659 research outputs found

    Simulating spatial variability of cereal yields from historical yield maps and satellite imagery

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    [Abstract]: The management of spatial variability of crop yields relies on the availability of affordable and accurate spatial data. Yield maps are a direct measure of the crop yields, however, costs and difficulties in collection and processing to generate yield maps results in poor availability of such data in Australia. In this study, we used historical mid-season normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI), generated from Landsat imagery over 4 years. Using linear regression model, the NDVI was compared to the actual yield map from a 257 ha paddock. The difference between actual and predicted yield showed that 77% and 93% of the paddock area had an error of <20% and <30%, respectively. The linear model obtained in the paddock was used to simulate crop yield for an adjoining paddock of 162 ha. On an average of 4 years, the difference between actual and simulated yield showed that 87% of the paddock had an error of <20%. However, this error varied from season to season. Paddock area with <20% error increased exponentially with decreasing in-crop rainfall between anthesis and crop maturity. Furthermore, the error in simulating crop yield also varied with the soil constraints. Paddock zones with high concentrations of subsoil chloride and surface soil exchangeable sodium percentage generally had higher percent of error in simulating crop yields. Satellite imagery consistently over-predicted cereal yields in areas with subsoil constraints, possibly due to chloride-induced water stress during grain filling. The simulated yield mapping methodology offers an opportunity to identify within-field spatial variability using satellite imagery as a surrogate measure of biomass. However, the ability to successfully simulate crop yields at farm scale or regional scale requires wider evaluation across different soil types and climatic conditions

    Combinatorial Performance Mapping of Near-NMC111 Li-ion Cathodes

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    A combinatorial library of twenty-three, phase pure, near-NMC111 (LiNi0·33Mn0·33Co0·33O2) compositions were synthesised and their electrochemical performance, was mapped (in lithium ion half-cells). Each of the 23 compositions was made in series, using a two-step process of 1) a rapid initial continuous hydrothermal precipitation, followed by 2) solid state lithiation. The 23 lithiated NMC samples were then subjected to analytical methods including electron microscopy (selected samples), Powder X-ray Diffraction and electrochemical tests in half cell Li-ion configurations versus Li metal. A sample with a Ni:Mn:Co (NMC) ratio of 39:28:33, revealed a specific capacity of 150 mA h g−1 at a C/20 rate, which was 63 and 43% greater capacity than NMC111 and NMC433 samples produced in this work, respectively. The sample with NMC ratio 47:25:28, showed the best capacity retention characteristics, retaining 70% of its C/20 capacity at 1C, after 40 cycles. Further analysis of all the samples by cyclic voltammetry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, allowed compositional mapping of diffusion coefficients. Overall, the mapping data revealed a gradual change of properties across compositional space, which has validated our combinatorial approach and allowed identification of the optimum performing near-NMC111 cathode materials

    Design Space Navigation as a Collaborative Aid

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    Towards Defining, Assessing and Reporting Against National Standards for Literacy and Numeracy in New Zealand

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    The Education (National Standards) Amendment Act 2008 sets in place the government’s ten-step Crusade for Literacy and Numeracy (Hon. John Key, 13 October, 2008). As part of that Crusade: (i) national standards will be set in literacy and numeracy; (ii) every primary and intermediate student will be assessed regularly against the national standards; and (iii) every primary and intermediate school will report to parents in plain English about how their child is doing compared to national standards and compared to other children their age. Where it is indicated, targeted funding will be provided to enable schools to give assistance to the students who do not meet national standards. This paper discusses these elements of the Amendment Act, (referred to as ‘national standards’ in this paper for simplicity), proposes a number of principles that should underlie the design of an assessment, analysis and reporting system based on them; and makes several suggestions for supporting their development and successful implementation

    Epstein-Barr Virus Immediate-Early Protein BRLF1 Induces the Lytic Form of Viral Replication through a Mechanism Involving Phosphatidylinositol-3 Kinase Activation

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    Expression of the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) immediate-early (IE) protein BRLF1 induces the lytic form of viral replication in most EBV-positive cell lines. BRLF1 is a transcriptional activator that binds directly to a GC-rich motif present in some EBV lytic gene promoters. However, BRLF1 activates transcription of the other IE protein, BZLF1, through an indirect mechanism which we previously showed to require activation of the stress mitogen-activated protein kinases. Here we demonstrate that BRLF1 activates phosphatidylinositol-3 (PI3) kinase signaling in host cells. We show that the specific PI3 kinase inhibitor, LY294002, completely abrogates the ability of a BRLF1 adenovirus vector to induce the lytic form of EBV infection, while not affecting lytic infection induced by a BZLF1 adenovirus vector. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the requirement for PI3 kinase activation in BRLF1-induced transcriptional activation is promoter dependent. BRLF1 activation of the SM early promoter (which occurs through a direct binding mechanism) does not require PI3 kinase activation, whereas activation of the IE BZLF1 and early BMRF1 promoters requires PI3 kinase activation. Thus, there are clearly two separate mechanisms by which BRLF1 induces transcriptional activation

