99 research outputs found

    The Natural Logarithm on Time Scales

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    We define an appropriate logarithm function on time scales and present its main properties. This gives answer to a question posed by M. Bohner in [J. Difference Equ. Appl. {\bf 11} (2005), no. 15, 1305--1306].Comment: 6 page

    Euler-Lagrange equations for composition functionals in calculus of variations on time scales

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    In this paper we consider the problem of the calculus of variations for a functional which is the composition of a certain scalar function HH with the delta integral of a vector valued field ff, i.e., of the form H(abf(t,xσ(t),xΔ(t))Δt)H(\int_{a}^{b}f(t,x^{\sigma}(t),x^{\Delta}(t))\Delta t). Euler-Lagrange equations, natural boundary conditions for such problems as well as a necessary optimality condition for isoperimetric problems, on a general time scale, are given. A number of corollaries are obtained, and several examples illustrating the new results are discussed in detail.Comment: Submitted 10-May-2009 to Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems (DCDS-B); revised 10-March-2010; accepted 04-July-201

    The decline and rise of neighbourhoods: the importance of neighbourhood governance

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    There is a substantial literature on the explanation of neighbourhood change. Most of this literature concentrates on identifying factors and developments behind processes of decline. This paper reviews the literature, focusing on the identification of patterns of neighbourhood change, and argues that the concept of neighbourhood governance is a missing link in attempts to explain these patterns. Including neighbourhood governance in the explanations of neighbourhood change and decline will produce better explanatory models and, finally, a better view about what is actually steering neighbourhood change

    Will Democracy Endure Private School Choice? The Effect of the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program on Adult Voting Behavior

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    We employ probit regression analysis to compare the adult voting activity of students who participated in the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program (MPCP) to their matched public school counterparts. We use a sophisticated matching algorithm to create a traditional public school student comparison group using data from the state-mandated evaluation of the MPCP. By the time the students are 19-26 years old, we do not find evidence that private school voucher students are more or less likely to vote in 2012 or 2016 than students educated in public schools. These results are robust to all models and are consistent for all subgroups