37 research outputs found

    A Meta-Analysis of Geographical Indication Food Valuation Studies: What Drives the Premium for Origin-Based Labels?

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    We conduct a meta-analysis of studies estimating price premiums for agricultural products differentiated by Geographical Indication (GI). Models accounting for differences across product characteristics (food categories) and institutions (PDO, PGI, trademarks) explain a large portion of the variance in estimated premiums. Specifically, GIs capture the highest percentage premium in markets for products with short supply chains and relatively low added value (e.g., agricultural commodities). The premium is lower for wine and olive oil, where alternative means of product differentiation (e.g., branding) exist. Controlling for product characteristics, GIs adopting stricter regulations (PDO) yield larger premiums than less regulated ones (PGI)

    Environmental Policy Design and the Fragmentation of International Markets for Innovation

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    It has long been argued that the implementation of market-based environmental policy instruments such as environmentally-related taxes and tradable permits is likely to lead to greater technological innovation than more direct forms of regulation such as technology-based standards. One of the principle reasons for such an assertion is that they give firms greater flexibility? to identify the optimal means of innovating to meet the given environmental objective. Thus, it can be argued that the benefits of (some) market-based instruments can also be true of well-designed performance standards. While the theoretical case for the use of flexible policy instruments is well-developed, empirical evidence remains limited. Drawing upon a database of patent applications from a cross-section of countries evidence is provided for the positive effect of flexibility? of the domestic environmental policy regime on the propensity for the inventions induced to be diffused widely in the world economy. For a given level of policy stringency, countries with more flexible environmental policies are more likely to generate innovations which are diffused widely and are more likely to benefit from innovations generated elsewhere. And while the focus of this paper is on the specific case of environmental policy, the discussion is equally applicable to aspects of product and labour market regulation which have implications for technological innovation, such as product and workplace safety

    Anxiety, depression, somatization and alcohol abuse. Prevalence rates in a general Belgian community sample.

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    The results of a psycho-epidemiologic field study are presented. Lifetime and point prevalence rates of eight DSM-III (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) diagnostic categories (generalized anxiety, phobia, panic, obsession-compulsion, major depression/dysthymia, mania, the somatization syndrome and alcohol abuse and dependence) are estimated on the basis of the DISSI (Diagnostic Interview Schedule, Screening Interview). The subjects, 25 to 45 year old adults (N = 240) were randomly selected from local registers. The point prevalence rates are 16.6% for anxiety disorders, followed by affective disorders (12.8%) and by the somatization syndrome (8.9%) and alcohol abuse and dependence (8.5%). Psychosocial correlates of the diagnostic categories are examined and the findings are compared to other field studies using comparable diagnostic tools

    Pseudo-tumoural sarcoidosis

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    Polysomnographie bei Kindern: Goldstandard in der Diagnostik mit Schwierigkeiten bei der Interpretation

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    Pharmakologischer Einfluss von steroidalen Sexualhormonen auf die Entstehung von psychischen Erkrankungen

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    Am 2. MĂ€rz 2022 berichtete die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO), dass die weltweite PrĂ€valenz von AngstzustĂ€nden und Depressionen im ersten Jahr der COVID-19-Pandemie um 25 Prozent gestiegen sei. Die negativen Auswirkungen auf die psychische Gesundheit sowie unverhĂ€ltnismĂ€ĂŸig große Risiken fĂŒr suizidales und selbstverletzendes Handeln seien vor allem bei jungen Menschen zu beobachten, so die WHO weiter. AuffĂ€llig sei, dass Frauen stĂ€rker betroffen seien als MĂ€nner und dass Menschen mit bestehenden körperlichen Gesundheitsproblemen wie Asthma, Krebs und Herzerkrankungen eher Symptome psychischer Störungen entwickelten. Diese Erkenntnisse der WHO geben Grund zur Besorgnis, denn die PrĂ€valenz von affektiven Störungen war auch bereits vor der Pandemie hoch. So berichtete die WHO bereits im Jahr 2011, dass unbehandelte psychische Störungen 13 Prozent der gesamten globalen Krankheitslast ausmachten und die unipolare depressive Störung mit 4,3 Prozent auf Platz drei der Verursacher fĂŒr die gesamte globale Krankheitslast stehe. Damals prognostizierte die WHO, dass Depressionen bis 2030 weltweit auf Platz eins vorrĂŒcken wĂŒrden. Im Themenheft „Depressive Erkrankungen“ der Gesundheitsberichterstattung des Bundes, die vom Robert Koch-Institut (RKI) herausgegeben wird, gaben die Autoren eine LebenszeitprĂ€valenz fĂŒr Depressionen von 19 Prozent (Frauen: 25 %, MĂ€nner: 12 %) an

    A Meta-Analysis of Geographical Indication Food Valuation Studies: What Drives the Premium for Origin-Based Labels?

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    We conduct a meta-analysis of studies estimating price premiums for agricultural products differentiated by Geographical Indication (GI). Models accounting for differences across product characteristics (food categories) and institutions (PDO, PGI, trademarks) explain a large portion of the variance in estimated premiums. Specifically, GIs capture the highest percentage premium in markets for products with short supply chains and relatively low added value (e.g., agricultural commodities). The premium is lower for wine and olive oil, where alternative means of product differentiation (e.g., branding) exist. Controlling for product characteristics, GIs adopting stricter regulations (PDO) yield larger premiums than less regulated ones (PGI)