3,666 research outputs found

    Performance of two transferred modules in the Lagunera Region: Water relations

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    Water policy / Performance / Privatization / Irrigation systems / Operations / Maintenance / Irrigation efficiency / Water users' associations / Water rights / Water allocation / Water supply / Water distribution

    Lifetime Measurement of the 8s Level in Francium

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    We measure the lifetime of the 8s level on a magneto-optically trapped sample of ^{210}Fr atoms with time-correlated single-photon counting. The 7P_{1/2} state serves as the resonant intermediate level for two-photon excitation of the 8s level completed with a 1300 nm laser. Analysis of the fluorescence decay through the the 7P_{3/2} level gives 53.30 +- 0.44 ns for the 8s level lifetime.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Statistics of Core Lifetimes in Numerical Simulations of Turbulent, Magnetically Supercritical Molecular Clouds

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    We present measurements of the mean dense core lifetimes in numerical simulations of magnetically supercritical, turbulent, isothermal molecular clouds, in order to compare with observational determinations. "Prestellar" lifetimes (given as a function of the mean density within the cores, which in turn is determined by the density threshold n_thr used to define them) are consistent with observationally reported values, ranging from a few to several free-fall times. We also present estimates of the fraction of cores in the "prestellar", "stellar'', and "failed" (those cores that redisperse back into the environment) stages as a function of n_thr. The number ratios are measured indirectly in the simulations due to their resolution limitations. Our approach contains one free parameter, the lifetime of a protostellar object t_yso (Class 0 + Class I stages), which is outside the realm of the simulations. Assuming a value t_yso = 0.46 Myr, we obtain number ratios of starless to stellar cores ranging from 4-5 at n_thr = 1.5 x 10^4 cm^-3 to 1 at n_thr = 1.2 x 10^5 cm^-3, again in good agreement with observational determinations. We also find that the mass in the failed cores is comparable to that in stellar cores at n_thr = 1.5 x 10^4 cm^-3, but becomes negligible at n_thr = 1.2 x 10^5 cm^-3, in agreement with recent observational suggestions that at the latter densities the cores are in general gravitationally dominated. We conclude by noting that the timescale for core contraction and collapse is virtually the same in the subcritical, ambipolar diffusion-mediated model of star formation, in the model of star formation in turbulent supercritical clouds, and in a model intermediate between the previous two, for currently accepted values of the clouds' magnetic criticality.Comment: 25 pages, 8 figures, ApJ accepted. Fig.1 animation is at http://www.astrosmo.unam.mx/~e.vazquez/turbulence/movies/Galvan_etal07/Galvan_etal07.htm

    Improving Sensorimotor Function and Adaptation using Stochastic Vestibular Stimulation

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    Astronauts experience sensorimotor changes during adaption to G-transitions that occur when entering and exiting microgravity. Post space flight, these sensorimotor disturbances can include postural and gait instability, visual performance changes, manual control disruptions, spatial disorientation, and motion sickness, all of which can hinder the operational capabilities of the astronauts. Crewmember safety would be significantly increased if sensorimotor changes brought on by gravitational changes could be mitigated and adaptation could be facilitated. The goal of this research is to investigate and develop the use of electrical stochastic vestibular stimulation (SVS) as a countermeasure to augment sensorimotor function and facilitate adaptation. For this project, SVS will be applied via electrodes on the mastoid processes at imperceptible amplitude levels. We hypothesize that SVS will improve sensorimotor performance through the phenomena of stochastic resonance, which occurs when the response of a nonlinear system to a weak input signal is optimized by the application of a particular nonzero level of noise. In line with the theory of stochastic resonance, a specific optimal level of SVS will be found and tested for each subject [1]. Three experiments are planned to investigate the use of SVS in sensory-dependent tasks and performance. The first experiment will aim to demonstrate stochastic resonance in the vestibular system through perception based motion recognition thresholds obtained using a 6-degree of freedom Stewart platform in the Jenks Vestibular Laboratory at Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary. A range of SVS amplitudes will be applied to each subject and the subjectspecific optimal SVS level will be identified as that which results in the lowest motion recognition threshold, through previously established, well developed methods [2,3,4]. The second experiment will investigate the use of optimal SVS in facilitating sensorimotor adaptation to system disturbances. Subjects will adapt to wearing minifying glasses, resulting in decreased vestibular ocular reflex (VOR) gain. The VOR gain will then be intermittently measured while the subject readapts to normal vision, with and without optimal SVS. We expect that optimal SVS will cause a steepening of the adaptation curve. The third experiment will test the use of optimal SVS in an operationally relevant aerospace task, using the tilt translation sled at NASA Johnson Space Center, a test platform capable of recreating the tilt-gain and tilt-translation illusions associated with landing of a spacecraft post-space flight. In this experiment, a perception based manual control measure will be used to compare performance with and without optimal SVS. We expect performance to improve in this task when optimal SVS is applied. The ultimate goal of this work is to systematically investigate and further understand the potential benefits of stochastic vestibular stimulation in the context of human space flight so that it may be used in the future as a component of a comprehensive countermeasure plan for adaptation to G-transitions

