634 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Jalur Pedestrian Bagi Tunanetra Terhadap Persyaratan Teknis Di Koridor Jalan Sam Ratulangi Kota Manado

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    Jalur pedestrian merupakan salah satu ruang terbuka publik perkotaan harus dapat diakses oleh semua orang termasuk tunanetra. Salah satu jalur pedestrian bagi tunanetra terdapat di koridor Jalan Sam Ratulangi Manado, tetapi pada Kenyataan tunanetra masih dipandu oleh orang yang dapat melihat dalam berjalan kaki. Jalur pedestrian bagi tunanetra ternyata belum sepenuhnya mengikuti persyaratan perancangan , dimana terdapat empat asas dalam menyediakan fasilitas dan aksesibilitas bagi tunanetra sesuai dengan Peraturan Menteri PU No.30/PRT/M/2006 yaitu keselamatan, kemudahan, kegunaan, dan kemandirian. Penelitian ini menggunakan metodologi kuantitatif rasionalistik dengan pendekatan metode deduktif. Data di analisis secara kuantitatif berdasarkan skala Likert. Populasi tunanetra di kota Manado tahun 2016 berjumlah 198 yang dipilih 67 orang sampel. Lokasi penelitian dibagi menjadi 14 segmen. Variabel dan indikator penelitian terdiri dari: (1) kriteria keselamatan (indikator permukaan pedestrian, kanstein, pagar pengaman, naik/turun penumpang, shelter, kanopi, pohon/tanaman peneduh) dan (2) kriteria kemudahan (indikator ukuran dasar, jalur pemandu/(guiding block), jalur penghubung (ramp), tempat duduk/tempat istirahat, tanda/(sign), tempat sampah). Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa kondisi jalur pedestrian bagi tunanetra terhadap persyaratan teknis di koridor Jalan Sam Ratulangi Kota Manado dari kriteria keselamatan belum sepenuhnya menjamin keselamatan bagi pengguna terutama bagi tunanetra. Demikian pula halnya dari aspek kemudahan, bahwa pelaksanaan beberapa elemen trotoar yang tidak sesuai persyaratan teknis menjadi hambatan bagi pengguna khususnya bagi tunanetra dalam mobilitas. Untuk itu disarankan bagi Pemerintah kota Manado agar melakukan revitalisasi dengan cara menata kembali keberadaan elemen trotoar supaya sesuai dengan pedoman persyaratan teknis yang berlaku

    A Less-Biased Analysis of Metalloproteins Reveals Novel Zinc Coordination Geometries

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    Zinc metalloproteins are involved in many biological processes and play crucial biochemical roles across all domains of life. Local structure around the zinc ion, especially the coordination geometry (CG), is dictated by the protein sequence and is often directly related to the function of the protein. Current methodologies in characterizing zinc metalloproteins\u27 CG consider only previously reported CG models based mainly on nonbiological chemical context. Exceptions to these canonical CG models are either misclassified or discarded as outliers. Thus, we developed a less-biased method that directly handles potential exceptions without pre-assuming any CG model. Our study shows that numerous exceptions could actually be further classified and that new CG models are needed to characterize them. Also, these new CG models are cross-validated by strong correlation between independent structural and functional annotation distance metrics, which is partially lost if these new CGs models are ignored. Furthermore, these new CG models exhibit functional propensities distinct from the canonical CG models

    Aberrant Coordination Geometries Discovered in Most Abundant Metalloproteins

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    Metalloproteins play crucial biochemical roles in our body and are essential across all domains of life. The structural environment around a metal ion, especially the coordination geometry (CG), is both sequentially and functionally relevant. Studies of the metalloprotein’s CG will greatly help alleviate the imbalance between the ample sequence data available and the insufficient knowledge on protein functions. Current methodologies in characterizing metalloproteins’ CG consider only previously reported CG (canonical CG) models based primarily on nonbiological chemical context. Exceptions to these canonical CG models can greatly hamper the ability to characterize metalloproteins both structurally and functionally

    Patterns of participation over four rounds of annual fecal immunochemical test-based screening for colorectal cancer: what predicts rescreening?

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    Published online: 01 August 2017Background: Participation at the recommended intervals is critical for screening to be effective in reducing colorectal cancer (CRC) incidence. This study describes patterns of screening participation over four rounds of fecal immunochemical testing (FIT) to identify whether demographic variables and prior screening satisfaction are significantly associated with patterns of re-participation. Methods: Baseline surveys were mailed to 4000 South Australians randomly selected from the electoral-roll. Respondents (n = 1928/48.2%) were offered four annual FIT rounds. Screening participation and satisfaction at each round were recorded. Results: Study participation was 58.5, 66.9, 73.1 and 71.4% respectively over four rounds. Three participation patterns were described: consistent participation (43.1%), consistent non-participation (26.4%) and inconsistent participation (changeable; 30.5%), including intermittent and sustained change patterns. Sustained change described those who changed participatory behavior and then maintained for at least two rounds (n = 375/19.5%). Older people, and those not working were most likely to sustain participation. Younger invitees, especially men, were more likely to change participatory behavior and sustain the change. People with higher disadvantage, less education, not working and with no prior (pre-trial) screening experience were more likely to start participating and drop out. People dissatisfied with a prior screening test, including finding aspects embarrassing or unpleasant, were also more likely not to participate in annual screening or to drop out. Conclusions: The findings identify those at risk of non- or inconsistent participation in rescreening. They should aid targeting of interventions for demographic groups at risk and ensuring screening experiences are not perceived as unpleasant or difficult.Joanne M. Osborne, Carlene Wilson, Amy Duncan, Stephen R. Cole, Ingrid Flight, Deborah Turnbull, Donna L. Hughes and Graeme P. Youn

