373 research outputs found

    Sensitivity of desert dust emissions to model horizontal grid spacing during the Bodélé Dust Experiment 2005

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    The impact of model horizontal grid spacing on meteorology and dust emissions in the Bodélé depression was investigated during the well-documented period of the Bodélé Dust Experiment 2005 (BoDEx 2005). Five horizontal grid spacing ranging from 100 km to 5 km were tested. The main conclusion of these sensitivity tests is that the meteorology of the Bodélé depression is quite insensitive to model horizontal grid spacing below 50 km in agreement with Todd et al.'s (2008b) results. Below 50 km, dust emissions also appear relatively insensitive to model mesh size, the influence of model horizontal grid spacing on dust emissions tending towards an asymptotic behavior as model mesh size is reduced

    Carrier and polarization dynamics in monolayer MoS2

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    In monolayer MoS2 optical transitions across the direct bandgap are governed by chiral selection rules, allowing optical valley initialization. In time resolved photoluminescence (PL) experiments we find that both the polarization and emission dynamics do not change from 4K to 300K within our time resolution. We measure a high polarization and show that under pulsed excitation the emission polarization significantly decreases with increasing laser power. We find a fast exciton emission decay time on the order of 4ps. The absence of a clear PL polarization decay within our time resolution suggests that the initially injected polarization dominates the steady state PL polarization. The observed decrease of the initial polarization with increasing pump photon energy hints at a possible ultrafast intervalley relaxation beyond the experimental ps time resolution. By compensating the temperature induced change in bandgap energy with the excitation laser energy an emission polarization of 40% is recovered at 300K, close to the maximum emission polarization for this sample at 4K.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures including supplementary materia

    Impact of vegetation and soil moisture seasonal dynamics on dust emissions over the Sahel

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    International audience[1] To address the challenging issue of estimating mineral dust emissions from the semi-arid Sahel, a modeling approach is developed by combining two specific models: one dedicated to the simulation of the seasonal herbaceous layer in the Sahel (STEP) and the other to the estimation of dust emissions (MB). The area of interest is the Sahelian belt (12 N-20 N, 20 W-35 E) and the simulations were performed at a 0.25 spatial resolution over a 4-year period (2004-2007). The rainfall forcing is provided by a TRMM (Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission) satellite-derived product; the other meteorological data are ECMWF products. An empirical parameterization is used to estimate the surface roughness and its temporal dynamics according to the characteristics of the simulated vegetation in terms of surface cover and height. Where no vegetation grows, the surface properties are considered as constant in time and are derived from the POLDER-1 satellite measurements. Simulations are constrained step by step by comparisons with observations. Simulated annual dust fluxes emitted from the whole area range from approximately 100 Mt to 400 Mt depending on the year, in good agreement with previous works dealing with Saharan dust emissions. For the fringe where herbaceous vegetation can affect dust emissions, the annual dust emission fluxes range between 0.5 Mt and 20 Mt depending on the year. Inhibition of dust emissions due to the seasonal dynamics of vegetation and surface soil moisture over this fringe varies between 20% and 35%. Citation: Pierre, C., G. Bergametti, B. Marticorena, E. Mougin, C. Bouet, and C. Schmechtig (2012), Impact of vegetation and soil moisture seasonal dynamics on dust emissions over the Sahel

    Erosion éolienne dans les régions arides et semi-arides africaines : processus physiques, métrologie et techniques de lutte

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    Cette étude présente une approche par modélisation pour estimer les émissions de particules terrigènes provenant de la région semi-aride sahélienne. Deux modèles spécifiques ont été combinés : l'un pour représenter le couvert herbacé saisonnier au Sahel, l'autre pour quantifier les émissions de particules terrigènes. Le Sahel (12°N–20°N, 20°W–35°E) constitue la région d'étude et les simulations ont été effectuées à une résolution spatiale de 0,25° sur une période de 4 ans (2004-2007). Le forçage pluviométrique provient d'un produit satellitaire TRMM (Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission). Les autres forçages météorologiques ont été fournis par le CEPMMT (Centre Européen pour les Prévisions Météorologiques à Moyen Terme). La rugosité aérodynamique de la surface a été estimée à partir d'une paramétrisation empirique pour représenter sa dynamique temporelle à partir des simulations du couvert végétal saisonnier. Les simulations de végétation ont été comparées à des observations satellitaires au préalable. Lorsqu'aucune végétation ne pousse, les propriétés de la surface ont été considérées constantes et déduites de mesures satellitaires. Les flux d'émission annuels simulés sont compris entre 100 et 400 Mt pour l'ensemble de la région considérée, en accord avec des travaux précédents portant sur le Sahara. Leur variabilité interannuelle est aussi en accord avec les observations satellitaires. Nous avons par ailleurs mis en évidence l'existence d’une "frange émissive saisonnièrement végétalisée" dont la superficie varie selon l'année et pour laquelle les émissions annuelles sont comprises entre 0,5 Mt et 20 Mt pour la période considérée. L'inhibition en masse de ces émissions due à la végétation saisonnière et à l'humidité superficielle du sol sur cette frange varie de 20% à 35%

