4,115 research outputs found

    The Vertical Structure of Shallow Water Flow in the Surf Zone and Inner Shelf

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    Observations of River Topography and Flow Around Bridges

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    This investigation was motivated by the amount of river, estuarine, and coastal infrastructure that is susceptible to extreme wave and flooding events. The high velocities and resulting shear stresses associated with high flow velocities are capable of scouring or depositing large quantities of sediment around hydraulic structures. Preventing the failure of these structures and sedimentation in inlets alone costs federal and state agencies billions of dollars annually. In addition to being costly, the manual monitoring of bridge scour - as mandated by the Federal Highway Administration - can be inefficient in states such as Ohio where the flood events that initiate the scour process occur sporadically. According to the National Scour Evaluation Database, there are 23326 bridges over waterways in the state of Ohio, of which 5273 are considered scour susceptible and 191 are considered \u27scour critical\u27. Previous methods for identifying bridge scour have relied on the manual (diver-based) sampling of local water depths that are generally limited to periods of low water flow. As the dynamic scour and deposition of sediments around structures is highest during periods of high flow, traditional sampling methods have limited our ability to predict quantitatively scour or deposition levels and to evaluate sediment transport models. This research is aimed at developing and testing new methods to observe riverbed topographic evolution around piles and under bridges where the structures themselves interfere with GPS based positioning. Simultaneous measurements of the velocity profiles can be used in conjunction with the observed bathymetry to make inferences about bridge scour and the effect of bridge piles on local riverbed topography. Related to problems generated by sediment scour are issues of sediment deposition in navigational channels. On the Maumee River, OH, alone, the Army Corp of Engineers spends millions of dollars annually to dredge an average of 850,000 cubic yards of sediment. With the elimination of open lake disposal of dredged sediments, an inter-agency collaboration of government and private citizens has been formed to identify possible methods for reducing the amount of deposition by reducing the soil erosion along river bank’s. Clearly, development of new observational capabilities and a subsequent increase in observations of riverbed topography and flow around structures will improve our ability to utilize available resources in the most efficient manner

    Shallow Surveying in Hazardous Waters

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    Of order one importance to any study of nearshore processes is knowledge of the bathymetry in shallow water. This is true for studies on open coast sandy beaches where surf zone dynamics drive the system, inlet environments where bathymetric evolution can rapidly change navigation channels, and in more benign, lower-energy coastal environments that evolve slowly over 10’s to 100’s of years. Difficulties in obtaining shallow bathymetry where depth-limited wave breaking occurs, submerged hazards are present, or other harsh environments has led to the development of survey systems on highly maneuverable personal watercraft (Beach, et al., 1994; Cote, 1999; Dugan, et al., 1999; MacMahan, 2001). In this work we discuss shallow water surveying from the Coastal Bathymetry Survey System (CBASS), a Yamaha Waverunner equipped with differential GPS, single-beam 192 KHz acoustic echo-sounder, and onboard navigation system. Data obtained with the CBASS in three regions will be discussed, including an energetic surf zone located in southern California during the 2003 Nearshore Canyon Experiment (NCEX), on Lake Erie in 2002 (and compared with historical surveys dating back 150 years), and around Piscataqua River Inlet, NH, in 2007. Estimated accuracy (for sandy bottoms) in water depths ranging 1–10 m are 0.07-0.10 m in the vertical, and on the order of 0.1-1 m horizontally depending on water depth and bottom slope. The high maneuverability of the personal watercraft makes very shallow water bathymetric surveys possible with acoustic altimeters, particularly in regions where airborne remote sensing systems fail (owing to water clarity issues) or where repeated high resolution surveys are required (e.g., where an erodible bottom is rapidly evolving)

    Observations of the Vertical Structure of Tidal Currents in Two Inlets

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    Observations of the vertical structure of broad band tidal currents were obtained at two energetic inlets. Each experiment took place over a 4 week period, the first at Hampton Inlet in southeastern New Hampshire, USA, in the Fall of 2011, and the second at New River Inlet in southern North Carolina, USA, in the spring of 2012. The temporal variation and vertical structure of the currents were observed at each site with 600 kHz and 1200 kHz RDI Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCP) deployed on low-profile bottom tripods in 7.5 and 12.5 m water depths near the entrance to Hampton Inlet, and in 8 and 9 m water depth within and outside New River Inlet, respectively. In addition, a Nortek Aquapro ADCP was mounted on a jetted pipe in about 2.5 m water depth on the flank of the each inlet channel. Flows within the Hampton/Seabrook Inlet were dominated by semi-diurnal tides ranging 2.5 - 4 m in elevation, with velocities exceeding 2.5 m/s. Flows within New River inlet were also semi-diurnal with tides ranging about 1 – 1.5 m in elevation and with velocities exceeding 1.5 m/s. Vertical variation in the flow structure at the dominant tidal frequency are examined as a function of location within and near the inlet. Outside the inlet, velocities vary strongly over the vertical, with a nearly linear decay from the surface to near the bottom. The coherence between the upper most velocity bin and the successively vertically separated bins drops off quickly with depth, with as much as 50% coherence decay over the water column. The phase relative to the uppermost velocity bin shifts over depth, with as much as 40 deg phase lag over the vertical, with bottom velocities leading the surface. Offshore, rotary coefficients indicate a stable ellipse orientation with rotational directions consistent over the vertical. At Hampton, the shallower ADCP, but still outside the inlet, shows a rotational structure that changes sign in the vertical indicating a sense of rotation at the bottom that is opposite to that at the surface. Within the inlet, the flow is more aligned with the channel, the decay in amplitude over the vertical is diminished, the coherence and phase structure is nearly uniform, and the rotary coefficients indicate no sense of rotation in the flow. The observations are qualitatively consistent with behavior described by Prandle (1982) for shallow water tidal flows

