1,348 research outputs found

    How young people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds experience mental health: some insights for mental health nurses

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    This article reports on a part of a study which looked at the mental health of culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) young people. The research sought to learn from CALD young people, carers, and service providers experiences relevant to the mental health of this group of young people. The ultimate goal was to gain insights that would inform government policy, service providers, ethnic communities and most importantly the young people themselves. To this end, qualitative interviews were undertaken with 123 CALD young people, 41 carers and 14 mental health service providers in Queensland, Western Australia and South Australia. Only one aspect of the study will be dealt with here, namely the views of the young CALD participants, which included risk factors, coping strategies and recommendations about how they could be supported in their struggle to maintain mental health. One of the most important findings of the study relates to the resilience of these young people and an insight into the strategies that they used to cope. The efforts of these young people to assist us in our attempts to understand their situation deserve to be rewarded by improvements in the care that we provide. To this end this article sets out to inform mental health nurses of the results of the study so that they will be in a position to better understand the needs and strengths of their CALD clients and be in a better position to work effectively with them

    The Importance of Local and Global Social Ties for the Mental Health and Well-Being of Recently Resettled Refugee-Background Women in Australia

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    Social connections are foundational to the human condition and are inherently disrupted when people are forcibly displaced from their home countries. At a time of record high global forced migration, there is value in better understanding how refugee-background individuals engage theirsocial supports or ties in resettlement contexts. A mixed methods research design aimed to understand the complexities of how 104 refugee-background women experienced their social networks in the first few months of resettlement in Australia. One of the research activities involved participants completing a survey with both quantitative and qualitative components. The quantitative analyses identified the impact of post-migration living difficulties that represented social stressors (worry about family, loneliness and boredom, feeling isolated, and racial discrimination) on the women’s mental health outcomes in the months following resettlement. The qualitative data highlighted the complexities of social relationships serving as both stressors and sources of support, and the importance of recognizing extended families and supports around the globe. The findings point to the need for nuanced accounts of the social contexts surrounding refugee resettlement as important influences able to promote trauma-informed and gender sensitive practices to support mental health and well-being in new settings

    The SAMI Galaxy Survey: Satellite galaxies undergo little structural change during their quenching phase

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    At fixed stellar mass, satellite galaxies show higher passive fractions than centrals, suggesting that environment is directly quenching their star formation. Here, we investigate whether satellite quenching is accompanied by changes in stellar spin (quantified by the ratio of the rotational to dispersion velocity V/σ\sigma) for a sample of massive (M>M_{*}>1010^{10} M_{\odot}) satellite galaxies extracted from the SAMI Galaxy Survey. These systems are carefully matched to a control sample of main sequence, high V/σV/\sigma central galaxies. As expected, at fixed stellar mass and ellipticity, satellites have lower star formation rate (SFR) and spin than the control centrals. However, most of the difference is in SFR, whereas the spin decreases significantly only for satellites that have already reached the red sequence. We perform a similar analysis for galaxies in the EAGLE hydro-dynamical simulation and recover differences in both SFR and spin similar to those observed in SAMI. However, when EAGLE satellites are matched to their `true' central progenitors, the change in spin is further reduced and galaxies mainly show a decrease in SFR during their satellite phase. The difference in spin observed between satellites and centrals at zz\sim0 is primarily due to the fact that satellites do not grow their angular momentum as fast as centrals after accreting into bigger halos, not to a reduction of V/σV/\sigma due to environmental effects. Our findings highlight the effect of progenitor bias in our understanding of galaxy transformation and they suggest that satellites undergo little structural change before and during their quenching phase.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Environmental Dependence of the Structure of Brightest Cluster Galaxies

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    We measure the Petrosian structural properties of 33 brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) at redshifts z<0.1 in X-ray selected clusters with a wide range of X-ray luminosities. We find that some BCGs show distinct signatures in their Petrosian profiles, likely to be due to cD haloes. We also find that BCGs in high X-ray luminosity clusters have shallower surface brightness profiles than those in low X-ray luminosity clusters. This suggests that the BCGs in high X-ray luminosity clusters have undergone up to twice as many equal-mass mergers in their past as those in low X-ray luminosity clusters. This is qualitatively consistent with the predictions of hierarchical structure formation.Comment: 11 pages, accepted for publication in MNRA

    A comparison of trackbed design methodologies: a case study from a heavy haul freight railway

