1,111 research outputs found

    Understanding allostasis: Early-life self-regulation involves both up- and down-regulation of arousal

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    Optimal performance lies at intermediate autonomic arousal, but no previous research has examined whether the emergence of endogenous control associates with changes in children's up-regulation from hypo-arousal, as well as down-regulation from hyper-arousal. We used wearables to take day-long recordings from N = 58, 12-month-olds (60% white/58% female); and, in the same infants, we measured self-regulation in the lab with a still-face paradigm. Overall, our findings suggest that infants who showed more self-regulatory behaviors in the lab were more likely to actively change their behaviors in home settings moment-by-moment “on the fly” following changes in autonomic arousal, and that these changes result in up- as well as down-regulation. Implications for the role of atypical self-regulation in later psychopathology are discussed

    In Infancy, It’s the Extremes of Arousal That Are ‘Sticky’: Naturalistic Data Challenge Purely Homeostatic Approaches to Studying Self-Regulation

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    Most theoretical models of arousal/regulatory function emphasise the maintenance of homeostasis; consistent with this, most previous research into arousal has concentrated on examining individuals’ recovery following the administration of experimentally administered stressors. Here, we take a different approach: we recorded day-long spontaneous fluctuations in autonomic arousal (indexed via electrocardiogram, heart rate variability and actigraphy) in a cohort of 82 typically developing 12-month-old infants while they were at home and awake. Based on the aforementioned models, we hypothesised that extreme high or low arousal states might be more short-lived than intermediate arousal states. Our results suggested that, contrary to this, both low- and high-arousal states were more persistent than intermediate arousal states. The same pattern was present when the data were viewed over multiple epoch sizes from 1 second to 5 minutes; over 10-15-minute time-scales, high-arousal states were more persistent than low- and intermediate states. One possible explanation for these findings is that extreme arousal states have intrinsically greater hysteresis; another is that, through ‘metastatic’ processes, small initial increases and decreases in arousal can become progressively amplified over time. Rather than exclusively studying recovery, we argue that future research into self regulation during early childhood should instead examine the mechanisms through which some states can be maintained, or even amplified, over time

    Learning to imitate facial expressions through sound

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    The question of how young infants learn to imitate others’ facial expressions has been central in developmental psychology for decades. Facial imitation has been argued to constitute a particularly challenging learning task for infants because facial expressions are perceptually opaque: infants cannot see changes in their own facial configuration when they execute a motor program, so how do they learn to match these gestures with those of their interacting partners? Here we argue that this apparent paradox mainly appears if one focuses only on the visual modality, as most existing work in this field has done so far. When considering other modalities, in particular the auditory modality, many facial expressions are not actually perceptually opaque. In fact, every orolabial expression that is accompanied by vocalisations has specific acoustic consequences, which means that it is relatively transparent in the auditory modality. Here, we describe how this relative perceptual transparency can allow infants to accrue experience relevant for orolabial, facial imitation every time they vocalise. We then detail two specific mechanisms that could support facial imitation learning through the auditory modality. First, we review evidence showing that experiencing correlated proprioceptive and auditory feedback when they vocalise – even when they are alone – enables infants to build audio-motor maps that could later support facial imitation of orolabial actions. Second, we show how these maps could also be used by infants to support imitation even for silent, orolabial facial expressions at a later stage. By considering non-visual perceptual domains, this paper expands our understanding of the ontogeny of facial imitation and offers new directions for future investigations

    Parents mimic and influence their infant’s autonomic state through dynamic affective state matching

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    When we see someone experiencing an emotion, and when we experience it ourselves, common neurophysiological activity occurs [1, 2]. But although inter-dyadic synchrony, concurrent and sequential [3], has been identified, its functional significance remains inadequately understood. Specifically, how do influences of partner A on partner B reciprocally influence partner A? For example, if I am experiencing an affective state and someone matches their physiological state to mine, what influence does this have on me – the person experiencing the emotion? Here, we investigated this using infant-parent dyads. We developed miniaturised microphones to record spontaneous vocalisations and wireless autonomic monitors to record heart rate, heart rate variability and movement in infants and parents concurrently in naturalistic settings. Overall, we found that infant-parent autonomic activity did not covary across the day – but that ‘high points’ of infant arousal led to autonomic changes in the parent, and that instances where the adult showed greater autonomic responsivity were associated with faster infant quieting. Parental responsivity was higher following peaks in infant negative affect than in positive affect. Overall, parents responded to increases in their child’s arousal by increasing their own. However, when the overall arousal level of the dyad was high, parents responded to elevated child arousal by decreasing their own arousal. Our findings suggest that autonomic state matching has a direct effect on the person experiencing the affective state, and that parental co-regulation may involve both connecting, and disconnecting, their own arousal state from that of the child contingent on context

    Annual Research Review: ‘There, the dance is – at the still point of the turning world’ – dynamic systems perspectives on coregulation and dysregulation during early development

