325 research outputs found

    Public disorder and transport networks in the Latin American context

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    We propose an extension of the Davies et al. model, used to describe the London riots of 2011. This addition allows us to consider long travel distances in a city for potential rioting population. This is achieved by introducing public transport networks, which modifies the perceived travel distance between the population and likely targets. Using this more general formulation, we applied the model to the typical Griffin and Ford pattern for population distribution to describe the general features of most large Latin American cities. The possibility of long-range traveling by part of the general population has, for an immediate consequence, the existence of isolated spots more prone to suffer from rioting activity, as they are easier to reach than the rest of the city. These areas finally made it easier to control the eventual disorder by part of police forces. The reason for this outcome is that transport networks turn riots into highly localized and intense events. They are attracting a large police contingent, which will later extinguish the remaining disorder activity on the rest of the city. Therefore, working transport networks in a city effectively reduces the number of police force contingent required to control public disorder. This result, we must remark, is valid only if the model requisites for order forces are satisfied: extra police contingent can be added swiftly as required, and these forces can move around the city with total freedom

    Experimental measurements and theoretical modeling of high-pressure mass densities and interfacial tensions of carbon dioxide + n-heptane + toluene and its carbon dioxide binary systems

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    Experimental determination and theoretical predictions of the isothermal (344.15 K) mass densities and interfacial tensions for the sys tem carbon dioxide (CO2) with heptol (n - heptane + toluene) mixtures varying liquid volume fraction compositions of toluene (0, 25, 50, 75, 100 % v/v) and over the pressure range 0.1 to 8 MPa are reported. Measurements are carried out on a high - pressure dev ice that includes a vibrating tube densimeter and a pendant drop tensiometer. Theoretical modeling of mass densities phase equilibria and interfacial properties (i.e., interfacial tension and interfacial concentration profiles) are performed by employing t he Square Gradient Theory using an extension of the Statistical Associating Fluid Theory equation of state that accounts for ring fluids. The experimental bulk phase equilibrium densities and interfacial tensions obtained are in very good agreement with th e theoretical predictions. Although there are no previous experimental data of these mixtures at the conditions explored herein, the results follow the same trends observed from experimental data at other conditions. The combination of experimental and mod eling approaches provides a route to simultaneously predict phase equilibrium and interfacial properties within acceptable statistical deviations. For the systems and conditions studied here, we observe that the phase equilibrium of the mixtures display z eotropic vapor - liquid equilibria with positive deviations from ideal behavior. The mass bulk densities behave ordinarily whereas the interfacial tensions decrease as the pressure or liquid mole fraction of CO2 increases and/or the ratio toluene/heptane dec reases. The interfacial concentration along the interfacial region exhibits a remarkable high excess adsorption of CO2, which increases with pressure and it is larger in n - heptane than in toluene. Toluene does not exhibit any special adsorption activity wh ereas n - heptane displays surface activity only at low pressure in a very narrow range for the case of CO2 + (25% n - heptane + 75% toluene) mixture

    Condition and recruitment of Aristeus antennatus beyond fishing ground (to depths of 2200 m) in the Mediterranean: relationship with environmental factors

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    Depth relationships and seasonal trends in the biological condition and recruitment of the red shrimp Aristeus antennatus have been analyzed along down to 2300 m, over all the slope in the Balearic Basin (western Mediterranean). The analysis is based on a composite year (2008-2012 period) and identifies environmental causes of the trends. We found good reproductive and general biological condition of A. antennatus (Gonado-somatic index, GSI) at 800-1300 m in summer (June-July), depths below the fishing grounds. Mating and spawning were at depths below the more saline waters of the Levantine Intermediate water mass. Recruits Smallest juveniles (recruits, ca. 1 yr age) were exclusively distributed below 1000 m, associated with high near-bottom O2 concentration, low turbidity and high C/N in sediments implying favourable trophic conditions. A seasonal migratory pattern is suggested for females, which move shallower to the upper slope during periods of water-mass homogeneity (autumn-winter) to feed in canyons, increasing their energy reserves (hepatic gland weight, HSI). Females move downslope (800-1100 m) to spawn (high GSI) during periods of water mass stratification (late spring-summer). HSI of A. antennatus females decreased linearly with depth down the slope in February and in October-November, i.e., before and after the reproductive period. This nutritional condition of females in these periods is consistent with more consumption of benthic prey (ophiuroids, polychaetes, Calocaris macandreae) at the canyon heads (Cartes, 1994) in late autumn and winter. Our results confirm/suggest: i) how important it is to study the biology of deep-sea species over the whole depth range they inhabit and not only over fishing grounds, and ii) that changes in environmental conditions linked to the progressive warming of Mediterranean Deep Water (WMDW) with a parallel increase of salinity could provoke a decrease of O2 in water masses at below 1000 m, affecting A. antennatus recruitment and its life cycle, which is extensible to other deep-sea specie

    Caracterización antropométrica de población pehuenche adulta, consideraciones nutricionales. Alto Biobio, Chile