    Stoichiometrically driven disorder and local diffusion in NMC cathodes

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    Major structural differences in lithium nickel manganese cobalt oxides (NMC) prepared under identical conditions have been uncovered using neutron powder diffraction. Sample NMC-622 was obtained as a single R[3 with combining macron]m crystal structure with little defects, whereas NMC-811 showed significant Li deficiency and NMC-433 formed three distinct phases; ordered R[3 with combining macron]m, disordered R[3 with combining macron]m and a C2/m phase. Local diffusion behaviour was also studied by muon spin relaxation (ÎŒSR). It was observed that single phase R[3 with combining macron]m NMC-622 showed a higher lithium diffusion coefficient (4.4 × 10−11 cm2 s−1) compared to lithium deficient NMC-811 (2.9 × 10−11 cm2 s−1), or the highly disordered NMC-433 (3.4 × 10−11 cm2 s−1). Furthermore, activation energies for the Li diffusion process were estimated to be 58 meV, 61 meV and 28 meV for NMC-811, NMC-622 and NMC-433, respectively

    Quaternary ferrites by batch and continuous flow hydrothermal synthesis: a comparison

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    Crystalline spinel quaternary ferrites MxZn1−xFe2O4 (M = Co, Ni; x = 0.2, 0.35, 0.5, 0.65, 0.8) were synthesised through conventional batch hydrothermal synthesis (HT) at 135 °C as well as via continuous flow hydrothermal synthesis (CHFS). The as prepared compounds were thoroughly characterised from a compositional (ICP-MS, XPS) and structural (XRD) point of view in order to compare the synthetic approaches and achieve a greater understanding of how the chosen approach influences the characteristics of the resulting spinel

    Multiple diffusion pathways in LixNi0.77Co0.14Al0.09O2 (NCA) Li-ion battery cathodes

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    Experimental evidence for the presence of two computationally theorised diffusion pathways, namely the oxygen dumbbell hop (ODH) and tetrahedral site hop (TSH), has been given for the first time by muon spin relaxation (”SR) on sub-stoichiometric LixNi0.77Co0.14Al0.09O2. ”SR has proven to be a powerful tool that is able to discriminate between diffusion pathways that occur on different timescales on a local level, where bulk electrochemical techniques cannot. Whereas the estimated values of DLi at lithium concentrations of 0.87 and 0.71 were found to be on the order of 10-11 by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, contributions to diffusion from ODH and TSH were determined to be on the order of 10-11 and 10-10 cm2 s-1, and a factor of four decrease in Ea for both samples, in excellent agreement with theoretical calculations on related compounds. Rietveld refinement of both X-ray and neutron diffraction data was also used to interrogate the local structure of the materials where no contribution from Li+/Ni2+ cation mixing was observed

    Quality management systems in Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services: a review of the literature

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    Background A national accreditation policy for the Australian primary healthcare (PHC) system was initiated in 2008. While certification standards are mandatory, little is known about their effects on the efficiency and sustainability of organisations, particularly in the Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service (ACCHS) sector. Aim The literature review aims to answer the following: to what extent does the implementation of the International Organisation for Standardization 9001:2008 quality management system (QMS) facilitate efficiency and sustainability in the ACCHS sector? Methods Thematic analysis of peer-reviewed and grey literature was undertaken from Australia and New Zealand PHC sector with a focus on First Nations people. The databases searched included Medline, Scopus and three Informit sites (AHB-ATSIS, AEI-ATSIS and AGIS-ATSIS). The initial search strategy included quality improvement, continuous quality improvement, efficiency and sustainability. Results Sixteen included studies were assessed for quality using the McMaster criteria. The studies were ranked against the criteria of credibility, transferability, dependability and confirmability. Three central themes emerged: accreditation (n=4), quality improvement (n=9) and systems strengthening (n=3). The accreditation theme included effects on health service expenditure and clinical outcomes, consistency and validity of accreditation standards and linkages to clinical governance frameworks. The quality improvement theme included audit effectiveness and value for specific population health. The theme of systems strengthening included prerequisite systems and embedded clinical governance measures for innovative models of care. Conclusion The ACCHS sector warrants reliable evidence to understand the value of QMSs and enhancement tools, particularly given ACCHS (client-centric) services and their specialist status. Limited evidence exists for the value of standards on health system sustainability and efficiency in Australia. Despite a mandatory second certification standard, no studies reported on sustainability and efficiency of a QMS in PHC

    Addressing key issues in the consanguinity-related risk of autosomal recessive disorders in consanguineous communities: lessons from a qualitative study of British Pakistanis

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    Currently there is no consensus regarding services required to help families with consanguineous marriages manage their increased genetic reproductive risk. Genetic services for communities with a preference for consanguineous marriage in the UK remain patchy, often poor. Receiving two disparate explanations of the cause of recessive disorders (cousin marriage and recessive inheritance) leads to confusion among families. Further, the realisation that couples in non-consanguineous relationships have affected children leads to mistrust of professional advice. British Pakistani families at-risk for recessive disorders lack an understanding of recessive disorders and their inheritance. Such an understanding is empowering and can be shared within the extended family to enable informed choice. In a three-site qualitative study of British Pakistanis, we explored family and health professional perspectives on recessively inherited conditions. Our findings suggest, first, that family networks hold strong potential for cascading genetic information, making the adoption of a family centred approach an efficient strategy for this community. However, this is dependent on provision of high quality and timely information from health care providers. Secondly, families’ experience was of ill-coordinated and time-starved services, with few having access to specialist provision from Regional Genetics Services; these perspectives were consistent with health professionals’ views of services. Thirdly, we confirm previous findings that genetic information is difficult to communicate and comprehend, further complicated by the need to communicate the relationship between cousin marriage and recessive disorders. A communication tool we developed and piloted is described and offered as a useful resource for communicating complex genetic information