    Monitoring Near-Shore Bathymetry Using a Multi-Image Satellite-Derived Bathymetry Approach

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    ABSTRACT Two advanced survey systems for hydrographic surveying are multi-beam echsounder (MBES) and airborne lidar bathymetry (ALB). Compared to more traditional hydrographic surveying methods, these systems provide both highly accurate and a dense coverage of depth measurements. However, high cost and logistic challenges that are required for either type of hydrographic survey operation limit the number of surveys and coverage area that can be conducted. As a result, most survey efforts primarily focus on updating existing chart information, and do not provide more enhanced charting capabilities, such as identifying dynamic seafloor areas or monitoring changes due to natural disasters (e.g., hurricanes, floods, or tsunamis) along the charted coastlines. An alternative reconnaissance approach is the use of Satellite Derived Bathymetry (SDB). Although SDB provide bathymetry products at a coarser spatial resolution compared to MBES or ALB, satellite imagery can be repeatedly collected over the same area. In addition, some of the multi-spectral satellite imagery is publically-available, and at low at no cost. In this paper, we describe a practical approach that is based on a multitemporal analysis of the SDB using Landsat 8 imagery. The study results presented here are based on a time series of two sites (Barnegat Bay Inlet, NJ and Nantucket Sound, MA). Preliminary results indicate that it is possible to identify both stable and dynamic seafloor areas that have implications for charting and coastal zone management application

    Identifying Future Hydrographic Survey Priorities: A Quantitative Uncertainty Based Approach

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    There is no universal standard methodology for assessing the validity of hydrographic survey data and charted information as they age. NOAA’s current method is the Hydrographic Health Model (HHM), a risk-based approach that incorporates crucial maritime variables and heuristic changeability terms through the history and frequency of large storms, tidal currents, and anthropogenic obstructions of a given area. Here we propose a quantitative approach evaluated in Chesapeake Bay and the Delmarva Peninsula that supports uncertainty-based estimates of chart health through alternative methodologies of calculating the initial state of historic hydrographic data and modeling how those change through time.No existe una metodologĂ­a estĂĄndar universal para evaluar la validez de los datos de los levantamientos hidrogrĂĄficos y de la informaciĂłn cartogrĂĄfica a medida que maduran. El mĂ©todo actual de la NOAA es el Modelo HidrogrĂĄfico de Salud (HHM), un enfoque basado en el riesgo que incorpora variables marĂ­timas cruciales y tĂ©rminos de variabilidad heurĂ­stica a travĂ©s de la historia y de la frecuencia de grandes tormentas, corrientes de marea y obstrucciones antropĂłgenas de una zona determinada. AquĂ­ proponemos un enfoque cuantitativo evaluado en la bahĂ­a de Chesapeake y en la penĂ­nsula de Delmarva, que apoya, basadas en la incertidumbre, las estimaciones de la salud cartogrĂĄfica mediante metodologĂ­as alternativas de cĂĄlculo del estado inicial de los datos hidrogrĂĄficos histĂłricos y de la modelizaciĂłn de cĂłmo cambian dichos datos a travĂ©s del tiempo.Il n’existe pas de mĂ©thode standard universelle permettant d’évaluer la validitĂ© des donnĂ©es des levĂ©s hydrographiques et des informations cartographiĂ©es quand elles deviennent anciennes. La mĂ©thode actuelle de la NOAA est l’Hydrographic Health Model (HHM), une approche basĂ©e sur les risques incorporant des variables maritimes cruciales ainsi que des termes heuristiques d’évolutivitĂ© via l’historique et la frĂ©quence des grandes tempĂȘtes, des courants de marĂ©e et des obstacles anthropiques d’une rĂ©gion donnĂ©e. Nous proposons ici une approche quantitative Ă©valuĂ©e dans la baie de Chesapeake et dans la PĂ©ninsule de Delmarva qui permet des estimations de « l’état de santĂ© » des cartes basĂ©es sur l’incertitude, grĂące Ă  des mĂ©thodes alternatives de calcul de l’état initial des donnĂ©es hydrographiques historiques et de modĂ©lisation de leur Ă©volution dans le temps

    Consolidation and upgrade of the ALICE TPC

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    Ray-optical refraction with confocal lenslet arrays

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    Two parallel lenslet arrays with focal lengths f1 and f2 that share a common focal plane (that is, which are separated by a distance f1+f2) can refract transmitted light rays according to Snell's law, but with the 'sin's replaced with 'tan's. This is the case for a limited range of input angles and other conditions. Such confocal lenslet arrays can therefore simulate the interface between optical media with different refractive indices, n1 and n2, whereby the ratio η=-f2/f1 plays the role of the refractive-index ratio n2/n1. Suitable choices of focal lengths enable positive and negative refraction. In contrast to Snell's law, which leads to nontrivial geometric imaging by a planar refractive-index interface only for the special case of n1=±n2, the modified refraction law leads to geometric imaging by planar confocal lenslet arrays for any value of η. We illustrate some of the properties of confocal lenslet arrays with images rendered using ray-tracing software
