17,144 research outputs found

    Pollution reduction technology program for small jet aircraft engines: Class T1

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    Small jet aircraft engines (EPA class T1, turbojet and turbofan engines of less than 35.6 kN thrust) were evaluated with the objective of attaining emissions reduction consistent with performance constraints. Configurations employing the technological advances were screened and developed through full scale rig testing. The most promising approaches in full-scale engine testing were evaluated

    Low-energy photoelectron transmission through aerosol overlayers

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    The transmission of low-energy (<1.8eV) photoelectrons through the shell of core-shell aerosol particles is studied for liquid squalane, squalene, and DEHS shells. The photoelectrons are exclusively formed in the core of the particles by two-photon ionization. The total photoelectron yield recorded as a function of shell thickness (1-80nm) shows a bi-exponential attenuation. For all substances, the damping parameter for shell thicknesses below 15nm lies between 8 and 9nm, and is tentatively assigned to the electron attenuation length at electron kinetic energies of ~0.5-1eV. The significantly larger damping parameters for thick shells (> 20nm) are presumably a consequence of distorted core-shell structures. A first comparison of aerosol and traditional thin film overlayer methods is provided

    Optimal Strategies for Sinusoidal Signal Detection

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    We derive and study optimal and nearly-optimal strategies for the detection of sinusoidal signals hidden in additive (Gaussian and non-Gaussian) noise. Such strategies are an essential part of algorithms for the detection of the gravitational Continuous Wave (CW) signals produced by pulsars. Optimal strategies are derived for the case where the signal phase is not known and the product of the signal frequency and the observation time is non-integral.Comment: 18 pages, REVTEX4, 7 figures, 2 table

    ERBS fuel addendum: Pollution reduction technology program small jet aircraft engines, phase 3

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    A Model TFE731-2 engine with a low emission, variable geometry combustion system was tested to compare the effects of operating the engine on Commercial Jet-A aviation turbine fuel and experimental referee broad specification (ERBS) fuels. Low power emission levels were essentially identical while the high power NOx emission indexes were approximately 15% lower with the EBRS fuel. The exhaust smoke number was approximately 50% higher with ERBS at the takeoff thrust setting; however, both values were still below the EPA limit of 40 for the Model TFE731 engine. Primary zone liner wall temperature ran an average of 25 K higher with ERBS fuel than with Jet-A. The possible adoption of broadened proprties fuels for gas turbine applications is suggested

    Pollution reduction technology program small jet aircraft engines, phase 3

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    A series of Model TFE731-2 engine tests were conducted with the Concept 2 variable geometry airblast fuel injector combustion system installed. The engine was tested to: (1) establish the emission levels over the selected points which comprise the Environmental Protection Agency Landing-Takeoff Cycle; (2) determine engine performance with the combustion system; and (3) evaulate the engine acceleration/deceleration characteristics. The hydrocarbon (HC), carbon monoxide (CO), and smoke goals were met. Oxides of nitrogen (NOx) were above the goal for the same configuration that met the other pollutant goals. The engine and combustor performance, as well as acceleration/deceleration characteristics, were acceptable. The Concept 3 staged combustor system was refined from earlier phase development and subjected to further rig refinement testing. The concept met all of the emissions goals

    Pollution Reduction Technology Program for Small Jet Aircraft Engines, Phase 2

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    A series of iterative combustor pressure rig tests were conducted on two combustor concepts applied to the AiResearch TFE731-2 turbofan engine combustion system for the purpose of optimizing combustor performance and operating characteristics consistant with low emissions. The two concepts were an axial air-assisted airblast fuel injection configuration with variable-geometry air swirlers and a staged premix/prevaporization configuration. The iterative rig testing and modification sequence on both concepts was intended to provide operational compatibility with the engine and determine one concept for further evaluation in a TFE731-2 engine

    Pollution reduction technology program for small jet aircraft engines, phase 1

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    A series of combustor pressure rig screening tests was conducted on three combustor concepts applied to the TFE731-2 turbofan engine combustion system for the purpose of evaluating their relative emissions reduction potential consistent with prescribed performance, durability, and envelope contraints. The three concepts and their modifications represented increasing potential for reducing emission levels with the penalty of increased hardware complexity and operational risk. Concept 1 entailed advanced modifications to the present production TFE731-2 combustion system. Concept 2 was based on the incorporation of an axial air-assisted airblast fuel injection system. Concept 3 was a staged premix/prevaporizing combustion system. Significant emissions reductions were achieved in all three concepts, consistent with acceptable combustion system performance. Concepts 2 and 3 were identified as having the greatest achievable emissions reduction potential, and were selected to undergo refinement to prepare for ultimate incorporation within an engine

    A chi-squared time-frequency discriminator for gravitational wave detection

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    Searches for known waveforms in gravitational wave detector data are often done using matched filtering. When used on real instrumental data, matched filtering often does not perform as well as might be expected, because non-stationary and non-Gaussian detector noise produces large spurious filter outputs (events). This paper describes a chi-squared time-frequency test which is one way to discriminate such spurious events from the events that would be produced by genuine signals. The method works well only for broad-band signals. The case where the filter template does not exactly match the signal waveform is also considered, and upper bounds are found for the expected value of chi-squared.Comment: 18 pages, five figures, RevTex

    1999 Oregon Winery Report

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    This statewide survey report on Oregon wineries covers crush, equivalent wine production, inventory and equivalent inventory, and sales. The report also contains some comparisons of data for 1998 and 1999. According to this report, Oregon saw the second-largest harvest in terms of tonnage of crushed grapes; additionally, cooperage capacity continued to grow