167 research outputs found

    Arthropod succession on pig carcasses in southeastern Nigeria

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    The domestic pig (Sus scrofa) was used as a model to study arthropod succession on carcasses under tree shade and out of shade in southern Nigeria. Carcass decomposition took longer periods under tree shade than in exposed sites, at 24.5 and 16.5 days, respectively. Four decomposition stages - fresh, bloated, decay, and dry - were observed. No significant variabilities were recorded in the types and patterns of infestation of the carcasses by arthropods in both locations. Four classes of arthropods - Insecta, Arachnida, Diplopoda and Crustacea - were recorded. The class Insecta dominated the total arthropods collected with 24 families, and formed 94% of the catches. The other three classes each had one family represented, and contributed only 2% of the total catches. The calliphorids, a phorid, and sarcophagids arrived and bred on the carcasses only a few hours after death of the pigs. Families of coleopterans came during the bloated stage, and fed on the immature dipterous maggots and carrion materials. The ants (Hymenoptera) came in large numbers to eat the carcasses, and also preyed on all other fauna of the food resource. A muscid and a stratiomyiid, bred on the carcass as to the decay stage. Other insects and arthropods arrived mostly during the decay stage to feed on the carcasses. Species richness on the carcasses peaked during the decay stage.O porco branco (Sus scrofa) foi usado como modelo para o estudo da sucessão de Artrópodes em cadáveres em zonas sombreadas e não sombreadas por árvores no sul da Nigéria. Nos cadáveres em decomposição em zonas sombreadas observou-se um processo de decomposição mais lento que nos expostos ao sol; 24,5 e 16,5 dias, respectivamente. Foram observadas quatro etapas de decomposição; fresco (autólise), intumescido (putrefação), deteriorado e seco (diagênese). Não foram observadas diferenças significativas de tipo e padrão nas infestações dos cadáveres por Artrópodes em ambas as condições. Foram registradas quatro classes de Artrópodes: insetos, aranhas (Arachnida), Diplópodes e Crustáceos. Os insetos foram a classe predominante representada por 24 famílias no total de 94% das coletas. Para cada uma das três classes restantes registrou-se apenas uma família no total de 2% das coletas. As moscas das famílias Calliphoridae, Phoridae e Sarcophagidae tomaram lugar e desenvolveram-se nos cadáveres apenas algumas horas após a morte dos animais. As famílias de coleópteros surgiram na fase de putrefação e alimentaram-se de insetos dípteros jovens e dos próprios cadáveres. As formigas (Hymenoptera) ocorreram em grande número para se alimentar dos cadáveres e usurpar, à restante fauna presente, a fonte de alimento. Na fase de deterioração desenvolveram-se nos cadáveres uma espécie de Diptera da família Muscidae e uma de Stratiomydae. Outros insetos dípteros e artrópodes surgiram para se alimentar dos cadáveres sobretudo na fase de deterioração. O ponto de maior riqueza de espécies (S) foi registrado na fase de deterioração dos cadáveres

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    Attainment of menstrual hygiene by girls in boarding secondary schools in a state in Sub-Saharan Africa

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    Background: Menarche is the most dramatic manifestation of puberty in girls; unlike the biometric developmental changes that occur at puberty, menarche requires the personal adjustment and response of an affected girl in order to attain good menstrual hygiene. This study was designed to evaluate how boarding secondary school girls manage their menstruation in school, away from the guidance of their parents.Methods: A cross sectional survey was performed in four public boarding secondary schools in the study area with the aid of structured questionnaires to evaluate how such girls manage their menstruation while in school.Results: The study population was 975 girls whose survey revealed the mean age at menarche of 12.5±1.4 years.  Seven hundred and two (72.0%) respondents had received sexuality education before onset of menarche. Respondents who attained good menstrual hygiene were 775(79.5%). Such respondents were those who had received sexuality education (p<0.001) and those who had access to synthetic sanitary pad (p=0.005). Duration of the menstrual period and the volume of menstrual blood loss did not affect (p=0.219) the ability of respondents to attain good menstrual hygiene. Respondents who received sexuality education had about 605 chances of attaining good menstrual hygiene than those who did not receive such education.Conclusions: A vast majority of the respondents had received sexuality education before onset of menarche and a larger proportion attained good menstrual hygiene. Major factors that positively influenced the girls’ capacity to attained good menstrual hygiene were prior sexuality education and access to synthetic sanitary pad

    Sensory and market attributes of wheat-Musa. spp-soybean (WPS) flour composite bread

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    Communication In Physical Sciences 2020, 5(2): 136-144 Authors: K. G. Ta’awu, M. C. Ekanem, *P. G. Udofia, &amp; A. Mairo&nbsp; Received 16 March 2018/Accepted 20 April 2020 In order to search for local raw materials that could meet the formulation of affordable, nutritious and functional bread that can compete or perform better than the 100% wheat flour, we conducted a study with, composite bread samples baked with blends ofwheat, soybeans and plantain flours. The composite flours were formulated using the augmented Simplex Lattice {3,3} design of the response surface methodology (RSM). Fourteen (14) samples from the respective blends were produced using standard method. The bread samples were subjected to sensory evaluation, using the semi-trained panelist of 20 members consisting of 10 male and 10 female, who were familiar with bread quality. The results indicated that the sensory attributes of the 100% wheat (standard) bread, the minimally supplemented bread samples scored higher values of the sensory parameters including shelf stability. Models of the parameters of the bread samples were not significant (p&gt;0.05), but their response surface plots and calculated mathematical models indicated some levels of influence by the components. Optimization analysis of the sensory evaluation and shelf-stability data revealed that 0.590, 0.220, 0.195 proportions of wheat, Musa spp. and soybean floursproduced 7.163, 6.835, 6.653, 5.737, 5.301, 8.184, for taste, colour, texture, aroma, acceptability and preference respectively at100% desireability level. Acceptability and preference of the samples exhibited similar trends with the taste, colour, aroma, andtexture. The bread quality parameters were observed to be function of the proportions of the flour components in the samples. The mean mold-free day of the samples was 4.0, the highest hedonic value and shelf-stability were observed in the sample that had high substitution of wheat

    Incidence Of Ectopic Pregnancy In Calabar, Nigeria: Two Halves Of The Last Decade Compared

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    Reports of a rising incidence of ectopic pregnancy (EP) in the country and beyond prompted this study to determine the incidence in Calabar over two time frames. Information from ward registers and case notes of EP patients who presented to the University of Calabar Teaching Hospital from 1991 to 1995 were analyzed and compared with records of those who presented from 1996 to 2000. In the second half of the study period, the incidence was 3.30 per 100 deliveries, significantly higher than 2.19% in the first (p = 0.0008). The mean age of EP patients was 26.2 (sd = 5.38), significantly lower than 28.8 (sd = 5.99) for women who delivered in the same period (p 0.05). The incidence of EP appears to be rising in Calabar and puerperal infections may be important in the rise. Population-based prospective studies are necessary to confirm the findings. KEYWORDS: Ectopic Pregnancy, Calabar, Nigeri

    Teacher gender and the academic performance of children in primary schools in Uyo metropolis, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria

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    This study investigated the effect of teacher gender on the academic achievement performance of children in primary schools in Uyo Metropolis. Three hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. Using the stratified random sampling technique, three schools were selected for the study from which 60 pupils were co-opted using stratified purposive sampling technique. Using the ex-post-facto design, this research collected academic performance data based on the first term examination and continuous assessment of the selected students for data analysis which was carried out using 2-factor Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) with replication for the three schools. The results showed that teacher-pupil gender interactions do significantly affect pupil’s academic performance as evinced in the differences between the performance of boys taught by male teachers and boys taught by female teachers and girls taught by female teachers and girls taught by male teachers. Based on this conclusion, recommendations were made with emphasis on the equal training and employment of teachers based on gender

    Perinatal Outcome in Unbooked Teenage Pregnancies in the University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar, Nigeria

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    Background. Teenage pregnancy being a high risk condition requires skilled attention for good outcome. Objectives. To determine the influence of antenatal care on perinatal outcome in teenage pregnancies in Calabar. Materials and Methods. A review of patient records in Calabar was conducted between 1st January, 2006 and 31st December, 2010, to determine perinatal outcome in teenage pregnancy. Results. Teenage pregnancy accounted for 644 (6.5%) of the total deliveries with 245 (38.0%) booked while 399 (62.0%) were unbooked. Teenage mothers contributed significantly to the proportion of women who were delivered without prior antenatal care (χ2 = 6.360; P < 0.05). The mean duration of labour in booked teenagers was 10.85 ± 4.2 hours, while unbooked teenagers was 23.31 ± 3.6 hours (t-value = 77.1039; P < 0.05). There was statistically more caesarean sections among unbooked teenage pregnancies than booked (χ2 = 36.75; P < 0.05). Stillbirth was statistically significant (χ2 = 27.096; P < 0.05) among unbooked teenagers than booked. However, early neonatal death was not significantly different between booked and unbooked teenage pregnancies(χ2 = 0.512; P < 0.05). Conclusion. Unbooked teenage pregnancies were significantly associated with increased operative intervention and poor perinatal outcome

    Inhibition of Cell Adhesion and Protein Adsorption onto Biomaterial Titanium by Polyethylene glycol

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    Abstract: Biofuctions are required for metals placed in the vicinity of stenotic blood vessels. While compatibility is desired, dilation of blood or prevention of the adhesion of platelets is most important in the circumstance. Biomaterial grade titanium was coated with polyethylene glycol for the studies of cell adhesion and fibrinogen adsorption. The uncoated titanium oxide surface showed a significantly high cell adhesion and fibrinogen adsorption. While for the coated titanium oxide surface, cell adhesion and protein adsorption was very low. The polyethylene glycol coated titanium oxide surface can be deployed prevent surface biofouling by proteins like fibrinogen. This inhibition of protein adsorption prevents tissue growth allowing sliding movements at stenotic blood vessels