1,902 research outputs found

    Planetary internal structures

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    This chapter reviews the most recent advancements on the topic of terrestrial and giant planet interiors, including Solar System and extrasolar objects. Starting from an observed mass-radius diagram for known planets in the Universe, we will discuss the various types of planets appearing in this diagram and describe internal structures for each type. The review will summarize the status of theoretical and experimental works performed in the field of equation of states (EOS) for materials relevant to planetary interiors and will address the main theoretical and experimental uncertainties and challenges. It will discuss the impact of new EOS on interior structures and bulk composition determination. We will discuss important dynamical processes which strongly impact the interior and evolutionary properties of planets (e.g plate tectonics, semiconvection) and describe non standard models recently suggested for our giant planets. We will address the case of short-period, strongly irradiated exoplanets and critically analyse some of the physical mechanisms which have been suggested to explain their anomalously large radius.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figures, Accepted for publication as a chapter in Protostars and Planets VI, University of Arizona Press (2014), eds. H. Beuther, R. Klessen, C. Dullemond, Th. Henning.

    Atmospheres and radiating surfaces of neutron stars with strong magnetic fields

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    We review the current status of the theory of thermal emission from the surface layers of neutron stars with strong magnetic fields B∌1010−1015B\sim 10^{10}-10^{15} G, including formation of the spectrum in a partially ionized atmosphere and at a condensed surface. In particular, we describe recent progress in modeling partially ionized atmospheres of central compact objects in supernova remnants, which may have moderately strong fields B∌1010−1011B\sim 10^{10}-10^{11} G. Special attention is given to polarization of thermal radiation emitted by a neutron star surface. Finally, we briefly describe applications of the theory to observations of thermally emitting isolated neutron stars.Comment: 27 pages, 5 figures, invited review at the conference "The Modern Physics of Compact Stars 2015" (Yerevan, Armenia, Sept. 30 - Oct. 3, 2015), edited by R. Avagyan, A. Saharian, and A. Sedrakian. In v.2, a citation (Ref.114) is correcte

    Opacities and spectra of hydrogen atmospheres of moderately magnetized neutron stars

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    There is observational evidence that central compact objects (CCOs) in supernova remnants have moderately strong magnetic fields B∌1011B\sim10^{11} G. Meanwhile, available models of partially ionized hydrogen atmospheres of neutron stars with strong magnetic fields are restricted to B≳1012B\gtrsim10^{12} G. We extend the equation of state and radiative opacities, presented in previous papers for 10^{12}\mbox{ G}\lesssim B \lesssim 10^{15} G, to weaker fields. An equation of state and radiative opacities for a partially ionized hydrogen plasma are obtained at magnetic fields BB, temperatures TT, and densities ρ\rho typical for atmospheres of CCOs and other isolated neutron stars with moderately strong magnetic fields. The first- and second-order thermodynamic functions, monochromatic radiative opacities, and Rosseland mean opacities are calculated and tabulated, taking account of partial ionization, for 3\times10^{10}\mbox{ G}\lesssim B\lesssim 10^{12} G, 10510^5 K â‰ČTâ‰Č107\lesssim T\lesssim 10^7 K, and a wide range of densities. Atmosphere models and spectra are calculated to verify the applicability of the results and to determine the range of magnetic fields and effective temperatures where the incomplete ionization of the hydrogen plasma is important.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    On high proper motion white dwarfs from photographic surveys

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    The interpretation of high proper motion white dwarfs detected by Oppenheimer et al (2001) was the start of a lively controversy. While the discoverers identify a large fraction of their findings as dark halo members, others interpret the same sample as essentially made of disc and/or thick disc stars. We use the comprehensive description of Galactic stellar populations provided by the "Besancon" model to produce a realistic simulation of Oppenheimer et al. data, including all observational selections and calibration biases. The conclusion is unambiguous: Thick disc white dwarfs resulting from ordinary hypotheses on the local density and kinematics are sufficient to explain the observed objects, there is no need for halo white dwarfs. This conclusion is robust to reasonable changes in model ingredients. The main cause of the misinterpretation seems to be that the velocity distribution of a proper motion selected star sample is severely biased in favour of high velocities. This has been neglected in previous analyses. Obviously this does not prove that no such objects like halo white dwarfs can exist, but Oppenheimer et al. observations drive their possible contribution in the dark matter halo down to an extremely low fraction.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, A&A Letters, accepte