    Exciton states in monolayer MoSe2: impact on interband transitions

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    We combine linear and non-linear optical spectroscopy at 4K with ab initio calculations to study the electronic bandstructure of MoSe2 monolayers. In 1-photon photoluminescence excitation (PLE) and reflectivity we measure a separation between the A- and B-exciton emission of 220 meV. In 2-photon PLE we detect for the A- and B-exciton the 2p state 180meV above the respective 1s state. In second harmonic generation (SHG) spectroscopy we record an enhancement by more than 2 orders of magnitude of the SHG signal at resonances of the charged exciton and the 1s and 2p neutral A- and B-exciton. Our post-Density Functional Theory calculations show in the conduction band along the KΓK-\Gamma direction a local minimum that is energetically and in k-space close to the global minimum at the K-point. This has a potentially strong impact on the polarization and energy of the excitonic states that govern the interband transitions and marks an important difference to MoS2 and WSe2 monolayers.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Surgery using plasma energy for deep endometriosis: A quality of life assessment

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    OBJECTIVE: The principal objective of our study was to assess women\u27s quality of life (QoL) after surgery for Deep Endometriosis (DE), according to the surgical technique used. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Qualitative single-center survey in the department of obstetrics and gynecology, Angers University Hospital Center, France. All women who underwent surgery for DE from January 2011 to December 2015 were contacted by phone. The Endometriosis Health Profile-5 score was used to assess QoL before and after the surgery. Fifty-two women (response rate=86%) were included and classified into 3 groups according to the surgical technique used: simple shaving, shaving exclusively or in part by plasma vaporization (plasma), and resection. RESULTS: The 3 groups were comparable for surgical history, preoperative QoL score, and characteristics of endometriotic lesions (size and site). All DE symptoms and QoL scores improved significantly after the surgery, all techniques combined (P<0.01). QoL scores for women who had plasma shaving or complete resection were significantly higher than those for women with simple shaving (respectively, 375 [225-800] and 450 [-50 to 725] vs 275 [-100 to 600]; P=0.04). Self-image significantly improved only in the plasma group (P=0.03). The complete resection group had longer hospitals stays than the other groups (P=0.001), as well as a higher surgical revision rate (23% vs 0%; P=0.02). CONCLUSION: Plasma and complete resection improved QoL similarly for women with DE, both more than shaving alone. The advantage of plasma vaporization lies in the lesser morbidity and better self-image, both better than in women with resection

    Effect of the use of a video tutorial in addition to simulation in learning the maneuvers for shoulder dystocia

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    The development of video tutorials is flourishing and may make it possible to maintain knowledge learned during instruction with simulation. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of adding a video tutorial to a lecture and simulation for learning the maneuvers and protocol for the management of shoulder dystocia. Student midwives and medical students attended a lecture class including instruction about maneuvers and a presentation of an algorithm for the management of shoulder dystocia. They were randomized into two groups. The video group was reminded every two weeks to watch a short tutorial. The control group was reminded to consult the slide show. At the end of two months, they were evaluated by graders. The practice, theory, and global scores of the students in the video group were significantly higher than those of the students in the control group (14.8 vs. 10.4; 5.6 vs. 3.4; and 9.3 vs. 7.0, P<0.001). The scores for the video group improved at the second simulation session, compared with the first (14.8 vs. 9.9; 5.6 vs. 2.9; and 9.3 vs. 7, P<0.001). The addition of a video tutorial improved learning compared to a standard lecture and simulation session alone

    Producing red clover seeds for organic agriculture

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    This tool is a data sheet that can be used by French farmers who produce or want to produce red clover seeds in organic conditions. It provides advice starting from the contract signing to the seed drying, going through the specificities of the crop, the sowing, irrigation, specific pests and their management, and the harvest

    Robust optical emission polarization in MoS2 monolayers through selective valley excitation

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    We report polarization resolved photoluminescence from monolayer MoS2, a two-dimensional, non-centrosymmetric crystal with direct energy gaps at two different valleys in momentum space. The inherent chiral optical selectivity allows exciting one of these valleys and close to 90% polarized emission at 4K is observed with 40% polarization remaining at 300K. The high polarization degree of the emission remains unchanged in transverse magnetic fields up to 9T indicating robust, selective valley excitation.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure