discrete choice experiment questionnaire was filled out by 290 diabetes type 2 patients (response rate 29.9%). Panel-mixed-logit models were used to estimate the preferences for a financial incentive. Potential uptake rates of different financial incentives and relative importance scores of the included attributes were estimated. Included attributes and levels were: form of the incentive (cash money and different types of vouchers), value of the incentive (ranging from 15 to 100 euros), moment the incentive is received (start, halfway, after finishing the intervention) and prerequisite for receiving the incentive (registration, attendance or results at group or individual level). Results Prerequisites for receiving the financial incentive were the most important attribute, according to the respondents. Potential uptake rates for different financial incentives ranged between 37.9% and 58.8%. The latter uptake rate was associated with a financial incentive consisting of cash money with a value of €100 that is handed out after completing the lifestyle program with the prerequisite that the participant attended at least 75% of the scheduled meetings. Conclusions The potential uptake of the different financial incentives varied between 37.9% and 58.8%. The value of the incentive does not significantly influence the potential uptake. However, the potential uptake and associated potential effect of the financial incentive is influenced by the type of financial incentive. The preferred type of incentive is €100 in cash money, awarded after completing the lifestyle program if the participant attended at least 75% of the scheduled meetings

    Distinct Differences on Neointima Formation in Immunodeficient and Humanized Mice after Carotid or Femoral Arterial Injury

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    Percutaneous coronary intervention is widely adopted to treat patients with coronary artery disease. However, restenosis remains an unsolved clinical problem after vascular interventions. The role of the systemic and local immune response in the development of restenosis is not fully understood. Hence, the aim of the current study was to investigate the role of the human immune system on subsequent neointima formation elicited by vascular injury in a humanized mouse model. Immunodeficient NOD.Cg-PrkdcscidIL2rgtm1Wjl(NSG) mice were reconstituted with human (h)PBMCs immediately after both carotid wire and femoral cuff injury were induced in order to identify how differences in the severity of injury influenced endothelial regeneration, neointima formation, and homing of human inflammatory and progenitor cells. In contrast to non-reconstituted mice, hPBMC reconstitution reduced neointima formation after femoral cuff injury whereas hPBMCs promoted neointima formation after carotid wire injury 4 weeks after induction of injury. Neointimal endothelium and smooth muscle cells in the injured arteries were of mouse origin. Our results indicate that the immune system may differentially respond to arterial injury depending on the severity of injury, which may also be influenced by the intrinsic properties of the arteries themselves, resulting in either minimal or aggravated neointima formation

    Intra-arterial tert-Butyl-Hydroperoxide Infusion Induces an Exacerbated Sensory Response in the Rat Hind Limb and is Associated with an Impaired Tissue Oxygen Uptake

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    The objective of this study was to investigate oxidative stress and oxygen extraction mechanisms in an animal model of continuous intra-arterial infusion of a free radical donor and in an in vitro model using isolated mitochondria. tert-Butyl-hydroperoxide (tert-BuOOH, 25 mM) was infused for 24 h in the left hind limb of rats to induce soft tissue damage (n = 8). After 7 days, we assessed local sensory response, tissue oxygen consumption, oxygen radicals, and antioxidant levels. In vitro mitochondrial function was measured after stimulation of isolated mitochondria of skeletal muscle cells with increasing doses of tert-BuOOH. tert-BuOOH infusion resulted in an increased skin temperature (p = 0.04), impaired function, and a significantly increased pain sensation (p = 0.03). Venous oxygen saturation levels (p = 0.01) and the antioxidant ceruloplasmin (p = 0.04) were increased. tert-BuOOH inhibited mitochondrial function in vitro. Induction of free radical formation in the rat hind limb results in an exacerbated sensory response and is associated with impaired oxygen extraction, which likely results from mitochondrial dysfunction caused by free radicals

    Prolonged ex-vivo normothermic kidney perfusion:The impact of perfusate composition

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    Normothermic machine perfusion (NMP) of donor kidneys provides the opportunity for improved graft preservation and objective pre-transplant ex-vivo organ assessment. Currently, a multitude of perfusion solutions exist for renal NMP. This study aimed to evaluate four different perfusion solutions side-by-side and determine the influence of different perfusate compositions on measured renal perfusion parameters. Porcine kidneys and blood were obtained from a slaughterhouse. Kidneys underwent NMP at 37°C for 7 hours, with 4 different perfusion solutions (n = 5 per group). Group 1 consisted of red blood cells (RBCs) and a perfusion solution based on Williams' Medium E. Group 2 consisted of RBCs, albumin and a balanced electrolyte composition. Group 3 contained RBCs and a medium based on a British clinical NMP solution. Group 4 contained RBCs and a medium used in 24-hour perfusion experiments. NMP flow patterns for solutions 1 and 2 were similar, solutions 3 and 4 showed lower but more stable flow rates. Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances were significantly higher in solution 1 and 4 compared to the other groups. Levels of injury marker N-acetyl-β-D glucosaminidase were significantly lower in solution 2 in comparison with solution 3 and 4. This study illustrates that the perfusate composition during NMP significantly impacts the measured perfusion and injury parameters and thus affects the interpretation of potential viability markers. Further research is required to investigate the individual influences of principal perfusate components to determine the most optimal conditions during NMP and eventually develop universal organ assessment criteria

    Plasma Free Thiol Levels during Early Sepsis Predict Future Renal Function Decline

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    Sepsis is a life-threatening syndrome characterized by acute organ dysfunction due to infection. In particular, acute kidney injury (AKI) is common among patients with sepsis and is associated with increased mortality and morbidity. Oxidative stress is an important contributor to the pathogenesis of sepsis-related AKI. Plasma free thiols (R-SH) reflect systemic oxidative stress since they are readily oxidized by reactive species and thereby serve as antioxidants. Here, we aimed to assess the concentrations of serum free thiols in sepsis and associate these with major adverse kidney events (MAKE). Adult non-trauma patients who presented at the emergency department (ED) with a suspected infection were included. Free thiol levels and ischemia-modified albumin (IMA), a marker of oxidative stress, were measured in plasma at baseline, at the ward, and at three months, and one year after hospitalization. Plasma free thiol levels were lower at the ED visit and at the ward as compared to three months and one year after hospital admission (p < 0.01). On the contrary, plasma levels of IMA were higher at the ED and at the ward compared to three months and one year after hospital admission (p < 0.01). Furthermore, univariate logistic regression analyses showed that plasma free thiol levels at the ED were inversely associated with long-term renal function decline and survival at 90 days (MAKE90) and 365 days (MAKE365) (OR 0.43 per standard deviation [SD] [0.22-0.82, 95% CI], p = 0.011 and OR 0.58 per SD [0.34-0.96, 95% CI], p = 0.035, respectively). A multivariate regression analysis revealed an independent association of plasma free thiols at the ED (OR 0.52 per SD [0.29-0.93, 95% CI], p = 0.028) with MAKE365, even after adjustments for age, eGFR at the ED, SOFA score, and cardiovascular disease. These data indicate the clear role of oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of sepsis-AKI, as reflected in the lower plasma free thiol levels and increased levels of IMA