53 research outputs found

    Learning Theory and Differentiation in Flight Instruction: Perceptions from Certified Flight Instructors

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    The pilot shortage has reached critical levels. One strategy to minimize the loss of potentially skilled pilots is to focus attention on providing flight instructors with the background knowledge to understand student learning and support student pilots as they progress through flight training programs. Within flight instruction, little or no attention has been focused on the concept of Multiple Intelligences (MI) Theory and its impact on student learning and retention. Consequently, the purpose of this study was to determine if Certified Flight Instructors (CFI) who have been provided with information about MI Theory perceived a positive relationship between their new knowledge about multiple intelligences and their general instructional effectiveness. The study used CFI journals, observations, and individual interviews to determine if instructors perceived MI Theory to be valuable when applied to flight instruction. The results indicated that the participants believed knowledge regarding MI Theory added value to their flight instruction. Implications for practice and directions for future research are provided

    Tunable beam shaping with a phased array acousto-optic modulator

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    We demonstrate the generation of Bessel beams using an acousto-optic array based on a liquid filled cavity surrounded by a cylindrical multi-element ultrasound transducer array. Conversion of a Gaussian laser mode into a Bessel beam with tunable order and position is shown. Also higher-order Bessel beams up to the fourth order are successfully generated with experimental results very closely matching simulations

    New Mouse Lines for the Analysis of Neuronal Morphology Using CreER(T)/loxP-Directed Sparse Labeling

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    BACKGROUND: Pharmacologic control of Cre-mediated recombination using tamoxifen-dependent activation of a Cre-estrogen receptor ligand binding domain fusion protein [CreER(T)] is widely used to modify and/or visualize cells in the mouse. METHODS AND FINDINGS: We describe here two new mouse lines, constructed by gene targeting to the Rosa26 locus to facilitate Cre-mediated cell modification. These lines should prove particularly useful in the context of sparse labeling experiments. The R26rtTACreER line provides ubiquitous expression of CreER under transcriptional control by the tetracycline reverse transactivator (rtTA); dual control by doxycycline and tamoxifen provides an extended dynamic range of Cre-mediated recombination activity. The R26IAP line provides high efficiency Cre-mediated activation of human placental alkaline phosphatase (hPLAP), complementing the widely used, but low efficiency, Z/AP line. By crossing with mouse lines that direct cell-type specific CreER expression, the R26IAP line has been used to produce atlases of labeled cholinergic and catecholaminergic neurons in the mouse brain. The R26IAP line has also been used to visualize the full morphologies of retinal dopaminergic amacrine cells, among the largest neurons in the mammalian retina. CONCLUSIONS: The two new mouse lines described here expand the repertoire of genetically engineered mice available for controlled in vivo recombination and cell labeling using the Cre-lox system

    The search platform PubPharm

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    The University Library Braunschweig operates the DFG-funded Specialised Information Service Pharmacy in close cooperation with the Institute for Information Systems (IfIS) of the Technische Universität Braunschweig. Central service is the pharmacy-specific research platform PubPharm (https://www.pubpharm.de/), a discovery system based on the open source software VuFind. The cooperation with the IfIS results in the development of innovative search functions. PubPharm offers functionalities and content tailored to the needs of academic pharmaceutical scientists, which could also be of interest and useful for other life sciences.Die Universitätsbibliothek Braunschweig betreut den DFG-geförderten Fachinformationsdienst (FID) Pharmazie in Kooperation mit dem Institut für Informationssysteme (IfIS) der Technischen Universität Braunschweig. Zentraler Dienst ist die pharmaziespezifische Rechercheplattform PubPharm (https://www.pubpharm.de/), ein auf der Open Source Software VuFind basierendes Discovery System. Aus der Zusammenarbeit mit dem IfIS resultieren innovative Suchfunktionen. PubPharm enthält auf die Bedarfe der universitären pharmazeutischen Wissenschaftler*innen zugeschnittene Inhalte und Funktionalitäten, die auch für andere Lebenswissenschaften interessant und nützlich sein können

    Drug-Disease-Networks: Innovative search tool for PubPharm

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    In the Specialised Information Service Pharmacy, the cooperation between the University Library and the Institute for Information Systems at Technische Universität Braunschweig results in innovative data retrieval services. Based on basic information technology research, prototypes are developed and evaluated by focus groups of the pharmaceutical research community. Upon successful prototype optimisation, services are implemented in the freely available search platform PubPharm (https://www.pubpharm.de). Recent artificial intelligence models (in detail neural networks) can automatically determine associations between pharmaceutical entities (i.e. clearly definable concepts such as active ingredients, diseases and genes) based on research literature. This research activity at the Institute for Information Systems resulted already in a web service for PubPharm: listing contextualised substances, diseases or genes when searching for active substances or diseases/symptoms. The Drug-Disease-Networks complement this suggestion function and visualise the partly complex entity relationships supporting their interpretation. Links to external data sources, e.g., Comparative Toxicogenomics Database and DrugBank, provide further information.In enger Zusammenarbeit zwischen der Universitätsbibliothek und dem Institut für Informationssysteme der Technischen Universität Braunschweig im Fachinformationsdienst Pharmazie entstehen innovative Recherchetools, die neue Zugriffspfade für unterschiedliche Informationsressourcen bieten. In der informatorischen Grundlagenforschung werden Prototypen entwickelt und diese von Fokusgruppen der Fachcommunity evaluiert. Erfolgreiche Services werden anschließend in die frei verfügbare Rechercheplattform PubPharm (https://www.pubpharm.de) implementiert. Mithilfe von künstlicher Intelligenz, im Detail mit neuronalen Netzen, können Beziehungen zwischen pharmazierelevanten Entitäten, d.h. klar abgrenzbaren Konzepten wie Wirkstoffen, Erkrankungen und Genen, auf Basis von Forschungsliteratur ermittelt werden. Aus dieser Forschungstätigkeit am Institut für Informationssysteme ist bereits eine Funktion in PubPharm eingegangen: die Anzeige von Vorschlagslisten kontextähnlicher, verwandter Substanzen, Erkrankungen/Symptome und Gene bei einer Suche nach Wirkstoffen bzw. Erkrankungen. Eine Erweiterung dieser Funktion sind die neu integrierten Drug-Disease-Networks. Durch Visualisierung der z.T. komplexen Beziehungen zwischen den Entitäten können diese leichter interpretiert werden. Weiterführende Informationen können über Verlinkungen zu externen Datenquellen (u.a. Comparative Toxicogenomics Database und DrugBank) erhalten werden

    Letters to the Editor

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