707 research outputs found

    Analysis and design of aircraft antennas

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    Recording systems and other associated electronic equipment were engineered, calibrated, and used to measure antenna radiation patterns of aircraft structures. Antenna design, measured and computed results, and performance are discussed. Data show measured and computer data to be in agreement

    Electromagnetic backscattering by corner reflectors

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    The analysis of the backscatter cross section of a dihedral corner reflector, using Geometrical Theory of Diffraction (GTD) and Physical Theory of Diffraction (PTD), is completed in the azimuthal plane, and very good agreement with experimental results is obtained. The advantages and limitations of the GTD and PTD techniques are discussed specifically for radar cross section applications. The utilization of GTD and PTD in oblique incidence diffraction from conducting targets is discussed. Results for equivalent current off-axis diffraction from the flat rectangular plate are presented using the equivalent currents of Knott, Senior, and Michaeli. The rectangular subdivision technique of Sikta, and its extension by Sunatara, alleviate some of the limitations of the equivalent techniques. As yet, neither technique can be used in bistatic scattering or for multiple scattering of a complex target

    Electromagnetic backscattering by corner reflectors

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    The Geometrical Theory of Diffraction (GTD), which supplements Geometric Optics (GO), and the Physical Theory of Diffraction (PTD), which supplements Physical Optics (PO), are used to predict the backscatter cross sections of dihedral corner reflectors which have right, obtuse, or acute included angles. These theories allow individual backscattering mechanisms of the dihedral corner reflectors to be identified and provide good agreement with experimental results in the azimuthal plane. The advantages and disadvantages of the geometrical and physical theories are discussed in terms of their accuracy, usefulness, and complexity. Numerous comparisons of analytical results with experimental data are presented. While physical optics alone is more accurate and more useful than geometrical optics alone, the combination of geometrical optics and geometrical diffraction seems to out perform physical optics and physical diffraction when compared with experimental data, especially for acute angle dihedral corner reflectors

    Three-dimensional vector modeling and restoration of flat finite wave tank radiometric measurements

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    The three-dimensional vector interaction between a microwave radiometer and a wave tank was modeled. Computer programs for predicting the response of the radiometer to the brightness temperature characteristics of the surroundings were developed along with a computer program that can invert (restore) the radiometer measurements. It is shown that the computer programs can be used to simulate the viewing of large bodies of water, and is applicable to radiometer measurements received from satellites monitoring the ocean. The water temperature, salinity, and wind speed can be determined

    Application and sensitivity investigation of Fourier transforms for microwave radiometric inversions

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    Existing microwave radiometer technology now provides a suitable method for remote determination of the ocean surface's absolute brightness temperature. To extract the brightness temperature of the water from the antenna temperature equation, an unstable Fredholm integral equation of the first kind was solved. Fast Fourier Transform techniques were used to invert the integral after it is placed into a cross-correlation form. Application and verification of the methods to a two-dimensional modeling of a laboratory wave tank system were included. The instability of the Fredholm equation was then demonstrated and a restoration procedure was included which smooths the resulting oscillations. With the recent availability and advances of Fast Fourier Transform techniques, the method presented becomes very attractive in the evaluation of large quantities of data. Actual radiometric measurements of sea water are inverted using the restoration method, incorporating the advantages of the Fast Fourier Transform algorithm for computations

    High-frequency techniques for RCS prediction of plate geometries and a physical optics/equivalent currents model for the RCS of trihedral corner reflectors

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    Part 1 of this report continues the investigation, initiated in previous reports, of scattering from rectangular plates coated with lossy dielectrics. The hard polarization coefficients given in the last report are incorporated into a model, which includes second- and third-order diffractions, for the coated plate. Computed results from this model are examined and compared to measured data. A breakdown of the contribution of each of the higher-order terms to the total radar cross section (RCS) is given. The effectiveness of the uniform theory of diffraction (UTD) model in accounting for the coating effect is investigated by examining a Physical Optics (PO) model which incorporates the equivalent surface impedance approximation used in the UTD model. The PO, UTD, and experimental results are compared. Part 2 of this report presents a RCS model, based on PO and the Method of Equivalent Currents (MEC), for a trihedral corner reflector. PO is used to account for the reflected fields, while MEC is used for the diffracted fields. Single, double, and triple reflections and first-order diffractions are included in the model. A detailed derivation of the E(sub theta)-polarization, monostatic RCS is included. Computed results are compared with finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) results for validation. The PO/MEC model of this report compares very well with the FDTD model, and it is a much faster model in terms of computational speed

    Enhanced emission and light control with tapered plasmonic nanoantennas

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    We introduce a design of Yagi-Uda plasmonic nanoantennas for enhancing the antenna gain and achieving control over the angular emission of light. We demonstrate that tapering of antenna elements allows to decrease spacing between the antenna elements tenfold also enhancing its emission directivity. We find the optimal tapering angle that provides the maximum directivity enhancement and the minimum end-fire beamwidth

    Input Impedance, Nanocircuit Loading, and Radiation Tuning of Optical Nanoantennas

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    Here we explore the radiation features of optical nanoantennas, analyzing the concepts of input impedance, optical radiation resistance, impedance matching and loading of plasmonic nanodipoles. We discuss how the concept of antenna impedance may be applied to optical frequencies, and how its quantity may be properly defined and evaluated. We exploit these concepts in optimization of nanoantenna loading by optical nanocircuit elements, extending classic concepts of radio-frequency antenna theory to the visible regime for the proper design and matching of plasmonic nanoantennas.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figure

    A physical optics/equivalent currents model for the RCS of trihedral corner reflectors

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    The scattering in the interior regions of both square and triangular trihedral corner reflectors is examined. The theoretical model presented combines geometrical and physical optics (GO and PO), used to account for reflection terms, with equivalent edge currents (EEC), used to account for first-order diffractions from the edges. First-order, second-order, and third-order reflection terms are included. Calculating the first-order reflection terms involves integrating over the entire surface of the illuminated plate. Calculating the second- and third-order reflection terms, however, is much more difficult because the illuminated area is an arbitrary polygon whose shape is dependent upon the incident angles. The method for determining the area of integration is detailed. Extensive comparisons between the high-frequency model, Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) and experimental data are used for validation of the radar cross section (RCS) of both square and triangular trihedral reflectors

    Circular Optical Nanoantennas: An Analytical Theory

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    An entirely analytical theory is provided for describing the resonance properties of optical nanoantennas made of a stack of homogeneous discs, i.e. circular patch nanoantennas. It consists in analytically calculating the phase accumulation of surface plasmon polaritons across the resonator and an additional contribution from the complex reflection coefficient at the antenna termination. This makes the theory self-contained with no need for fitting parameters. The very antenna resonances are then explained by a simple Fabry-Perot resonator model. Predictions are compared to rigorous simulations and show excellent agreement. Using this analytical model, circular antennas can be tuned by varying the composition of the stack
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