1,677 research outputs found

    The SERI solar energy storage program

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    In support of the DOE thermal and chemical energy storage program, the solar energy storage program (SERI) provides research on advanced technologies, systems analyses, and assessments of thermal energy storage for solar applications in support of the Thermal and Chemical Energy Storage Program of the DOE Division of Energy Storage Systems. Currently, research is in progress on direct contact latent heat storage and thermochemical energy storage and transport. Systems analyses are being performed of thermal energy storage for solar thermal applications, and surveys and assessments are being prepared of thermal energy storage in solar applications. A ranking methodology for comparing thermal storage systems (performance and cost) is presented. Research in latent heat storage and thermochemical storage and transport is reported

    The Mark 3 Haploscope

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    A computer-operated binocular vision testing device was developed as one part of a system designed for NASA to evaluate the visual function of astronauts during spaceflight. This particular device, called the Mark 3 Haploscope, employs semi-automated psychophysical test procedures to measure visual acuity, stereopsis, phoria, fixation disparity, refractive state and accommodation/convergence relationships. Test procedures are self-administered and can be used repeatedly without subject memorization. The Haploscope was designed as one module of the complete NASA Vision Testing System. However, it is capable of stand-alone operation. Moreover, the compactness and portability of the Haploscope make possible its use in a broad variety of testing environments

    Discussion of Recent Decisions

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    Chromosomal transformation in Bacillus subtilis is a non-polar recombination reaction

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    Natural chromosomal transformation is one of the primary driving forces of bacterial evolution. This reaction involves the recombination of the internalized linear single-stranded (ss) DNA with the homologous resident duplex via RecA-mediated integration in concert with SsbA and DprA or RecO. We show that sequence divergence prevents Bacillus subtilis chromosomal transformation in a log-linear fashion, but it exerts a minor effect when the divergence is localized at a discrete end. In the nucleotide bound form, RecA shows no apparent preference to initiate recombination at the 3′- or 5′-complementary end of the linear duplex with circular ssDNA, but nucleotide hydrolysis is required when heterology is present at both ends. RecA·dATP initiates pairing of the linear 5′ and 3′ complementary ends, but only initiation at the 5′-end remains stably paired in the absence of SsbA. Our results suggest that during gene transfer RecA·ATP, in concert with SsbA and DprA or RecO, shows a moderate preference for the 3′-end of the duplex. We show that RecA-mediated recombination initiated at the 3′- or 5′-complementary end might have significant implication on the ecological diversification of bacterial species with natural transformation

    Gravitational lensing in the strong field limit

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    We provide an analytic method to discriminate among different types of black holes on the ground of their strong field gravitational lensing properties. We expand the deflection angle of the photon in the neighbourhood of complete capture, defining a strong field limit, in opposition to the standard weak field limit. This expansion is worked out for a completely generic spherically symmetric spacetime, without any reference to the field equations and just assuming that the light ray follows the geodesics equation. We prove that the deflection angle always diverges logarithmically when the minimum impact parameter is reached. We apply this general formalism to Schwarzschild, Reissner-Nordstrom and Janis-Newman-Winicour black holes. We then compare the coefficients characterizing these metrics and find that different collapsed objects are characterized by different strong field limits. The strong field limit coefficients are directly connected to the observables, such as the position and the magnification of the relativistic images. As a concrete example, we consider the black hole at the centre of our galaxy and estimate the optical resolution needed to investigate its strong field behaviour through its relativistic images.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, in press on Physical Review

    Compact boson stars in K field theories

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    We study a scalar field theory with a non-standard kinetic term minimally coupled to gravity. We establish the existence of compact boson stars, that is, static solutions with compact support of the full system with self-gravitation taken into account. Concretely, there exist two types of solutions, namely compact balls on the one hand, and compact shells on the other hand. The compact balls have a naked singularity at the center. The inner boundary of the compact shells is singular, as well, but it is, at the same time, a Killing horizon. These singular, compact shells therefore resemble black holes.Comment: Latex, 45 pages, 25 figures, some references and comments adde

    All static spherically symmetric perfect fluid solutions of Einstein's Equations

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    An algorithm based on the choice of a single monotone function (subject to boundary conditions) is presented which generates all regular static spherically symmetric perfect fluid solutions of Einstein's equations. For physically relevant solutions the generating functions must be restricted by non-trivial integral-differential inequalities. Nonetheless, the algorithm is demonstrated here by the construction of an infinite number of previously unknown physically interesting exact solutions.Comment: Final form to appear in Phys Rev D. Includes a number of clarification

    Isotropy, shear, symmetry and exact solutions for relativistic fluid spheres

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    The symmetry method is used to derive solutions of Einstein's equations for fluid spheres using an isotropic metric and a velocity four vector that is non-comoving. Initially the Lie, classical approach is used to review and provide a connecting framework for many comoving and so shear free solutions. This provides the basis for the derivation of the classical point symmetries for the more general and mathematicaly less tractable description of Einstein's equations in the non-comoving frame. Although the range of symmetries is restrictive, existing and new symmetry solutions with non-zero shear are derived. The range is then extended using the non-classical direct symmetry approach of Clarkson and Kruskal and so additional new solutions with non-zero shear are also presented. The kinematics and pressure, energy density, mass function of these solutions are determined.Comment: To appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit
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