1,813 research outputs found

    Sugar Maple Borer (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) Activity Associated With Periods of Severe Defoliation

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    A perusal of previous research on sugar maple borer, Glycobius speciosus, in northern New York State strongly associates severe early and late season defoliation with increased borer damage. This re-examination of earlier work suggests foliage protection may be necessary when forest management objectives are concerned with wood volume and quality

    Effects of a Novel Dental Gel on Plaque and Gingivitis: A Comparative Study.

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    ObjectivesThe goal of this prospective, randomized, controlled, double-blinded study was to evaluate the effects of a novel dental gel on plaque and gingival health. The dental gel was designed to (1) break up and prevent re-accumulation of microbial biofilm, and (2) inhibit metal mediated inflammation.Materials and methodsTwenty-five subjects with moderate gingival inflammation (Löe and Silness Gingival Index ≄2) and pocket depths <4 were randomly assigned to brush twice daily for 21 days with the test or the control dental gel. On Days 0, 7, 14 and 21, plaque levels (Quigley-Hein, Turesky Modification Plaque Index), gingival inflammation (Löe and Silness Gingival Index) and gingival bleeding (modified Sulcus Bleeding Index) were determined by one blinded, investigator using a pressure sensitive probe.ResultsAfter 3 weeks, all 3 clinical indices were significantly improved in both groups (P<0.05) and significantly lower in the test group (P<0.05).ConclusionThe novel dental gel formulation was provided effective plaque control and reduced gingival inflammation.Clinical relevanceA novel dentifrice formulation may be an effective tool for plaque removal and maintaining gingival health

    Larval performance and adult attraction of Delia platura (Diptera: Anthomyiidae) in a native and an introduced crop

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    Delia platura Meigen is an important pest in crops around the world. Its host range includes almost 50 species and it can develop in soil organic matter. In Ecuador, D. platura is a serious problem for the crop, Lupinus mutabilis Sweet (Chocho) and it also attacks broccoli (Brassica oleracea). After broccoli is harvested, crop residue is mixed with soil or collected and stored close to Chocho fields. The objectives of this study were to determine the adaptive responses of larvae reared on different hosts and whether D. platura females are preferentially attracted to germinating L. mutabilis seeds or broccoli residue. Accordingly, larval performance and attraction of female D. platura reared on broccoli residue and L. mutabilis seeds were evaluated. The number of larvae, pupae and adults were higher when reared on broccoli. Conversely, pupal weight was higher and time from larva to pupa, pupa to adult and total life cycle were longer in flies reared on L. mutabilis. Although D. platura developed more quickly on broccoli, L. mutabilis was also a good host since pupae were heavier compared with flies reared on broccoli. Delia platura females reared on broccoli preferred broccoli residue to L. mutabilis in an olfactometer. Volatiles from broccoli residue in soil may attract D. platura females and stimulate oviposition on L. mutabilis seeds. Environmentally benign production of L. mutabilis crops with minimal insecticide applications may require the elimination of fresh broccoli residue as fertilizer in soils where L. mutabilis is cultivated

    MĂ©todos para superação da dormĂȘncia em sementes de taxibranco (Tachigali vulgaris L.F Gomes da Silva E H.C Lima).

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    O Tachigali vulgaris , conhecido vulgarmente como Taxi - Branco ou Carvoeiro,é uma espécie leguminosa arbórea nativa da AmazÎnia brasileiraexigente em luz (heliófita) e de råpido crescimento, sua madeira apresenta qualidade superior para lenha e carvão, e tem como principal forma de propagação a via sexuada, apesar da baixa taxa de germinação naturaldas sementes

    The Nature of Optical Features in the Inner Region of the 3C48 Host Galaxy

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    The well-known quasar 3C48 is the most powerful compact steep-spectrum radio-loud QSO at low redshifts. It also has two unusual optical features within the radius of the radio jet (~1"): (1) an anomalous, high-velocity narrow-line component, having several times as much flux as does the narrow-line component coinciding with the broad-line redshift; and (2) a bright continuum peak (3C48A) ~1" northeast of the quasar. Both of these optical features have been conjectured to be related to the radio jet. Here we explore these suggestions. We have obtained Gemini North GMOS integral-field-unit (IFU) spectroscopy of the central region around 3C48. We use the unique features of the IFU data to remove unresolved emission at the position of the quasar. The resolved emission at the wavelength of the high-velocity component is peaked <~0.25" north of the quasar, at virtually the same position angle as the base of the radio jet. These observations appear to confirm that this high-velocity gas is connected with the radio jet. However, most of the emission comes from a region where the jet is still well collimated, rather than from the regions where the radio maps indicate strong interaction with an external medium. We also present the results of HST STIS spectroscopy of 3C48A. We show that 3C48A is dominated by stars with a luminosity-weighted age of ~1.4 X 10^8 years, substantially older than any reasonable estimate for the age of the radio source. Our IFU data indicate a similar age. Thus, 3C48A almost certainly cannot be attributed to jet-induced star formation. The host galaxy of 3C48 is clearly the result of a merger, and 3C48A seems much more likely to be the distorted nucleus of the merging partner, in which star formation was induced during the previous close passage.Comment: 10 pages, accepted by The Astrophysical Journa

