7,355 research outputs found

    Suffix conjugates for a class of morphic subshifts

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    Let A be a finite alphabet and f: A^* --> A^* be a morphism with an iterative fixed point f^\omega(\alpha), where \alpha{} is in A. Consider the subshift (X, T), where X is the shift orbit closure of f^\omega(\alpha) and T: X --> X is the shift map. Let S be a finite alphabet that is in bijective correspondence via a mapping c with the set of nonempty suffixes of the images f(a) for a in A. Let calS be a subset S^N be the set of infinite words s = (s_n)_{n\geq 0} such that \pi(s):= c(s_0)f(c(s_1)) f^2(c(s_2))... is in X. We show that if f is primitive and f(A) is a suffix code, then there exists a mapping H: calS --> calS such that (calS, H) is a topological dynamical system and \pi: (calS, H) --> (X, T) is a conjugacy; we call (calS, H) the suffix conjugate of (X, T). In the special case when f is the Fibonacci or the Thue-Morse morphism, we show that the subshift (calS, T) is sofic, that is, the language of calS is regular

    Late Quaternary Paleoceanography and Sedimentary Environments in Hudson Strait

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    Airgun and high resolution Huntec seismic reflection profiles are interpreted to show up to 130 m of glacial, glaciomarine and postglacial sediments overlying bedrock. In a basin at the eastern entrance to Hudson Strait most of the surficial sediment was deposited during the last déglaciation, but in western Hudson Strait multiple till sequences from previous glaciations are recognized. Five acoustic units were identified, at least three of which were penetrated with piston cores. Foraminifera of the stratigraphically deepest core in the eastern basin indicate a proximal glaciomarine environment and a likely presence of an ice shelf. A 14C date of 8060 ± 70 yBP (TO 750) on molluscan shells gives a minimum age for the top of the acoustically laminated distal glaciomarine sediments. The early postglacial foraminifera suggest a period of increased influence of offshore bottom waters restricted to the deep eastern basin. The surface sediments of all cores contain species indigenous of colder and fresher inshore waters of the present time. The ratio of 18CV16O in the benthic foraminifer Cibicides lobatulus is herein related to bottom salinity. Downcore measurements of 8'8O on C. lobatulus tests indicate bottom paleosalinities lower by about 0.5%o shortly before the dated horizon of 8000 yBP. By this time Hudson Strait was sufficiently clear of glacial ice for establishment of the present tidal regime. The lower bottom salinities indicate that tidal mixing took place between glacial meltwater leaving Hudson Bay and the offshore counterflow. This process is thought to have reduced the sharpness of the salinity difference between the offshore water and the surface plume of Laurentide meltwater as it entered the ocean.L'utilisation d'un fusil à air comprimé et d'un dispositif explosif Huntec en sismique réflexion a permis d'obtenir des profils à haute résolution révélant que des sédiments glaciaires, glaciomarins et postglaciaires d'une épaisseur de 130 m surmontent la roche en place. Un bassin, à l'entrée est du détroit d'Hudson, renferme des sédiments de surface qui, pour la plupart, se sont déposés au cours de la dernière glaciation. On a relevé cinq unités acoustiques dont au moins trois ont été explorées par carottage. Les foraminifères de la carotte extraite, dans le bassin est, à la plus grande profondeur révèlent qu'existaient un milieu glaciomarin proximal et, vraisemblablement, une plate-forme de glace flottante. La datation au 14C fait remonter à 8060 ± 70 BP (TO 750) les coquilles de mollusques et confère ainsi un âge minimal à la portion supérieure des sédiments glaciomarins distaux, laminés par acoustique. Les foraminifères du début de la période postglaciaire laissent croire que les eaux profondes du large ont pendant un certain temps exercé une influence accrue sur les fonds du bassin de l'est. Dans toutes les carottes, les sédiments de surface renferment des espèces indigènes au milieu aquatique actuel, plus froid et moins salé. Le taux 18OZ16O trouvé chez le foraminifère benthique Cibicides lobatulus se rapporte ici à la salinité des fonds aquatiques. Plus bas, dans les carottes, on a relevé sur C. lobatulus un taux de 818O qui révèle une paléosalinité plus faible d'environ 0,5%o, précédant tout juste l'horizon daté à 8000 BP. À cette époque, le détroit d'Hudson était suffisamment libre de glace pour que s'établissent les marées telles qu'on les connaît actuellement. Plus bas encore, la salinité révèle que les eaux de fusion glaciaire provenant de la baie d'Hudson se sont mêlées aux contre-courants venus du large.Mit Hilfe eines Luftgewehrs und einer Huntec Explosionsanlage mit seismischer Reflexion gewonnene Profile mit hoher Auflôsung lassen bis zu 130 m glazialer, glaziomariner und postglazialer Sedimente erkennen, die den FeIs ùberlagern, In einem Bassin am ôstlichen Eingang zur Hudson-Meerenge ist der grôsste Teil der Oberflàchensedimente wâhrend der letzten Vereisung abgelagert worden, aber in der westlichen Hudson-Meerenge lassen sich vielfache Grundmorànen-Sequenzen von frùheren Vereisungen erkennen. Fùnf akustische Einheiten wurden identifiziert, von denen mindestens drei durch Kernbohrung ergrûndet wurden. Die Foraminifera des stratigraphisch tiefsten Kerns im ôstlichen Bassin weisen auf eine proximale glaziomarine Umwelt und die môgliche Existenz einer Eisdecke. Eine 14C Datierung von 8060 ± 70 Jahren v.u.Z. (bis 750) fur Molluskenschalen ergibt ein Minimalalter fur den oberen Teil der distalen glaziomarinen Sedimente, die durch Akustik eine blàttrige Struktur bekommen haben. Die frùhen postglazialen Foraminifera lassen auf eine Période wachsenden Einflusses des kùstenfernen Tiefwassers auf das tiefe ôstliche Bassin schliessen. Die Oberflàchensedimente aller Bohrkerne enthalten Gattungen, die spezifisch fur die kàlteren und frischeren Kùstengewàsser der gegenwârtigen Zeit sind. Der Anteil an 18OZ16O in dem benthischen Foraminifer Cibicides lobatulus ist hierin mit dem Salzgehalt auf dem Grund verbunden. Tiefer im Bohrkern hat man auf C. lobatulus Werte von 818O gefunden, was einen um etwa 0.5% geringeren Grund-Palàosalzgehalt ergibt, kurz vor dem auf 8000 Jahre v.u.Z. datierten Horizont. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt war die Hudson-Meerenge von glazialem Eis ausreichend befreit, so dass sich der gegenwârtige Gezeiten-Wechsel etablieren konnte