    Long-Term Trends in Phytoplankton Chlorophyll a and Size Structure in the Benguela Upwelling System

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    This is the final version. Available from American Geophysical Union (AGU) via the DOI in this record.The Benguela Upwelling System (BUS) is among the most productive ecosystems globally, supporting numerous fisheries and ecosystem services in Southern Africa. Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor and Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer-Aqua chlorophyll a (Chla) concentrations between September 1997 and February 2018 were used to investigate long-term trends in phytoplankton biomass and size structure (microphytoplankton [>20 μm], nanophytoplankton [2–20 μm], and picophytoplankton [<2 μm]) in the Northern Benguela, Southern Benguela (SB), and Agulhas Bank (AB) shelf and open ocean regions of the BUS. Trends in upwelling and correlations with Chla and size structure were examined. Increasing Chla and microphytoplankton trends occurred in the Northern Benguela shelf and open ocean, while decreases were evident on the SB shelf in all seasons. In the SB open ocean, small increases occurred during austral winter, with a decrease in spring. On the AB shelf, increases in Chla and microphytoplankton occurred in summer with decreases during the other seasons. Patterns differed in the AB open ocean, with increases in winter and spring and decreases in summer and autumn. Although R 2 values indicated that linear trends accounted for a reasonable portion of the variance, and most trends were statistically significant, they showed only small changes on the shelf domains and little to no change in the open ocean. Strong correlations between upwelling, Chla, and the size classes were observed, but distinct seasonal differences occurred in each region. This is the first 20-year analysis of phytoplankton biomass and community structure in the BUS and provides a baseline against which future changes can be monitored.NERC National Centre for Earth ObservationSouth African National Research Foundation (NRF)South African Department of Environmental Affair

    categoryCompare, an analytical tool based on feature annotations

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    Assessment of high-throughput—omics data initially focuses on relative or raw levels of a particular feature, such as an expression value for a transcript, protein, or metabolite. At a second level, analyses of annotations including known or predicted functions and associations of each individual feature, attempt to distill biological context. Most currently available comparative- and meta-analyses methods are dependent on the availability of identical features across data sets, and concentrate on determining features that are differentially expressed across experiments, some of which may be considered “biomarkers.” The heterogeneity of measurement platforms and inherent variability of biological systems confounds the search for robust biomarkers indicative of a particular condition. In many instances, however, multiple data sets show involvement of common biological processes or signaling pathways, even though individual features are not commonly measured or differentially expressed between them. We developed a methodology, categoryCompare, for cross-platform and cross-sample comparison of high-throughput data at the annotation level. We assessed the utility of the approach using hypothetical data, as well as determining similarities and differences in the set of processes in two instances: (1) denervated skin vs. denervated muscle, and (2) colon from Crohn's disease vs. colon from ulcerative colitis (UC). The hypothetical data showed that in many cases comparing annotations gave superior results to comparing only at the gene level. Improved analytical results depended as well on the number of genes included in the annotation term, the amount of noise in relation to the number of genes expressing in unenriched annotation categories, and the specific method in which samples are combined. In the skin vs. muscle denervation comparison, the tissues demonstrated markedly different responses. The Crohn's vs. UC comparison showed gross similarities in inflammatory response in the two diseases, with particular processes specific to each disease

    Genome-wide profiling of PARP1 reveals an interplay with gene regulatory regions and DNA methylation

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    Poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 (PARP1) is a nuclear enzyme involved in DNA repair, chromatin remodeling and gene expression. PARP1 interactions with chromatin architectural multi-protein complexes (i.e. nucleosomes) alter chromatin structure resulting in changes in gene expression. Chromatin structure impacts gene regulatory processes including transcription, splicing, DNA repair, replication and recombination. It is important to delineate whether PARP1 randomly associates with nucleosomes or is present at specific nucleosome regions throughout the cell genome. We performed genome-wide association studies in breast cancer cell lines to address these questions. Our studies show that PARP1 associates with epigenetic regulatory elements genome-wide, such as active histone marks, CTCF and DNase hypersensitive sites. Additionally, the binding of PARP1 to chromatin genome-wide is mutually exclusive with DNA methylation pattern suggesting a functional interplay between PARP1 and DNA methylation. Indeed, inhibition of PARylation results in genome-wide changes in DNA methylation patterns. Our results suggest that PARP1 controls the fidelity of gene transcription and marks actively transcribed gene regions by selectively binding to transcriptionally active chromatin. These studies provide a platform for developing our understanding of PARP1's role in gene regulation