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    Existe abundante literatura respecto a parámetros antropométricos en población indígena chilena, sin embargo, todas se centran en población infantil y mapuche. El objetivo del presente estudio es caracterizar antropométricamente a la población adulta pehuenche, comuna de Alto Biobio, y ver la influencia del mestizaje y el cambio generacional sobre estos parámetros. Este estudio corresponde a un análisis secundario de la base de datos del Proyecto “Küme Mongüen Pehuenche”, la muestra corresponde a 314 adultos (56 mestizos y 162 mujeres), las variables estudiadas corresponden a: sexo, edad, etnia, peso, talla, perímetro de cintura e índice de masa corporal (IMC). Los promedios generales corresponden a 70,66 ±11,87 Kg para peso, 1,58 ±0,08 m para talla, 91,37 ±9,41 cm para perímetro de cintura y 28,15 ±4,49 Kg/m2 para IMC. El peso y talla son significativamente mayores en hombres, pero el IMC lo es en mujeres, no se encontraron otras diferencias estadísticamente significativas por etnia o edad, existe una fuerte correlación entre perímetro de cintura e IMC. Los resultados del presente estudio dan cuenta de una población caracterizada por una estatura menor al promedio nacional, aunque superior al de población indígena chilena, con una tendencia al sobrepeso y obesidad que tiende a desaparecer en los adultos mayores, así como una gran uniformidad, sin cambios producto del mestizaje (etnia) ni el cambio generacional (edad)

    Two Neural Network Based Decentralized Controller Designs for Large Scale Power Systems

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    This paper presents two neural network (NN) based decentralized controller designs for large scale power systems\u27 generators, one is for the excitation control and the other is for the steam valve control. Though the control signals are calculated using local signals only, the transient and overall system stabilities can be guaranteed. NNs are used to approximate the unknown and/or imprecise dynamics of the local power system and the interconnection terms, thus the requirements for exact system parameters are released. Simulation studies with a three machine power system demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed controller designs

    Adaptive Neural Network Based Stabilizing Controller Design for Single Machine Infinite Bus Power Systems

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    Power system stabilizers are widely used to generate supplementary control signals for the excitation system in order to damp out the low frequency oscillations. In power system control literature, the performances of the proposed controllers were mostly demonstrated using simulation results without any rigorous stability analysis. This paper proposes a stabilizing neural network (NN) controller based on a sixth order single machine infinite bus power system model. The NN is used to approximate the complex nonlinear dynamics of power system. Unlike the other indirect adaptive NN control schemes, there is no offline training process and the NN can be directly used online and learn through time. Magnitude constraint of the activators is modeled as saturation nonlinearities and is included in the Lyapunov stability analysis. The new NN controller design is compared with conventional power system stabilizers (CPSS) whose parameters are fine tuned by particle swarm optimization (PSO). Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed NN controller design can successfully damp out power system oscillations. The control algorithms of this paper can also be applied to other similar nonlinear control problems

    Comparisons of an Adaptive Neural Network Based Controller and an Optimized Conventional Power System Stabilizer

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    Power system stabilizers are widely used to damp out the low frequency oscillations in power systems. In power system control literature, there is a lack of stability analysis for proposed controller designs. This paper proposes a Neural Network (NN) based stabilizing controller design based on a sixth order single machine infinite bus power system model. The NN is used to compensate the complex nonlinear dynamics of power system. To speed up the learning process, an adaptive signal is introduced to the NN\u27s weights updating rule. The NN can be directly used online without offline training process. Magnitude constraint of the activators is modeled as saturation nonlinearities and is included in the stability analysis. The proposed controller design is compared with Conventional Power System Stabilizers whose parameters are optimized by Particle Swarm Optimization. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed controller design

    Neural Network Based Decentralized Controls of Large Scale Power Systems

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    This paper presents a suite of neural network (NN) based decentralized controller designs for large scale power systems\u27 generators, one is for the excitation control and the other is for the steam valve control. Though the control inputs are calculated using local signals, the transient and overall system stability can be guaranteed. NNs are used to approximate the unknown and/or imprecise dynamics of the local power system dynamics and the inter-connection terms, thus the requirements for exact system parameters are relaxed. Simulation studies with a three-machine power system demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed controller designs

    Magnetic and microstructural analysis of palladium nanoparticles with different capping systems

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    Palladium nanoparticles capped with different protective systems in a size range between 1.2 and 2.4 nm have been obtained by varying the preparation chemical method. Magnetization curves for all the samples show hysteresis loops, evidencing a ferromagnetic or a permanent magnetism in the nanoparticles. The microstructure of the nanoparticles has been analyzed by x-ray absorption and transmission electron microscopy. The nature of the magnetic behavior found for all these Pd nanoparticles (NPs) is different depending on their sizes and structural features and is explained on the basis of two different suggested mechanisms. The particles protected by means of a surfactant (tetralkylammonium salts), present a ferromagnetic order related to the factors increasing the density of states just below the Fermi level. Whereas, when the nanoparticles are stabilized by covalent bonds with protective species (thiol derivatized alkane chains or surface oxidized Pd NPs), the increase of the 4d density of holes, localized by the bonded atoms (S or O), is giving rise to the observed ferromagneticlike behavior