    Socioeconomic inequalities in health among Swedish adolescents - adding the subjective perspective

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    Abstract Background Socioeconomic inequalities in adolescent health predict future inequalities in adult health. Subjective measures of socioeconomic status (SES) may contribute with an increased understanding of these inequalities. The aim of this study was to investigate socioeconomic health inequalities using both a subjective and an objective measure of SES among Swedish adolescents. Method Cross-sectional HBSC-data from 2002 to 2014 was used with a total sample of 23,088 adolescents aged 11–15 years. Three measures of self-rated health (dependent variables) were assessed: multiple health complaints, life satisfaction and health perception. SES was measured objectively by the Family Affluence Scale (FAS) and subjectively by “perceived family wealth” (independent variables). The trend for health inequalities was investigated descriptively with independent t-tests and the relationship between independent and dependent variables was investigated with multiple logistic regression analysis. Gender, age and survey year was considered as possible confounders. Results Subjective SES was more strongly related to health outcomes than the objective measure (FAS). Also, the relation between FAS and health was weakened and even reversed (for multiple health complaints) when subjective SES was tested simultaneously in regression models (FAS OR: 1.03, CI: 1.00;1.06 and subjective SES OR: 0.66, CI: 0.63;0.68). Conclusions The level of socioeconomic inequalities in adolescent health varied depending on which measure that was used to define SES. When focusing on adolescents, the subjective appraisals of SES is important to consider because they seem to provide a stronger tool for identifying inequalities in health for this group. This finding is important for policy makers to consider given the persistence of health inequalities in Sweden and other high-income countries

    The pursuit of isotopic and molecular fire tracers in the polar atmosphere and cryosphere