    Hot gas and dust in a protostellar cluster near W3(OH

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    We used the IRAM Interferometer to obtain sub-arcsecond resolution observations of the high-mass star-forming region W3(OH) and its surroundings at a frequency of 220 GHz. With the improved angular resolution, we distinguish 3 peaks in the thermal dust continuum emission originating from the hot core region about 6 arcsec (0.06 pc) east of W3(OH). The dust emission peaks are coincident with known radio continuum sources, one of which is of non-thermal nature. The latter source is also at the center of expansion of a powerful bipolar outflow observed in water maser emission. We determine the hot core mass to be 15 solar masses based on the integrated dust continuum emission. Simultaneously many molecular lines are detected allowing the analysis of the temperature structure and the distribution of complex organic molecules in the hot core. From HNCO lines, spanning a wide range of excitation, two 200 K temperature peaks are found coincident with dust continuum emission peaks suggesting embedded heating sources within them.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Dictionary Learning and Sparse Coding-based Denoising for High-Resolution Task Functional Connectivity MRI Analysis

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    We propose a novel denoising framework for task functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (tfMRI) data to delineate the high-resolution spatial pattern of the brain functional connectivity via dictionary learning and sparse coding (DLSC). In order to address the limitations of the unsupervised DLSC-based fMRI studies, we utilize the prior knowledge of task paradigm in the learning step to train a data-driven dictionary and to model the sparse representation. We apply the proposed DLSC-based method to Human Connectome Project (HCP) motor tfMRI dataset. Studies on the functional connectivity of cerebrocerebellar circuits in somatomotor networks show that the DLSC-based denoising framework can significantly improve the prominent connectivity patterns, in comparison to the temporal non-local means (tNLM)-based denoising method as well as the case without denoising, which is consistent and neuroscientifically meaningful within motor area. The promising results show that the proposed method can provide an important foundation for the high-resolution functional connectivity analysis, and provide a better approach for fMRI preprocessing.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, MLMI201

    Pearling: stroke segmentation with crusted pearl strings

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    We introduce a novel segmentation technique, called Pearling, for the semi-automatic extraction of idealized models of networks of strokes (variable width curves) in images. These networks may for example represent roads in an aerial photograph, vessels in a medical scan, or strokes in a drawing. The operator seeds the process by selecting representative areas of good (stroke interior) and bad colors. Then, the operator may either provide a rough trace through a particular path in the stroke graph or simply pick a starting point (seed) on a stroke and a direction of growth. Pearling computes in realtime the centerlines of the strokes, the bifurcations, and the thickness function along each stroke, hence producing a purified medial axis transform of a desired portion of the stroke graph. No prior segmentation or thresholding is required. Simple gestures may be used to trim or extend the selection or to add branches. The realtime performance and reliability of Pearling results from a novel disk-sampling approach, which traces the strokes by optimizing the positions and radii of a discrete series of disks (pearls) along the stroke. A continuous model is defined through subdivision. By design, the idealized pearl string model is slightly wider than necessary to ensure that it contains the stroke boundary. A narrower core model that fits inside the stroke is computed simultaneously. The difference between the pearl string and its core contains the boundary of the stroke and may be used to capture, compress, visualize, or analyze the raw image data along the stroke boundary

    The Effect of Two Years of Secukinumab Treatment on Bone Metabolism in Patients with Radiographic Axial Spondyloarthritis:Results from Daily Clinical Practice

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    Background: Our objective was to explore bone-related outcome and bone turnover markers (BTM) during 2 years of secukinumab treatment in patients with radiographic axial spondyloarthritis (r-axSpA) in daily clinical practice. Methods: Included were consecutive r-axSpA outpatients from the Groningen Leeuwarden axSpA (GLAS) cohort treated with secukinumab for 2 years. At baseline and 2 years, spinal radiographic damage was assessed using the modified Stoke Ankylosing Spondylitis Spinal Score (mSASSS; 0–72), cervical facet joint involvement according the “de Vlam” scoring method (0–15) and radiographic vertebral fractures (VF) using the “Genant” method (grade 0–3). At all visits, BTM reflecting collagen resorption (serum type I collagen C-telopeptide; sCTX), collagen formation (procollagen type 1 N-terminal peptide; PINP) and bone mineralization (bone-specific alkaline phosphatase; BALP) were measured and expressed in Z-scores to correct for the normal influence of age and gender.Results: 17 r-axSpA patients were included; 53% male, mean age was 47±15 years, mean Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Score (ASDAS) 3.9±1.2, and 53% was biological naĂŻve. The median 2-year progression rates were 1.1 for mSASSS and 0.5 for facet joints, which was less than the smallest detectable change. One traumatic VF (grade 3) occurred. Serum levels of sCTX and PINP remained stable during secukinumab treatment and BALP decreased significantly after 2 years, with median 0–2 year change in Z-scores of +0.1, −0.4, and −1.2, respectively.Conclusion: This explorative study of r-axSpA patients treated with secukinumab in daily clinical practice showed low radiographic spinal progression during 2 years of follow-up. Collagen resorption and formation markers remained stable, whereas mineralization marker BALP decreased significantly after 2 years. Our results are in line with the results of in vitro studies demonstrating that inhibition of IL17-A resulted in suppression of osteogenic differentiation with significant decrease in mineralization.</p
