55 research outputs found

    The error analysis of Koshi guruma judo throw using T-Patterns

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    El objetivo de esta investigación es determinar los errores técnicos más frecuentes y sus secuencias conductuales en la proyección de judo Koshi-guruma. Los participantes (n=45; 18 hombres y 27 mujeres; M=24.22 años; DT=2.43), estudiantes universitarios sin experiencia en judo que cursaron una materia de fundamentos del judo, se sometieron, a partir de un estudio observacional sistemático, a un registro en video de la ejecución de la técnica de estudio. Los resultados, determinados mediante estadística descriptiva y análisis secuencial de T-Patterns, corroboran que existe una serie de defectos típicos, así como unas secuencias de errores en cadena, que básicamente afectan al desequilibrio, a la posición de los pies y cadera, a la acción de bloqueo y a la acción de brazos. Estos resultados permiten proponer tareas motrices basadas en los errores detectados, secuencias de movimientos que garanticen el éxito en la proyección y recomendaciones sobre la utilización del feedback.In this research, the most frequent technical errors and its sequences of action during the Koshi-guruma judo-technique execution were examined. The participants were students from the University of Vigo with no experience in the fundamentals of judo (18 men and 27 women; M=24.22 años; SD=2.43). The study was conducted based on a process of systematic observation of a recorded video during the performance of the technique. The obtained data were evaluated by descriptive statistics and sequential analysis of T-Patterns, identifying: a) the presence of typical inaccuracies during the execution of the technique; b) a number of chains of errors affecting the imbalance of the body, the position of the feet and hip, blocking action and the arm's action. These findings allowed to propose motor tasks to correct the identified inaccuracies, sequential actions to ensure the success of the execution and recommendations for the use of feedback

    De custodios y valedores: dedicatorias y dedicatarios en las ediciones del teatro de Moreto en el siglo XVII

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    The work analyzes, through the study of the dedications, the “social utility” that the editions of the Moreto’s plays had during the seventeenth century. This methodological approach places the focus of the research on the dedications of the volumes and on the social, political and cultural context that involved that process. In the case of the edition of the First part of the works of Moreto (1654), the volume seems to be inserted in a general program of self-promotion of the VIII Duke of Alburquerque connected with other works and other authors that could be part of their cultural patronage. A different approach is observed when analysing the work of the editors of the Moreto’s plays after his death. These publishers dedicate the work to “new nobles” and even to other characters of lower social status, who could subsidize all or part of the edition, so that in the text of the dedication, their family origin will be improved, assimilating thus more easily to his new superior social status.El trabajo analiza la “utilidad social” que tuvieron las ediciones del teatro de Moreto durante el siglo XVII, a través del estudio de las dedicatorias. Este planteamiento metodológico, pone el foco de la investigación en el dedicatario de los volúmenes y en el contexto social, político y cultural que envolvió ese proceso. En el caso de la edición de la Primera parte de las comedias de Moreto (1654), el volumen parece insertarse en un programa general de autopromoción del VIII duque de Alburquerque conectado con otras obras y otros autores que pudieron formar su clientela cultural. Caso distinto sería el de los editores del teatro de Moreto tras su muerte. Estos mercaderes de libros dedican la obra a “nobles nuevos” e incluso a otros personajes de inferior categoría social, que pudieron subvencionar en todo o en parte la edición, para bruñir el origen familiar de los dedicatarios hasta hacerlo asimilable con su nuevo estatus social

    Teatro y diplomacia cortesana. El III marqués de los Balbases o la instrumentalización del gusto (1664-1679)

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    El artículo analiza la vinculación del III marqués de los Balbases (1628-1699) con la promoción de diversos espectáculos cortesanos y, en concreto, con la actividad teatral palaciega. Se estudian las posibles conexiones existentes entre la promoción de estos espectáculos desarrollados durante el desempeño de sus destinos militares, políticos y diplomáticos en Milán, Viena y París, y su posible instrumentalización, como un medio de autopromoción personal, familiar y del propio linaje.The article analyzes the connection between the III Marquis de los Balbases (1628-1699) and the promotion of various courtly performances, specifically the court’s theatrical activity. The possible connections between the promotion of these programs developed during the performance of his military, political and diplomatic destinations in Milan, Vienna and Paris, and its possible instrumentalization, as a means of personal, family and lineage self-promotion are examined

    Effects of Brain Gym® Exercises in Institutionalized Older Adults with Cognitive Impairment

