17 research outputs found

    Inclusive education: choice and rejection among students

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    This work reports a research about inclusive education which objective was to verify if there are differences in preferences and rejections made by students considered as an inclusive status by the schools and their classmates, as well as the reasons for the preferences and rejections. A Proximity Scale has been built among the students and was applied in two classrooms: in a public school (one student considered in an inclusive status) and in a private school (three students considered in an inclusive status). It was observed that there was no difference among students, in both classes, regarding the frequency of choice or rejection and the reasons therefore. Reasons presented for choosing or not choosing classmates for school assignments denote an ideal of productivity and competitive relations. In social relations like playing or visiting classmates, being cool or friendly was appreciated.Este artigo relata pesquisa sobre educação inclusiva; teve como objetivos comparar escolhas e rejeições dos alunos considerados em situação de inclusão pelas escolas com seus colegas e os motivos para essas escolhas e rejeições. Construiu-se uma Escala de Proximidade entre alunos, que foi aplicada em duas classes: uma do ensino público (um aluno considerado em situação de inclusão) e outra do ensino particular (três alunos considerados em situação de inclusão). Observou-se que não houve diferenças entre os dois grupos de alunos, em ambas as classes, no que se refere à frequência de escolha ou rejeição e em relação aos motivos. Os motivos dados para escolher ou não colegas para a execução de tarefas escolares denotam um ideal de produtividade e relações de competição; quanto às relações sociais como brincar ou ir à casa do colega, valorizou-se ser legal e amigo.Universidade de São PauloUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Secretaria da Saúde do Estado de São PauloUNIFESPSciEL

    Decoherence and wave function collapse

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    The possibility of consistency between the basic quantum principles of quantum mechanics and wave function collapse is reexamined. A specific interpretation of environment is proposed for this aim and applied to decoherence. When the organization of a measuring apparatus is taken into account, this approach leads also to an interpretation of wave function collapse, which would result in principle from the same interactions with environment as decoherence. This proposal is shown consistent with the non-separable character of quantum mechanics

    Decoherence, irreversibility and the selection by decoherence of quantum states with definite probabilities

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    The problem investigated in this paper is einselection, i. e. the selection of mutually exclusive quantum states with definite probabilities through decoherence. Its study is based on a theory of decoherence resulting from the projection method in the quantum theory of irreversible processes, which is general enough for giving reliable predictions. This approach leads to a definition (or redefinition) of the coupling with the environment involving only fluctuations. The range of application of perturbation calculus is then wide, resulting in a rather general master equation. Two distinct cases of decoherence are then found: (i) A ``degenerate'' case (already encountered with solvable models) where decoherence amounts essentially to approximate diagonalization; (ii) A general case where the einselected states are essentially classical. They are mixed states. Their density operators are proportional to microlocal projection operators (or ``quasi projectors'') which were previously introduced in the quantum expression of classical properties. It is found at various places that the main limitation in our understanding of decoherence is the lack of a systematic method for constructing collective observables.Comment: 54 page

    Social Transfer of Pathogenic Fungus Promotes Active Immunisation in Ant Colonies

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    Social contact with fungus-exposed ants leads to pathogen transfer to healthy nest-mates, causing low-level infections. These micro-infections promote pathogen-specific immune gene expression and protective immunization of nest-mates

    The Potential Energy Surface in Molecular Quantum Mechanics

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    The idea of a Potential Energy Surface (PES) forms the basis of almost all accounts of the mechanisms of chemical reactions, and much of theoretical molecular spectroscopy. It is assumed that, in principle, the PES can be calculated by means of clamped-nuclei electronic structure calculations based upon the Schr\"{o}dinger Coulomb Hamiltonian. This article is devoted to a discussion of the origin of the idea, its development in the context of the Old Quantum Theory, and its present status in the quantum mechanics of molecules. It is argued that its present status must be regarded as uncertain.Comment: 18 pages, Proceedings of QSCP-XVII, Turku, Finland 201

    H p -spaces of martingales, 0<p?1

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    Atitudes de professores em relação à educação inclusiva

