310 research outputs found

    Triple product correlations in top squark decays

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    We propose several T-odd asymmetries in the decay chains of the top squarks t~m→tχ~k0\tilde t_m \to t \tilde \chi^0_k and t→bW+→blνt\to bW^+\to bl\nu and χ~k0→l±l~n∓→l±l∓χ~10\tilde\chi^0_k \to l^\pm\tilde l_n^\mp \to l^\pm l^\mp\tilde\chi^0_1, for l=e,μ,τl =e,\mu,\tau. We calculate the asymmetries within the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model with complex parameters M1M_1, μ\mu and AtA_t. We give the analytic formulae for the decay distributions. We present numerical results for the asymmetries and estimate the event rates necessary to observe them. The largest T-odd asymmetry can be as large as 40%.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figures; misprints corrected; reference adde

    CP violation in associated charged Higgs boson production with a single top at the LHC

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    We explore the CP violation in the charged Higgs production associated with a top quark at the LHC in the MSSM. The supersymmetric phases of gaugino masses and trilinear AA terms lead to a CP violating asymmetry of the cross section in the pp→gb→tH± p p \to g b \to t H^\pm process through loop corrections to the tbH±tbH^\pm vertex. We find that a CP violation more than 10 % is possible if the charged Higgs boson is heavy enough.Comment: 8 pages including 5 eps figures, JHEP, corrections mad

    CP violating asymmetry in H±→W±h1H^\pm\to W^\pm h_1 decays

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    The CP violating asymmetry from the decay rates H±→W±h1H^\pm\to W^\pm h_1 of charged Higgs bosons into the lightest neutral Higgs boson and a W±W^\pm boson is calculated and discussed in the complex MSSM. The contributions from all complex phases are considered, especially from the top-squark trilinear coupling, which induces a large contribution to the CP asymmetry.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures, version published in JHE

    Conformational flexibility influences structure–function relationships in tyrosyl protein sulfotransferase-2

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    Tyrosine sulfation is a very important posttranslational modification of proteins. It is catalyzed by tyrosylprotein sulfotransferase and recently became increasingly important for biomedicine and pharmacy. An important insight about structure–activity relationships of human tyrosylprotein sulfotransferase has been received by elucidating the crystal structure, but there is still no understanding about how conformational flexibility and dynamics which are fundamental protein properties influence structure–function relationships of the enzyme. In order to provide this missing but crucially important knowledge we performed a comprehensive atomistic molecular dynamics study which revealed that (i) the conformational flexibility influences sensitively key structural determinants and interactions between the enzyme, the substrate and the cofactor; (ii) a more open conformation adopted by the substrate for binding in TPST 2; (iii) the mutations of key residues related with catalysis and binding change alter the enzyme structure and influence important interactions between the enzyme, the cofactor and the substrate

    CP Nonconservation in ppˉ→tbˉXp\bar p\to t\bar b X at the Tevatron

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    The reaction ppˉ→tbˉXp\bar p\to t\bar bX is found to be rather rich in exhibiting several different types of CP asymmetries. The spin of the top quark plays an important role. Asymmetries are related to form factors arising from radiative corrections of the tbWtbW production vertex due to non-standard physics. As illustrations, effects are studied in two Higgs Doublet Models and in Supersymmetric Models; asymmetries up to a few percent may be possible.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures. Note: replaced due to minor problems that appeared on some postscript previewers. No change in conten

    PSS43 A Systematic Review of Observational Studies of Patients With Ocular Hypertension or Glaucoma Receiving Long Term Topical Eye Therapies

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    Refining the predictions of supersymmetric CP-violating models: A top-down approach

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    We explore in detail the consequences of the CP-violating phases residing in the supersymmetric and soft SUSY breaking parameters in the approximation that family flavour mixings are ignored. We allow for non-universal boundary conditions and in such a consideration the model is described by twelve independent CP-violating phases and one angle which misaligns the vacuum expectation values (VEVs) of the Higgs scalars. We run two-loop renormalization group equations (RGEs), for all parameters involved, including phases, and we properly treat the minimization conditions using the one-loop effective potential with CP-violating phases included. We show that the two-loop running of phases may induce sizable effects for the electric dipole moments (EDMs) that are absent in the one-loop RGE analysis. Also important corrections to the EDMs are induced by the Higgs VEVs misalignment angle which are sizable in the large tanb region. Scanning the available parameter space we seek regions compatible with accelerator and cosmological data with emphasis on rapid neutralino annihilations through a Higgs resonance. It is shown that large CP-violating phases, as required in Baryogenesis scenarios, can be tuned to obtain agreement with WMAP3 cold dark matter constraints, EDMs and all available accelerator data, in extended regions of the parameter space which may be accessible to LHC.Comment: 41 pages, 22 eps figures. A reference added and a typo corrected; version to appear in JHE

    Conformational effects on the Circular Dichroism of Human Carbonic Anhydrase II: a multilevel computational study

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    Circular Dichroism (CD) spectroscopy is a powerful method for investigating conformational changes in proteins and therefore has numerous applications in structural and molecular biology. Here a computational investigation of the CD spectrum of the Human Carbonic Anhydrase II (HCAII), with main focus on the near-UV CD spectra of the wild-type enzyme and it seven tryptophan mutant forms, is presented and compared to experimental studies. Multilevel computational methods (Molecular Dynamics, Semiempirical Quantum Mechanics, Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory) were applied in order to gain insight into the mechanisms of interaction between the aromatic chromophores within the protein environment and understand how the conformational flexibility of the protein influences these mechanisms. The analysis suggests that combining CD semi empirical calculations, crystal structures and molecular dynamics (MD) could help in achieving a better agreement between the computed and experimental protein spectra and provide some unique insight into the dynamic nature of the mechanisms of chromophore interactions
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