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    Este estudio tuvo como objetivo comparar los efectos de un programa de ejercicios de Brain Gym® con un programa de gimnasia de mantenimiento en pacientes mayores institucionalizados con deterioro cognitivo. Veintinueve personas institucionalizadas con deterioro cognitivo participaron en dos programas, uno basado en ejercicios de Brain Gym® y otro de gimnasia de mantenimiento, durante 18 semanas. Se emplearon los test Mini-examen cognoscitivo, Fototest, Trail Making Test, Índice de Barthel y el Timed up and Go. No se encontraron mejoras significativas en las variables analizadas. Se observó una tendencia positiva, especialmente en el grupo de gimnasia de mantenimiento, en la función cognitiva global y salud física. En conclusión, los efectos de un programa de ejercicios de Brain Gym® en una muestra de personas mayores institucionalizadas con deterioro cognitivo fueron similares a los de un programa de gimnasia de mantenimiento, sin mejoras significativas de la función cognitiva o independencia funcionalThis study aimed at comparing the effects of a program based on Brain Gym® exercises against a fitness exercise program on the cognitive function and functional independence in institutionalized older adults with cognitive impairment. Twenty-nine institutionalized older adults with cognitive impairment took part either on a Brain Gym® based exercise program or on a fitness exercise program during eighteen weeks. The assessment measures used were the Mini-Examen Cognoscitivo, Fototest, Trail making test, Barthel Index and the Timed up and Go Test. None of the variables analysed improved significantly. A trend towards improvement, particularly in the fitness exercise group, in both cognitive status and functional independence was observed. In conclusion, the performance of a Brain Gym® exercise-based program had the same effects than taking part in a fitness exercise program, with no significant improvements on the cognitive function or functional independence, in a sample of institutionalized older adults with cognitive impairmen

    Sport Injuries in School and Extracurricular Activities in the Community of Madrid (Spain)

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    Este estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar la epidemiología lesional deportiva de las actividades desarrolladas bajo responsabilidad docente (Educación Física, recreo y actividades extraescolares) en centros de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO). Participaron 1.050 estudiantes (edad media 13,9 ± 1,3 años) que cumplimentaron un cuestionario sobre lesiones deportivas. De las 848 lesiones registradas en total, 319 (172 en chicos y 147 en chicas) ocurrieron en actividades desarrolladas bajo responsabilidad docente (0,30 lesiones/estudiante). Las actividades extraescolares fueron el ámbito con mayor promedio de lesiones (0,12 por estudiante). Se observó una mayor incidencia lesional a los 13 años y una menor probabilidad de que las lesiones ocurriesen en los chicos (OR = 0,64 (0,49-0,85); p < 0,05). Los esguinces y las contusiones fueron las lesiones más frecuentes, especialmente en tobillo y rodilla. Un 27,3% de las lesiones impidieron al alumnado participar activamente en las sesiones de Educación Física durante más de tres díasThis study aimed to analyse the epidemiology of sport injuries that occurred during activities performed under teacher supervision (Physical Education, break and extracurricular activities), at high school. A questionnaire regarding sport injuries were administered to 1050 students (mean age 13.9 ± 1.3 years). Out of the 848 sport injuries registered, 319 (172 in boys and 147 in girls) took place during activities performed under teacher supervision, (0.30 injuries/student). Extracurricular activities were the scenario in which the highest injury rate (0.12) was observed. There was a higher incidence of injury at age 13 and a lower likelihood of injuries occurring in boys (OR = 0.64 (0.49-0.85); p < 0.05). Sprains and contusions were the type of injury most frequently observed, especially in areas such as ankles and knees. A total of 27.3% of the injuries reported prevented the students from actively participating in the Physical Education sessions for more than three day

    Effects of exercise training on obesity‐related parameters in people with intellectual disabilities: systematic review and meta‐analysis

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    .Background: Efforts to synthesise existing knowledge concerning the effects of exercise interventions on obesity (i.e. changes in body weight and composition) have been made, but scientific evidence in this matter is still limited. This systematic review and meta-analysis aims to identify and critically analyse the best available evidence regarding the use of physical exercise as a strategy to attenuate obesity through its effects on adiposity-related anthropometric parameters in people with intellectual disability (ID). Methods: Following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines, a literature search was performed using PubMed, Scopus, SPORTDiscus, CINAHL and the Cochrane Library through specific keywords up to July 2020. The search adhered to the population, intervention, comparison and outcome strategy. Randomised controlled trials addressing the effects of the exercise intervention on adiposity-related anthropometric parameters (body mass index, waist circumference, waist–hip ratio, fat percentage or body weight) in children, adolescents and adults with ID were included. The methodological quality of the studies found was evaluated through the PEDro scale. Results: A total of nine investigations with children and/or adolescents (10–19 years) and 10 investigations with adults (18–70 years) were selected, mostly experiencing mild and moderate ID. Methodological quality was fair in 13 of these publications, good in five and excellent in one. Seventeen trials reported comparable baseline and post-intervention data for the intervention and control groups and were included in the meta-analysis. In nine studies, the intervention group performed a cardiovascular training programme. Five papers described a combined training programme. Two trials executed whole-body vibration training programmes, and one publication proposed balance training as the primary intervention. According to the meta-analysis results, the reviewed studies proposed exercise modalities that, in comparison with the activities performed by the participants' in the respective control groups, did not have a greater impact on the variables assessed. Conclusions: While physical exercise can contribute to adiposity-related anthropometric parameters in people with mild and moderate ID, these findings show that exercise alone is not sufficient to manage obesity in this population. Multicomponent interventions appear to be the best choice when they incorporate dietary deficit, physical activity increase and behaviour change strategies. Finding the most effective modality of physical exercise can only aid weight loss interventions. Future research would benefit from comparing the effects of different exercise modalities within the framework of a multicomponent weight management intervention.S

