21,408 research outputs found

    Generation of a composite grid for turbine flows and consideration of a numerical scheme

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    A composite grid was generated for flows in turbines. It consisted of the C-grid (or O-grid) in the immediate vicinity of the blade and the H-grid in the middle of the blade passage between the C-grids and in the upstream region. This new composite grid provides better smoothness, resolution, and orthogonality than any single grid for a typical turbine blade with a large camber and rounded leading and trailing edges. The C-H (or O-H) composite grid has an unusual grid point that is connected to more than four neighboring nodes in two dimensions (more than six neighboring nodes in three dimensions). A finite-volume lower-upper (LU) implicit scheme to be used on this grid poses no problem and requires no special treatment because each interior cell of this composite grid has only four neighboring cells in two dimensions (six cells in three dimensions). The LU implicit scheme was demonstrated to be efficient and robust for external flows in a broad flow regime and can be easily applied to internal flows and extended from two to three dimensions

    Non-thermal origin of nonlinear transport across magnetically induced superconductor-metal-insulator transition

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    We have studied the effect of perpendicular magnetic fields and temperatures on the nonlinear electronic transport in amorphous Ta superconducting thin films. The films exhibit a magnetic field induced metallic behavior intervening the superconductor-insulator transition in the zero temperature limit. We show that the nonlinear transport in the superconducting and metallic phase is of non-thermal origin and accompanies an extraordinarily long voltage response time.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Magnetoelectric Effects on Composite Nano Granular Fe/TiO2δFe/TiO_{2-\delta} Films

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    Employing a new experimental technique to measure magnetoelectric response functions, we have measured the magnetoelectric effect in composite films of nano granular metallic iron in anatase titanium dioxide at temperatures below 50 K. A magnetoelectric resistance is defined as the ratio of a transverse voltage to bias current as a function of the magnetic field. In contrast to the anomalous Hall resistance measured above 50 K, the magnetoelectic resistance below 50 K is significantly larger and exhibits an even symmetry with respect to magnetic field reversal HHH\to -H. The measurement technique required attached electrodes in the plane of the film composite in order to measure voltage as a function of bias current and external magnetic field. To our knowledge, the composite films are unique in terms of showing magnetoelectric effects at low temperatures, << 50 K, and anomalous Hall effects at high temperatures, >> 50 K.Comment: ReVTeX, 2 figures, 3 page

    The effects of ISO 9001 quality management system on innovation and management capacities in the Malaysian furniture sector.

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    Although the ISO 9001 quality management system is often perceived to be a marketing tool within the manufacturing industry, its implications on the innovation and management capacities of the furniture industry remain unknown. A survey of furniture manufacturers in Malaysia revealed that lack of innovation and ineffective management were among the main problems faced within the industry. Using a structured questionnaire, a survey of the ISO-certified manufacturers revealed that the ISO 9001 quality management system has a positive correlation on process innovation but not on product innovation. Therefore, ISO-certification would be beneficial for productivity improvement and identifying cost-cutting measures in furniture manufacturing enterprises. On the other hand, ISO-certification has a significant influence on the management of furniture enterprises, especially with regards to systematic decision-making and boosting the level of professionalism. Therefore, ISO-certification may be a useful tool to enhance the management competency and also improve the productivity within the furniture manufacturing sector

    Better age estimations using UV-optical colours: breaking the age-metallicity degeneracy

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    We demonstrate that the combination of GALEX UV photometry in the FUV (~1530 angstroms) and NUV (~2310 angstroms) passbands with optical photometry in the standard U,B,V,R,I filters can efficiently break the age-metallicity degeneracy. We estimate well-constrained ages, metallicities and their associated errors for 42 GCs in M31, and show that the full set of FUV,NUV,U,B,V,R,I photometry produces age estimates that are ~90 percent more constrained and metallicity estimates that are ~60 percent more constrained than those produced by using optical filters alone. The quality of the age constraints is comparable or marginally better than those achieved using a large number of spectrscopic indices.Comment: Published in MNRAS (2007), 381, L74 (doi: 10.1111/j.1745-3933.2007.00370.x

    Airborne measurements of nucleation mode particles I: coastal nucleation and growth rates

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    International audienceA light aircraft was equipped with a bank of Condensation Particle Counters (CPCs) (50% cut from 3?5.4?9.6 nm) and a nano-Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer (nSMPS) and deployed along the west coast of Ireland, in the vicinity of Mace Head. The objective of the exercise was to provide high resolution micro-physical measurements of the coastal nucleation mode in order to map the spatial extent of new particle production regions and to evaluate the evolution, and associated growth rates of the coastal nucleation-mode aerosol plume. Results indicate that coastal new particle production is occurring over most areas along the land-sea interface with peak concentrations at the coastal plume-head in excess of 106 cm?3. Pseudo-Lagrangian studies of the coastal plume evolution illustrated significant growth of new particles to sizes in excess of 8 nm approximately 10 km downwind of the source region. Close to the plume head (?1, decreasing gradually to 53?72 nm h?1 at 3 km. Further along the plume, at distances up to 10 km, the growth rates are calculated to be 17?32 nm h?1. Growth rates of this magnitude suggest that after a couple of hours, coastal nucleation mode particles can reach significant sizes where they can contribution to the regional aerosol loading

    MACS: Multi-agent COTR system for Defense Contracting

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    The field of intelligent multi-agent systems has expanded rapidly in the recent past. Multi-agent architectures and systems are being investigated and continue to develop. To date, little has been accomplished in applying multi-agent systems to the defense acquisition domain. This paper describes the design, development, and related considerations of a multi-agent system in the area of procurement and contracting for the defense acquisition community