2,387 research outputs found

    Normalized Legal Drafting and the Query Method

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    Normalized legal drafting is a mode of expressing ideas in statutes, regulations, contracts, and other legal documents in such a way that the syntax that relates the constituent propositions is simplified and standardized. This normalization results in documents that are easier to understand in the dual sense that they can be read faster and more accurately than corresponding documents that are not normalized. The query method is a technique for familiarizing learners with normalized drafting and providing practice in some of the easier aspects of doing it

    The Need for Clear Structure in \u27Plain Language\u27 Legal Drafting

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    Language is not simple. To pretend otherwise is to mislead. In practice the aspect that is handled most ineptly in written legal materials is the structure. The focus of this article is upon structure and how to improve it. At the outset, let one thing be absolutely clear. In seeking to achieve clarity of expression, those who have no more to recommend than short sentences, simple words, and readability formulas are offering a cracker in circumstances where a full gourmet feast is gleaming in the chef\u27s eye for those with the wit but to ask for the menu. To practice their craft competently, legal drafters must gain control of the relevant intellectual skills. One such skill is facility in using some of the elementary techniques and knowledge of modern logic to achieve structure that is clear. While modern logic is not the only intellectual tool that is relevant for this purpose, it is the only one that is dealt with here. Linguists and others can more persuasively argue their own cases elsewhere. The examples presented here illustrate the usefulness of understanding modern logic for achieving clarity in legal drafting

    Normalized Legal Drafting and the Query Method

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    Normalized legal drafting is a mode of expressing ideas in statutes, regulations, contracts, and other legal documents in such a way that the syntax that relates the constituent propositions is simplified and standardized. This normalization results in documents that are easier to understand in the dual sense that they can be read faster and more accurately than corresponding documents that are not normalized. The query method is a technique for familiarizing learners with normalized drafting and providing practice in some of the easier aspects of doing it

    The Need for Clear Structure in \u27Plain Language\u27 Legal Drafting

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    Language is not simple. To pretend otherwise is to mislead. In practice the aspect that is handled most ineptly in written legal materials is the structure. The focus of this article is upon structure and how to improve it. At the outset, let one thing be absolutely clear. In seeking to achieve clarity of expression, those who have no more to recommend than short sentences, simple words, and readability formulas are offering a cracker in circumstances where a full gourmet feast is gleaming in the chef\u27s eye for those with the wit but to ask for the menu. To practice their craft competently, legal drafters must gain control of the relevant intellectual skills. One such skill is facility in using some of the elementary techniques and knowledge of modern logic to achieve structure that is clear. While modern logic is not the only intellectual tool that is relevant for this purpose, it is the only one that is dealt with here. Linguists and others can more persuasively argue their own cases elsewhere. The examples presented here illustrate the usefulness of understanding modern logic for achieving clarity in legal drafting

    Penyusunan Tata Kelola Keamanan Informasi pada Produksi Film Animasi (Kasus di PT. XX)

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    Berjalannya perkembangan teknolgi informasi yang semakin maju dan pesat di era global ini, hal ini berpengaruh terhadap penggunaan teknologi informasi di kalangan Perusahaan swasta. PT. XX yang juga beketergantungan erat terhadap teknologi informasi dalam kegiatan produksi film animasi. Namun, permasalahan teknologi informasi yang berperan penting terhadap Perusahaan seringkali kurang mendapat perhatian. Akibatnya tidak dipungkiri akan muncul ancaman maupun kelemahan dalam teknologi informasi yang menganggu jalannya kegiatan produksi film animasi. Oleh karena itu diperlukannya pengelolaan teknologi informasi yang dituangkan dalam tata kelola untuk mengelola ancaman maupun kelemahan yang muncul. SNI ISO/IEC 27001:2005 merupakan framework sistem manajemen keamanan informasi yang dapat dijadikan dasar dalam pengelolaan informas

    Penyusunan Tata Kelola Keamanan Informasi pada Produksi Film Animasi (Kasus di PT. XX)

