719 research outputs found

    Outflow boundary conditions for 3D simulations of non-periodic blood flow and pressure fields in deformable arteries

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    The simulation of blood flow and pressure in arteries requires outflow boundary conditions that incorporate models of downstream domains. We previously described a coupled multidomain method to couple analytical models of the downstream domains with 3D numerical models of the upstream vasculature. This prior work either included pure resistance boundary conditions or impedance boundary conditions based on assumed periodicity of the solution. However, flow and pressure in arteries are not necessarily periodic in time due to heart rate variability, respiration, complex transitional flow or acute physiological changes. We present herein an approach for prescribing lumped parameter outflow boundary conditions that accommodate transient phenomena. We have applied this method to compute haemodynamic quantities in different physiologically relevant cardiovascular models, including patient-specific examples, to study non-periodic flow phenomena often observed in normal subjects and in patients with acquired or congenital cardiovascular disease. The relevance of using boundary conditions that accommodate transient phenomena compared with boundary conditions that assume periodicity of the solution is discussed

    La création d'un réseau : l'exemple du réseau Arbres tropicaux.

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    General Purpose Real-Time Object Tracking using Hausdorff Transforms

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    We describe a real-time computer-vision tracking module capable of using several Hausdorff distance based approaches to localize and match edge models in a scene. The implementation is based on widely supported software and hardware technologies such as Microsoft DirectX/DirectShow, Intel Image Processing and the Open Source Computer Vision libraries

    Calcitonin inhibits phospholipase A2 and collagenase activity of human osteoarthritic chondrocytes

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    SummaryCalcitonin (CT) is a known potent inhibitor of bone resorption but its effect on cartilage enzymatic degradation has been incompletely studied. Salmon CT, at a concentration of 0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 2.5 and 50 ng/ml, was added at 24 or 72 h to the culture medium of chondrocytes from human osteoarthritic hips and knees. The spontaneous collagenolytic activity, measured using a radiolabeled type II collagen, was inhibited by CT in a dose-dependent manner. However, CT had no effect on the total collagenolytic activity assayed after APMA activation. Stromelysin and plasmin activity, measured by degradation of casein and a synthetic substrate, were also unaffected by CT. Chondrocyte phospholipase A2 activity, assayed using a labeled specific substrate, was decreased by CT. Chondrocyte pre-incubation with CT significantly decreased the cell binding of labeled TNFα, but did not affect IL-1β cell binding. Attachment of chondrocytes on fibronectin was markedly stimulated by CT, while attachment to type II collagen was not. Significant effects were obtained using at least 2 or 5 ng/ml of CT. CT appears to decrease collagenolytic activity by decreasing its activation and/or increasing its inhibition by tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMP). CT might act on osteoarthritic chondrocyte activation via mechanisms such as phospholipase A2 activity, human necrosis factor-α or fibronectin receptor expression

    Training in critical care echocardiography

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    Echocardiography is useful for the diagnosis and management of hemodynamic failure in the intensive care unit so that competence in some elements of echocardiography is a core skill of the critical care specialist. An important issue is how to provide training to intensivists so that they are competent in the field. This article will review issues related to training in critical care echocardiography

    Derivation of transient relativistic fluid dynamics from the Boltzmann equation

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    In this work we present a general derivation of relativistic fluid dynamics from the Boltzmann equation using the method of moments. The main difference between our approach and the traditional 14-moment approximation is that we will not close the fluid-dynamical equations of motion by truncating the expansion of the distribution function. Instead, we keep all terms in the moment expansion. The reduction of the degrees of freedom is done by identifying the microscopic time scales of the Boltzmann equation and considering only the slowest ones. In addition, the equations of motion for the dissipative quantities are truncated according to a systematic power-counting scheme in Knudsen and inverse Reynolds number. We conclude that the equations of motion can be closed in terms of only 14 dynamical variables, as long as we only keep terms of second order in Knudsen and/or inverse Reynolds number. We show that, even though the equations of motion are closed in terms of these 14 fields, the transport coefficients carry information about all the moments of the distribution function. In this way, we can show that the particle-diffusion and shear-viscosity coefficients agree with the values given by the Chapman-Enskog expansion.Comment: 27 page