    Exhibition of Stochastic Resonance in Vestibular Perception

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    Astronauts experience sensorimotor changes during spaceflight, particularly during G-transitions. Post flight sensorimotor changes include spatial disorientation, along with postural and gait instability that may degrade operational capabilities of the astronauts and endanger the crew. A sensorimotor countermeasure that mitigates these effects would improve crewmember safety and decrease risk. The goal of this research is to investigate the potential use of stochastic vestibular stimulation (SVS) as a technology to improve sensorimotor function. We hypothesize that low levels of SVS will improve sensorimotor perception through the phenomenon of stochastic resonance (SR), when the response of a nonlinear system to a weak input signal is enhanced by the application of a particular nonzero level of noise. This study aims to advance the development of SVS as a potential countermeasure by 1) demonstrating the exhibition of stochastic resonance in vestibular perception, a vital component of sensorimotor function, 2) investigating the repeatability of SR exhibition, and 3) determining the relative contribution of the semicircular canals (SCC) and otolith (OTO) organs to vestibular perceptual SR. A constant current stimulator was used to deliver bilateral bipolar SVS via electrodes placed on each of the mastoid processes, as previously done. Vestibular perceptual motion recognition thresholds were measured using a 6-degree of freedom MOOG platform and a 150 trial 3-down/1-up staircase procedure. In the first test session, we measured vestibular perceptual thresholds in upright roll-tilt at 0.2 Hz (SCC+OTO) with SVS ranging from 0-700 A. In a second test session a week later, we re-measured roll-tilt thresholds with 0, optimal (from test session 1), and 1500 A SVS levels. A subset of these subjects, plus naive subjects, participated in two additional test sessions in which we measured thresholds in supine roll-rotation at 0.2 Hz (SCC) and upright y-translation at 1 Hz (OTO) with SVS up to 700 A. A sinusoidal galvanic vestibular stimulation (GVS) perceptual threshold was also measured on each test day and used to normalize the SVS levels across subjects. In roll-tilt thresholds with SVS, the characteristic SR curve was qualitatively exhibited in 10 of 12 subjects, and the improvement in motion threshold was significant in 6 subjects, indicating that optimal SVS improved passive body motion perception in a way that is consistent with classical SR theory. A probabilistic comparison to numeric simulations further validated these experimental results. On the second test session, 4 out of the 10 SR exhibitors showed repeated improvement with SVS compared to the no SVS condition. Data collection is ongoing for the last two test sessions in which SCC and OTO only perceptual motion recognition thresholds are being measured with SVS. The final results of these test sessions will give insight into whether vestibular perceptual SR can occur when only one type of vestibular sensor is sensing motion or if it is more evident when sensory integration between the SCC and OTO is occurring during the motion. The overall purpose of this research is to further quantify the effects of SVS on various sensorimotor tasks and to gain a more fundamental understanding of how SVS causes SR in the vestibular system. In the context of human space flight, results from this research will help in understanding how SVS may be practically implemented in the future as a component of a comprehensive countermeasure plan for G-transition adaptation

    Dynamic Regulation of T Cell Immunity by CD43

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    During a viral response, Ag-specific effector T cells show dramatically increased binding by the mAb 1B11 and the lectin peanut agglutinin (PNA). We investigated the contribution of CD43 expression to 1B11 and PNA binding as well as its role in generation and maintenance of a CD8 T cell response. Analysis of CD43(-/-) mice revealed no increased 1B11 binding and reduced PNA binding on virus-specific CD8 T cells from -/- mice compared with +/+ mice. Furthermore, we examined the role of CD43 in the kinetics of an immune response. We show that CD43 expression modestly effects generation of a primary virus-specific CD8 T cell response in vivo but plays a more significant role in trafficking of CD8 T cells to tissues such as the brain. More interestingly, CD43 plays a role in the contraction of the immune response, with CD43(-/-) mice showing increased numbers of Ag-specific CD8 T cells following initial expansion. Following the peak of expansion, Ag-specific CD8 T cells from -/- mice show similar proliferation but demonstrate increased Bcl-2 levels and decreased apoptosis of Ag-specific effector CD8 T cells in vitro. Consistent with a delay in the down-modulation of the immune response, following chronic viral infection CD43(-/-) mice show increased morbidity. These data suggest a dynamic role of CD43 during an immune response: a positive regulatory role in costimulation and trafficking of T cells to the CNS and a negative regulatory role in the down-modulation of an immune response