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    In order to analyze the attitudes of teachers towards inclusive education by means of the critical theory of the society, 14 elementary school teachers with and without experience with this type of education were interviewed; the teachers worked in public and private schools. The majority of the peopleinterviewed declared they were favorable to the inclusive education considering appropriate conditions such as: human resources, reduction of students in class, restriction to the number of students with intellectual disability, the necessity of the teacher to be an specialist in inclusive education and the presence of health professionals (such as doctors, psychologists and fonoaudiologists) in the school as well as the support of other teachers in class. As for the benefits and damages of the inclusive education, the results showed that the majority of the teachers thinks that the students without disability consider they are superior to the classmates with disability and half of the interviewed think that the presence of the students with disability does not disturb the apprenticeship of the students without disability; eventually, the majority of the teachers considers that the inclusive education favor both socialization and learning of the students with disability.Com a finalidade de analisar atitudes de professores em relação à educação inclusiva por meio da teoria crítica da sociedade, entrevistamos 14 professores do ensino fundamental. A maioria dos entrevistados se declarou favorável à educação inclusiva, propondo condições adequadas tais como: recursos humanos, diminuição de alunos em sala, restrição ao número de alunos com deficiência intelectual, necessidade de o professor ser especialista em educação inclusiva, participação de outros especialistas (médicos, psicólogos, fonoaudiólogos etc.) e apoio de outro professor em sala. No que se refere aos benefícios e prejuízos da educação inclusiva, verificou-se que a maioria dos professores julga que os alunos sem deficiência se consideram superiores àqueles que não têm deficiência, metade dos entrevistados julga que a presença dos alunos com deficiência não atrapalha a aprendizagem dos alunos sem deficiência, e, por fim, que a maioria dos professores considera que a educação inclusiva deve favorecer a socialização e a aprendizagem dos alunos com deficiência.Con la finalidad de analizar actitudes de maestros con relación ala educación inclusiva por medio de la teoría crítica de la sociedad, entrevistamos 14 profesores de la enseñanza fundamental. La mayoría de los entrevistados se declaró favorable a la educación inclusiva, proponiendo condiciones adecuadas tales como: recursos humanos, disminución de alumnos en sala, restricción al número de alumnos con deficiencia intelectual, necesidad de que el profesor sea especialista en educación inclusiva, participación de otros especialistas (médicos, psicólogos, fonoaudiólogos etc.) y apoyo de otro maestro en sala. En lo que se refiere a los beneficios y perjuicios de la educación inclusiva, se verificó que la mayoría de los maestros juzga que los alumnos sin deficiencia se consideran superiores a aquellos que tienen deficiencia, la mitad de los entrevistados juzga que la presencia de los alumnos con deficiencia no estorba el aprendizaje de los alumnos sin deficiencia, y, por fin, que la mayoría de los maestros considera que la educación inclusiva debe favorecer la socialización y el aprendizaje de los alumnos con deficiencia

    Educação inclusiva: escolha e rejeição entre alunos

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    This work reports a research about inclusive education which objective was to verify if there are differences in preferences and rejections made by students considered as an inclusive status by the schools and their classmates, as well as the reasons for the preferences and rejections. A Proximity Scale has been built among the students and was applied in two classrooms: in a public school (one student considered in an inclusive status) and in a private school (three students considered in an inclusive status). It was observed that there was no difference among students, in both classes, regarding the frequency of choice or rejection and the reasons therefore. Reasons presented for choosing or not choosing classmates for school assignments denote an ideal of productivity and competitive relations. In social relations like playing or visiting classmates, being �cool� or �friendly� was appreciated.Este artigo relata pesquisa sobre educação inclusiva; teve como objetivos comparar escolhas e rejeições dos alunos considerados em situação de inclusão pelas escolas com seus colegas e os motivos para essas escolhas e rejeições. Construiu-se uma Escala de Proximidade entre alunos, que foi aplicada em duas classes: uma do ensino público (um aluno considerado em situação de inclusão) e outra do ensino particular (três alunos considerados em situação de inclusão). Observou-se que não houve diferenças entre os dois grupos de alunos, em ambas as classes, no que se refere à frequência de escolha ou rejeição e em relação aos motivos. Os motivos dados para escolher ou não colegas para a execução de tarefas escolares denotam um ideal de produtividade e relações de competição; quanto às relações sociais como brincar ou ir à casa do colega, valorizou-se ser �legal� e �amigo