507 research outputs found

    Holographic Holes and Differential Entropy

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    Recently, it has been shown by Balasubramanian et al. and Myers et al. that the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy formula evaluated on certain closed surfaces in the bulk of a holographic spacetime has an interpretation as the differential entropy of a particular family of intervals (or strips) in the boundary theory. We first extend this construction to bulk surfaces which vary in time. We then give a general proof of the equality between the gravitational entropy and the differential entropy. This proof applies to a broad class of holographic backgrounds possessing a generalized planar symmetry and to certain classes of higher-curvature theories of gravity. To apply this theorem, one can begin with a bulk surface and determine the appropriate family of boundary intervals by considering extremal surfaces tangent to the given surface in the bulk. Alternatively, one can begin with a family of boundary intervals; as we show, the differential entropy then equals the gravitational entropy of a bulk surface that emerges from the intersection of the neighboring entanglement wedges, in a continuum limit.Comment: 62 pages; v2: minor improvements to presentation, references adde

    Carnot cycle for an oscillator

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    Carnot established in 1824 that the efficiency of cyclic engines operating between a hot bath at absolute temperature ThotT_{hot} and a bath at a lower temperature TcoldT_{cold} cannot exceed 1−Tcold/Thot1-T_{cold}/T_{hot}. We show that linear oscillators alternately in contact with hot and cold baths obey this principle in the quantum as well as in the classical regime. The expression of the work performed is derived from a simple prescription. Reversible and non-reversible cycles are illustrated. The paper begins with historical considerations and is essentially self-contained.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figures, sumitted to European Journal of Physics Changed content: Fluctuations are considere

    Effect of Geometry and Number of Seismic Stations on Micro-Earthquake (MEQ) Hypocenters in Geothermal Fields

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    Micro-earthquake (MEQ) distribution describes subsurface conditions that can contribute to monitoring the dynamics of geothermal reservoirs. Thus, the distribution of MEQ hypocenter locations with high accuracy becomes extremely important. Experiments were conducted with 3 variations of geometry and number of seismic stations, while Geiger and Coupled Velocity-Hypocenter methods were used to determine the location of MEQ. Experimental results show that in determining the location of the MEQ, the geometry and number of seismic stations played an important role. Increasing the number of stations with relatively long distances can result in less accurate locations of MEQ, error and bias in determining the location of MEQ will be greater when the azimuth gap value is greater. This is shown by the distribution of MEQ that are more spread out in variations 4A and 4B (4 seismic stations) compared to the distribution of MEQ hypocenters using data from 8 seismic stations. The azimuth gap variations of stations 4A and 4B are 283° and 267°, and 8 stations have a value of 222°. The large value of the azimuth gap is due to the distribution of stations only on one side so that there are horizontal angles that are not covered by seismic stations.Distribusi hiposenter MEQ menggambarkan kondisi bawah permukaan dalam pemantauan kinerja reservoir panas bumi, sehingga identifikasi akurasi lokasi hiposenter MEQ menjadi sangat penting. Penelitian ini menerapkan Metode Geiger dengan metode Adaptive Damping dan Coupled Velocity Hypocenter untuk mengidentifikasi jumlah stasiun seismik dan efek distribusi lokasi pada hiposenter MEQ. Penyebaran hiposenter MEQ menghasilkan interval antar hiposenter yang relatif memanjang karena jarak hiposenter yang lebih jauh dari stasiun, dengan hasil hiposenter berada pada 1,5 hingga 2 kilometer di bawah stasiun. Data yang terletak pada interval spasi horizontal yang relatif dekat dengan stasiun memiliki kecenderungan nilai RMSE yang rendah, rata-rata nilai RMSE pada stasiun 4A dan 4B berturut-turut adalah 0,159 dan 0,105, lebih rendah dari hasil RMSE untuk 8 stasiun yaitu 0,26. Indikasi stasiun seismik dan data hiposenter dengan penggunaan minimal dalam pengukuran mempengaruhi RMSE yang lebih rendah. Plot hiposenter MEQ lebih tersebar pada pengelompokan 4 stasiun dibandingkan dengan hasil pada 8 stasiun yang berhubungan dengan stasiun 4A dan 4B azimuth gap masing-masing sebesar 283 dan 267 dibandingkan dengan menggunakan 8 stasiun dengan nilai azimuth gap sebesar 222. Nilai azimuth gap yang tinggi adalah karena sebaran stasiun yang hanya ada di satu sisi dan tidak tersebar di sekitar pusat gempa

    Motion robust MR fingerprinting scan to image neonates with prenatal opioid exposure