    Potential Benefits of Non-Pharmacological Therapies in Fibromyalgia

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    Fibromyalgia (FM) is an incurable common syndrome of non-articular origin, and with no effective treatment by now. A great deal of research has sought to assess the efficacy of different therapies, especially non-pharmacological and low-cost ones, in the reduction of the intensity of symptoms. Despite the availability of a wide range of alternative therapies nowadays, there is little scientific evidence of the potential benefits of most of them, with results being contradictories. The purpose of this paper is to review some of the less well known alternative therapies in FM treatment, to describe the more relevant clinical studies published in this matter, and to analyze the potential effects of the main alternative therapies, in order to verify their efficacy

    Effects of 2 Physiotherapy Programs on Pain Perception, Muscular Flexibility, and Illness Impact in Women With Fibromyalgia: A Pilot Study

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    [EN] Objective This study assessed the effect of 2 physiotherapy programs designed to improve flexibility and to reduce the impact of the illness and pain perception in women with the fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS), and compared the effects of the 2 programs in the short and intermediate term. Methods Twenty FMS patients were randomly assigned to 2 training groups, one following a program of kinesiotherapy and active muscular stretching and one using techniques of Global Myofascial Physiotherapy, according to the Mézières method. Both groups met twice a week for 12 weeks, for a total of 150 minutes each week. Flexibility and illness impact were measured by means of a standard test, whereas pain was assessed by means of thumb palpation. Measurements were taken at the beginning and end of the program and 24 weeks after its end. Results Patients had achieved a statistically significant reduction in the severity of the disease and improved their flexibility level by the end of the program, but had returned to initial values after follow-up. Significant differences were not observed between the 2 treatment groups in the initial values or in the results at the end of the program or after the follow-up, so neither program proved better than the other. Conclusion The FMS patients in this study improved their flexibility level and general well-being using both kinesiotherapy and stretching exercises techniques.S

    Relationship between aerobic fitness and quality of life in female fibromyalgia patients

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    [EN] Objective: To determine whether there is a direct link between quality of life and aerobic capacity among female fibromyalgia patients. Design: Cross-section study. Setting: University of Leo´ n. Subjects: Twenty-nine women belonging to the Leo´ n Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Association. Main measurements: Aerobic capacity and quality of life were measured by means of the Six-Minute Walk Test and the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire. Outcome measures included heart rate and rate of perceived fatigue and dypsnoea. Results: The average distance walked was 432.8 (61.2) m and the total average Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire score was 47.5 (18.9). Only item 1 of the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire, physical function, showed any statistically significant link with the distance walked, which had no statistically significant rela- tionship with any of the variables studied. Conclusion: The physical fitness of women with fibromyalgia, as determined by the Six-Minute Walk Test and the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire, has no direct relation with quality of life as the patients perceive it.S

    The Efficacy of Re-Warm-Up Practices during Half-Time: A Systematic Review

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    Background and Objectives: The passive nature of rest breaks in sport could reduce athletes' performance and even increase their risk of injury. Re-warm-up activities could help avoid these problems, but there is a lack of research on their efficacy. This systematic review aimed at analyzing the results of those randomized controlled trials (RCTs) that provided information on the effects of re-warm-up strategies. Materials and Methods: Four electronic databases (Web of Science, Scopus, PubMed, and SPORTDiscus) were searched from their inception to January 2021, for RCTs on the effects of re-warm-up activities on sports performance. Interventions had to be implemented just after an exercise period or sports competition. Studies that proposed activities that were difficult to replicate in the sport context or performed in a hot environment were excluded. Data were synthesized following PRISMA guidelines, while the risk of bias was assessed following the recommendations of the Cochrane Collaboration. Results: A total of 14 studies (178 participants) reporting data on acute or short-term effects were analyzed. The main outcomes were grouped into four broad areas: physiological measures, conditional abilities, perceptual skills, and sport efficiency measures. The results obtained indicated that passive rest decreases physiological function in athletes, while re-warm-up activities could help to improve athletes' conditional abilities and sporting efficiency, despite showing higher fatigue levels in comparison with passive rest. The re-warm-up exercise showed to be more effective than passive rest to improve match activities and passing ability. Conclusions: Performing re-warm-up activities is a valuable strategy to avoid reducing sports performance during prolonged breaks. However, given that the methodological quality of the studies was not high, these relationships need to be further explored in official or simulated competitions