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    During development we transition from coregulation (where regulatory processes are shared between child and caregiver) to self-regulation. Most early coregulatory interactions aim to manage fluctuations in the infant's arousal and alertness; but over time, coregulatory processes become progressively elaborated to encompass other functions such as sociocommunicative development, attention and executive control. The fundamental aim of coregulation is to help maintain an optimal ‘critical state’ between hypo- and hyperactivity. Here, we present a dynamic framework for understanding child–caregiver coregulatory interactions in the context of psychopathology. Early coregulatory processes involve both passive entrainment, through which a child's state entrains to the caregiver's, and active contingent responsiveness, through which the caregiver changes their behaviour in response to behaviours from the child. Similar principles, of interactive but asymmetric contingency, drive joint attention and the maintenance of epistemic states as well as arousal/alertness, emotion regulation and sociocommunicative development. We describe three ways in which active child–caregiver regulation can develop atypically, in conditions such as Autism, ADHD, anxiety and depression. The most well-known of these is insufficient contingent responsiveness, leading to reduced synchrony, which has been shown across a range of modalities in different disorders, and which is the target of most current interventions. We also present evidence that excessive contingent responsiveness and excessive synchrony can develop in some circumstances. And we show that positive feedback interactions can develop, which are contingent but mutually amplificatory child–caregiver interactions that drive the child further from their critical state. We discuss implications of these findings for future intervention research, and directions for future work

    The LISA PathFinder DMU and Radiation Monitor

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    The LISA PathFinder DMU (Data Management Unit) flight model was formally accepted by ESA and ASD on 11 February 2010, after all hardware and software tests had been successfully completed. The diagnostics items are scheduled to be delivered by the end of 2010. In this paper we review the requirements and performance of this instrumentation, specially focusing on the Radiation Monitor and the DMU, as well as the status of their programmed use during mission operations, on which work is ongoing at the time of writing.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, prepared for the Proceedings of the 8th International LISA Symposium, Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Multimodal hyperscanning reveals that synchrony of body and mind are distinct in mother-child dyads

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    Hyperscanning studies have begun to unravel the brain mechanisms underlying social interaction, indicating a functional role for interpersonal neural synchronization (INS), yet the mechanisms that drive INS are poorly understood. The current study, thus, addresses whether INS is functionally-distinct from synchrony in other systems – specifically the autonomic nervous system and motor behavior. To test this, we used concurrent functional near-infrared spectroscopy - electrocardiography recordings, while N = 34 mother-child and stranger-child dyads engaged in cooperative and competitive tasks. Only in the neural domain was a higher synchrony for mother-child compared to stranger-child dyads observed. Further, autonomic nervous system and neural synchrony were positively related during competition but not during cooperation. These results suggest that synchrony in different behavioral and biological systems may reflect distinct processes. Furthermore, they show that increased mother-child INS is unlikely to be explained solely by shared arousal and behavioral similarities, supporting recent theories that postulate that INS is higher in close relationships

    Charge Management for Gravitational Wave Observatories using UV LEDs

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    Accumulation of electrical charge on the end mirrors of gravitational wave observatories, such as the space-based LISA mission and ground-based LIGO detectors, can become a source of noise limiting the sensitivity of such detectors through electronic couplings to nearby surfaces. Torsion balances provide an ideal means for testing gravitational wave technologies due to their high sensitivity to small forces. Our torsion pendulum apparatus consists of a movable Au-coated Cu plate brought near a Au-coated Si plate pendulum suspended from a non-conducting quartz fiber. A UV LED located near the pendulum photoejects electrons from the surface, and a UV LED driven electron gun directs photoelectrons towards the pendulum surface. We have demonstrated both charging and discharging of the pendulum with equivalent charging rates of ∌\sim105e/s10^5 e/\mathrm{s}, as well as spectral measurements of the pendulum charge resulting in a white noise level equivalent to 3×105e/Hz3\times10^5 e/\sqrt{Hz}.Comment: 5 pages, submitted to PR

    Slip behavior in liquid films on surfaces of patterned wettability: Comparison between continuum and molecular dynamics simulations

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    We investigate the behavior of the slip length in Newtonian liquids subject to planar shear bounded by substrates with mixed boundary conditions. The upper wall, consisting of a homogenous surface of finite or vanishing slip, moves at a constant speed parallel to a lower stationary wall, whose surface is patterned with an array of stripes representing alternating regions of no-shear and finite or no-slip. Velocity fields and effective slip lengths are computed both from molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and solution of the Stokes equation for flow configurations either parallel or perpendicular to the stripes. Excellent agreement between the hydrodynamic and MD results is obtained when the normalized width of the slip regions, a/Ïƒâ‰łO(10)a/\sigma \gtrsim {\cal O}(10), where σ\sigma is the (fluid) molecular diameter characterizing the Lennard-Jones interaction. In this regime, the effective slip length increases monotonically with a/σa/\sigma to a saturation value. For a/σâ‰ČO(10)a/\sigma \lesssim {\cal O}(10) and transverse flow configurations, the non-uniform interaction potential at the lower wall constitutes a rough surface whose molecular scale corrugations strongly reduce the effective slip length below the hydrodynamic results. The translational symmetry for longitudinal flow eliminates the influence of molecular scale roughness; however, the reduced molecular ordering above the wetting regions of finite slip for small values of a/σa/\sigma increases the value of the effective slip length far above the hydrodynamic predictions. The strong inverse correlation between the effective slip length and the liquid structure factor representative of the first fluid layer near the patterned wall illustrates the influence of molecular ordering effects on slip in non-inertial flows.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures Web reference added for animations: http://www.egr.msu.edu/~priezjev/bubble/bubble.htm