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    Background: A noninvasive and sensitive imaging tool is needed to assess the fast-evolving baby brain. However, using MRI to study non-sedated babies faces roadblocks, including high scan failure rates due to subjects motion and the lack of quantitative measures for assessing potential developmental delays. This feasibility study explores whether MR Fingerprinting scans can provide motion-robust and quantitative brain tissue measurements for non-sedated infants with prenatal opioid exposure, presenting a viable alternative to clinical MR scans. Assessment: MRF image quality was compared to pediatric MRI scans using a fully crossed, multiple reader multiple case study. The quantitative T1 and T2 values were used to assess brain tissue changes between babies younger than one month and babies between one and two months. Statistical Tests: Generalized estimating equations (GEE) model was performed to test the significant difference of the T1 and T2 values from eight white matter regions of babies under one month and those are older. MRI and MRF image quality were assessed using Gwets second order auto-correlation coefficient (AC2) with its confidence levels. We used the Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel test to assess the difference in proportions between MRF and MRI for all features and stratified by the type of features. Results: In infants under one month of age, the T1 and T2 values are significantly higher (p<0.005) compared to those between one and two months. A multiple-reader and multiple-case study showed superior image quality ratings in anatomical features from the MRF images than the MRI images. Conclusions: This study suggested that the MR Fingerprinting scans offer a motion-robust and efficient method for non-sedated infants, delivering superior image quality than clinical MRI scans and additionally providing quantitative measures to assess brain development