    Beta-delayed-neutron studies of 135,136^{135,136}Sb and 140^{140}I performed with trapped ions

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    Beta-delayed-neutron (β\betan) spectroscopy was performed using the Beta-decay Paul Trap and an array of radiation detectors. The β\betan branching ratios and energy spectra for 135,136^{135,136}Sb and 140^{140}I were obtained by measuring the time of flight of recoil ions emerging from the trapped ion cloud. These nuclei are located at the edge of an isotopic region identified as having β\betan branching ratios that impact the r-process abundance pattern around the A~130 peak. For 135,136^{135,136}Sb and 140^{140}I, β\betan branching ratios of 14.6(11)%, 17.6(28)%, and 7.6(28)% were determined, respectively. The β\betan energy spectra obtained for 135^{135}Sb and 140^{140}I are compared with results from direct neutron measurements, and the β\betan energy spectrum for 136^{136}Sb has been measured for the first time

    New result for the neutron β\beta-asymmetry parameter A0A_0 from UCNA

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    The neutron β\beta-decay asymmetry parameter A0A_0 defines the correlation between the spin of the neutron and the momentum of the emitted electron, which determines λ=gAgV\lambda=\frac{g_{A}}{g_{V}}, the ratio of the axial-vector to vector weak coupling constants. The UCNA Experiment, located at the Ultracold Neutron facility at the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center, is the first to measure such a correlation coefficient using ultracold neutrons (UCN). Following improvements to the systematic uncertainties and increased statistics, we report the new result A0=0.12054(44)stat(68)systA_0 = -0.12054(44)_{\mathrm{stat}}(68)_{\mathrm{syst}} which yields λgAgV=1.2783(22)\lambda\equiv \frac{g_{A}}{g_{V}}=-1.2783(22). Combination with the previous UCNA result and accounting for correlated systematic uncertainties produces A0=0.12015(34)stat(63)systA_0=-0.12015(34)_{\mathrm{stat}}(63)_{\mathrm{syst}} and λgAgV=1.2772(20)\lambda\equiv \frac{g_{A}}{g_{V}}=-1.2772(20).Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, updated to as-published versio

    Loss of the thyroid hormone-binding protein Crym renders striatal neurons more vulnerable to mutant huntingtin in Huntington's disease.

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    The mechanisms underlying preferential atrophy of the striatum in Huntington's disease (HD) are unknown. One hypothesis is that a set of gene products preferentially expressed in the striatum could determine the particular vulnerability of this brain region to mutant huntingtin (mHtt). Here, we studied the striatal protein µ-crystallin (Crym). Crym is the NADPH-dependent p38 cytosolic T3-binding protein (p38CTBP), a key regulator of thyroid hormone (TH) T3 (3,5,3'-triiodo-l-thyronine) transportation. It has been also recently identified as the enzyme that reduces the sulfur-containing cyclic ketimines, which are potential neurotransmitters. Here, we confirm the preferential expression of the Crym protein in the rodent and macaque striatum. Crym expression was found to be higher in the macaque caudate than in the putamen. Expression of Crym was reduced in the BACHD and Knock-in 140CAG mouse models of HD before onset of striatal atrophy. We show that overexpression of Crym in striatal medium-size spiny neurons using a lentiviral-based strategy in mice is neuroprotective against the neurotoxicity of an N-terminal fragment of mHtt in vivo. Thus, reduction of Crym expression in HD could render striatal neurons more susceptible to mHtt suggesting that Crym may be a key determinant of the vulnerability of the striatum. In addition our work points to Crym as a potential molecular link between striatal degeneration and the THs deregulation reported in HD patients

    Energetic particle cross-field diffusion: Interaction with Magnetic Decreases (MDs)

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    International audienceMagnetic field Decreases (MDs) are detected in the heliospheric polar regions. The MDs have minimum spatial scales sizes of 25 proton thermal gyroradii, and are typically bounded by tangential or rotational discontinuities. The distribution of the magnitudes of the decreases within AIDs is a continuum, with the smallest decreases being most frequent in occurrence. The largest decreases can be 80% of the ambient field. The thickness distribution is also a continuum, and is shown to be independent of the field magnitude decrease. Charged particle interactions with the MDs lead to particle guiding center displacements and hence particle cross-held diffusion. We develop a diffusion model to apply to energetic ion interactions with MDs using the MD properties described in this paper. One specific day of data is used to illustrate that the particle cross-field diffusion will be extremely rapid due to such interactions