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    One of the major roles of railway trackbed layers is to reduce vehicle induced stresses applied to the underlying subgrade to a level that limits the progressive build up of permanent deformation. The ability of trackbed layers to satisfy this requirement is dependent upon the materials used for construction and their thickness. Numerous design methods, (both empirical and analytical), have been developed across the World to evaluate trackbed design thickness. However, where there is limited information or experience of previous trackbed design with the specific materials or site conditions under consideration, the choice of methodology becomes one of engineering judgment, in assessing the significance and reliability of the design input parame-ters. This paper describes a number of design methods which were assessed in a recent project to design a new heavy haul freight railway trackbed, founded on moisture sensitive subgrades, using locally available materials for the track support layers. The produced design thicknesses for each of the methods are compared for differing subgrade conditions. The results show considerable variation of thicknesses from each method with little consistent pattern to the variation. Reasons for these variations are suggested and the choice of the final design used for specific subgrade conditions are presented together with appropriate justification. Concluding on these issues, recommendations are made for a more considered approach to trackbed design

    Post‐Impact Evolution of the Southern Hale Crater Ejecta; Mars

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    As one of the youngest large (> 100 km wide) impacts on Mars, Hale crater offers a unique opportunity to observe well‐preserved deposits of Mars’ former interior. We utilize visible imagery (CTX and HiRISE) and elevation data (MOLA, HRSC and HiRISE stereo pairs) to examine the region south of Hale crater, which contains the greatest density of landforms caused by with the impact. Linear depressions, mounds, and polygons indicate that the ejecta material contained volatiles and underwent substantial post–impact geomorphic evolution after it was emplaced. Ejecta landform formation was facilitated by volatiles, likely water ice displaced from the subsurface during the impact, contained within the material. We suggest that the ejecta flowed into valleys where it acted in a manner similar to terrestrial debris flows, leaving mounds, high‐standing deposits, lobate flow margins and fan structures. Continued flow and settling of the ejecta then caused deposit dewatering, producing networks of linear depressions, particularly in places where the flows of ejecta were constricted. However, these landforms are not present everywhere, and their formation was likely influenced by topography. This work highlights that, while volatiles were present over much of Hale crater’s ejecta blanket, the surface expression of them is spatially variable on local and regional scales

    The SAMI Galaxy Survey: the intrinsic shape of kinematically selected galaxies

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    Using the stellar kinematic maps and ancillary imaging data from the Sydney AAO Multi Integral field (SAMI) Galaxy Survey, the intrinsic shape of kinematically-selected samples of galaxies is inferred. We implement an efficient and optimised algorithm to fit the intrinsic shape of galaxies using an established method to simultaneously invert the distributions of apparent ellipticities and kinematic misalignments. The algorithm output compares favourably with previous studies of the intrinsic shape of galaxies based on imaging alone and our re-analysis of the ATLAS3D data. Our results indicate that most galaxies are oblate axisymmetric. We show empirically that the intrinsic shape of galaxies varies as a function of their rotational support as measured by the "spin" parameter proxy Lambda_Re. In particular, low spin systems have a higher occurrence of triaxiality, while high spin systems are more intrinsically flattened and axisymmetric. The intrinsic shape of galaxies is linked to their formation and merger histories. Galaxies with high spin values have intrinsic shapes consistent with dissipational minor mergers, while the intrinsic shape of low-spin systems is consistent with dissipationless multi-merger assembly histories. This range in assembly histories inferred from intrinsic shapes is broadly consistent with expectations from cosmological simulations.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, MNRAS in prin

    Galaxy And Mass Assembly: The xSAGA Galaxy Complement in Nearby Galaxy Groups

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    Groups of galaxies are the intermediate density environment in which much of the evolution of galaxies is thought to take place. In spectroscopic redshift surveys, one can identify these as close spatial redshift associations. However, spectroscopic surveys will always be more limited in luminosity and completeness than imaging ones. Here we combine the Galaxy And Mass Assembly group catalogue with the extended Satellites Around Galactic Analogues (xSAGA) catalogue of Machine Learning identified low-redshift satellite galaxies. We find 1825 xSAGA galaxies within the bounds of the GAMA equatorial fields (m < 21), 1562 of which could have a counterpart in the GAMA spectroscopic catalogue (m < 19.8). Of these, 1326 do have a GAMA counterpart with 974 below z=0.03 (true positives) and 352 above (false positives). By crosscorrelating the GAMA group catalogue with the xSAGA catalogue, we can extend and characterize the satellite content of GAMA galaxy groups. We find that most groups have <5 xSAGA galaxies associated with them but richer groups may have more. Each additional xSAGA galaxy contributes only a small fraction of the group's total stellar mass (<<10%). Selecting GAMA groups that resemble the Milky Way halo, with a few (<4) bright galaxies, we find xSAGA can add a magnitude fainter sources to a group and that the Local Group does not stand out in the number of bright satellites. We explore the quiescent fraction of xSAGA galaxies in GAMA groups and find a good agreement with the literature.Comment: 11 pages, 13 Figures, 2 Tables, accepted by MNRA