644 research outputs found

    The Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model near T_c and near T=0

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    Some recent results concerning the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model are reported. For TT near the critical temperature TcT_c, the replica free energy of the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model is taken as the starting point of an expansion in powers of δQab=(Qab−QabRS)\delta Q_{ab} = (Q_{ab} - Q_{ab}^{\rm RS}) about the Replica Symmetric solution QabRSQ_{ab}^{\rm RS}. The expansion is kept up to 4-th order in δQ\delta{\bm Q} where a Parisi solution Qab=Q(x)Q_{ab} = Q(x) emerges, but only if one remains close enough to TcT_c. For TT near zero we show how to separate contributions from x≪T≪1x\ll T\ll 1 where the Hessian maintains the standard structure of Parisi Replica Symmetry Breaking with bands of eigenvalues bounded below by zero modes. For T≪x≤1T\ll x \leq 1 the bands collapse and only two eigenvalues, a null one and a positive one, are found. In this region the solution stands in what can be called a {\sl droplet-like} regime.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, Published versio

    Twist Free Energy in a Spin Glass

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    The field theory of a short range spin glass with Gaussian random interactions, is considered near the upper critical dimension six. In the glassy phase, replica symmetry breaking is accompanied with massless Goldstone modes, generated by the breaking of reparametrization invariance of a Parisi type solution. Twisted boundary conditions are thus imposed at two opposite ends of the system in order to study the size dependence of the twist free energy. A loop-expansion is performed to first order around a twisted background. It is found, as expected but it is non trivial, that the theory does renormalize around such backgrounds, as well as for the bulk. However two main differences appear, in comparison with simple ferromagnetic transitions : (i) the loop expansion yields a (negative) anomaly in the size dependence of the free energy, thereby lifting the lower critical dimension to a value greater than two given by dc=2−η(dc)d_c = 2-\eta(d_c) (ii) the free energy is lowered by twisting the boundary conditions. This sign may reflect a spontaneous spatial non-uniformity of the order parameter.Comment: 15 pages, latex, no figur

    Spin Glass Field Theory with Replica Fourier Transforms

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    We develop a field theory for spin glasses using Replica Fourier Transforms (RFT). We present the formalism for the case of replica symmetry and the case of replica symmetry breaking on an ultrametric tree, with the number of replicas nn and the number of replica symmetry breaking steps RR generic integers. We show how the RFT applied to the two-replica fields allows to construct a new basis which block-diagonalizes the four-replica mass-matrix, into the replicon, anomalous and longitudinal modes. The eigenvalues are given in terms of the mass RFT and the propagators in the RFT space are obtained by inversion of the block-diagonal matrix. The formalism allows to express any ii-replica vertex in the new RFT basis and hence enables to perform a standard perturbation expansion. We apply the formalism to calculate the contribution of the Gaussian fluctuations around the Parisi solution for the free-energy of an Ising spin glass.Comment: 39 pages, 3 figure

    On the structure of correlations in the three dimensional spin glasses

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    We investigate the low temperature phase of three-dimensional Edwards-Anderson model with Bernoulli random couplings. We show that at a fixed value QQ of the overlap the model fulfills the clustering property: the connected correlation functions between two local overlaps decay as a power whose exponent is independent of QQ for all 0≤∣Q∣<qEA0\le |Q| < q_{EA}. Our findings are in agreement with the RSB theory and show that the overlap is a good order parameter.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    On Ward-Takahashi identities for the Parisi spin glass

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    The introduction of ``small permutations'' allows us to derive Ward-Takahashi identities for the spin-glass, in the Parisi limit of an infinite number of steps of replica symmetry breaking. The first identities express the emergence of a band of Goldstone modes. The next identities relate components of (the Replica Fourier Transformed) 3-point function to overlap derivatives of the 2-point function (inverse propagator). A jump in this last function is exhibited, when its two overlaps are crossing each other, in the special simpler case where one of the cross-overlaps is maximal.Comment: this new version includes acknowledgements to funding agencie

    Reparametrization invariance: a gauge-like symmetry of ultrametrically organised states

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    The reparametrization transformation between ultrametrically organised states of replicated disordered systems is explicitly defined. The invariance of the longitudinal free energy under this transformation, i.e. reparametrization invariance, is shown to be a direct consequence of the higher level symmetry of replica equivalence. The double limit of infinite step replica symmetry breaking and n=0 is needed to derive this continuous gauge-like symmetry from the discrete permutation invariance of the n replicas. Goldstone's theorem and Ward identities can be deduced from the disappearence of the second (and higher order) variation of the longitudinal free energy. We recall also how these and other exact statements follow from permutation symmetry after introducing the concept of "infinitesimal" permutations.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figure
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