1,260 research outputs found

    Hidden unity in the quantum description of matter

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    We introduce an algebraic framework for interacting quantum systems that enables studying complex phenomena, characterized by the coexistence and competition of various broken symmetry states of matter. The approach unveils the hidden unity behind seemingly unrelated physical phenomena, thus establishing exact connections between them. This leads to the fundamental concept of {\it universality} of physical phenomena, a general concept not restricted to the domain of critical behavior. Key to our framework is the concept of {\it languages} and the construction of {\it dictionaries} relating them.Comment: 10 pages 2 psfigures. Appeared in Recent Progress in Many-Body Theorie

    Mosaicking with cosmic microwave background interferometers

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    Measurements of cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropies by interferometers offer several advantages over single-dish observations. The formalism for analyzing interferometer CMB data is well developed in the flat-sky approximation, valid for small fields of view. As the area of sky is increased to obtain finer spectral resolution, this approximation needs to be relaxed. We extend the formalism for CMB interferometry, including both temperature and polarization, to mosaics of observations covering arbitrarily large areas of the sky, with each individual pointing lying within the flat-sky approximation. We present a method for computing the correlation between visibilities with arbitrary pointing centers and baselines and illustrate the effects of sky curvature on the l-space resolution that can be obtained from a mosaic.Comment: 9 pages; submitted to Ap

    Optimal Image Reconstruction in Radio Interferometry

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    We introduce a method for analyzing radio interferometry data which produces maps which are optimal in the Bayesian sense of maximum posterior probability density, given certain prior assumptions. It is similar to maximum entropy techniques, but with an exact accounting of the multiplicity instead of the usual approximation involving Stirling's formula. It also incorporates an Occam factor, automatically limiting the effective amount of detail in the map to that justified by the data. We use Gibbs sampling to determine, to any desired degree of accuracy, the multi-dimensional posterior density distribution. From this we can construct a mean posterior map and other measures of the posterior density, including confidence limits on any well-defined function of the posterior map.Comment: 41 pages, 11 figures. High resolution figures 8 and 9 available at http://www.astro.uiuc.edu/~bwandelt/SuttonWandelt200

    Parameter Estimation with Mixed-State Quantum Computation

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    We present a quantum algorithm to estimate parameters at the quantum metrology limit using deterministic quantum computation with one bit. When the interactions occurring in a quantum system are described by a Hamiltonian H=θH0H= \theta H_0, we estimate θ\theta by zooming in on previous estimations and by implementing an adaptive Bayesian procedure. The final result of the algorithm is an updated estimation of θ\theta whose variance has been decreased in proportion to the time of evolution under H. For the problem of estimating several parameters, we implement dynamical-decoupling techniques and use the results of single parameter estimation. The cases of discrete-time evolution and reference-frame alignment are also discussed within the adaptive approach.Comment: 12 pages. Improved introduction and technical details moved to Appendi

    Charting the recovery of dysphagia in two complex cases of post-thermal burn injury: physiological characteristics and functional outcomes

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    Purpose: This study examined the physiological deficits, recovery pattern, and outcomes observed clinically and instrumentally in two participants with dysphagia post-thermal burn. Methods: Participants were followed prospectively using clinical and instrumental tools of assessment until dysphagia recovery. Clinical swallowing examinations were carried out every 1-2 days, or as clinically indicated. Instrumental assessment using fiberoptic endoscopic examination of swallowing was carried out at fortnightly intervals. Results: Despite variability in the achievement of oral intake milestones, both cases demonstrated protracted recovery from dysphagia contributed to by medical instability and lengthy periods of ventilation and intubation. Instrumental assessment confirmed silent aspiration in both participants, likely owing to decreased laryngopharyngeal sensation. By discharge, participants had returned to their pre-morbid diets. Conclusions: This study highlights the protracted and complex recovery pattern associated with dysphagia following thermal burn injury. The presence of silent aspiration emphasizes the need for instrumental assessment to objectively assess aspiration risk and to facilitate dysphagia recovery within this population

    Density matrix numerical renormalization group for non-Abelian symmetries

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    We generalize the spectral sum rule preserving density matrix numerical renormalization group (DM-NRG) method in such a way that it can make use of an arbitrary number of not necessarily Abelian, local symmetries present in the quantum impurity system. We illustrate the benefits of using non-Abelian symmetries by the example of calculations for the T-matrix of the two-channel Kondo model in the presence of magnetic field, for which conventional NRG methods produce large errors and/or take a long run-time.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, PRB forma

