974 research outputs found

    Geostatistical analysis of an experimental stratigraphy

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    [1] A high-resolution stratigraphic image of a flume-generated deposit was scaled up to sedimentary basin dimensions where a natural log hydraulic conductivity (ln( K)) was assigned to each pixel on the basis of gray scale and conductivity end-members. The synthetic ln( K) map has mean, variance, and frequency distributions that are comparable to a natural alluvial fan deposit. A geostatistical analysis was conducted on selected regions of this map containing fluvial, fluvial/ floodplain, shoreline, turbidite, and deepwater sedimentary facies. Experimental ln(K) variograms were computed along the major and minor statistical axes and horizontal and vertical coordinate axes. Exponential and power law variogram models were fit to obtain an integral scale and Hausdorff measure, respectively. We conclude that the shape of the experimental variogram depends on the problem size in relation to the size of the local-scale heterogeneity. At a given problem scale, multilevel correlation structure is a result of constructing variogram with data pairs of mixed facies types. In multiscale sedimentary systems, stationary correlation structure may occur at separate scales, each corresponding to a particular hierarchy; the integral scale fitted thus becomes dependent on the problem size. The Hausdorff measure obtained has a range comparable to natural geological deposits. It increases from nonstratified to stratified deposits with an approximate cutoff of 0.15. It also increases as the number of facies incorporated in a problem increases. This implies that fractal characteristic of sedimentary rocks is both depositional process - dependent and problem-scale-dependent

    College-Ready Urban Black, Hispanic, and Biracial Students: Why Are They Not Applying to College?

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    The study explored reasons why Black, Hispanic, and Biracial, first generation high school seniors who wish to attend college, do not apply. The literature indicated that these populations have consistently lower rates of college enrollment and educational attainment than Whites and Asians (Ashburn, 2008). Enrollment challenges included deficiencies in the areas of academic readiness (Forster, 2006), college knowledge (Tierney & Venegas, 2009), parental engagement (Auerbach, 2007), access to guidance counselors (Farmer-Hinton & Holland, 2008), and social capital (Burleson, Hallett, & Park, 2008). Future growth rates in American higher education will be spurred by those who are least educated and most economically disadvantaged (Epstein & Parrot, 2009). ^ Research was conducted through the lens of social capital acquired through resources internal and external to school environments. The research questions explored how environmental factors positively or negatively influenced college aspirations, knowledge of college admissions and financial aid processes, and other enrollment challenges. ^ Phase one of this mixed methods sequential explanatory design study collected quantitative data from N=26 seniors from two high schools in New England using a 25 question college interest survey instrument. The survey results assisted with the selection of the final n=18 first generation students were college eligible , but had not yet applied. The survey results also facilitated the development of focus group questions for phase two. Participants for the focus groups totaled n=11; five from one high school and six from the other. Focus group questions were designed to more fully examine quantitative data results. ^ Results were analyzed with frequencies, percents, means, and standard deviations to describe levels of college knowledge, parental involvement of college processes, perceptions of college preparedness, participation in readiness activities, and counselor access. Primary findings indicated that concerns about college financing were constant, parents had low levels of involvement with college processes, few students had engaged in college support programs, and students relied heavily on counselors for college assistance. ^ Potential actions focus on community based support networks to increase parent learning opportunities, developing a guide to assist with basic college processes, and access to college campuses to provide students with information and experiential learning opportunities.

    HTC Scientific Computing in a Distributed Cloud Environment

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    This paper describes the use of a distributed cloud computing system for high-throughput computing (HTC) scientific applications. The distributed cloud computing system is composed of a number of separate Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) clouds that are utilized in a unified infrastructure. The distributed cloud has been in production-quality operation for two years with approximately 500,000 completed jobs where a typical workload has 500 simultaneous embarrassingly-parallel jobs that run for approximately 12 hours. We review the design and implementation of the system which is based on pre-existing components and a number of custom components. We discuss the operation of the system, and describe our plans for the expansion to more sites and increased computing capacity

    Sparrows can't sing : East End kith and kinship in the 1960s

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    Sparrows Can’t Sing (1963) was the only feature film directed by the late and much lamented Joan Littlewood. Set and filmed in the East End, where she worked for many years, the film deserves more attention than it has hitherto received. Littlewood’s career spanned documentary (radio recordings made with Ewan MacColl in the North of England in the 1930s) to directing for the stage and the running of the Theatre Royal in London’s Stratford East, often selecting material which aroused memories in local audiences (Leach 2006: 142). Many of the actors trained in her Theatre Workshop subsequently became better known for their appearances on film and television. Littlewood herself directed hardly any material for the screen: Sparrows Can’t Sing and a 1964 series of television commercials for the British Egg Marketing Board, starring Theatre Workshop’s Avis Bunnage, were rare excursions into an area of practice which she found constraining and unamenable (Gable 1980: 32). The hybridity and singularity of Littlewood’s feature may answer, in some degree, for its subsequent neglect. However, Sparrows Can’t Sing makes a significant contribution to a group of films made in Britain in the 1960s which comment generally on changes in the urban and social fabric. It is especially worthy of consideration, I shall argue, for the use which Littlewood made of a particular community’s attitudes – sentimental and critical – to such changes and for its amalgamation of an attachment to documentary techniques (recording an aural landscape on location) with a preference for nonnaturalistic delivery in performance