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    We present an overview of recent multidisciplinary, multi-institutional efforts to identify and date major sources of combustion aerosol in the current and paleoatmospheres. The work was stimulated, in part, by an atmospheric particle \u27sample of opportunity\u27 collected at Summit, Greenland in August 1994, that bore the 14C imprint of biomass burning. During the summer field seasons of 1995 and 1996, we collected air filter, surface snow and snowpit samples to investigate chemical and isotopic evidence of combustion particles that had been transported from distant fires. Among the chemical tracers employed for source identification are organic acids, potassium and ammonium ions, and elemental and organic components of carbonaceous particles. Ion chromatography, performed by members of the Climate Change Research Center (University of New Hampshire), has been especially valuable in indicating periods at Summit that were likely to have been affected by the long range transport of biomass burning aerosol. Univariate and multivariate patterns of the ion concentrations in the snow and ice pinpointed surface and snowpit samples for the direct analysis of particulate (soot) carbon and carbon isotopes. The research at NIST is focusing on graphitic and polycyclic aromatic carbon, which serve as almost certain indicators of fire, and measurements of carbon isotopes, especially 14C, to distinguish fossil and biomass combustion sources. Complementing the chemical and isotopic record, are direct \u27visual\u27 (satellite imagery) records and less direct backtrajectory records, to indicate geographic source regions and transport paths. In this paper we illustrate the unique way in which the synthesis of the chemical, isotopic, satellite and trajectory data enhances our ability to develop the recent history of the formation and transport of soot deposited in the polar snow and ice

    SYSTEMS-2: a randomised phase II study of radiotherapy dose escalation for pain control in malignant pleural mesothelioma

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    SYSTEMS-2 is a randomised study of radiotherapy dose escalation for pain control in 112 patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM). Standard palliative (20Gy/5#) or dose escalated treatment (36Gy/6#) will be delivered using advanced radiotherapy techniques and pain responses will be compared at week 5. Data will guide optimal palliative radiotherapy in MPM

    Efficient injection from large telescopes into single-mode fibres: Enabling the era of ultra-precision astronomy

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    Photonic technologies offer numerous advantages for astronomical instruments such as spectrographs and interferometers owing to their small footprints and diverse range of functionalities. Operating at the diffraction-limit, it is notoriously difficult to efficiently couple such devices directly with large telescopes. We demonstrate that with careful control of both the non-ideal pupil geometry of a telescope and residual wavefront errors, efficient coupling with single-mode devices can indeed be realised. A fibre injection was built within the Subaru Coronagraphic Extreme Adaptive Optics (SCExAO) instrument. Light was coupled into a single-mode fibre operating in the near-IR (J-H bands) which was downstream of the extreme adaptive optics system and the pupil apodising optics. A coupling efficiency of 86% of the theoretical maximum limit was achieved at 1550 nm for a diffraction-limited beam in the laboratory, and was linearly correlated with Strehl ratio. The coupling efficiency was constant to within <30% in the range 1250-1600 nm. Preliminary on-sky data with a Strehl ratio of 60% in the H-band produced a coupling efficiency into a single-mode fibre of ~50%, consistent with expectations. The coupling was >40% for 84% of the time and >50% for 41% of the time. The laboratory results allow us to forecast that extreme adaptive optics levels of correction (Strehl ratio >90% in H-band) would allow coupling of >67% (of the order of coupling to multimode fibres currently). For Strehl ratios <20%, few-port photonic lanterns become a superior choice but the signal-to-noise must be considered. These results illustrate a clear path to efficient on-sky coupling into a single-mode fibre, which could be used to realise modal-noise-free radial velocity machines, very-long-baseline optical/near-IR interferometers and/or simply exploit photonic technologies in future instrument design.Comment: 15 pages, 16 figures, 1 table, published in A&

    The Iliad’s big swoon: a case of innovation within the epic tradition

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    In book 5 of the Iliad Sarpedon suffers so greatly from a wound that his ‘‘ψυχή leaves him’. Rather than dying, however, Sarpedon lives to fight another day. This paper investigates the phrase τὸν δὲ λίπε ψυχή in extant archaic Greek poetry to gain a sense of its traditional referentiality and better assess the meaning of Sarpedon’s swoon. Finding that all other instances of the ψυχή leaving the body signify death, it suggests that the Iliad exploits a traditional unit of utterance to flag up the importance of Sarpedon to this version of the Troy story

    Bayesian Estimation of the Size of a Street-Dwelling Homeless Population

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    A novel Bayesian technique is proposed to calculate 95% interval estimates for the size of the homeless population in the city of Edmonton using plant-capture data from Toronto, Canada. The probabilities of capture in Edmonton and Toronto are modeled as exchangeable in a hierarchical Bayesian model, and Markov chain Monte Carlo is used to sample from the posterior distribution. Guidelines are recommended for applying the method to assess the accuracy of homeless counts in other cities