    Dark halo baryons not in ancient halo white dwarfs

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    Having ruled out the possibility that stellar objects are the main contributor of the dark matter embedding galaxies, microlensing experiments cannot exclude the hypothesis that a significant fraction of the Milky Way dark halo might be made of MACHOs with masses in the range 0.5-0.8 \msun. Ancient white dwarfs are generally considered the most plausible candidates for such MACHOs. We report the results of a search for such white dwarfs in a proper motion survey covering a 0.16 sqd field at three epochs at high galactic latitude, and 0.938 sqd at two epochs at intermediate galactic latitude (VIRMOS survey), using the CFH telescope. Both surveys are complete to I = 23, with detection efficiency fading to 0 at I = 24.2. Proper motion data are suitable to separate unambiguously halo white dwarfs identified by belonging to a non rotating system. No candidates were found within the colour-magnitude-proper motion volume where such objects can be safely discriminated from any standard population as well as from possible artefacts. In the same volume, we estimate the maximum white dwarf halo fraction compatible with this observation at different significance levels if the halo is at least 14 gigayears old and under different ad hoc initial mass functions. Our data alone rules out a halo fraction greater than 14% at 95% confidence level. Combined with two previous investigations exploring comparable volumes pushes the limit below 4 % (95% confidence level) or below 1.3% (64% confidence), this implies that if baryonic dark matter is present in galaxy halos, it is not, or it is only marginally in the form of faint hydrogen white dwarfs.Comment: accepted in Astronomy and Astrophysics (19-05-2004

    The Evolution of L and T Dwarfs in Color-Magnitude Diagrams

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    We present new evolution sequences for very low mass stars, brown dwarfs and giant planets and use them to explore a variety of influences on the evolution of these objects. We compare our results with previous work and discuss the causes of the differences and argue for the importance of the surface boundary condition provided by atmosphere models including clouds. The L- to T-type ultracool dwarf transition can be accommodated within the Ackerman & Marley (2001) cloud model by varying the cloud sedimentation parameter. We develop a simple model for the evolution across the L/T transition. By combining the evolution calculation and our atmosphere models, we generate colors and magnitudes of synthetic populations of ultracool dwarfs in the field and in galactic clusters. We focus on near infrared color- magnitude diagrams (CMDs) and on the nature of the ``second parameter'' that is responsible for the scatter of colors along the Teff sequence. Variations in metallicity and cloud parameters, unresolved binaries and possibly a relatively young population all play a role in defining the spread of brown dwarfs along the cooling sequence. We find that the transition from cloudy L dwarfs to cloudless T dwarfs slows down the evolution and causes a pile up of substellar objects in the transition region, in contradiction with previous studies. We apply the same model to the Pleiades brown dwarf sequence. Taken at face value, the Pleiades data suggest that the L/T transition occurs at lower Teff for lower gravity objects. The simulated populations of brown dwarfs also reveal that the phase of deuterium burning produces a distinctive feature in CMDs that should be detectable in ~50-100 Myr old clusters.Comment: Accepted for publication in the ApJ. 52 pages including 20 figure

    Analysis of signalling pathways using continuous time Markov chains

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    We describe a quantitative modelling and analysis approach for signal transduction networks. We illustrate the approach with an example, the RKIP inhibited ERK pathway [CSK+03]. Our models are high level descriptions of continuous time Markov chains: proteins are modelled by synchronous processes and reactions by transitions. Concentrations are modelled by discrete, abstract quantities. The main advantage of our approach is that using a (continuous time) stochastic logic and the PRISM model checker, we can perform quantitative analysis such as what is the probability that if a concentration reaches a certain level, it will remain at that level thereafter? or how does varying a given reaction rate affect that probability? We also perform standard simulations and compare our results with a traditional ordinary differential equation model. An interesting result is that for the example pathway, only a small number of discrete data values is required to render the simulations practically indistinguishable

    Molecular line opacity of LiCl in the mid-infrared spectra of brown dwarfs

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    We present a complete line list for the X 1Sigma+ electronic ground state of LiCl computed using fully quantum-mechanical techniques. This list includes transition energies and oscillator strengths in the spectral region 0.3-39,640.7 cm-1 for all allowed rovibrational transitions in absorption within the electronic ground state. The calculations were performed using an accurate hybrid potential constructed from a spectral inversion fit of experimental data and from recent multi-reference single- and double-excitation configuration interaction calculations. The line list was incorporated into the stellar atmosphere code PHOENIX to compute spectra for a range of young to old T dwarf models. The possibility of observing a signature of LiCl in absorption near 15.8 microns is addressed and the proposal to use this feature to estimate the total lithium elemental abundance for these cool objects is discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in ApJ 613, Sept. 20 200