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    The aim of this study is to re-evaluate urinary collagen cross-links, previously proposed as markers of osteoarthritis (OA). The urinary excretion of collagen cross-links, pyridinoline (PYD) and deoxypyridinoline (DPD), was measured using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) in 114 patients with OA, 19 patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and 40 healthy subjects. An increase in PYD and DPD, expressed per millimole of creatinine, was confirmed in RA. However, PYD and DPD in patients with hip OA, knee OA and polyOA were similar, and did not differ from controls. In patients with radiographic end-stage OA, PYD and DPD were significantly higher than in patients with an early OA, but not significantly higher than in controls. The PYD/DPD ratio did not vary with the OA stage. Thus, urinary collagen cross-links are not elevated in OA, but could reflect bone sclerosis and/or erosion in late O

    Alignment of the medial tibial plateau affects the rate of joint space narrowing in the osteoarthritic knee

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    SummaryObjectiveTo determine, in serial fixed-flexion (FF) radiographs of subjects with knee osteoarthritis (KOA), the importance of, and basis for, the effect of alignment of the medial tibial plateau (MTP), as determined by the inter-margin distance (IMD), on joint space narrowing (JSN).MethodsBaseline and 12-month X-rays of 590 knees with Kellgren and Lawrence grade (KLG) 2/3 OA from the public-release dataset of the Osteoarthritis Initiative (OAI) were assigned to subgroups based upon IMD at baseline (IMDBL) and the difference between IMDBL and IMD12mos. Relationships of JSN to IMDBL and to the difference between IMDBL and IMD12mos were evaluated.ResultsIn all 590 knees, mean JSN was 0.13±0.51mm (P<0.0001) and MTP alignment and replication of IMDBL in the 12-month film were, in general, poor. JSN was significantly (P=0.012) more rapid in Subgroup A (IMD≤1.70mm at both time points) than in Subgroup B (both IMDs>1.70mm): 0.15±0.43; 0.08±0.47. Within Subgroup B we identified a subset, Subgroup B1, in which, although alignment was poor at both time points, the large IMDBL was, by chance, highly reproduced by IMD12mos (difference between the two IMDs=0.01±0.27mm, NS). JSN in Subgroup B1 was 0.06±0.41mm and did not differ from that in other knees of Subgroup B (P=0.87). The standardized response mean (SRM) in all 590 knees and Subgroups A, B and B1 was 0.25, 0.34, 0.17 and 0.06, respectively. Independent of IMDBL, JSN correlated significantly with the difference between the IMDs in the two radiographs (r=0.17, P=0.0001).ConclusionSkewed MTP alignment in serial films and poor replication of IMDBL in the follow-up exam affect JSN measurement. The magnitude of change in joint space width (JSW) related to the poor quality of alignment that is common with the FF view jeopardizes accurate evaluation of JSN

    On Coupling a Lumped Parameter Heart Model and a Three-Dimensional Finite Element Aorta Model

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    Aortic flow and pressure result from the interactions between the heart and arterial system. In this work, we considered these interactions by utilizing a lumped parameter heart model as an inflow boundary condition for three-dimensional finite element simulations of aortic blood flow and vessel wall dynamics. The ventricular pressure–volume behavior of the lumped parameter heart model is approximated using a time varying elastance function scaled from a normalized elastance function. When the aortic valve is open, the coupled multidomain method is used to strongly couple the lumped parameter heart model and three-dimensional arterial models and compute ventricular volume, ventricular pressure, aortic flow, and aortic pressure. The shape of the velocity profiles of the inlet boundary and the outlet boundaries that experience retrograde flow are constrained to achieve a robust algorithm. When the aortic valve is closed, the inflow boundary condition is switched to a zero velocity Dirichlet condition. With this method, we obtain physiologically realistic aortic flow and pressure waveforms. We demonstrate this method in a patient-specific model of a normal human thoracic aorta under rest and exercise conditions and an aortic coarctation model under pre- and post-interventions

    Characterization of the boundary layer at Dome C (East Antarctica) during the OPALE summer campaign

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    The regional climate model MAR was run for the region of Dome C located on the East Antarctic plateau, during Antarctic summer 2011–2012, in order to refine our understanding of meteorological conditions during the OPALE observation campaign. A very high vertical resolution is set up in the lower troposphere, with a grid spacing of roughly 2 m. Comparisons are made with observed temperatures and winds near the surface and from a 45 m high tower as well as sodar and radiation data. MAR is generally in very good agreement with the observations but sometimes underestimates cloud formation, leading to an underestimation of the simulated downward long-wave radiation. Absorbed short-wave radiation may also be slightly overestimated due to an underestimation of the snow albedo and this influences the surface energy budget and atmospheric turbulence. Nevertheless the model provides sufficiently reliable information that represent key parameters when discussing the representativeness of chemical measurements made nearby the ground surface during field campaigns conducted at the Concordia site located at Dome C (3233 m a.s.l.)
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