    SVCEval-RA: an evaluation framework for adaptive scalable video streaming

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    [EN] Multimedia content adaption strategies are becoming increasingly important for effective video streaming over the actual heterogeneous networks. Thus, evaluation frameworks for adaptive video play an important role in the designing and deploying process of adaptive multimedia streaming systems. This paper describes a novel simulation framework for rate-adaptive video transmission using the Scalable Video Coding standard (H.264/SVC). Our approach uses feedback information about the available bandwidth to allow the video source to select the most suitable combination of SVC layers for the transmission of a video sequence. The proposed solution has been integrated into the network simulator NS-2 in order to support realistic network simulations. To demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed solution we perform a simulation study where a video sequence was transmitted over a three network scenarios. The experimental results show that the Adaptive SVC scheme implemented in our framework provides an efficient alternative that helps to avoid an increase in the network congestion in resource-constrained networks. Improvements in video quality, in terms of PSNR (Peak Signal to Noise Ratio) and SSIM (Structural Similarity Index) are also obtained.Castellanos HernĂĄndez, WE.; Guerri Cebollada, JC.; Arce Vila, P. (2017). SVCEval-RA: an evaluation framework for adaptive scalable video streaming. Multimedia Tools and Applications. 76(1):437-461. doi:10.1007/s11042-015-3046-yS437461761Akhshabi S, Begen AC, Dovrolis C (2011) An experimental evaluation of rate-adaptation algorithms in adaptive streaming over HTTP. In: Proceedings of the second annual ACM conference on Multimedia systems. ACM, pp 157–168Alabdulkarim MN, Rikli N-E (2012) QoS Provisioning for H.264/SVC Streams over Ad-Hoc ZigBee Networks Using Cross-Layer Design. In: 8th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing (WiCOM). pp 1–8Birkos K, Tselios C, Dagiuklas T, Kotsopoulos S (2013) Peer selection and scheduling of H. 264 SVC video over wireless networks. In: Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 2013 IEEE. pp 1633–1638Castellanos W (2014) SVCEval-RA - An Evaluation Framework for Adaptive Scalable Video Streaming. In: SourceForge Project. http://sourceforge.net/projects/svceval-ra/ . Accessed 1 May 2015Castellanos W, Guerri JC, Arce P (2015) A QoS-aware routing protocol with adaptive feedback scheme for video streaming for mobile networks. Comput Commun. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.comcom.2015.08.012Castellanos W, Arce P, Acelas P, Guerri JC (2012) Route Recovery Algorithm for QoS-Aware Routing in MANETs. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Bilbao, pp. 81–93Chikkerur S, Sundaram V, Reisslein M, Karam LJ (2011) Objective video quality assessment methods: A classification, review, and performance comparison. Broadcast, IEEE Trans on 57:165–182Choupani R, Wong S, Tolun M (2014) Multiple description coding for SNR scalable video transmission over unreliable networks. Multimed Tools Appl 69:843–858. doi: 10.1007/s11042-012-1150-9CISCO Corp. (2014) Cisco Visual Networking Index Forecast and Methodology. In: White Paper. http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/solutions/collateral/service-provider/ip-ngn-ip-next-generation-network/white_paper_c11-481360.pdf.Dai M, Zhang Y, Loguinov D (2009) A unified traffic model for MPEG-4 and H. 264 video traces. IEEE Trans Multimedia 11:1010–1023Detti A, Bianchi G, Pisa C, et al. (2009) SVEF: an open-source experimental evaluation framework for H.264 scalable video streaming. In: IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications. pp 36–41Espina F, Morato D, Izal M, Magaña E (2014) Analytical model for MPEG video frame loss rates and playback interruptions on packet networks. Multimed Tools Appl 72:361–383. doi: 10.1007/s11042-012-1344-1Fiems D, Steyaert B, Bruneel H (2012) A genetic approach to Markovian characterisation of H.264 scalable video. Multimedia Tools Appl 58:125–146Floyd S, Handley M, Kohler E Datagram Congestion Control Protocol (DCCP). http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4340 . Accessed 17 Feb 2014Floyd S, Padhye J, Widmer J TCP Friendly Rate Control (TFRC): Protocol Specification. http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5348 . Accessed 17 Feb 2014Fraz M, Malkani YA, Elahi MA (2009) Design and implementation of real time video streaming and ROI transmission system using RTP on an embedded digital signal processing (DSP) platform. In: 2nd International Conference on Computer, Control and Communication, 2009. IC4 2009. pp 1–6ISO/IEC (2014) Information technology - Dynamic adaptive streaming over HTTP (DASH) - Part 1: Media presentation description and segment formats.ITU-T (2013) Rec. H.264 & ISO/IEC 14496-10 AVC. Advanced Video Coding for Generic Audiovisual Services.Ivrlač MT, Choi LU, Steinbach E, Nossek JA (2009) Models and analysis of streaming video transmission over wireless fading channels. Signal Process Image Commun 24:651–665. doi: 10.1016/j.image.2009.04.005Karki R, Seenivasan T, Claypool M, Kinicki R (2010) Performance Analysis of Home Streaming Video Using Orb. In: Proceedings of the 20th International Workshop on Network and Operating Systems Support for Digital Audio and Video. ACM, New York, NY, USA, pp 111–116Ke C-H (2012) myEvalSVC-an Integrated Simulation Framework for Evaluation of H. 264/SVC Transmission. 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Multimedia Systems 14:33–50. doi: 10.1007/s00530-007-0110-0Moving Pictures Experts Group and ITU-T Video Coding Experts Group (2011) H. 264/SVC reference software (JSVM 9.19.14) and Manual.Nightingale J, Wang Q, Grecos C (2014) Empirical evaluation of H.264/SVC streaming in resource-constrained multihomed mobile networks. Multimed Tools Appl 70:2011–2035. doi: 10.1007/s11042-012-1219-5Parmar H, Thornburgh M (2012) Real-Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP) Specification. AdobePolitis I, Dounis L, Dagiuklas T (2012) H. 264/SVC vs. H. 264/AVC video quality comparison under QoE-driven seamless handoff. Signal Process Image Commun 27:814–826Pozueco L, Pañeda XG, GarcĂ­a R, et al. (2013) Adaptable system based on Scalable Video Coding for high-quality video service. Comput Electr Eng 39:775–789. doi: 10.1016/j.compeleceng.2013.01.015Pozueco L, Pañeda XG, GarcĂ­a R, et al. (2014) Adaptation engine for a streaming service based on MPEG-DASH. 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    Operation with colliding beams at PEP-II has progressed remarkably well with over half the design specific luminosity and 5:2 10 32 cm,2s,1 in multiple bunches demonstrated during the last commissioning period before installation of the BABAR detector. Further luminosity increases are anticipated as the vertical beam size is reduced and beam currents are raised towards design values. At high currents interesting multibunch dynamics, which depend strongly on current distribution, have been observed during single-beam commissioning studies. Transverse beam instabilities nominally controlled using bunch-by-bunch feedback were observed to be significantly suppressed, in the absence of feedback, with beams in collision.

    Maxwell Duality, Lorentz Invariance, and Topological Phase

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    We discuss the Maxwell electromagnetic duality relations between the Aharonov-Bohm, Aharonov-Casher, and He-McKellar-Wilkens topological phases, which allows a unified description of all three phenomena. We also elucidate Lorentz transformations that allow these effects to be understood in an intuitive fashion in the rest frame of the moving quantum particle. Finally, we propose two experimental schemes for measuring the He-McKellar-Wilkens phase.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure