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    Berjalannya perkembangan teknolgi informasi yang semakin maju dan pesat di era global ini, hal ini berpengaruh terhadap penggunaan teknologi informasi di kalangan Perusahaan swasta. PT. XX yang juga beketergantungan erat terhadap teknologi informasi dalam kegiatan produksi film animasi. Namun, permasalahan teknologi informasi yang berperan penting terhadap Perusahaan seringkali kurang mendapat perhatian. Akibatnya tidak dipungkiri akan muncul ancaman maupun kelemahan dalam teknologi informasi yang menganggu jalannya kegiatan produksi film animasi. Oleh karena itu diperlukannya pengelolaan teknologi informasi yang dituangkan dalam tata kelola untuk mengelola ancaman maupun kelemahan yang muncul. SNI ISO/IEC 27001:2005 merupakan framework sistem manajemen keamanan informasi yang dapat dijadikan dasar dalam pengelolaan informas

    Optimasi K-Nearest Neighbor dengan Particle Swarm Optimization untuk Memprediksi Harga Komoditi Karet

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    Komoditi dan harganya karet mengalami Perubahan yang fluktuatif dan menunjukkan pola yang tidak stasioner, di sisi lain pengambilan keputusan bisnis memerlukan data yang akurat dan terukur. Algoritma k-NN merupakan algoritma yang merupakan algoritma unsupervised, dan terbukti baik pada data mining. Sedangkan Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) menunjukkan performa optimasi yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan metode yang lain. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang metode prakiraan yang dapat memperkirakan tingkat harga dan volume permintaan untuk TSR 20. Prakiraan dilakukan menggunakan Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan dengan algoritma propagasi Balik, dimana data yang digunakan adalah data perkembangan pasar TSR pada bursa berjangka SICOM.. Berdasarkan tiga indikator pelatihan yang dijadikan acuan dalam pemilihan arsitektur terbaik, spesifikasi ke 15 tidak perlu melakukan pelatihan sampai epoch maksimum. Dalam teknik PSO terdapat beberapa cara untuk melakukan pengoptimasian diantaranya meningkatkan bobot atribut terhadap semua atribut atau variable yang dipakai, menseleksi atribut dan fitur seleksi. Hasil penelitian dari prediksi harga komoditi karet dengan menggunakan model k-NN mendapatkan nilai RMSE sebesar 0,087 sedangkan bila menggunakan k-NN yang dioptimasi dengan menggunakan Particle Swarm Optimization didapatkan nilai RMSE sebesar 0,082 lebih baik dibandingkan dengan hanya menggunakan k-NN saja

    Pengaruh PH Terhadap Produksi Antibakteri Oleh Bakteri Asam Laktat Dari Usus Itik

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    This study aimed to determine the effect of pH on the production of antibacterial by lactic acid bacteria. This study uses a completely randomized design factorial 3X 5 (3 X 5 treatment of bacterial isolates pH) with three replications. The first factor consisted of pH 4, pH 5, pH 6, pH 7, pH 8, and the second factor that isolates B2, B7, B8, whereas the parameters consists of a clear zone. The amount of production is determined by the size of the diameter of antibacterial inhibition zone against Salmonella sp. Differences in the production of antibacterial determined based on the results of analysis of variance. The treatment significantly further test BNT at 5% level. The results showed that the effect of media pH test based on the potential for the production of antibacterial effect. The diameter of the largest clear zone produced by B7 isolates at pH 6 was 17.2 mm, 17.1 mm B8 and B2 at pH 7 at 16.7 mm. The smallest diameter of the clear zone produced by B8 at pH 4 was 15.1 mm, B2 at pH 6 there is a clear zone of 12.7 mm and isolate B7 at pH 5 of 11.5 m

    Near Infrared Activity Close to the Crab Pulsar Correlated with Giant Gamma-ray Flares

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    We describe activity observed in the near-infrared correlated with a giant gamma-ray flare in the Crab Pulsar. The Crab Pulsar has been observed by the Fermi and AGILE satellites to flare for a period of 3 to 7 days, once every 1-1.5 years, increasing in brightness by a factor of 3-10 between 100MeV and 1GeV. We used Keck NIRC2 laser guide star adaptive optics imaging to observe the Crab Pulsar and environs before and during the March 2013 flare. We discuss the evidence for the knot as the location of the flares, and the theoretical implications of these observations. Ongoing target-of-opportunity programs hope to confirm this correlation for future flares

    Studies and analyses of the space shuttle main engine: High-pressure oxidizer turbopump failure information propagation model

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    The high-pressure oxidizer turbopump (HPOTP) failure information propagation model (FIPM) is presented. The text includes a brief discussion of the FIPM methodology and the various elements which comprise a model. Specific details of the HPOTP FIPM are described. Listings of all the HPOTP data records are included as appendices