    Implications of Qudit Superselection rules for the Theory of Decoherence-free Subsystems

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    The use of d-state systems, or qudits, in quantum information processing is discussed. Three-state and higher dimensional quantum systems are known to have very different properties from two-state systems, i.e., qubits. In particular there exist qudit states which are not equivalent under local unitary transformations unless a selection rule is violated. This observation is shown to be an important factor in the theory of decoherence-free, or noiseless, subsystems. Experimentally observable consequences and methods for distinguishing these states are also provided, including the explicit construction of new decoherence-free or noiseless subsystems from qutrits. Implications for simulating quantum systems with quantum systems are also discussed.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figures, Version 2: Typos corrected, references fixed and new ones added, also includes referees suggested changes and a new exampl

    Contrasting local and long-range-transported warm ice-nucleating particles during an atmospheric river in coastal California, USA

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    Ice-nucleating particles (INPs) have been found to influence the amount, phase and efficiency of precipitation from winter storms, including atmospheric rivers.Warm INPs, those that initiate freezing at temperatures warmer than -10°C, are thought to be particularly impactful because they can create primary ice in mixed-phase clouds, enhancing precipitation efficiency. The dominant sources of warm INPs during atmospheric rivers, the role of meteorology in modulating transport and injection of warm INPs into atmospheric river clouds, and the impact of warm INPs on mixed-phase cloud properties are not well-understood. In this case study, time-resolved precipitation samples were collected during an atmospheric river in northern California, USA, during winter 2016. Precipitation samples were collected at two sites, one coastal and one inland, which are separated by about 35 km. The sites are sufficiently close that air mass sources during this storm were almost identical, but the inland site was exposed to terrestrial sources of warm INPs while the coastal site was not. Warm INPs were more numerous in precipitation at the inland site by an order of magnitude. Using FLEXPART (FLEXible PARTicle dispersion model) dispersion modeling and radar-derived cloud vertical structure, we detected influence from terrestrial INP sources at the inland site but did not find clear evidence of marine warm INPs at either site.We episodically detected warm INPs from long-range-transported sources at both sites. By extending the FLEXPART modeling using a meteorological reanalysis, we demonstrate that long-range-transported warm INPs were observed only when the upper tropospheric jet provided transport to cloud tops. Using radar-derived hydrometeor classifications, we demonstrate that hydrometeors over the terrestrially influenced inland site were more likely to be in the ice phase for cloud temperatures between 0 and -10°C. We thus conclude that terrestrial and long-rangetransported aerosol were important sources of warm INPs during this atmospheric river. Meteorological details such as transport mechanism and cloud structure were important in determining (i) warm INP source and injection temperature and (ii) ultimately the impact of warm INPs on mixed-phase cloud properties

    Loop Quantization of the Supersymmetric Two-Dimensional BF Model

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    In this paper we consider the quantization of the 2d BF model coupled to topological matter. Guided by the rigid supersymmetry this system can be viewed as a super-BF model, where the field content is expressed in terms of superfields. A canonical analysis is done and the constraints are then implemented at the quantum level in order to construct the Hilbert space of the theory under the perspective of Loop Quantum Gravity methods.Comment: 17 pages, Late

    Upper Limits on the Continuum Emission from Geminga at 74 and 326 MHz

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    We report a search for radio continuum emission from the gamma-ray pulsar Geminga. We have used the VLA to image the location of the optical counterpart of Geminga at 74 and 326 MHz. We detect no radio counterpart. We derive upper limits to the pulse-averaged flux density of Geminga, taking diffractive scintillation into account. We find that diffractive scintillation is probably quenched at 74 MHz and does not influence our upper limit, S < 56 mJy (2\sigma), but that a 95% confidence level at 326 MHz is S < 5 mJy. Owing to uncertainties on the other low-frequency detections and the possibility of intrinsic variability or extrinsic variability (refractive interstellar scintillation) or both, our non-detections are nominally consistent with these previous detections.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX2e with AASTeX 4.0, 3 figures; to be published in Ap
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