4,042 research outputs found

    Automated Reasoning and Presentation Support for Formalizing Mathematics in Mizar

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    This paper presents a combination of several automated reasoning and proof presentation tools with the Mizar system for formalization of mathematics. The combination forms an online service called MizAR, similar to the SystemOnTPTP service for first-order automated reasoning. The main differences to SystemOnTPTP are the use of the Mizar language that is oriented towards human mathematicians (rather than the pure first-order logic used in SystemOnTPTP), and setting the service in the context of the large Mizar Mathematical Library of previous theorems,definitions, and proofs (rather than the isolated problems that are solved in SystemOnTPTP). These differences poses new challenges and new opportunities for automated reasoning and for proof presentation tools. This paper describes the overall structure of MizAR, and presents the automated reasoning systems and proof presentation tools that are combined to make MizAR a useful mathematical service.Comment: To appear in 10th International Conference on. Artificial Intelligence and Symbolic Computation AISC 201

    The Vampire and the FOOL

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    This paper presents new features recently implemented in the theorem prover Vampire, namely support for first-order logic with a first class boolean sort (FOOL) and polymorphic arrays. In addition to having a first class boolean sort, FOOL also contains if-then-else and let-in expressions. We argue that presented extensions facilitate reasoning-based program analysis, both by increasing the expressivity of first-order reasoners and by gains in efficiency

    TOOLympics 2019: An Overview of Competitions in Formal Methods

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    Evaluation of scientific contributions can be done in many different ways. For the various research communities working on the verification of systems (software, hardware, or the underlying involved mechanisms), it is important to bring together the community and to compare the state of the art, in order to identify progress of and new challenges in the research area. Competitions are a suitable way to do that. The first verification competition was created in 1992 (SAT competition), shortly followed by the CASC competition in 1996. Since the year 2000, the number of dedicated verification competitions is steadily increasing. Many of these events now happen regularly, gathering researchers that would like to understand how well their research prototypes work in practice. Scientific results have to be reproducible, and powerful computers are becoming cheaper and cheaper, thus, these competitions are becoming an important means for advancing research in verification technology. TOOLympics 2019 is an event to celebrate the achievements of the various competitions, and to understand their commonalities and differences. This volume is dedicated to the presentation of the 16 competitions that joined TOOLympics as part of the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the TACAS conference

    Premise Selection and External Provers for HOL4

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    Learning-assisted automated reasoning has recently gained popularity among the users of Isabelle/HOL, HOL Light, and Mizar. In this paper, we present an add-on to the HOL4 proof assistant and an adaptation of the HOLyHammer system that provides machine learning-based premise selection and automated reasoning also for HOL4. We efficiently record the HOL4 dependencies and extract features from the theorem statements, which form a basis for premise selection. HOLyHammer transforms the HOL4 statements in the various TPTP-ATP proof formats, which are then processed by the ATPs. We discuss the different evaluation settings: ATPs, accessible lemmas, and premise numbers. We measure the performance of HOLyHammer on the HOL4 standard library. The results are combined accordingly and compared with the HOL Light experiments, showing a comparably high quality of predictions. The system directly benefits HOL4 users by automatically finding proofs dependencies that can be reconstructed by Metis

    Can remote STI/HIV testing and eClinical Care be compatible with robust public health surveillance?

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    In this paper we outline the current data capture systems for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and sexually transmitted infection (STI) surveillance used by Public Health England (PHE), and how these will be affected by the introduction of novel testing platforms and changing patient pathways. We outline the Chlamydia Online Clinical Care Pathway (COCCP), developed as part of the Electronic Self-Testing for Sexually Transmitted Infections (eSTI(2)) Consortium, which ensures that surveillance data continue to be routinely collected and transmitted to PHE. We conclude that both novel diagnostic testing platforms and established data capture systems must be adaptable to ensure continued robust public health surveillance

    ENIGMA: Efficient Learning-based Inference Guiding Machine

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    ENIGMA is a learning-based method for guiding given clause selection in saturation-based theorem provers. Clauses from many proof searches are classified as positive and negative based on their participation in the proofs. An efficient classification model is trained on this data, using fast feature-based characterization of the clauses . The learned model is then tightly linked with the core prover and used as a basis of a new parameterized evaluation heuristic that provides fast ranking of all generated clauses. The approach is evaluated on the E prover and the CASC 2016 AIM benchmark, showing a large increase of E's performance.Comment: Submitted to LPAR 201

    First-Order Logic Theorem Proving and Model Building via Approximation and Instantiation

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    In this paper we consider first-order logic theorem proving and model building via approximation and instantiation. Given a clause set we propose its approximation into a simplified clause set where satisfiability is decidable. The approximation extends the signature and preserves unsatisfiability: if the simplified clause set is satisfiable in some model, so is the original clause set in the same model interpreted in the original signature. A refutation generated by a decision procedure on the simplified clause set can then either be lifted to a refutation in the original clause set, or it guides a refinement excluding the previously found unliftable refutation. This way the approach is refutationally complete. We do not step-wise lift refutations but conflicting cores, finite unsatisfiable clause sets representing at least one refutation. The approach is dual to many existing approaches in the literature because our approximation preserves unsatisfiability

    GRUNGE: A Grand Unified ATP Challenge

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    This paper describes a large set of related theorem proving problems obtained by translating theorems from the HOL4 standard library into multiple logical formalisms. The formalisms are in higher-order logic (with and without type variables) and first-order logic (possibly with multiple types, and possibly with type variables). The resultant problem sets allow us to run automated theorem provers that support different logical formats on corresponding problems, and compare their performances. This also results in a new "grand unified" large theory benchmark that emulates the ITP/ATP hammer setting, where systems and metasystems can use multiple ATP formalisms in complementary ways, and jointly learn from the accumulated knowledge.Comment: CADE 27 -- 27th International Conference on Automated Deductio