464 research outputs found

    Senior Recital

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    Promoting Comprehension Strategies of Primary Grade Students Through Datacasting Materials for Distance Learning

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    Many online learners especially in resource-challenged schools struggled with learning gaps during the pandemic crisis. This study focuses on using cost effective datacasting learning materials for distance education that promote intermediate grade students’ self-regulation, reading and writing skills. Datacasting is the process of delivering computer (IP) data over a traditional television broadcast signal. Locally, where only some households have Internet access but many have television sets, datacasting affords greater learning opportunities. Guided by structure, interactivity, and the functional language teaching theory, this study used sequential explanatory design to explore the role of datacasting in a public elementary school in Cavite in the academic year 2021 to 2022. Analyses of students’ artifacts reveal that their levels ofautonomy are non-autonomous, semi-autonomous, and autonomous. Moreover, the data also show that when they navigated the materials, they used these types of comprehension strategies: preparational, organizational, elaboration, andmonitoring. Correlations between culminating writing activities and final writing scores were found, but are not statistically significant, which may be attributed to the pandemic-induced sample attrition. The results suggest a need to refine the learning materials following the multimedia principles of personalization and embodiment through judicious text choice and adaptation and task design. Pedagogical recommendations for the use of datacasting materials are also offered

    El principismo argentino ante la Primera Guerra Mundial

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    Hasta la primera guerra mundial de 1914-1918, la humanidad no había presenciado un cataclismo bélico de tal magnitud. Resultó lógico que esa situación trastocara todas las normas del derecho internacional, las relaciones entre los pueblos y la convivencia política económica del mundo entero. La Argentina no estuvo al margen de tales acontecimientos y transformaciones y, aunque adoptara una posición neutralista que la apartó del contexto beligerante, no quedó fuera de la comunidad internacional y, esa misma posición, le otorgó singular prestancia para definir cuestiones principistas que han quedado como una lección pacifista, ansiosa de la justicia, la tolerancia y la hermandad entre los pueblos y los hombres. Para estudiar la situación argentina frente a la Gran Guerra necesitamos bucear en los antecedentes inmediatos al conflicto y en los intereses europeos que allí se pusieron de manifiesto